

(Thor Odinson)

Aboard Hyperdimension

The Bar

In Slow Transit

1 hour after going FTL

Thor was really happy and smug… Jane, and Darcy joined Komand'r on her ship. The god of thunder put his heavily reinforced mug of ale on the transparent metallic counter and watched the blue and white light of the sub-dimension they were traveling in to reach his home. The Barmaid put a filled mug for Fandral who kept flirting with her; of course she smiled and didn't bother speaking to him, she wasn't falling for his charms.

It was hilarious to watch his friend fail for once. The blonde dandy was trying his best to woo the Tamaranean woman. Thor felt someone sit at his side, it was Sif. "Your best dwarven ale, R'helin."

The God of Thunder looked at his companion, she looked nervous.

"Right away, Lady Sif!" The barmaid exclaimed and moved to one of the big casks behind her full of the dwarven brew. Thor looked as the fetching Tamaranean barmaid filled a tall mug for Sif who did the same as Thor, admiring the beauty. But in a different way, the barmaid was economic in her movement and graceful as well.

*No wonder Fandral keeps trying to get into her suit.* The God of Thunder chuckled.

The barmaid quickly came back and placed a mug of ale before Sif who thanked her; the Tamaranean went back to manually clean the counter with a towel with a special cleaning product.

With his mug in hand, Thor turned to his shield sister. "Sif, how are you doing?"

Taking a swig of her ale, the Goddess of War closed her eyes for a time. Putting down her mug of ale she answered, "Quite well, Thor. We're almost home and out of this ship, I really prefer the Bifrost… at least you get to your destination instantly."

Thor chuckled, he wasn't surprised that Sif thought like this. Their people were now used to traveling through the Bifrost, it was a comfortable and instantaneous way to move around in the universe. "Don't be like that, Sif; you know how our people used ships before we even had the Bifrost? I find traveling like this quite nostalgic."

Sif took her mug and put it next to her mouth and said, "You're the only one of us then."

Thor shrugged. "Maybe. In any case… like you, I can't wait to go back into the action. Do you think we will be sent to Vanir right away? Or try to broker peace with the Frost Giants again?"

Sif's face showed a painful expression when Thor spoke about the Frost Giants. He realized he shouldn't have mentioned them, the debacle with Loki was still raw. The God of thunder knew that the Warrior three and Sif were thinking that everything was their fault in a sense, because of their dismissive attitudes about Loki.

Just thinking about what Loki must have felt all those years was heart wrenching; if Thor could he would beat up his younger self for being such an ass to his brother.

Sif stayed silent for a moment, but when she put her mug down, she attempted to say something, "Thor… I-"

However she was interrupted by the appearance of a floating Komand'r. "Friend Thor! I found you!"

Thor turned and looked at his friend, she wore her usual purple and black leotard bodysuit, exposing as much skin as possible. He understood that this was to absorb as much stellar energy and UV radiation… but to his Asgardian sensitivities it was a bit… indecent. Nevertheless, Tamaraneans didn't have a nudity taboo.

"Komand'r! Have you come for a drink?" The God of thunder asked by lifting his mug toward her.

Komand'r landed at Thor's side and hugged his muscular arm, with a big smirk on her face. "No, I've come to speak business with the Prince of Asgard."

Thor froze, sighed and then put his mug on the counter. "Ah, politics… how I hate it, are you sure you don't want some ale?"

Komand'r stared enviously at his half filled mug and shook her head. "Tempting, but I'm afraid that I can't, I will be back on the bridge shortly."

Thor understood, this was part of the stories from King Bor's Era when they still traveled by ships. "No alcohol on the bridge. You need to stay sharp and have all your wit."

"Exactly." She nodded.

Komand'r let go of Thor when she noticed his drinking companion. "Oh, Lady Sif, you're here, too. How are you doing? Do you like the ship?"

Sif glared at Komand'r who didn't seem to mind it, there was still slight animosity between the two despite it having been cleared that the Princess didn't wish to seduce Thor. Thor was aware of Sif's feelings, but chose to not respond to them right now. He was still mystified by the fact that Komand'r could hold onto two women without them seeking to kill each other; he often asked himself what type of sorcery the Tamaranean Princess used to achieve such a feat.

Swiveling her bar stool toward Thor and Komand'r, Sif calmed herself down and said, "It is a fine one, your highness. Though it lacks entertainment, I feel a bit antsy after not training for a while."

Thor looked at Sif and noticed how polished and well oiled her silver armor was, he remembered how often she maintained her equipment when she was nervous or had nothing to do. The God of Thunder was about to offer to spar with her, but Komand'r was faster to offer another solution. "Then Lady Sif, you should have come to me and I would have gave you access to the Murder deck."

Sif and Thor looked at the Princess and said in sync, "The what?"

She laughed and placed herself between the two and spread her star bolt energy to float with them. "You two follow me, I will show you what it is about."


The Murder Deck

Deck 2

2 minutes later

Thor didn't even notice that they even moved; the three of them were already in front of an octagon shaped big silver door part of a bulkhead covered in alveolus like shape. At the entrance of the room, there were some apparatus that shone with light, with a palm scanner and a computer terminal at its right side. The Prince of Asgard understood that Komand'r had somehow gotten stronger and faster, but to what extent? Was it thanks to all those sundip she'd been doing when she wasn't busy in Midgard's sun.

*Sooner or later, she will surpass me.* Thought Thor, but he wasn't worried. Komand'r loved him like a brother and she wouldn't betray Asgard after it accepted her despite her rough past.

"How fast are you, your highness?" Sif asked, like Thor, the Goddess of war was curious about the Tamaranean Princess' ability.

Komand'r raised her right arm and made it vibrate at blinding speed, completely making her limb disappear from view.

"That would be telling, Lady Sif." Komand'r said in a smug tone.

Squinting her eyes at the Princess, Sif harrumphed. "Very well, keep your secrets your Highness."

Komand'r chuckled at Sif losing her countenance with her. But Thor thought that the answer was obvious, Komand'r could move at the speed of light or close to it. It would explain how she always tackled him without him being aware of her coming toward him.

Thor looked at the marking on the silver door, it was some sort of runic language that Thor understood was a warning: Warning. Disengaging safety protocols presents extreme risk of injury or death.

*This sounds really worrying…* Thor made a worrying smile and as he turned to his Tamaranean friend, he asked, "Komand'r, what's this Murder Deck you spoke about."

The Princess was floating ten inches from the ground and pointed a finger at the silver door. "This is a place where everyone can enjoy entertainment on the ship, or it can be used to serve as a tool for training."

Thor's face brightened as he understood the implications of such technology. "Are you saying…"

Komand'r laughed as she turned to Thor and an eager looking Sif. "Yes, you can get to battle there, the room is powerful enough to mimic reality."

Simulation technology powerful enough to mimic reality? Is it more powerful than what the Nova and Shi'ar Empire have? They have similar technology; if he recalled well, the two Ambassadors who had been boasting about their simulators, they used holograms and forcefields and a powerful Quantum computer to recreate environments and Artificial Intelligence to mimic people…

But by Komand'r words she had something similar but completely different; Thor looked at the smug grin of his friend and saw that it was full of mischief. She was about to do something, but Thor didn't know what.

Sif literally vibrated with excitement. "Fascinating."

"Do you want to try it?" Komand'r asked Sif, there was a challenging tone in the Tamaranean's voice.

To answer the Princess' question, Sif unsheathed her sword and her shield appeared on her right arm. Thor shook his head, Komand'r knew exactly how to taunt people; even more so when it was people like Sif who always wanted to prove themselves.

Whatever Komand'r had planned, Thor wasn't going to let her toy with Sif. He took his beloved Hammer in hand from his belt and waited at his friend's side. Sif noticed and smiled at him, Thor noticed the slight blush on her cheeks. *Does she think this is a romantic gesture?*

"Okay, I got a special program for you my Friends. A challenge." Komand'r landed on the ground and placed her fist on her hips.

"Bring it on." sif raised her sword, with her winged Helmet materializing on her head.

Thor mimicked her, his own helmet magically appearing; Komand'r still smiling like a cat having finally trapped the rat in a corner.

"Don't you want to know what type of scenario I will send you into?" She asked the two of them.

Before Sif could say anything, Thor placed his free gauntleted hand on Sif's pauldron and spoke for her. "Surprise us."

The Princess' smile vanished, "You asked for it, Thor."

She turned to the silver door, the lights on the threshold and frame flashed and Komand'r seemed to be scanned by them. A holo-screen popped into existence; Thor and Sif read it and it said:

. : : Welcome to the Murder Deck : : .

Administrator detected

Captain Komand'r

Komand'r placed her hand on the palm scanner, she closed her eyes and the screen changed from a rectangular form to an amorphous and multi-colored geometric construct of light. This continued for another two minutes until the hologram became a rectangular screen again.

Level 1 selected

Scanning nearby Dimensions…

20 000 Matches found

As Thor read the information on the holo-screen, a disturbing theory came into his mind; this Murder Deck wasn't like the simulators from the Nova and Shia'r's it completely different. Dimensional technology? He knew of no Empire or Star Nation possessing or even reaching that field of tech. Tamaranean had the same level of technology as the Citadel the last time Thor had checked. It means that this ship wasn't made by them, *But who gave it to her?*

The God of Thunder stared intensely at Komand'r back as a keyboard and screen manifested before her.

Please Input Scenario

Komand'r began typing at blinding speed, so much so that the two Asgardian couldn't even see her fingers and hands move. Suddenly multiple screens materialized with images of diverse landscapes; an island, a forest, a city… the screens then moved faster than Thor could follow. The Princess showed a predatory smile and began giggling, then she stopped typing.

Scenario registered and chosen

Safety protocols enabled

The silver door opened vertically and Komand'r floated out of the way and signaled Thor and Sif to enter the room. It was completely dark inside, but the two Asgardian were fearless. When they arrived at the center of it, light engulfed the entire space and their heard the words:

Dimensional Ray Shift system engaged

Fold in 3, 2, 1…

Looking up, Thor saw a portal made of a whirlpool of blue and white light descend upon them and swallow them full. He closed his eyes for two seconds and… reopened them when he heard the sounds of birds singing and the wind blowing through leaves. The sky was red with pink fluffy clouds… Looking around him, the God of Thunder noticed that they landed in a clearing with the vegetation being purple instead of green.

"Where are we?" Asked Sif who put herself on guard instantly.

Thor didn't answer, he smelled the air, and felt the breeze on his face; looking up again he saw two moons and a gigantic red planet with rings surrounding it. They were on another planet entirely… Thor tentatively took a step, the ground was mossy and he spied at animals that were unknown to him; was this a lizard with bat wings? And there, a hare with horns!


Sif and Thor looked on as a flying scaled creature passed over the clearing projecting a huge shadow. Thor's precious Hammer started crackling with electricity in his hand, Sif's silver shield expanded to roughly fifty centimeters in diameter and her double sword surrounded itself with shimmering white light.

"Was that a dragon?!" Sif asked in panic as she looked around herself frenetically.

"I hope not!" Thor shouted as he looked at the sky.


"Aaaah!" Thor turned to see a light armored man stab Sif in the space between the seams of her armor.

The goddess of war fell on the ground, holding onto her side. "SIF!"

Throwing his cherished Hammer at the coward who attacked his friend from behind, Thor ran toward her. Before he could be hit the assailant disappeared into a shimmer; The Hammer missed and split a tree in two on impact. Thor recalled his darling hammer to his hand, then looked at Sif's wound; there was a bright purple light covering the punctured area in Sif's armor. He recognized a magical wound when he looked at it.

Thor used his fledgling mage sight to see the sickening purple line extend from the wound to somewhere in the dense tree line on his left. Those methods… Thor recognized them; his father Odin had told him about those people who used stealth and dirty tricks like magic and honorless methods such as poisoned blades.

"Elves? Show yourselves, you honorless scum!" Thor's holler rang in the clearing as dark clouds gathered other them and thunder broke the peace of the forest and lightning blossomed and struck the trees around him.

An armored elf appeared between the trees and Thor and announced, "You're trespassing, Asgardians."

Thor saw the exact same shimmer around him and Sif who tried to get back up on her feet. He understood that there were more of those elves. What was worse was that the white armors they wore announced them to be Dark Elves, bitter enemies of Asgard.

"Capture them!" The same voice as earlier barked.

His fist tightened around the handle of his darling Hammer, Thor raised it. "Nay! You shan't have us!"

Thor noted the presence of the cloaked and shimmering spots that he could see and took Sif in his free arm. "Hold onto me, Sif!"

Storm clouds gathered and lightning struck the hammer only for Thor to strike the ground with his cherished Hammer.


Wave of lightning rippled on the forest ground, burning and sundering it: it helped that it sent everyone at 180° of Thor and Sif flying thanks to the thunder produced by the lightning area of effect. Every Elves that had been hidden from view thanks to their sorcery was now visible and wriggling on the ground because of the electrification of ground.


However, some of the Dark Elves stood back up with difficulties. Thor swore, "The blast, it wasn't as powerful as it should have been."

"Odin damn them." Sif whispered as she tightened her arms around Thor.

The Elf who seemed to be the leader unsheathed two wicked looking daggers from his belt. "Surrender! You cannot win!"


And to highlight this, a ten meter high Dragon with black scales, a mane of feathers and golden leathery wings spread out to show dominance landed behind the Dark Elves. Lightning coursed throughout its body, Thor understood why his power didn't work much if the beast was able to manipulate the storm.


The beast seemed to be with the Dark Elves somehow; the God of Thunder asked himself what foul sorceries his foes had employed to have the beast under their yoke? Was this Sif and Thor's fate if they got captured? *Nay, we can't afford to be taken prisoners!*

"They have a dragon, Thor!" Sif said as she was on her own feet for once.

Sif tried to pull Thor toward the exit of the clearing. "We must go…"

Thor looked at his friend with an incredulous expression plastered on his face. "Go? No, my friend, we cannot falter here! They will pursue us and stab us in the back. Can you still fight?"

Sif straightened her posture and looked at the elves, then at Thor. "A bit. I can at least defend myself!"

She weighed her shield and her double sword; Thor grinned and said, "Then look for the son of a whench who stabbed you!"

The dark elf commander frustratingly shouted, "Can't you two stop flirting?! Why don't you attack us and get captured already?!"

Thor and Sif looked at the dark elf in question, then back at each other. Sif said, "Catapult?"

"Catapult." Thor nodded.

Taking Sif by the belt, Thor turned on himself at high speed while holding on to the Goddess of War and then threw her at the assembly of Dark elves. "STRIIIIIIIKE!"

And a strike it was as Sif took the heads of at least three elves as she bowled into them; in the meanwhile Thor twirled his esteemed Hammer, but the remaining elves fired bolt of red magic beam at him with their staves; he weathered the assault and lifted his hammer and took off in the skies. Climbing in altitude like he never had before, he suddenly directed his much loved Hammer to go down.

The dragon was flying right at him, creating a funnel of cloud around the two of them; Thor wasn't calling out to the storm for this, no, what he wanted was to use good old blunt force trauma! The beast had its muzzle open to fire a lightning breath that was building up in its throat, but Thor was having none of that and struck at the dragon's head with his prized Hammer!


The impact was so great that it created a sonic boom and it sent the dragon's body tumbling down with a crushed skull. Meanwhile, Thor looked as white light from an area of effect spread in the clearing; the smell of calcined meat spread in the air, the God of Thunder shouted a war cry as the dragon slammed on the remaining elves and the earth, creating a large crater.

But before Sif and Thor could enjoy their victory, big words appeared in their vision:

All Enemies defeated

Dimensional Ray Shift system engaged

Fold out in 3, 2, 1…

Return to the Murder Deck lobby

Sif and Thor were engulfed by another whirlpool of white and blue light and found themselves back in the dark room of the Murder Deck. The Goddess of war touched her side and felt no pain and Thor looked at his hands, they were not covered in Dragon blood and cerebral matter.

"Was this a dream?" Thor asked as he turned to the raven haired Goddess of War.

Sif shook her head. "No it couldn't be, this was real! It felt real!"

"Oh it was real alright, my Friends." A voice said with an amused chuckle.

The two of them turned toward the female voice to see a pair of glowing green eyes floating. An aura of purple and pink light surrounded the person and it was… Komand'r flying toward them. She landed before the two Asgardians, a question on her lips. "So, how did you like the Murder Deck? Was it challenging enough?"

Sif laughed and planted her double sword in the ground with a 'tang' sound. "It deserves its name!"

Thor raised his hammer and said, "Again! Send us there again!"

"As you wish." Said the Tamaranean Princess as she exited the room by flying out of it.


The Hyperdimension arrived in the Asgard star system without a hitch. As the starship scanned the space around them, they noted a lot of differences. Contrary to before, the planet was now sporting a ring-like structure floating in its orbit. It looked like a large and sturdy shield, the Hyperdimension's sensors reported that the space station was still incomplete as a large chunk of it was being built by an army of Dwarven Golems.

As there was no berth or station the Hyperdimension could dock at, the Starship followed the same orbit as Asgard's moon. There were two escorts, the size of a scout ship that shadowed Komand'r's ship; the two iron colored ships looked more modern but had that old viking ship feel to them.

It was a strange dichotomy for the people who joined the crew, in particular for Natalia and Yelena. The ex-Black Widows couldn't understand how wooden ships in space could actually operate.

For one day, no one teleported or landed a ship on Asgard. TALI dispatched some construction drones to build a city and a palace on the lands that were given to Komand'r by Queen Frigga. Her lands are located on the equator of the planet, the climate was tropical and ideal for Tamaraneans.

The palace was set to be built similarly to the summer palace belonging to Komand'r's family. The palace would be spacious enough to house those of the crew who would want to have some leaves on the planet. The Warrior three and Lady Sif as well as Thor left the Hyperdimension via teleportation to return to the Golden City.

Later, after another day, Komand'r received a royal summons to appear at court.



Royal Palace of Valaskjalf

Throne room

I passed through the tall door of the throne room and descended the stairs. Sunlight streamed through the open window that made the atmosphere soft and warm. I could smell the golden metal everywhere in the room and it was a bit annoying; even my own throne room was made out of marble infused with silver metal that had been treated to not be bothersome to my senses. But all this gold? It smelled ancient, and it smelled of blood as well.

I was wearing my best black nanotech soft-suit with my purple and silver cape. This little thing enabled me to receive and process the sun's rays as if I was naked; it was a technology that was leagues better from what we had on Tamaran. It also doubles as a full body medical suite. If need be, the carbon based nano-ecology can fully support a normal humanoid body at peak combat readiness, should the host suffer extreme traumatic damage.

As a bonus, the semi-sentient AI in charge of the nano-ecology also allows for extensive E-warfare capabilities, full augmented reality data interaction, and the suits exterior sheath allows for optical occlusion, rendering the suit and its user effectively invisible. I can't wait to be able to break in the systems of a purely technological civilization; Asgard was beautiful and my new home away from home, but they depended too much on Magitek.

Many nobles were gathered here today somehow; people I didn't remember at all. Fortunately, I wasn't coming alone today. Behind me there was Darcy, Amora and Ruby wearing their own soft-suits in their personal colors. Ruby didn't want to come, but the summons contained her name as well; it must be because I've formally adopted her.

The human girl was still resentful, but she thawed out every day that passed; her therapy in virtual space aboard the ship by the mental healer AI was doing wonders.

My heels echoed on the marble floor encrusted with gold norse patterns and runes, it was polished enough to blind me. The mosaic on the walls and other artworks, colored banners and streamers and the gold surrounding us made Ruby and Darcy look everywhere in open amazement. I almost faltered when I noticed a huge painting showing myself standing on a table loaded with food, with a commanding air, chin raised with authority… There were a lot of Asgardians depicted in the scene listening to the Komand'r in the painting.

My eyes fell on Frigga and Odin, their faces looked placid and noble, but their eyes were sparkling with mirth. *I've been trolled!*

Odin was in armor and complete regalia, sitting on the Hlidskjalf with Prince Thor at right and Queen Frigga on his left. I stopped ten meters before them and put a knee on the ground. My wife, lover and Ruby mimicked me immediately.

Odin's voice rang in the air when the courtiers silenced themselves. "We welcome you, Princess Komand'r."

Raising my face, I peered at Odin's face and showed my best smile. "It's good to be back home, All-Father."

This was the man who gave me a home where I wouldn't be shunned and mocked, I actually respected more than my own father. But I wasn't blind to Odin's faults, but it was good to know that he wasn't always a good person at first until he changed and saw that his Kingdom was built on billions of bodies. Not that I had any rights to judge him, I had the same body count through my previous self's actions. But I didn't regret what she did, I would have done the same to stop the Citadel.

Odin looked at Amora, Darcy and Ruby at my side and behind me. "I see that you came back with company, new and old."

Aka, who are the people I don't recognize? I resolved to start the introduction of my group to the court by standing up and pointing my hand at each of them. "You already know my beloved wife, Amora."

Odin glared at my sexy enchantress. "Yes… we're acquainted."

Amora raised her face and gave the All-Father a coy smile. The old King glowered even more until I said, "I bet you are, my King."

I knew that Odin had a thing for Amora at one point, it seemed that he had a thing for blondes. Frigga, when I looked at her, kept a neutral expression on her face and signaled me to move on with my eyes. Amora had a really bad rep with the local noble after she went through most of them; it wasn't a turn off for me, it actually validated my ego that I knew how to make my Enchantress purr and all those men didn't understand how to tame a woman.

My hand fell on Darcy's shoulder while she didn't look up. "This is my Midgardian lover, Darcy Lewis, I intend to marry her soon as well, with the blessing of Queen Frigga."

"I shall allow it!" The Queen intoned with a laugh.

Frigga used a fan to hide her smile, she was still as attractive as before; The queen didn't look like the actress from the movie, no she looked like a thirty something knockout. But I didn't feel lust for her anymore, it was like she was my own mom and I relished the feeling of closeness with her. I was aware that I was being influenced by her divine domain, but I didn't care.

With a caress, my hand brushed Darcy's cheek; my lover blushed and told me with her eyes to not do this before everyone. With a giggle, I let go and walked to the young girl behind me.

Putting a hand on her head, the preteen glared at me. "And this is my adopted daughter, Ruby Blackfiredottir."

Ruby slowly gave in to my touch, she was a kid still thinking about her mother and believing that I was responsible for her death. But no, I chose to take her in because of my own pettiness; this slowly changed as I got to meet her. The little blonde girl reminded me of myself at her age; soon, soon I will bring her out of her shell.

Odin raised his eyebrow and looked from Ruby to me. "There's a story there."

I sighed and as I didn't want to speak about what happened on Earth, I laconically said, "Yes, All-Father."

But Odin was having none of my shit as he frowned at me, then put on a cunning smile. "Then you shall tell us at the Banquet we've prepared for your return!"

*Long lived people…* I had forgotten that people like Odin had a lot of experience and tricks they use on us younglings… I wasn't going to get out of explaining what happened on Earth from my perspective. I was sure Thor and the others had already sold me out. My eyes found Thor's who mouthed the words 'Sorry' to me silently.

"As you wish, All-Father." I bowed my head.

Ruby looked at me and then at Odin, surprised that I deferred to someone else's authority. Don't worry Ruby, you'll learn how to avoid attracting a God's attention sooner rather than later.

Odin stood up, slammed the butt of his spear on the ground and intoned for all to hear, "Good, good. After this, you'll join us and report your last trip to Midgard."

The All-Father looked at the crowd of courtiers and announced, "Everyone is dismissed! See you in the Royal Meadhall!"

The court rumbled with the cry of joy because there's going to be another party; why are all Asgardian similar to human frat boys and girls? The courtiers all left the throne room at this point; Thor walked toward us but was caught by his father by the shoulders and was pulled to the side exit while Frigga waved at us and left with them.

I understood the message, we needed to prepare for the banquet. A change of dress was needed right now as I looked at everyone wearing soft-suits.

Amora, Darcy and Ruby stood up and I found myself saying, "I'm sorry girls, it's going to be another big party."

Darcy hugged my side and said, "Oh don't worry about us, Fire! I'm sure we're going to have fun."

The grin the ravenette was making wasn't reassuring at all; but I knew that she'd make the situation hilarious eventually, I just needed to keep an eye on her. I shouldn't baby her too much, she went through the augmentation process at the same time as Jane and was tougher than normal people of her species. Amora crossed her arms and sighed; it must have been hard to get back to court after I beat her and all the enemies she had because of her past actions.

"My people are annoying…" Amora said. "Fine, you girls come with me, we're going to dress for the occasion! Oh, I'm going to invite my little sister, is that agreeable with you, my Lady wife?"

Her sister, Lorelei; I couldn't meet her the last time and I needed to correct that. She was family now. "I want to get to know her, Amora. By the way, you've all got my permission to use the fabricators for new outfits."

Amora's green eyes sparkled as she hugged my side too and kissed my cheek and whispered, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."


(Darcy Lewis)

Royal Meadhall

1 hour later

Numerous eyes were on her as she accompanied Blackfire. Her Elvish inspired wine red dress billowed as she moved toward the table where the royal family ate. Darcy at least didn't find the dress restrictive, it was airy and short with long bell sleeves; the hem of her dress arrived at her knees and showed off her legs.

Darcy felt targeted as most men kept glancing at cleavage, her girls kept bouncing as she walked despite the integrated bra in her dress that supported them. Her outfit was completed with handmade red leaf sandals. Since she was out of the tank for her augmentation procedure, Darcy had to adjust into being taller and fitter, her girls were bigger as well. The procedure erased any imperfections she had accumulated in twenty one years.

There was a reason why she usually put on some formless clothes on herself back on Earth, she attracted bad attention easily. Fortunately, with her coming with Blackfire, anyone who wanted to try their luck didn't dare to, until they got sufficiently drunk that is; the banquet was just starting after all. Darcy looked behind herself and saw Ruby in her white and blue short dress being diverted by a woman in richly decorated clothes and pointed toward where all the kids were gathering. Blackfire let it happen when Amora told her that it was normal.

Darcy understood that it was adult time right now, Ruby was pulled toward where all the girls and boys her age seemed to be having fun with games and eating or gossiping. The ravenette hoped that Ruby would be able to fit in. With her eyes setting back on the rest of the large Meadhall, Darcy glanced at the decorations; the weapons and round shields displayed, the flags and big barrels of alcohol hidden behind them.

The gold was less prevalent in the Meadhall, but the tables and seats were made of some kind of smooth gray stone. But the food was covering the tables like in those movies from Hollywood trying to reenact what Viking parties were like; there was cheese, meat, fish, bread and pastries and fruits all the tables while wenches circulated around serving Mead and other forms of alcoholic beverages.

There were musicians playing tunes with medieval looking instruments; it was like Darcy was on a date in a medieval fair with her Blackfire and Amora. She turned her head and looked at Amora who was on Blackfire's other arm; the Enchantress was in a deep green short dress with ornate golden pieces of armors, pauldrons, bracers and chest plate. She also showed her collar like a status symbol; a slave-wife she may be, but the Tamaranean Princess favored her.

At first, Darcy didn't know how to face the woman who married her girlfriend. Blackfire confessed that adding Amora to her growing family was a spur of the moment as she was struck by her beauty and way of carrying herself. In Darcy's opinion, Blackfire was attracted to dangerous and bad girls. What did that mean about her then?

Amora was against her addition at first until Blackfire disciplined her and got them in bed and tag teamed the Asgardian woman. It was educational to see her alien Princess work on another woman, she used her empathic power to make their body sing, playing them like musical instruments. It was the first time that Darcy saw an ahegao face in real life; she thought that only happened in hentai anime.

With just a touch, Blackfire could make you cum, this was unfair to Darcy, and it was at this point that Amora understood that she couldn't handle Blackfire by herself. Blackfire was nice, she liked to give but Darcy and Amora had to team up to make her reach the edge and reach her own pleasure. Anyway, Amora didn't have anything against Darcy being second wife anymore.

Darcy was taken out of her musing by a familiar person, it was the bearded Asgardian named Volstagg, he was still a bit corpulent and was eating a boar being fed to him by a really pretty woman with soft light-brown curly hair. From what she remembered from Erik's brief lessons on Norse people as he researched Thor, only the spouse and intended fed their men like this.

Asgard was a truly strange place, it reminded her of the cover of a Solarpunk novel where humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, human impact on the environment, and addressing climate change and pollution. She learned through TALI that the Golden City was floating in the air to avoid making an impact on the ecosystem of planet Asgard.

They arrived before the royal family and curtsied while facing the All-Father. Odin put down the slice of boar meat he was eating, Frigga provided a towel for him to wipe his mouth from the sauce and then the King addressed the girls. Darcy found the Queen really efficient; she showed how much of a partner she was to Odin.

Odin smiled. "Good, you've come in time, Komand'r." He eyed Darcy and Amora. "And might I add how fetching you and your women look?"

Frigga who was at his side smiled and stepped on his foot; Odin stopped smiling and gave a reproachful look at Frigga.

Blackfire grinned at the spectacle they put on and slightly bowed. "Thank you, your Majesty."

Thor laughed in his mug at the situation, Jane was at his side in her own beautiful purple dress, looking at Darcy and company. Frigga seemed to have placed her friend and colleague at the table somehow for something… Odin had been ignoring Jane though.

"Come sit at our table." Commanded Odin, waving toward the right of the table with a lot of empty seats and loaded with food and cutlery.

"You already reserved the space on the right for us." Blackfire commented.

Odin said after he stabbed a fine slice of boar with his dagger, "We're keeping you close by, you're new here, Princess and some people might want to use you or challenge you."

Blackfire raised her chin, her hair lit up with purple energy and her voice was hard as spoke, "But I am not one to run away from a challenge, my King."."

The All-Father smirked and pointed at her with his fork. "And that my dear Princess is why."

Darcy laughed and understood right away that the King was afraid for his warrior; Blackfire was strong, though it's been a while since she threw a punch. She's been politicking all the time lately…

"Ah, you're protecting them from me." Blackfire realized as well, but her demeanor didn't shift at all. It was like Odin had called her out a coward, and if Darcy knew something about her girlfriend was that she wasn't one.

It took courage for a gal to ask Darcy to become part of a polyamorous relationship; any other human would have lied to Darcy and strung her along until she discovered the truth. One of the things Darcy loved the most about Blackfire was that she was honest and not a liar and always true to herself.

Odin gave Blackfire a knowing look. "Yes, Thor told me how strong you've become as of late. And fighting some men buffed up on liquid courage is… unsightly."

Thor raised his mug at Blackfire who nodded at him, then looked back at Odin. "That's fair, I guess."

The hair of Darcy's girlfriend returned to her normal black reddish one. Blackfire black and silver dress reflected the light of the sun entering in the Meadhall through the huge half-window she could see; the sky was blue and cloudy.

The three women sat at their designated seat at the All-Father's table. Darcy started with a stew that was rich in meat and vegetables called skause. Fortunately she could eat as much as she wanted now, Healer Talonn had sold the augmentation procedure to the Ex-Widows and mundane human women aboard the ship by telling them that even if they ate too much or didn't exercise they would stay the same; Darcy was aware of the number of women on Earth who would kill for the perks she received by being part of the crew.

The music was kind of boring in the banquet, what would Darcy give for a bit of rock to be played… Blackfire noticed her mood right away and told her with a whisper, "Bear with it, we will have our own party with your world stuff tomorrow."

Darcy missed the bad English her girlfriend used, here on Asgard she spoke their language perfectly. But she didn't miss the fact that Blackfire hated to have to deal with all those noble muckety muck; it seemed that she only liked to deal with the royal family. When they were done eating, Darcy was excused and went directly to the veranda connected to the Meadhall; there were some people there speaking and drinking.

She was quickly followed by Jane who sighed heavily as they reached the balcony; Darcy could understand why she felt like this, she met the parents of her beau and it seemed that Thor's dad was being an asshole about her presence in Asgard.

"Hard time, huh?" Darcy spoke when they were alone on a bench, looking over the golden palace's walls and the garden. The building as well as the Bifrost stretched to the horizon and the lights gave an ethereal feel to the landscape.

"You've got no idea, Dar." Jane sighed and tried not to mess with the awesome hairstyle she had, an updo with a lot of silver jewelry encrusted with emeralds in her elaborate braids.

There was a long silence between them; Darcy felt as if a wall was between them lately… so she chose to break it down with, "So Jane, how has it been living with your mother in law? Has Thor put a baby in you yet? Is that why you are MIA from the ship yesterday? Where is that fine hunk of meat at anyway?"

"Darcy?!" Jane looked at her friend with outrage.

"Come on, give your best girl friend the deets." The ravenette grinned smugly as she broke Jane's overreaction, the Astronomer calmed down, but her cheeks were still red at the obviously invasive questions.

Jane chuckled after straightening her dress. "Fine, I will tell you. I-"

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything serious." A deep voice said from behind them.

Jane and Darcy turned to see who it was; and their eyes widened when they saw Odin standing there with his golden spear in hand. The All-Father was in his black leather and golden armor with a deep blue cloak, Darcy thought in her heart that the man was obsessed with gold and that maybe the Nibelungen legend had it right.

"Your Majesty!" Jane stood up immediately and curtsied.

Darcy didn't know what to do and started to say, "Wow, nice to meet you, you're Majesty, wait my Majesty. Ohh, crap do I curtsy? I'm rambling. I should stop now…" She put a hand on her mouth to make herself stop.

Odin looked at her for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face. "I now understand why Princess Komand'r likes you."

*What does he mean by that?* Darcy asked herself, everyone kept saying this to her as if they couldn't imagine why Blackfire would be with a human.

She shrugged. "I never questioned why she loves me, I simply love her back. By the way, your Majesty… That is an awesome beard, like Santa, wait... Are you Santa?" Darcy narrowed her eyes with suspicions.

Darcy heard a smack and saw Jane facepalming; meanwhile, Odin stayed silent then shook his head, "No child, I'm not Saint Nicholas but he will be here for Yule."

Le gasp, Darcy almost chokes on her spit, and turns to her friend. "Did you hear that Jane?! Santa is gonna be here. Omg I can get his autograph before anyone on Earth!"

Odin nodded. "Nicholas is really well received here, though he loathes naughtiness, you better be careful."

Darcy didn't even hear him as she spoke out loud and was in her own world. "I still have my bike from when I was six, I knew it was from Santa but my parents lied and told me it was granny Lewis who bought it."

Feeling a sudden breeze striking her, Darcy saw Blackfire arrive behind Odin; the King turned to her and looked a bit surprised to find her there. So much so that he said, "Your paramour has a special way of thinking, Princess…"

Darcy laughed recognizing when someone was saying she was crazy. Blackfire's glowing green eyes focused on Darcy, she gave the ravenette a smile that promised naughty things when it would be time for bed.

"And she's the one keeping me from going too far when I let my anger get the better of me." Blackfire found herself saying.

Then the two devolved into a discussion about the change he felt into Darcy and Jane. Blackfire explained how the genetic augmentation the Healer on the Hyperdimension practiced on the crew and its effects.

"You gave them biological immortality." Odin looked at Jane and Darcy.

Darcy felt that the All-Father's gaze was neutral when she stared back, there was none of the good feeling she felt when she spoke to him earlier. His eye was kinda cold… when he looked back.

Blackfire brought back Odin's attention. "The technology of my ship is able to do this, yes."

"I guess that there won't be a problem with their longevity." Odin sniffed in… disdain? At least that's what Darcy thought.

*Does the King have something against Earthlings? No, it's more like he thinks of us more like distractions for Fire and Thor.* Darcy understood that Blackfire was defending them right now.

Darcy liked Odin less and less by the seconds; did the man think that he could dictate who her Blackfire could see romantically? She hoped not. Darcy's memory took her back to when they were in the throne room and Blackfire asked Frigga permission to marry her. *This put a lot of perspective to this royal summon.*

Blackfire gave a smile that tried to make itself reassuring, but even Darcy recognized that it looked strained. "You have nothing to worry about, your Majesty. Over time everything should be addressed."

Darcy raised an eyebrow at that, she felt like there was some kind of doublespeak going on here. Though Darcy thought that it wasn't something political; Blackfire was aware of Odin's life story somehow and she didn't have the context necessary to understand what they meant.

Odin turned on his heel and walked to the balustrade, looked at the horizon and started brooding. "I'm sorry, I just wish that… things would have been different for myself. Your coming to Asgard dredged up so many old issues and stories…"

Blackfire floated toward the old man and put a hand on his left pauldron; she didn't say anything for another minute. "Let's speak about why you really want me there, All-Father."

Odin chuckled, "Oh, you guessed. Good."

Darcy was taken aback by the sudden shift in the old King's mood. Blackfire took her hands off from his pauldron and placed it on the stone railing. "You're softening me up for something, but you can't trick me, I'm forty Midgard years old your Majesty and-"

Darcy flinched when she heard Blackfire's age, she opened her big mouth and shouted, "WAIT! Fire, you didn't tell me about your age before."

She didn't expect her girlfriend to be a cougar! Blackfire looked to be in her twenties to be honest. It was ridiculously hard to get the age of a Tamaranean it seemed. The Princess turned to Darcy and with steel in her voice asked, "Is that going to be a problem, Darcy-love?"

Darcy recognized this tone, it was the same Blackfire employed when behind closed doors and naked. "No, Ma'am!"

Blackfire grinned, her feet landing on the ceramic tiles. "Good answer, Darcy-love."

Obviously someone had to spoil the moment and it was Odin who said, "At least you got her well trained."

The Tamaranean Princess glared at Odin. "All-Father…"

Before she could say anything, Blackfire was interrupted by the coming of Amora and a drop dead gorgeous redhead in a dark blue dress with golden trim; she had a lot of jewelry on her, circlet, amulet, bracelet and earrings, all in gold. Darcy felt the familiar feeling of magical energy coming from her as well.

"Amora, you're late." Blackfire flowed at high speed to the green clad Asgardian woman, stopping short of one meter from her and hugging her.

The two of them briefly floated up and landed on the ground. "A sorceress is never late, nor is she early, she arrives precisely when she means to." Amora misquoted.

Darcy was aware that the Enchantress was a nerd, she practically read all the Fantasy books on her PADD… she checked! "Oh joy, you read Lord of the Rings."

Amora glared at Darcy and defended, "It is a masterpiece."

"Who is this?" Blackfire looked at Amora's redheaded friend, and began to purr in interest. Darcy rolled her eyes, her girlfriend had a thing for redheads, she didn't know if she should feel offended… but Darcy knew that her Blackfire wouldn't do anything without asking her and Amora.

And it seemed that the willowy Blonde didn't want anything to happen to her friend. Amora slapped behind Blackfire's head and said "Don't you even think about touching my kid sister!"

Darcy knew that Blackfire wasn't hurt, the collar stopped Amora from harming her, but the Princess still played as if the love tap had done some damage. "Ouch… You could have just told me that this was Lorelei."

The redhead seemed wary of Blackfire, even if her sister was being well treated by her. She walked up to the Tamaranean and extended her arm. "Well met, sister-in-law."

Before Blackfire could take the redhead's arm; Odin interrupted them. "I will leave you youngsters to play your games."

He turned to Blackfire and ordered, "Komand'r join me in my study tomorrow morning."

Nodding Blackfire replied, "Sure, All-Father. I'll be there."

The All-Father left in silence while the five women looked at him go; things became rowdier when Blackfire decided to say, "Let's have some drinks!"



The next day…


I woke up naked amongst a pile of nubile flesh and curves. I felt the presence of Amora, Darcy and someone new behind my back. The ceiling was familiar, we were back in my rooms in the palace. Then I flinched when I saw Jane's face before mine, she was drooling and snoring lightly. Huh, Thor was here too and he was naked.

It took time for my memories of last night's events to come back to me, flashes of me singing Valhalla Calling and dancing in the air and Amora accompanying me by using illusion magic to liven up the Meadhall. "Urgh! X'hal how many barrels of Mead did I empty?"

"At least two, Sister-in-law." I heard a sweet and angelic voice from behind me.

I turned in the bed to see a beautiful redhead smiling and her back against the comfortable black pillow on the bed; she had a silky blue nightgown on. "Lorelei?!"

"Tis I." She nodded and put a finger on her soft pouty lips.

I nodded back and whispered. "Did we…"

"Oh no, you didn't touch me, don't worry." Lorelei reassured me.

She was right, I didn't smell any sticky body fluid on us, but the sweet scent of Mead came from everyone in the bed. It's not that I would regret having sex with my wife's sister, but I've come to respect Amora's wishes and something told me that Lorelei was purely straight.

The red sheet on the mattress was undone as there were too many people and uncovered the mattress; in my mind, I ordered TALI to make a bigger bed to place in the palace of the Biosphere. Lorelei stared at me with an admiration filled gaze. "Can I say, you're the best drinker in Asgard, your Highness?"

I frowned at this. "Since when?"

"Ah, you don't remember what you did? You outdrinked King Eitri and the All-Father!"

Another flash of memories appeared in my mind. I saw myself drinking Odin under the table and calling him an old lightweight. Putting my fingers on my temple, I began massaging them. "I am slowly remembering last night's events… and… I know I made an impromptu performance."

Whatever I drank last night overloaded my own physiology and made me drunk, it shouldn't have been possible. Lorelei perked up at the mention of me putting on a show. "You did more than this, your highness! Your song was so inspiring and your dance so mesmerizing."

I averted my eyes from the worshipful expression of my sister-in-law. "I don't think I deserve so much praise."

*Drunk Komand'r, I hate you.* I'm never drinking again, at least not something that can make a Tamaranean drunk.

It was at this point that one of my lovers stirred in the bed. It was Darcy, in her undergarments, who was moving behind Lorelei. She yawned and then flinched while holding her head. "Ouch, my head."

Flying to the other side of the bed, I held onto her arm. "Darcy-love, you're awake."

"Did Thor slam his hammer on my head?" She said looking miserable.

I snorted at her comment, then I took Darcy into my arms and flew toward the bathroom. Lorelei followed us while giggling at my wobbly flight, my head still was hurting. The bathroom was huge, but decorated in that generic gold plated and carved way the Asgardians seemed to love. For the next hour, I bathed with Darcy and Lorelei; Amora joined us reluctantly but when she saw me teasing her sister and playing with her she decided to protect her from me.

Lorelei was sly and cunning, just like her big sister; she integrated herself into our group seamlessly as well. Amora didn't have anything to worry about her sibling, at least not from me. We could be friends, but I didn't want to romance her. There was something wrong with her that I couldn't put my finger on.

The palace maids came into the bedroom and were shocked to see Prince Thor being surrounded by beauties and me floating out of the bathroom with a naked and wet Darcy playing Koala on my back. I closed my eyes as they will definitely spread rumors about me again, but I shrugged and stopped caring about those people's opinions, they still thought that I had a thing with their prince.

After this, breakfast was a quick affair. Jane returned to the ship with Amora, Darcy and Lorelei to induct the last one into the crew. I looked at them being teleported away, Darcy waved at me with a 'later' and they were gone.

"Now, I can finally proceed to business." I held out my hand and focused hard.


My sword teleported in my waiting hand, and sheathed it at my waist with my soft-suit producing a sheath for me to slide it in. Something told me that I was going to need the Skysword today… I didn't train much with my new weapon, trying to not depend on it; but it was now part of me and I needed to use it more.

"Why not go to the training ground for a bit before my meeting with the King?"

Opening the door leading to the balcony of bedrooms, I looked up and took to the skies. As I quickly flew over the palace, I looked at the people below going over their lives. Little children pointed fingers at me while I had my star bolt energy cloaked around myself; I must have looked like fairy sparkles to them. My eyes focused on the land surrounding the palace and I finally found what I sought; the training grounds were at the back of the palace.

Like A shooting star I descended and used a three point landing with a 'slam' sound on the stone road, cracking it a little. When I lifted my head, I saw that everyone in the training ground was looking at me.

I shrugged, put my hand on the pommel of my sword and walked toward one of the dummies. After pulling my sword out of its sheath, I stopped ten meter from the wooden figure in the form of a human torso and threw it blade first. The Skysword embedded itself in the middle of the wooden torso.

Extending my hand, I recalled the Skysword, which teleported in a flash of purple light. "This has… possibilities."

"What happens if I channel a star bolt through it?" I said while pouring a weak star bolt into the sword through the handle, the crystalline blade shifted from an aqua blue to a deep purple.

I pointed the blade at the dummy before me and…

ZAP! A bigger Star bolt was emitted from the sword, the beam struck the dummy and… BOOM!

It was as if the light of X'hal had struck it, and exploded the target to smitterens. I looked at my Skysword and… BADUMP. My heart skipped a beat and I started to understand why Thor loved his Hammer so much. I just fell in love with my weapon.

It was when I realized my feelings that Skysword drank deep into my well of power and star bolts covered my entire body and my soft-suit disappeared or morphed into a silver battledress. There was a font of magic and intelligence there guiding the process; the Skysword was alive and seemed to approve of myself, at least more than it did when I first picked it up the first time.

This was new and not exactly unwanted; I put a hand on my head and felt the circlet on my forehead, then looked at the strange bracers on my arms. I could barely read the enchantments that made up this outfit, but I understood that it was just like wearing full metal plate armor. With sword in hand I began to laugh, I didn't anticipate Odin and the Dwarves' gift to be this much. "I got my own Magical Princess change!"

Remembering what Mjolnir could do, I let go of the sword and as it fell I focused on holding it with my mind. Before it could reach the ground, the Skysword stopped its fall and floated up before me. "What a handy sword you are. Show me what you can do."

And what wasn't my surprise when next to my sword ten others manifested. "Interesting."

I felt my will spread to the other constructs that my sword made appear and I let them fan out and move around me. I knew enough Xianxia to know where this was going, I threw five swords at the rest of the dummies and channeled star bolts through my hand and struck the main sword with it. The other swords floating around glowed purple and projected star bolt energy in turn.

This led to an hour of experiment, where I became a new attraction for the other guards and warriors. It was too bad that I couldn't just blow everything up around me, I'm sure they would stop cheering me each time one of those magical dummies exploded. I discovered that I could manifest daggers, short swords and long swords and they all could help me teleport or teleport to me. I got myself a discount Flying Thunder God technique in the form of a magical artifact.

When I sheathed my sword after being done with my impromptu training session, I found myself surrounded by tough looking warriors and kids. Their spokespeaker was a blonde haired man in black leather armor with an ax at waist. "Your highness! That was an awe inspiring display."

I stopped the usage of my star bolts and everything returned back to normal; I was back in my soft-suit and the armor disappeared into motes of purple lights. "I was testing out some new moves."

Stepping back from the little crowd, I looked at each of them. I didn't like being crowded by so many strangers, it reminded me of past bad times; it was easy with humans, they were weak. But with Asgardians it was different, they were all strong physically. However, Asgardians were proving to be better people than Tamaraneans.

One of the kids, a red haired boy with freckles and training gear raised a fist, stars in his eyes and said, "And they were all good, exploding people is a sure way of putting down an enemy."

"Uh-uh. That's for sure." There was a brown haired young girl at his side, she looked Ruby's age. The daggers at her belt told me that she was a speed and ambush fighter and the beautiful craftsmanship of her silver and blue armor with skirt showed me that she was a noble as well.

"Your highness Komand'r?" A tall blonde man with a jagged horizontal scar on his nose called out to me. He had a really attractive long braided beard with some kind of crystal woven into it.

"Yes?" I looked into his green eyes, his gaze was strong, yet shy.

"Could you sing for us again?" The man asked with the same star struck eyes the little kid showed next to me had.

My smile froze and I looked at him more intently. "Come again?"

The man looked quite thoughtful for a moment. "What was the name of the song again?" He turned to a black haired man with a shield at his back and a mace in his hands. "Hey Vandil, do you remember the title? I was mostly drunk at the time."

"It's called Valhalla Calling, Broddi." Vandil had a really nice smile when he looked at me. "Princess Komand'r, it was a nice piece." He complimented.

"I heard it too!" Another guy who was throwing daggers into a dummy hollered.

"Tis was an inspiring song, we even got some recordings of it." The little brown haired girl brandished one of those silver slates that Asgardian used as computers or phones.

"You what? No, please no!" My luck can't be this bad? They recorded everything?

Broddi looked at my stricken expression. "Don't be too embarrassed, Princess, even though you were drunk you didn't humiliate yourself or anything!"

"Fine… I will sing for you." A boom box appeared at my side with a flash of blue light when I said those words; I swore at TALI who seemed to always be ready somehow. The little screen on the device flashed on and music began to fill the air.

I opened my mouth and began to sing.

Ships on vigor of the waves are skimming

Barren summits to the verdant plains

Each horizon is a new beginning

Rise and reign…


Odin's study

One hour later…

After having been forced into another bout of singing, I swiftly made my way into the palace; but I took Broddi and Vandil's name and thought that I could have them get a place in my own warrior band. They were so honest and honorable that it interested me. The smell of incense struck me as I floated in the halls of Odin, toward the wing of the palace reserved to him.

It was an older part of the huge citadel, there was less gold on the walls, more wooden carving and dust. A maid was leading me to Odin's study, the defenses were tightened way more as we approached the King's space, the staff present became older as well as I passed them.

My feet landed before the gold plated door with engravings of the King's livery. The old woman who had guided her through the palace's meanders knocked on the door and waited.

"Enter." Odin's powerful and strong voice could be heard from the thick door.

The maid opened it for me, the door's hinges screeched, showing that it wasn't well taken care of. The maid left and I entered a big well lit room with a golden ceiling full of history and carving showing the royal family and its ancestors. I recognized Odin, Thor and Loki, there was a little bundle which contained a baby with red hair in Frigga's arms, then before Frigga there was a powerful woman with black hair, blue skin and armor holding another bundle and this time the baby had black hair as well.

*This is… informative and tells me that Asgard's history is more complex than I thought. I will need to consult the Librarium after its update due to the proximity with Asgard.*

On the right and left walls were giant shelves with a lot of books contained within, the small library was separated into two levels: the ground floor and the first floor. The first floor could be accessed by a spiral staircase. As usual there were the usual bucklers and weapons displayed, statues of monsters and people long dead being felled by Odin's hands. I decided right there that I needed a trophy room too, at least something safe for the public.

TALI was obviously scanning the layout to later expand on it, I sensed magic in the room and noticed a disturbance coming toward me. I caught the dagger that was thrown at me, the guard was steel plated gold and the handle was made of some kind of bone carved to look like a snake. I focused my mage-sight on the dagger and realized that it wasn't a dagger but a snake; I wrapped my hand with my star bolt and encased the creature in a bubble of energy and slowly crushed it by compressing it.

The creature was crushed and any of its remnants atomized. At the same time the illusion on the rest of the room dissipated. Odin and Frigga appeared, the King was behind a heavy desk with his Queen standing at his side. The two were smiling at me like Drozneck having eaten the Sblurztnick.

"A test?" I asked aloud while landing before the two Asgardian Royals.

As usual, Odin completely ignored my question, looked at me and said, "You've come."

My etiquette training kicked in, despite how mildly upset I was for his attack. I slightly bowed, with a fist on my chest. "Greetings All-Father." Then my head swiveled to my favorite royal. "My Queen."

"Komand'r." She dipped her head to me.

She looked quite fetching today, her dress clung to her body and was copper colored… maybe because it was made of some kind of metal fiber. Was this an armor, rather than a dress? TALI didn't want to scan it, I don't know why.

Odin interrupted my train of thoughts by slapping his hand on top of his desk and standing up. "I can sense your connection to your sword; this changes everything."

My hand went to my Skysword, then I looked at him in askance. "All-Father?"

Gungnir manifested in his hand in a flash of white light and he stood there taking support on the spear as he watched me for a moment before saying, "I… intended to fight you, Princess Komand'r."

My star bolt covered my body instantly at this confession from Odin. "Excuse me?"

The atmosphere became tense, but Odin started to smile as he pointed at my cherished Skysword. "I intended to fight you to force you to use the Skysword."

"Why?" I pressed for an answer, my voice going cold.

Odin must have noticed as he asked, "Do you remember what you requested of me the last time?"

Huh? What did I ask him the last time? A memory of myself in the throne room facing the Queen and King and saying arrogant words came into mind, "I have a request my King, would you allow me to re-educate, Hela, your wayward daughter? Teach her compassion and things beyond war and death, if you seal her powers, I'm sure that I will be able to succeed."

*Ah, smug Komand'r strikes back, she's worse than drunk Komand'r…* I avoided to facepalm and react to my past actions.

"About Hela?" I asked.

I may be strong now, but I didn't feel like I was ready to fight Hela, she was definitely more skilled in combat, with a plethora of power geared toward war, matter manipulation and necromancy. I doubt I could blast her with just my star bolts or assault weaponries. No, I would need a more esoteric way of attacking her.

"Yes." Odin nodded and waved at me. "Do you feel that you could defeat her?"

*With enough time to plan, I feel like I could.* I thought, but I said instead, "I won't know if I don't try."

Odin seemed to take what I said for bravado, he frowned at me and turned on his heel to look at the panoramic window behind him that suddenly revealed itself, the sunlight invading the King's study. The All-Father forced a sigh and began to explain, "Hela is more powerful than you think, Thor wouldn't be able to fight her, my armies wouldn't be able to fight her. And it pains me to say it, but as weakened as I am, I wouldn't fare well either… If you do fight her, you'll have to show her no mercy, Komand'r, and show the ruthlessness with which you obtained your fancy notorious title."

No shit, and I am sure the movies and comics undersell how terrifying she is. But that wasn't important, what mattered was, "Why now?"

Odin turned toward me, he looked ten years older and his shoulders sagged; with a weary voice he said, "I am tired, Komand'r; tired to have to keep her sealed, tired to have to hold this realm together while my body fails me."

Well that sucks, I would want to do something about it if I didn't know that Hela's seal was sucking up his life force. Odin should still be spry and strong, I've seen warriors the same age as him in the training grounds, so his current state was distressing.

Odin returned to his seat, behind his heavy desk and dismissed his spear. "And just like you said before, I want to give her a chance to change."

There was nothing I could say about this; Hela was a girl raised as an attack dog and she needed to see that there were things beyond the scope of war or a fight. Even if I have to beat it into her, I would make her see the light; I was determined to obtain a strong fighter at my sides and if I needed to take extra steps for it? *Then so be it.*

Odin stared at me and placed his chin under his interlocked fingers. "And what's more, I can't afford to feel tired, you said it yourself, war is coming. My own portents in the eddies of times have shown me the same and I believe you. I want to save my realm, to destroy the prophecy of Ragnarok and for that to happen, I must listen to your advice. You Komand'r, since you've come to this realm and tied your fate to ours, you've become a key figure to our salvation."

Ah, what a pain in the zarbnof… I hated prophecies and didn't take them into account. As she rolled her eyes at the King who chuckled at her reaction, he continued to say, "On a more personal level, you bring back together what was broken more than once."

I glared at him and then at Frigga who had her own smile on her face; she's been rather passive so far. "That's rather cryptic here, All-Father. Is this a prophecy?"

Wasn't Frigga known for foretelling the future? My eyes fell on her, she didn't even avert her eyes; simply making a mysterious smirk.

"Not from me." Odin confirmed that it was one, but he wasn't the seer. So, I guessed that it was Queen Frigga who was taking steps into making the future more bearable.

Odin looked at me with a hopeful expression. "Will you do it?"

I immediately answered, "I will, please give me one hour to prepare." Staring meaningfully into his eye, I insisted on being given more time. "Can you allow me this, my King?"

I needed to get stronger and have more experience with my star bolts and sword and I knew exactly which place would give it to me.

"Yes, I can… I'm weary but not in a hurry." Odin said smoothly, not trying to put further pressures onto me.

"Thank you, my King." I thanked him for not being heavy handed; my eyes turned to Frigga who was the real power behind this entire situation. "My Queen, do you agree with what must be done?"

The Queen looked at Odin, she showed a pained look at the older and tired form of her husband's body; she looked at the ceiling, surely staring at the history shown here. Then she looked down, back at me with a determined look. "I want my family back, Komand'r. But I agree we should be careful about this."

In a flash of golden light a heavy book appeared into her hand, she walked toward me and handed it to me. "Here, take this."

I looked at the leafy cover.

Photomancy Compendium

(From Beginner to Mastery)

This! Just this told me so much more about Frigga than my own supposition. I wanted more esoteric options to fight Hela, and now she provided it; this was a worrying level of foresight. My eyes opened in shock. Did Frigga know about the Murder Deck?

My eyes stared into the blue ones of the Queen. "Something tells me that you know a lot about me, My Queen."

"I know enough." She replied.

I closed my eyes and tried to not get upset, seer were becoming a problem now. *TALI, please find a way to blind a Seer from seeing or meddling with us, will you?*

Order Acknowledged.

*Good ship, you're my favorite.*

You don't have any other Capital Starship, Captain

*I could make one.* I threatened.

It wouldn't be as powerful and useful as me.

She got me there…

I excused myself from Odin's study and moved at great speed to exit the palace. Waving at the people I knew in the palace was done subconsciously, until I took flight and was directly teleported to my ship teleportarium's room. Thanking the transportation officer in training with a pat on her head, I floated toward Deck 2, passing through the passages and hatches in the deck plates to navigate through the Hyperdimension.

I passed some members of her crew who were working through their tasks, TALI had ceded control to many of the department heads such as operations and security; the Intelligence had less and less to do and could focus on me as much as she wanted.

With the heavy bound magic book in my hands, I arrived before the silver doors of the Murder Deck. *TALI can you…*

The Murder Deck is ready, Captain.

Level 1 selected

[Level 1- I'm too young to die (With support and care, your friend. PS: Survive)]

What the? Who messed with the MD? This message didn't appear when Thor and Sif went in the last time. While i asked myself that question, the Murder Deck continued its process…

Scanning nearby Dimensions…

Locked on DC Multiverse

52 universes detected

Please Input Scenario

I smiled as I knew exactly where I was going and began to type on the keyboard: Earth 22, drop me into the sun two years after the events of Lois Lane's death. Then through my neural interface asked, *TALI. Can you scan the book in my hand and transfer its knowledge into my neural lattice?*


The scanners at the entrance of the Murder deck started to scan the book in my hands and when finished, the heavy bound books disappeared in a flash of blue light, teleported somewhere. I saw it arrive in the Librarium thanks to my connection with TALI.

Scenario registered and chosen

I entered my Command Codes into the computers and selected to be sent directly in the dimension I chose. This needed to be do or die.

Safety protocols disabled

Are you sure of this course of action, Captain?

*I don't want a security net, I need to get stronger, TALI.*

I will be monitoring you. The intelligence threatened, she didn't like me taking such a risk, but avatar travel was a good way for me to get the power needed to beat Hela. What happened in the other dimension, happened to my real body as well.

Time Dilation set to 1h:2y

Dimensional Ray Shift system engaged

Fold in 3, 2, 1…

A whirlpool of light descended upon me and my sense of time stretched as I felt myself traveling through the ether. Then I was in space facing a yellow star burning with nuclear reactions on its surface; continuing to fly into it, my soft-suit retracted into my body and my sword was in my hand. The Skysword manifested my Asgardian armor as I ended up diving into the star.

The training was now starting, I would stay one year inside and absorb as much energy as I could. If Superman One Million could do it, I'm sure I can.