
Chapter 10: The Bad News


Three days after the japanese soldiers suppose attack that turns out to be an occular inspection in their area Doni's father visited them again.He had with him a letter from Danny. Doni is very excited about the content of the letter it's either bad news or good news.When he opened the letter he felt both happy and sad for the news.

" Dated march 27,1942, To my brother Doni, We have a meeting today, infact a reporting after every clearing operation, after their operatipn in your area they concluded that the mountain where you are staying right now is abandoned and no inhabitants was seen so you can freely stay there because they have no intention of going back.

As for Mark,please tell Linda and Antonio my sincere condolences. Mark was killed since the day he was captured together with nine others. Please take good care of mom and the girls.. I miss you all love, Danny.

" Oh my! How can I tell Linda about this? surely it will break her heart, those evil were so heartless they didn't spare even the life of a sixteen year old boy", Doni shake his head in disgust .

" They were killing even a new born baby!", Doro said.

" Really? I couldn't beleive it, they are evil just like Hitler, who is the most evil of all evil." Doni is very disappointed because of what he heard.

" Please, if any of you saw Linda or Antonio tell them to see me", Doni asked to no one in particular.

" Okay com, I always see them in the bridge fishing or catching crabs, I will tell them to see you", Ruben one of the youngest soldier promised, Doni just nod his head .

"Don't be so affected of what you heard," Doro console the hatred that his son felt for the japanese soldiers right now.

" Dad, I'm only human and it hurts to know that these freedom grabbers are winning in this war", Doni said.

" They were not winning,they lose against Mona and that is a big blow on their pride, Danny said they were insulted because two of their men became unconscious after the fist fight with Mona", Doro said.

" Of course, Mona is a karate black belter she always won in a karate competition", Doni told his father.

" That's why, they are interested with Mona but they are also afraid of her that she is uncontrollable in a fight", Doro said.

" Ha,ha,ha, that's funny uncle Doro, Mona is very hard to please as a woman but she is one of the best leader,she will endanger her life to protect the people around her, people that are important to her", Mario said.

" She must be a good woman, why don't you look for someone like her son!", Doro teasing Doni.

" She's tougher than me dad, she will kick me in the butt", Doni said.

" What? are you scared of Mona too?", Doro asked Doni.

" No dad, Mona is actually very kind to me, she's my friend I just want someone who is tamer and more feminine", Doni explained.

Early the next day both Linda and Antonio came to see Doni,luckily Doro is still around to witness the conversation he decided to be a listener rather than give his unsolicitous advice.

" Good morning Linda and Antonio", Doni greeted the couple.

" Good morning too, how's my son? do you have news about him?", Linda asked, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

" I don't know how to tell you this, but I want to be honest with you, I don't want to give you false hope",, Doni said.

"Markkkkk!!!huhuhuhu!!!!!...Linda become hysterical, she is crying desperately eventhough she hadn't heard yet about the fate of Mark, surely mother's had the intuition of what was happening to their children.

" Linda please,calm down!!!Antonio trying to pacify his wife..

" I told you, I had this feeling they killed him, they are animals", Linda is uncontrollable in her rage.

" Please let's wait for what Doni will going to say, we're not even sure if what your intuitions say is right", Antonio said trying to calmed his wife. Doni give them the letter from Danny, both Linda and Antonio took the letter and stare at it as if reading the letter.

Suddenly , Antonio give the letter back to Doni, Doni waited for their reaction. Linda's facial expression is still in a rage. Everybody were quiet, waiting for the reaction of both parents.

" What do you think? ",after a while Doni asked the couple about their opinion regarding the letter, Antonio scratch his head.

" What does it say?", Antonio asked him.

" Wha...?", Doni asked surprisingly at the question thrown at him.

" Sorry, we don't know how to read!...", Antonio shyly admitted, while scratching his head .

".You mean both of you don't know how to read?", Doni exclaimed, those who are around turned their back to hide the humour they felt, inspite of Linda's raging reaction they couldn't stop themselves from laughing.

" It says here in the letter that Mark was killed the day he was captured with nine others", Doni explained.

" My poor child, he had never been happy in his whole life,all he did was help us, worry about us hu,huhu,hu", they just let Linda to talk about her son,they let her slash out all of her frustrations.

" Doni if you need our help in fighting the japanese soldiers, just tell us", after a while Antonio said, upon hearing that instantly Linda stand up from the bamboo chair.

" That's right Doni, we will help you in any way we can.just tell us if you need our help I know through that we can avenged Mark useless death", Linda said, although tears is still rolling down her eyes, there's a strength that radiates in every words she said.

" Yes, I will, maybe time will come we will need your help", Doni promised as he nodded in agreement with what the couple said, he just watch the couple leave with sadness in his eyes.

" It had been a long day, inspite of their lack in education, still no one had the right to give them this painful lose", Doni said aloud.

" Yes, you're right,but this is war it excuses no one", Maria said to her son.

" Mom,this war is created by those leaders who are greedy for power", Doni answered.

" Before this war, we are peaceful cotizens, we just have simple lives,simple dreams,simple plans, then they come and attack us, just because for being humanitarian and accomodating?", Doni said.

At his present mood he can kill the japs that will come his way, for killing their people, especially young people who are innocent, who are faultless, they are an angels sent from above whom the japs denied their right to grow in a peaceful, loving family..

" Someday given a chance I will avenge my people whom you denied the right to live", Doni thought.He can't stop himself from hating those people who brought sorrow and pain to his people, to his country.It really hurts to know that a sixteen years old kid who just wanted to help his family was killed in his own country, but it is more hateful to know that a new born baby was killed they were just thrown into the air then stab in mid air by the use of bayonet., an angel! and he hate to think of the possibility of what have they done to the parents of the baby.

" Doni, whatever happened today will be part of history of tomorrow, my son you better stay calm I know what you feel, we feel the same way too",Maria reminded her son.

" I know mom, I just can't imagine what kind of conscience they have, to be able to do that to innocent children, why do they treat us this way what do they know about us?", Doni said. He pity both the parents, if ever they'll survived he don't want the same thing will happened to his children. They will strive harder to help so that this war will come to an end.. Whatever might take, they'll make it sure they'll win in the end of all of this.That's will be a sweet and happy end that they'll be the winner..

" What's up bro, what's the meaning of that smile?", Mario asked,when he saw him smile at his own thought.

" I just want to savour the sweet taste of our victory in the future, in my mind we will get up victorious,ha,haha! we will win over our enemy!", Doni said.

" Huh??,are you sure you're just fine? you didn't develop schizophrenia because of too much stress?", Mario said.

" Of course mental health issue had never occur in our family, I have clean genes from my parents.I will never be a mentally ill person, specially during this war I have many reasons why I need to stay sane as possible", Doni answered.

" Okay, Right now I have no choice but to beleive you, because you said so then I beleive you",Mario said.
