
Journal Entry 02

Sometimes I'm glad that I was adopted but other times not so much. Its always a sad feeling when you have siblings that aren't your actual brothers and sisters and you can feel that. There's this disconnect from some of them that I have tried to overcome but it feels like everything I try is meet with contempt and disdain almost as though I don't belong. The Countess has 5 children not counting me. 3 are older than me and the other 2 are younger. Her eldest son and the eldest daughter hate me the most, they hate me so much so that it feels like they think I killed their father. Its not my fault that he died after The Countess took me in, though if you looked at it from that perspective then it would be the youngest fault seeing as though he was born 3 years before the late Count died.

Its weird that its the oldest son and daughter that hate me, I get along fine with everyone else , especially the youngest one. She is such a innocent and cute girl that she brightens every room she enters. Apparently from the maid who looks after her reports she has a very high magical aptitude.

One thing I hate about being in a noble family is all of the events and etiquette you have to do. Just this week alone I had to accompany The Countess to two business meetings, a royal court meeting, a knighting ceremony, and one of the Dukes son's birthday. The worst one was the birthday only because the Dukes son is my age and extremely condescending. He is also one of the main reasons I have no real friends at school.

The only plus about having no friends is that I can focus more on my classes thus making me the top student in the entire school. Oh if you are wondering the school I go to is the Royal Academy of Elsria. Its is the best High School of the Nation, that we know of, before you go onto higher schooling. The best school rightfully and without competition goes to The Aldegor Empire's Alpha Academy and the only way you get into it is if you send a request and the Empire accepts the request and after that Boom you just by entering have become one of the best.

My dream is to go to the Alpha Academy but I can't mainly because The Aldegor Empire has shut its Academy gates closed for everyone that isn't the native race of the Empire. No one knows why, and its definitely not for xenophobic reasons because they are the most powerful, most advanced, and most open minded and never put any race or individual down. It is a very strange thing.