
Hidden Underneath

Twist and turns that might make you think twice about who to trust. Girls have been going missing near Helena's apartment. Every two weeks it happens, her neighbor Mr. Stewart has been starting to act suspicious and Helena can't help but point everything to him. Banging and banging could be heard from his room and Helena is starting to get scared. No one knows exactly who the killer is but Helena sure has it set on her neighbor, what's hidden will put one person behind bars and its up to Helena to uncover it. Will she be able to uncover the secret or will she end up hidden underneath. ---------------------------- Main characters: Helena Wright (Helen) John Stewart (Mr. Stewart) Takes place in current year (2023)

nenacasarezzz · Seram
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4 Chs

Sunday Night

I was running, running as fast as I could. My heart felt as if it was about to beat out of my chest and my lungs were burning as the air filled it inside. I could hear them, their footsteps getting louder and louder but my legs didn't want to give up. I didn't want to give up. Why did it have to be me.

I saw an old abandoned building, I decided that was my safest option. Careful as to not make much noise, I climbed inside through a broken window. My heels were going to be the death of me, they made loud clicking sounds and I was sure they would find me. Taking them off, I quietly made my way up the stairs. I hid inside of an old looking closet.

I could hear them walking around underneath me, they were looking for me and that made me feel more anxious. My chest started to rise and fall quicker the louder their footsteps got, they would find me eventually and that part made me want to die. I wasn't ready for death, I had just started college, my parents expected me home for thanksgiving. My breath seemed to not want to quiet down and the dusty air around me made my chest hurt.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They were walking up the stairs and it took all of me to not run away, I knew if they found me that it wasn't going to end pretty, I would end up being another missing girl. 10 and with the addition of me, it would make 11 local missing girls. I could imagine the news outlets blasting pictures of me and my parents would be crying out for me on the news but I wouldn't be able to put their worries to ease.

The footsteps were now in the same room as me and they could be heard shuffling around the room trying to locate my location. My breath became more rigid and my whole body began to shake violently, I was dead. I would be dead, nothing and no one would be able to save me now.

I started to recall all of my memories, moments from when I was young. When my mother would wake me up with blueberry pancakes with loads of whip cream and fruit and a cup of o.j to wash it all down. Moments of my father taking me fishing by the lake near our favorite seafood restaurant, he was proud of me when I had caught my first ever fish. Birthday parties and even when I got my heart broken for the first time. More memories that I wouldn't be able to make with the two most important people in my life. Their footsteps stopped right in front of the closet and that's when I knew it was over, I couldn't find anywhere else and the earth wasn't going to open its arms and swallow me up.


Bloody hands and bloody clothes

It was supposed to be a clean kill and yet again I had made it messy, I dragged the girl by her hair and loaded her up onto my truck. She was pretty and her skin would make a perfect addition to my collection. It was smooth and soft, I had always liked them young, young and beautiful. No blemishes and no harsh skin, I had always found it difficult to create things out of old blemished skin, it just didn't work well.

"You are a beauty" I told the girl, her eyes staring at mine, frozen in time

"If only you could see how special your skin will be, what beauty I can make out of you" I laughed a bit, staring at her pale skin

It was almost 10:30 pm and I knew I had to get back to my apartment before 11pm, it was the perfect time, no one entered or left the apartment complex at that time. I would skin her whole body and maybe clean her scalp off of her head before disposing of her body at a pig farm twenty miles from the apartment complex.

Arriving at the apartment building, I took the back doors to get my room, dragging a dead body up the stairs never got any easier. No one seemed to be near by so I took her body from the back seat and carried her bridal style to the back doors. She was light and didn't seem to weigh much, I guess I really did know how to pick them right.

Walking up the stairs to the elevators was quite successful, if only the damn maintenance worker wouldn't have almost seen me. I was quite scared at times that I would be found out, I enjoyed killing but most of all I enjoyed being able to get away with it. It brought a sense of adrenaline, every kill was a success to me, every kill brought me ecstasy, it was a drug I needed to be able to live. I craved it like an addict craves cocaine, it was a part of my life that I didn't want to give up.

Quickly walking to my apartment, I opened the door and dumped the body onto the kitchen floor. I looked in the fridge and got out the orange juice from the bottom compartment. I took a big sip of it and set it on the kitchen counter, memories flooded back to when I first moved into this apartment and all I had in the fridge was orange juice and a couple of eggs.

Looking down at the body again, I figured it would be a perfect time for the real fun to begin. Chasing the person was only the start, the real fun started right here on my kitchen floor.

If you have any suggestions for the book and its proccess please let me know. I would like to know if you enjoy the book so far and if you like the way the story is going.

This novel will play out slowly but I promise the end will have you shocked :)

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