


supahsanic6969 · Derivasi dari karya
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12 Chs


"Uncle Ned", Hadrian said when he spotted his uncle and his family in the dining hall of Winterfell. The dining hall like the other rooms in Winterfell was lavishly decorated and was designed to be like the Sistine Chapel of his old world. However instead of paintings on stories of the bible, the painting in the celling depicted the Stark family and their long history.

"Nephew'' Ned Stark replied while hugging his nephew whom he hadn't seen for quite some time.

"Aunt Ashara'', Hadrian also called to his aunt after he was finished greeting his uncle. His aunt Ashara could be describe in one word; beautiful and could even give some of the Targaryens who possess an other-worldly beauty a run for their money. He always wondered since he was little why his aunt wanted to marry his uncle. Eddard Stark isn't what you would call a handsome man or even an interesting person. But he guessed love work in mysterious ways since his uncle was able to get his aunt who is still consider as one of the most beautiful women in Westeros even to this day.

"Harry", Ashara Dayne said while hugging her favorite nephew. At first she wasn't very close to him during her first and second years of being in the North. He was always distant with her during those two years which she could guess he did this because of her closeness to the royal family since she was Elia Martel's handmaiden and also one of her close personal friends. This changed after the destruction of the Boltons and their allies. Hadrian opened up to her and even became her favorite nephew. It also helped that he loved spoiling her children with gifts, making him also their favorite cousin.

Hadrian greeted the rest of his uncle's family which consisted of his eldest daughter and his favorite cousin Lyarra named after their grandmother and if she was anything like their grandmother she would probably grow up to be quite beautiful. His uncle's second eldest; a son that he named Rickon in honour of his grandfather. His second son Brandon named for his (Hadrian') father and finally their last daughter Arya who is name after his great-grandmother Arya flint and if she is anything like the story of his great grandmother than she would be a great warrior. If the baby bump he spotted in his aunt stomach is any indication he would probably have another niece or nephew in a few months.

After greeting his uncle and family they then took a seat at the table to continue eating in the case of his uncle and his uncle family or starting to eat in the case of him and his grandmother. The servant staff in Winterfell unlike other places in Westeros weren't made up of the smallfolk that lived near it, but instead was made up of former slaves from Lys. This made Winterfell even more beautiful since the former Lysene slaves have the classic Valyrian features bringing with them a sense of grandeur and other-worldly beauty to the castle. The reason why he used former slaves instead of the smallfolk was because during his five year plan he needed people that were capable of building most his kingdom's infrastructure. Most of the northerners during that time didn't have the experience and knowledge on how to build any of it and the small number that was able to do it was already working on his other projects.

That was why some of months after the destruction of the Boltons he sent his sworn shield and commander of the Praetorian Guard, Mark Ryswell to Essos to buy as many slaves as possible and freed them after they landed in the North. This helped his plan work more smoothly since the knowledge that the former slaves brought was worth every penny he spent to secure them. After they landed there were made citizens of the North and was taught northern culture and religion. Many of them would convert from their old beliefs to the worship of the old gods to be more welcome by the other citizens of the north who worshiped the old gods.

''So cousin how is your schooling?'' Hadrian asked his cousin after a couple of minutes of silence. He had off course already read the reports about the good things about his schooling system but it was better sometimes to hear it from someone who experience it.

''It was great we were currently learning about the North's history and it was great, do you know that it was Jon's namesake that built the Wolf's Den?'' Brandon said while pointing their cousin Jon, who currently was eating with them, he had arrived some minutes after he and his grandmother's arrival since he was just finishing his studies. Jon Stark was the son of his aunt Lyanna and Rhaegar who proclaimed him a bastard but upon his arrival in the North with his uncle and his family, his grandmother had quickly declared him a Stark since she didn't want the only child of her only daughter to be treated as a bastard.

''Did he? It seems you have to build something more to be remembered as your namesake Jon''. Hadrian said.

"I should leave the building to you cousin, I would rather be remembered as a great warrior rather than a builder", Jon said with a chuckle. It was true that Jon was a gifted swordsman and strategist for his age something that could be attributed to his genetics since his aunt Lyanna was quite a skill swordswoman while Rhaegar no matter how he hated him was also very skilled at swordplay and strategies.

"What you have been studying now Jon"? Hadrian asked curious to what he has been learn in the Northern Military Academy. The Northern Military Academy or NMA for short was founded a year after the creation of the Northern Army. The academy is where the would-be future leaders of the army will be taught. They were trained from age seven until they were seventeen. Most people who entered the academy were from the noble or rich merchant families. Once you graduated from there you became an officer in the army and had the right to have an accelerated promotion for an officer who entered it for further study. There were two military academies in the North, that is; the Naval Academy in White harbour and the Northern Military Academy in Wintercity.

"The strategies that was used by our armies during the Bolton Rebellion" Jon said. That was one of the lessons that was taught at the academy, that of using an old military campaign as an example and how to do it more efficiently.

After they finished eating he was accompanied by his uncle and family to see the opera since they were interested in watching it. The Wintercity Opera House was built to resemble the Royal Opera House in London. The opera that they watched was none other than the saga of Theon Stark 'the Hungry Wolf'. Theon Stark was one of his more favored ancestors since he was what Harry believed a leader should be; ruthless to his enemies but merciful to his people. The opera would start during Theon's early years before ending with his liberation of Bear Island from the Iron Born.

The saga of Theon the hungry wolf was one of the opera favorites for many Northerner since it show how a Northman was able to destroy both Andals and Iron born by himself (even though the Boltons played a part in the victory they have been edited out of it, since he didn't want anyone to sympathise with the Boltons).The saga of the Hungry Wolf was also one of his propaganda tools that helped him make sure the Northerners knew that it was the Starks that saved them from the Andals.

After the opera was finished they then returned to Winterfell since he needed to speak with his uncle on some matters while his cousin needed their rest from their journey here. His solar like other parts of Winterfell was lavishly decorated, its design like the renovated castle using Byzantine architecture. There were a massive book shelf that was filled with books and tomes he had written or bought to the left side of his desk while on the right side of his desk was a map of Westeros. Near the map was a fire place. His desk was made of iron wood and had two chairs in front of it. Behind the desk was a massive window with a panoramic view of the godswood. There is also a liquor cabinet near his desk. He let his uncle seat in one of the chairs while he went to the liquor cabinet to have a drink.

"Do you want anything Uncle Ned?" Hadrian asked while grabbing one of the bottles of whiskey that was in there. He was able to introduce this world to the wonders of his old world's liquor from vodka to whiskey, gin, and others. The reason he did this other than to gain more money for the Stark was because the liquors in this world sucked balls with only Arbor Gold and Dornish wines being the most adequate of the bunch.

"Vodka'' Ned replied.

"Which brand?" Hadrian asked. There were five different brands of vodka that the Stark family owned. He did this to maximize the profits he would get since every brand of vodka has a different feel to them. For example the Wolf Vodka was the most expensive of all the brands since he created it to only cater to the nobles and the rich merchants, while the Dragon Vodka was made for the poor.

"The wolf" his uncle said to him. He poured the wolf vodka into one of the glasses before handing it to him.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about Hadrian?"

"Profit for one and then we go from there'' Hadrian replied. Ned with a nod of acknowledgement began his report on the profit that Constantinople and the Northern Canal made this year. The profit as usual was increased with ships even from Yi-Ti started going through it.

"What about the crime rate in the city?"

"There is still a small amount of it in the city but there isn't anything major thanks to the Greycloaks". The Greycloaks were created roughly the same time as the northern army with the difference being that the Greycloaks acted as the police force for the North. The greycloaks were stationed in all four major towns in the north and the other population centers of the North. The reason they weren't put in the entire north because of the sheer size of the Kingdom. With the North having the combine size of Canada and Russia from his old world it was impossible to station the Greycloaks everywhere not to mention expensive. But he was able to kind of fix the problem by building many watch towers and Greycloak barracks near the Wolf Road so that anyone could find them easily and to also protect the road users from bandits.

"Well that's good to hear, I didn't want the merchants afraid of coming here just because some idiot thinks it's a good idea to become a criminal", Hadrian said to which his uncle nodded. He knows that his nephew doesn't care much about anything if he was talking about his business. Well the only things that he thinks about were two things; profit and if it's a way to weaken the South and most of his plans were able to achieve this. The Northern Canal or its official name the Brandon Canal was able to weaken the Vale, Riverlands, Kingslanding and the Stormlands since the ships form northern Essos would rather go through the canal to get to the west coast since it faster and cheaper.

Avalon had grown to be the trade center of both the west coast of the North and the entire trade center for the West coast of the Seven Kingdoms. The Northern Navy was created to protect and project Northern power abroad. The four universities of the North were made to destroy the need for maesters. His entire weapons, alcohol and other business ventures were made so the North didn't need any outside help.

"What are you planning right now Hadrian?" Ned Stark asked knowing that even now his nephew was planning something.

"Nothing really important except for one thing" Hadrian said before taking out a piece of paper and handed it to his uncle while motioning him to read it.

"You can't be serious about this Hadrian the Lords would not allow it" Ned stark said to his nephew who didn't seems to care about what he had just read. What he just read was a law that would strip the nobles of many of their powers while making the Starks even more powerful. The first thing was that the nobles wouldn't be allowed to administer justice anymore. Instead a new justice system would be made which would give theoretically more rights to the small folk. This new justice system would establish two the High Courts which would be located in Wintercity which would only work in high level cases. Examples of cases to be tried by this court would be disputes between noble houses, succession crises, and other high level cases. The second was the Common Court which would become the place where most of the people would go. Example of cases to be tried there would be theft, murder, and other lower tier cases which would be administered there. The nobles would also not to be allowed to raise their own armies, since his nephew stated in there that the only army that could be in the north would be the Northern army.

Other than his family the people who will benefited from this law would be the smallfolk since his nephew's new law would grant them protection form the powers of the nobility. The trial by combat would also be erased form the North. This document also purported to grant several rights to the people, specifically for the small folk since the document decreed that no person, regardless of status could be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The document would also be used to create the Senate; the Senate would be the advisory and legislative body of the North. The senate would be divided into two; the Upper House, which was comprised of the Nobles, and the Lower House, which was comprised of elected small folk.

Although this document theoretically limited the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North's political powers somewhat, the North would officially still be an Absolute Monarchy Since the Head and Lord of House Stark would stillhave the power to dismiss the Senate or simply reject their legislation. The reason for this was that even though the North submitted to Aegon during his War of Conquest Torrhen Stark was able to negotiate that the Starks retain most of their powers like creating laws, declaring someone legitimate, and others. This was the reason why he would be able to push this law because even the king wouldn't be able to object to him doing this since the agreement also stated that the king wouldn't have any say in the internal workings of the North.

"The Lords would allow it uncle, either wholeheartedly or begrudgingly, it wouldn't matter since in the end this law would be passed" Hadrian said with confidence to his uncle who still seems unconvinced.

"And how can you assume that Hadrian?''.

"Easy' they wouldn't have a choice because we control the Northern Army, we are the ones that make them rich and it wouldn't be too hard to repress or destoy them should the need arise" Hadrian said to his uncle.

"And when are you to put this into effect?" Ned stark asked.

"In a month's time but the draft would be delivered to them in a week'', Hadrian said.

''Why the hurry?" Ned asked.

''I happen to know that something would happen which would make this the last thing the lord would even think about''.

''Are you going to tell me?''.

''Not really I would hate to ruin the surprise'.

''Do you have any plan for the building that would house the senated?'' Ned asked

''I do indeed'', Hadrian said while pointing to one of drawings on his office wall.

''As usual it's impressive, but isn't it a little grand just for a meeting place?'', Ned said while looking at the design of the place which looked a bit strange with their onion like roof but then again most of his nephew project was a little weird for his tastes.

''Not really'', Hadrian said with a shrug of his shoulders. The place that would house the duma was to be made like Saint Basil Cathedral. The building would be name Lyarra'ss palace in honour of his grandmother.

''My lord stark'', A servant said while entering the room, the servant then whispered into his ear something that he has been waiting for.

''Good, tell the army to prepare'', Hadrian said to the servant who nodded before leaving the room.

''What was that about Hadrian?'' asked Ned of his nephew who began pouring another glass of vodka and then handed one of the glasses to him before raising it for a silent toast.

''A plan that I have been working these last couple of years'', Hadrian said while savouring the taste of the vodka.

''Which plan?'', Ned asked. He off course knew some of his nephew's plans that he shared with him to gain his view, but most of his other plans he knew nothing about and was wondering if this was one of the few that he shared.

''Have you ever wondered why the Iron Born haven't attacked any northern ship, city, village in these last few years'', Hadrian asked his uncle who begin thinking to what he just said.

''Not really'', Ned said now really thinking of the lack of Iron Born attacks these past few years.

''Well the reason for it was because of a deal I made with Balon Greyjoy'', Hadrian said recalling the day that he had made a deal with the squid. This deal happened when Balon sent a letter to Winterfell asking him to join in his future rebellion. Of course he knew he couldn't trust the squid so rather than doing that, he made a counter offer. He would supply them with wood and steel, not Frost Iron but ordinary steel. He didn't send them frost iron weaponry was because it would be a waste for it to be used for something that will fail.

Balon off course agreed albeit reluctantly since he was hoping for the North to also openly rebel against the Iron Throne since it wasn't a secret that the relationship between Winterfell and Kingslanding was non-existent.

''Why would you make a deal with the squid", Ned asked sounding alarmed since the squid in his mind was someone you shouldn't trust not when they would just stab you in the back.

''The answear to that is simple uncle, I wanted chaos, as much chaos as there could possibly be'', Hadrian said to his uncle who seemed confused by what he had just said.

''Why would you want that?''.

''Because chaos is good for our business''.

''What?'' asked Ned still not getting the picture that Hadrian wanted him to get.

''The Iron Born will attack and pillage both Lannisport and Old Town and unlike the other times they have attacked, they would succeed''. Hadrian said with confidence. He was so confident because even though he didn't send any men to help the Iron born, He still sent some of his men to inflrated both Lannisport and Old Town. The men there would help make sure that these two cities would fall under the iron born assault, but the second group he sent to Oldtown had another objective and that was to rob the Citadel, the home of the Maesters. The second group would steal as many books as possible from there and after they finished doing this they would burn the place down. The reason why he did this was to cripple the south in the realm of knowledge, making it easier for him to attack them.

''So you're sending the Winter Guard?'', Ned asked to which he nodded. The Winter Guard was the special operations branch of the Northern Army, and like the Praetorian Guard they were brutally trained to be efficient at their jobs. They like the special operations division in his old world was trained to be the best of the best.

''With war in our doorstep what would you ask of me nephew?''.

''Protect Moat Caillin as usual and make sure that no Iron Born ship passes through it'', Hadrian said

''I thought we have a deal with the Iron Born?'', Ned asked.

''We do but I don't trust them not to attack us as they attack the South'', Hadrian said.

''Then why haven't you ordered the Army to mobilise'', Ned asked.

''I already did''.