
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

Before the Battle

Raven's gaze fixated on the flickering holographic video, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

Suddenly, amidst the underwater scene, he caught sight of a student yearning for the emerald stone—a greed echoing through the depths. Though he knew the dire consequences that would ensue, a disquieting unease still gripped him.

Just as the student made contact with the stone, Raven's senses heightened.

He discerned the distinct sound of seals shattering, releasing an ominous presence. A chill ran down his spine, for he understood that this marked the onset of terror, a dread about to unleash its wrath.

As Raven observed, the ground began to quake, sending vibrations rippling through the air.

The tremors grew stronger, causing damage to the surveillance monsters stationed within the dungeon.

Consequently, the connection to the cameras inside was lost.

Despite being outside the dungeon, Raven could still sense the earth's unrest, an unsettling sensation coursing through his body.

Fortunately, there was one remaining functional surveillance monsters situated by the lake's edge. Most of the other cameras had succumbed to the overwhelming fear or had been inadvertently destroyed by the other menacing creatures lurking inside.

Just as the turmoil unfolded, a colossal serpent emerged, its presence brimming with fury.

The ground shook beneath its immense weight, and a deafening roar echoed through the surroundings.

Raven's heart raced as he witnessed the monstrous creature's arrival.

By a stroke of luck, the lone operational surveillance monster managed to capture an image of the serpent before succumbing to its malevolent aura.

The snapshot immortalized the creature's imposing form, freezing the moment just before the surveillance monster life force dissipated with a final gasp.

The sound of its demise reverberated like a mighty thunderclap, leaving an eerie silence in the Monitoring room of Raven.

Lilith's face contorted with disbelief as she blurted out, "What in the world was that? How could a monster of such magnitude exist within a low-level dungeon?" Her voice carried a mix of shock and frustration, unable to comprehend the presence of such a powerful creature in an ostensibly lesser dungeon.

As Lilith's mind raced with newfound revelations, a myriad of questions flooded her thoughts. The sight of a child possessing powers not supposed to have by human perplexed her. Moreover, she unraveled numerous remarkable talents within Raven's students, hinting at a potential depth of untapped potential.

Also, the realization that Raven possessed profound knowledge of prophecies further deepened the enigma surrounding him. And now, to add to the puzzle, she saw that a mythical divine creature had been sealed within the supposedly low-level dungeon?

As Lilith gazed at the enigmatic teacher, an aura of mystery enveloped him. It was as if Raven himself embodied an amalgamation of secrets waiting to be unraveled. Curiosity mingled with a hint of trepidation, leaving Lilith eager to delve deeper into the mysteries that surrounded him.

"It will be interesting" she murmurs,

Raven paid no attention to Lilith's bewildered expression as he skillfully maneuvered his wheelchair using the power of wind magic, gliding out of the room.

As he emerged into the corridor, the guards engaged in earnest conversation, oblivious to the events unfolding inside the dungeon. Some stood by the side, contemplating the shifting aura that pervaded the atmosphere, uncertain of what awaited them.

Suddenly, their hushed discussion came to an abrupt halt as they noticed Raven's presence. In an instant, they straightened their posture and greeted him in unison, their voices merging into a synchronized chorus of respect. "Welcome, Young Lord!" they exclaimed, acknowledging his authority and position.

**At the Dungeon Gate**

Guard 1: "Have you heard about the disturbances inside the dungeon?"

Guard 2: "Yes, it's been giving off an eerie vibe. I wonder what's going on."

Guard 1: "I hope Young Lord can shed some light on this matter. He always seems to have answers."

As the guards caught sight of Raven, their voices trailed off, replaced by a momentary silence filled with anticipation and reverence. They held their breath, eagerly waiting for his arrival.

*Sound of footsteps approaching*

Guard 2: "Look, here comes the Young Lord"

Guard 1: "Let's get to our positions and greet him accordingly."

The guards quickly shuffled into position, their movements punctuated by the shuffling of armor and the faint clinking of weapons. The air was pregnant with a mix of excitement and deference as they prepared to greet Raven, their young leader.

With a graceful wave of Raven's right hand, the guards fell into immediate silence, their voices subdued by his commanding presence. The authority in his voice was unmistakable as he uttered the words, "Let me in."

As the guards heard Raven's authoritative command, they quickly parted, making way for him to enter the dungeon.

The sound of shuffling armor and scraping footsteps accompanied their synchronized movements. Their deference was palpable, as they recognized his superior position and yielded to his authority without question.

The guards, prepared for battle, anticipated following their young lord into the dungeon.

However, to their surprise, Raven's next words changed their course. "You'll guard here," he instructed firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. A flicker of disappointment crossed their faces, but they understood the importance of following his instructions.

Reluctantly, the guards returned to their positions, stationing themselves at the sole entrance of the dungeon. They took on their duty with diligence, ensuring that no one would be able to enter until Raven emerged. Their eyes scanned the surroundings, ever watchful for any sign of intrusion or disturbance.

Meanwhile, Raven, undeterred, pressed forward. With determination etched on his face, he stepped into the depths of the dungeon, ready to face the challenge awaited him within.

As Raven ventured deeper into the dungeon, accompanied by the crow perched upon his shoulder, a scene of utter chaos unfolded before him. The air crackled with a palpable danger, sending shivers down his spine. He could feel the menacing aura that lingered within, its intensity causing even the weakest and low-level monsters to tremble and seek refuge in hiding.

The sound of scurrying echoed through the corridors as creatures hurriedly sought shelter from the impending storm. The eerie silence that followed their retreat hung heavy in the air, interrupted only by the occasional creaking of ancient doors and the faint whisper of wind that seeped through the cracks.

Undeterred by the disarray, Raven pressed forward, his moves measured and resolute. He was determined to uncover the source of this turmoil and get what he wanted from it.

End of Chapter.