
Hidden In The Shadows Of The Past

They'd left their story incomplete in the past timeline by dying tragic deaths before they could meet each other. But before she died, she had a glimpse of the future. She was in a dark place, too deserted to be true. She could have sworn on her life hundred times over that she could hear a pin drop. AND THEN SHE SAW A MESSAGE...You are the one that darkness shall succumb to. She took her last breath in confusion. Then she had another chance, another life with only that message in her head...Find out in this story. What will happen and will she find the hidden meaning to the message? Follow me to know what happens Instagram Page: babydragon25_

babydragon25 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


Ivan shook his head as he came back to the present. He glanced at the dark orb one last time before exiting the library and obviously the miss want to know it all, Her Royal Highness Daffany was waiting for him with a ton of questions.

"Ivan what is going on? Why did you take so long in there and what is inside there?" she asked too nosily for his liking. Daffany had initially tried to open the door to peek inside and see what he was doing but unfortunately he had already locked the door.

"Mind your business" Ivan said in a cold tone. He knew this was Brine and she was the princess but still whatever he wanted to do in there wasn't her business as long as it wasn't harmful.

"But...." Daffany wanted to speak but the cold glare he gave her quickly shut her up as she frantically rephrased her sentence "Umm...I mean are you done inside there because it's getting late or would you like to stay here for the night?" she hurriedly proposed the offer seeing it as a chance to get closer to him. She knew that Alexia wasn't here so she was too excited to see the soul stopping glare Ivan gave her.

Ivan breathed in deeply "I don't care about what act you wanna play but it won't work" he said as he walked off to the entrance of the palace.

"Ivan wait.." Daffany called out to tell him something but the man had already disappeared.


The next morning, Alexia woke up groaning. She felt as if someone was hitting her head with a wooden stick "What a bad morning" she grumbled as she got off the bed, dragging herself into the bathroom to splash her face with water even though her feet wobbled with almost every step. Everything looked like a blur but the sight of her in the mirror was enough to give her a little energy. Her face in the mirror scared even her. Her hair pointed out at all ends and her skin looked as pale as a vampire's.

"I look like I just passed through a storm" she facepalmed as she opened the tap to splash water on her face. She dragged herself back to the room and she was shocked by how the door burst open with her maids rushing in.

"My lady, are you alright? We knocked but we didn't hear you say anything and we were scared something had happened. Are you alright?" Elsa asked frantically. She was scared because the sight of her lady on the floor still haunted her and she still felt guilty. She blamed herself for not being there with her lady. As a maid, she was meant to attend to all the princess' needs.

Alexia groaned inwardly. The last thing she needed right now was her maids nagging. She knew they cared but right now they were doing nothing but adding to her headache and that was the last thing she needed right now.

"I am fine. I just went into the bathroom for something. I am alright". she turned to Dayna who had her head bowed "Oh and you guys, it's not your fault so stop blaming yourselves. I am fine, seriously. I am still here. Alive and breathing. So don't blame yourselves okay? Oh and pls I need some extra rest so you guys please leave for now because my head is aching" she explained in one breath with her brows furrowed due to the pain in her head.

Dayna and Elsa bowed and were about to leave when Alexia remembered something "Oh and is Ivan back?" she asked expectantly.

Her face fell when Dayna spoke " No he hasn't my lady but we will inform you when he is back " they bowed again and this time finally left.

Alexia with a sigh fell back down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling thinking when she felt a sudden pain in her head. She heard a voice saying "Come" and she looked around the room to be sure she wasn't hearing things. There was no one inside the room and she closed her eyes and opened it again but she heard the voice again followed by a severe pain and then she saw like a ruined land. Gosh. She was sure she was hallucinating now. She closed her eyes and luckily she didn't see or hear anything again. She fell into a deep slumber and she woke up to the murmuring of two people in the room. It was Dayna and Elsa. Seriously?

She adjusted her eyes to the brightness in the room and heard Dayna's voice saying "Prince Ivan is back, my lady" the sentence made Alexia jump off the bed. Ivan was back? And that was the most perfect timing to remember how she looked like in the morning- note the sarcasm. She hurried into the bathroom and hurriedly dipped herself into the bathtub. Thank goodness her maids had prepared her bath. She hurried out and changed into the clothes her maids picked for her. Gosh, what would she do without them? She walked to the dressing mirror and sat down there.

Having eye contact with her maid through the mirror, she said "Thank you so much, you two. I will reward you later. You may leave now".

Alexia waited till she heard the door open and she saw her husband enter in all his glory except for the fact that he looked tired. She forgot about all she wanted to say and just went to hug him.

"Ivan, I missed you" she said as she looked up to meet his enchanting gray eyes. Gosh, this man was handsome. His eyelashes moved as he blinked and she noticed how long they were. A trait most females would love to have.

Ivan chuckled "I missed you too". Now that he thought of it, he missed her a lot even if it was a one day separation.

He remembered the question he wanted to ask her "Do you still want to go to the banquet?" he wanted to ask since her body was still a little weak.

Alexia narrowed her eyes as she thought of what to say.