
Johnbull's and the grave

Chapter 4

The army escorted Kelly and the elders back to Keme community after a brief discussion with Eko community before returning to their duty post. The following day, the army accompanied them back to Eko community for the compensation related to Preye and the aborted child. Kelly and the elders were apprehensive about Eko community and were accompanied by the army for their safety. During their next visit, Kelly and the elders agreed to provide compensation for Preye and the five-month aborted child, though they were unsure about the exact amount at that time. They simply agreed to make the payment. They then proceeded to Johnbull's in-laws' house, exchanged warm greetings, and initiated their discussion."

Our in-laws, please don't let Johnbull's wickedness spark community crises between us. We need to handle this situation wisely, avoiding deviant reactions due to Johnbull's evil character. Reacting in anger can create further problems, similar to what Johnbull is experiencing now. His own children's misfortune is a result of his wicked behavior, leading to unexpected challenges in his life," he said, his tone pleading.

"Johnbull intentionally ended the life of our daughter and the unborn child, a deliberate act akin to using a weapon. He brought the girl from the city to his house, provided her with an abortion charm, and caused her death, knowing the dangers involved in such procedures."

"We've witnessed university female students who have managed to give birth to three children and continue their education while living with their husbands. Pregnancy should not hinder a female student's education, unless the parents or the husband lack the means to support her further studies. That's not an acceptable excuse."

This issue is grave. The abortion charm destroyed the girl's womb, resulting in her bleeding to death. We are deeply angered by this situation," Preye's maternal side expressed.

"We, from the maternal side, have decided that Johnbull must pay the sum of one million naira for our children he killed," they further stated.

In response, Johnbull's spokesman stood and pleaded with Preye's maternal side to reduce the amount to three hundred thousand naira. Both the chairman and other prominent men from Keme community knelt and implored Preye's relatives to reconsider.

"Please, stand up," the elders requested. "We acknowledge your efforts and status, but the final decision remains: Johnbull must pay the sum of one million."

Subsequently, Johnbull's relatives stepped out for a brief discussion, realizing they couldn't afford such a substantial amount. Upon returning, they assured Preye's members they would pay the one million naira the following month, which was accepted by Preye's maternal family.

They returned home and conveyed the outcome to Johnbull and his other relatives, inciting fury among the members of Keme community.

Where and how can Johnbull's relatives afford one million naira to pay? Let the corpse remain in the mortuary until they are ready to settle with us and bury it. I'm tired of this issue," Kelly expressed.

They all returned to their homes and awaited resolution from Eko community to bury the corpse.

Frustration transformed Johnbull into a madman. He couldn't emerge from his hideout to plan with his family. He moved like an empty cellophane controlled by the breeze.

In the midnight hours, Preye's spirit began to cry and torment them one after another, compelling them to bury her. Her spirit forbade Johnbull from closing his eyes and continued to distress them with sorrowful tears. Preye's spirit appeared to her friends and family members, urging her father to bury her as her soul was restless. Otherwise, she threatened to harm him.

Johnbull contacted his family members and shared the issue with them, and they faced similar disturbances. He became confused and couldn't find rest, tormented both day and night by her spirit.

A few days ago, Johnbull emerged from his hideout, traveled home, planned with his relatives, and brought Preye's corpse from the mortuary, proceeding to bury her.

Preye's maternal family informed their relatives, both abroad and at home, that Johnbull buried the corpse without paying compensation for the children he killed.

Papperman, Preye's uncle, journeyed home upon hearing the news from his mother. Initially seeking a peaceful resolution due to his own marital connections, upon learning of Johnbull's secret burial of Preye's corpse, he became furious. He mobilized three of his companions with guns.

They arrived at Johnbull's community at 5:00 am, heading straight to Johnbull's parents' house. Having previously obtained information about the layout of Johnbull's parents' home, they seized Johnbull's parents and one of his uncles, coercing them into cars without making any noise. They transported them to a forest and bound their legs and hands.

The next morning, Papperman sent a message to Keme community, demanding they provide Johnbull to him. If not, he threatened to set fire to the community.

Upon receiving the message, the community chairman and others devised a plan to protect the community with the army. While some community members advised the chairman to dispatch boys to apprehend Johnbull for Papperman, the chairman was deeply concerned, fearing a dire situation for the community during his tenure. A gathering ensued at the chairman's office where the community sought solutions to address the issue, with everyone contributing various ideas.

Simultaneously, some men relayed the information to their wives. Upon hearing the news, these women discreetly packed and fled to nearby communities, seeking safety for their lives and property. They harbored fear of Papperman, aware of his unpredictability and unyielding nature. His actions seemed unstoppable, and it was believed that only divine intervention or the federal government could curb his decisions. Papperman was recognized for his forceful character and tactical prowess in handling crises.

Three days later, he sent a deadline message to Keme community, stating that if they couldn't hand over Johnbull within five days, he would set the community ablaze, sparing no house. This message greatly troubled the chairman and other influential members. Some prominent individuals who resided in the city began organizing to counter Papperman's threat. They made arrangements to deploy gunboats and army vans to eliminate Papperman, having endured his troubles long enough on their territory. Additionally, they collaborated with some of the community's defiant boys to locate Papperman.

The chairman was filled with trepidation. He formulated a plan to protect his community from the impending crisis. The chairman met with Johnbull and his subordinates to strategize and rescue Johnbull's parents and uncle from Papperman. They choose a quiet hotel to avoid noise and large crowds. Unbeknownst to Johnbull, while the chairman was discussing the plan with him, the chairman's secretary secretly communicated with Papperman regarding their negotiation before meeting Johnbull.

Papperman and his men stormed into the hotel. In the chaos, the chairman, his companions, the hotel manager, and others fled. They apprehended Johnbull and forcefully ushered him into a car, heading towards the forest where his parents and uncle were kept captive.

Upon reaching the forest, Papperman untied Johnbull's parents and uncle. He ordered his men to execute Johnbull and then transported the deceased body along with his parents to Keme community before returning to his own community.

The end.