
Hey, I Ruin Stories!

Stories are great when they have meaning. Stories are good when they teach you something, when the heroes stand for great morals and villains teach you the meaning of life with their last breaths. Stories are precious, they are entertaining when they have a good ending and when the story joins every piece together —the story becomes perfect. Do they? I don’t think so. I think stories are fun, entertaining when they are unpredictable. When people expect the story to have a great meaning but it ends up meaning nothing, when the hero loses, when villain wins and then ends up becoming a joke. When the world is broken down and the story turns into a chaotic mess. Chaos, that’s what makes the story fun for me, entertaining for me. Unpredictability makes stories great. Yet most would say that only ruins a story. So what else can I say but… Hey, I Ruin Stories! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Tags: Evil MC, Chaotic MC, Smart MC, R-18, Smut, Manipulation, Multiple POVs, Multiverse, Strong MC, Fast Paced.] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The story has multiple POVs in each chapter, MC is emotionally detached, people that you end up enjoying might die and/or be used by MC, Very fast paced, each world will be no more than 30 chapters and MC is petty. If you do not like these things, then the story is probably not for you. Average chapter word count: 2500 words. Update Schedule: 6 Chapters a Week (Hopefully) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First World: Harry Potter (Potterverse) Second World: ?? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own or claim any of the characters used in the story except for the OCs and all rights belong to their respective creators. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some images of characters, places or items might not be possible to be added to the story directly throught comments. To access these pictures and to be part of a fun community, join the discord link below. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/wXt9jtqv2T ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The_Greedy_Frog · Derivasi dari karya
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24 Chs

Striking When the Iron is Hot

[Early Morning — Ministry of Magic Headquarter]

{Cornelius Oswald Fudge}

"Sir, are you alright?"

My hands trembled, vision blurred and even the pain of the glass shards cutting my feet didn't register. 

"You are bleeding, sir!"

"Huh?" I looked down and I was indeed bleeding, the glass that fell shattered and slit my foot a little. "Oh."

"Let me get the healer!"

But it didn't matter. All voices were dim, all pain was numb. Breathing was difficult.


Why did this all have to happen now?

One after another, chaos after chaos followed.

First the attack on Minister West, wizarding trade scam and now… now this.

"I… What do I even do?"

Azkaban was lost, prisoners were free and the city was certainly plagued. And all of this, without my fault, will be made to have been my fault.

No, no I cannot allow that.

But what can I do? Nothing.

Nothing politically, but maybe I can do something individually.

But… I had to bite down on my lips to even think of making this decision.

Do I really have to?

Do I…

Do I have to resign?

[Early Morning — Auror Post, Brighton]

{Nymphadora Tonks}

This sucks.

This is awful.

"You okay?"

I wasn't. My mind was a mess, my body tired and soul going through an existential crisis.

"Do I have to really go through all this?" I had to ask him because I had no answer for it. "Why am I torturing myself?"

"Good question." He leaned back, close to me on the bench. The outside wind was cold, but I just couldn't stay inside the place. "Everything is in shambles, isn't it?"

"It is." It was worse than being in shambles. "Trade scam, dementors attack and criminals breaking out of Azkaban."

It sounded almost impossible to break out of Azkaban, but they still did. And now they were free, hiding and roaming in the shadows of Britain. 

And worse of all, they killed a lot of other prisoners on their way out. And in that list of deaths were people like Sirius Black, the last true Black.

"Professor Dumbledore has declared a holiday and restricted students from going out of Hogwarts, not even to the nearby places, for at least a week." He seemed just as tired, "He fears that those Death Eaters might come for the children."

"And for Harry." Certainly Harry.

"Yes." He nodded, "But I respect the Aurors for making sure that the people are safe. Being an Auror is a position of not just power but responsibility."

It was and I was glad that I was able to help the ones that needed help.


"But do I have to throw away my life? Do I have to throw away everything I hold dear for others?" I wanted an answer. "I do want to help others, I respect my job… but I do not want to lose everything I have for this job."

"Then isn't that your answer?" He asked back, "You became an Auror to make a name for yourself, outside of your blood identity and you made a name. Rita Skeeter wrote an article about you, people call you brave for facing the dementors and for protecting Minister West. And if you want, with the fame and respect, you have one heck of a resume to join any decent job that you want."

That… That I did, didn't I?

"So, the question is… do you want to continue being an Auror? Do you want to pursue this life of protecting others at the cost of your own?" He asked, standing up. "We need Aurors now more than ever, with criminals free and roaming around the streets of Britain. But we do not want them to sacrifice their lives for us when we are not willing to sacrifice ours for theirs."

He gave a smile, a warm one over the cold breeze. "Do you want to be an Auror?"

I… did I want to be an Auror?

"No one will think of you any less even if you say you don't want to continue as an Auror. You have done enough in this time that most don't dare do in decades." His words were comforting. "So, you can walk away without having to feel shame or guilt, you have the right to walk away."

Being an Auror, having been a part of the Ministry had drained me and I cannot continue much longer.

"I guess you… are right." He was. "Maybe, maybe I should stop running after a dream that didn't matter."

It didn't matter. Proving others that I was not defined by my blood, it didn't matter what others thought. And I have given them enough proof from the start of everything, I do not own any explanation to anyone. It is my life and I dictate how I live this life.

"Maybe I should quit. Maybe I should stop thinking about others and think about myself, something that I have never done as an Auror."

"It might be difficult to change your life entirely, walk away so easily but if you do, you have an entire new life waiting for you." He comforted me. "You have a world to explore, opportunities are abundant. Be free and live free."

This made me smile, "Thank you… I needed those words."

He has been nothing but supportive since the start. And it is not just me, but I believe everyone will agree that being with him, talking to him feels better. The day he came here was the day things began to change in everyone's life, mostly for the better as everyone acquired a new view thanks to him.

"Thank you." I had to say that. 

"Heh? For what?"

"For everything. From showing me the paths that were invisible to me, for supporting me and for being there for me."

He was always there, whenever I needed him.

And I needed him, I knew this for certain. He was someone that made me feel comfortable, made me feel happy, free and made me feel alive.

I feel a lot, difficult to put into words.

But one day I will, one day I will tell him how I feel. And I hope that, maybe even if only by a little, he feels the same.

"No, I should thank you instead." He laughed out, "Without you, I would be in some prison for indecent conduct not with a respectable job and name as a professor of Hogwarts. So… thank you, I am grateful to you."

A smile appeared on my face without control, something that made him smile too.

"You can come to my place," I knew he had a rough few days as well. It was a miracle that he found a magic capable of healing himself so quickly. "I can cook for you. I know you have been on a strict diet since getting injured, so you must be craving something good."

However, he gave me a sad look.

"Oh, how I wish I could have agreed on the spot."

He can't?

"But I cannot. I have to go to Hogwarts in a bit. The students need mentors now more than ever, and Hogwarts needs all the professors they can find to protect the kids."

That… was true.

"So, are you leaving now?"

And once again, I was met with another sad smile.

"Unfortunately, I am."

Oh, how I wish I was in Hogwarts right now.

Not as a student but at least as a staff member.

[Afternoon — Hogwarts]

{Harry James Potter}

"Your father is in prison now, Draco. You are no better than us, no, you are worse."

This… wasn't good, was it?

"You dare…" Draco's voice broke, eyes teary and eyebrows furrowed. "You mudblood dare disrespect my father!"

"Hermione —stop." I had to ask her to stop. It was true that he made her trip, but dragging family into this could not go well. 

Duels were still allowed in school, while maybe they will delay it because of the situation, but Draco could harm Hermione if this continues.

"No, he has to be taught the truth. The family that he hid behind has no power now, their reputation is ruined and he is the son of a criminal!"



My heart nearly stopped seeing Draco pulling out his wand to throw a spell, but thank Merlin that another spell came flying in, disarming Draco on the spot.

"Offensive spells are not allowed inside Hogwarts, Draco!" It was Professor Safar. "And neither will offensive remarks thrown at families be pardoned."

He had a rare frown on his face. 

"That's not what we teach spells for, Draco and maybe we should add an ethics class for you, Miss Granger, without credits."

"Go to your dorms, lunchtime is over and there are no classes now."

"We… should go, Hermione." Ron pulled on her sleeve, "Don't cause more trouble."

I agreed with Ron as while Draco needed to be punished but not by insulting his family.

Hermione however, still had a scowl on her face. She was furious, but thankfully Professor Safar did not take offense.

"Leave. Now." He said, and immediately Ron grabbed Hermione by her sleeve and started to drag her out. I wanted to follow suit, but the professor didn't want that.

"Draco come with me, as for Harry, Professor Dumbledore wants to see you."

Huh? Why did the Headmaster want to see me? I haven't done anything to cause trouble?

"You should go soon, he asked me to call you quite a while back."


"Oh, okay sir."

Hopefully it's not anything troublesome.

"My father is not a criminal."

Children are emotional, they can be hurt easily and scars they get during their early years manifest as their identity later on.

"He is a good man."

He was not, but for every child, their father was a hero.

"I have met him once, during your duel against Harry and we talked for a long time." We walked through the hallway, he was on his way to his room and I was on my way to a certain someone's office. "And he sounded like a nice person. A good man."

"He is." Draco clenched his fists, his eyes teary. "He did nothing wrong."

"Politics is a dirty game, Draco. Even people that are without stain, get covered in mud because some others play with it. And your father is a victim of such power play."

"But he is strong." Every father was strong.

"He is a strong man, but one has to be the strongest to not be made into a victim." I paused for a second and looked at him. "You will only get ridiculed further, Draco. Get stronger, magically and politically."

"How?" He was vexed, desperate. "How do I become that strong?"

"Master what I have taught you, learn on your own, learn as much as you can and use what you learn." He was extremely vulnerable, "Use it when people expect it the least. Surprise them, seize them and climb higher."

His face was red, he was bullied by almost everyone now that his father was in prison. 

"Your father will be free, but even if he isn't… you can free him."

"How can I?" He asked, "How can I do that when he cannot do it?"

"Now that he is in prison, you will have to take the position of the Lord of Malfoy. You will have more power than most of the students here. Build onto that power and position, and you will have a ladder tall enough to reach the strength you need to free your father."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Your father is a strong man, people knew it and they were prepared to take him down. But they consider you weak, use that to your advantage. When they underestimate you and leave themselves vulnerable, strike. Then you will be strong enough."

Leaning closer, I whispered into his ears —low enough that none could hear even if they were prying. "Use magic, master magic and you know which magic I mean."

With that, I tapped his shoulder. "Good Luck, Draco. I know that you will grow strong."

He stood there, contemplating my words. He was still only a child, but a child always grows fast when faced with difficulties.

He will make it through, one way or the other. Just how and where he will end up, that will be a sight to behold.

"Now go and rest." It had been a long day and time was ticking.

He said no word and slowly started to walk to the right.

He does have potential.

But time is ticking. Potential does not matter when time is not with you. 

I can only wait and see how the story turns out for him.

However, there is someone else whose story I am aware of.

With my hands in my pocket, stance relaxed —I walked forward. 

This man was the most anxious out of everyone. He was itching to do something, but couldn't.

He knew he could not make moves recklessly, he had to balance two sides. And now, with me around, he had another chain around him.

Pulling out my hand from the pocket, I lightly knocked on the door.

Then I knocked it harder. But not until the fifth knock did I hear a voice.

"Stop knocking and come inside."

The groggy voice, displeased of being disturbed had a hidden sense of uneasiness.

Of course he was uneasy. He should be uneasy.

And that uneasiness only grew once he saw my face.

"You…" His voice was coarse, "What did you do…"

"Nothing to harm you or Harry as I promised."

Snape's hair was disheveled, face dry and eyes reddish. He had not slept, he was overworked —but he couldn't do anything that he wanted to do.

"Yet you harmed many." He gritted his voice, "Even back them, with Draco and Harry… You made Draco hurt Harry."

"Please." I leaned on the door, "I never force anyone to hurt anyone. It was children playing around and one ended up getting hurt like children do. But even now the children are playing, they are safe —Harry is safe."

"For how long?" His frown showed how furious he was, but he couldn't do anything —there was nothing he could do. "You are responsible for freeing them."

He knew, well, of course he knew. It didn't take much effort to figure out when he knew so much about me —or at least how much I told him.

"It was his wish, I simply did as asked."

The noseless one turning a blind eye to Lucius' pleadings was my payment for freeing his minions.

Not that I wouldn't have freed those Death Eaters without it, but he didn't have to know that.

"And he will want to see you soon, Snape."

He was silent hearing this. He knew that that the dark lord's return was inevitable, but he wanted to know how much he could delay it 

"And once you do, you will have to pick a side."

His eyes flickered for a second.

"What do you mean?" He knew that he had messed up 

"You know what I mean. Him or Dumbledore." I pushed myself off the door and walked forward. "You cannot play both sides forever, Snape. You will have to pick a side, and pick one wisely."

His face changed colors multiple shades as he heard that. 

"Don't worry, I will not reveal anything to him and definitely not to Dumbledore. But you have to choose one side or else you will lose on both."

He looked at me, wondering. "Why are you telling me this? Why not tell them about me?"

"I have reasons, Snape. And it depends on which side you pick." I gave the man a smile, which confused him greatly. "So, choose and walk on that side, not on both."

The side he picks changes the upcoming scenarios, so I want to see where he goes.

"Think for now." I suggested, "You have not long before you need to present your answer. Decide before they come looking for you."

He froze, sitting still. 

"They are coming." He muttered.

And I muttered back. "Yes, they are coming."

One of them had already made their way to a certain someone.

To a certain woman.

[Midnight — Malfoy Manor]

{Narcissa Malfoy}

"W-Why are you here?"

My heart dropped, Dobby laid unconscious on the floor while a certain someone sat on the desk, legs crossed and wand moving, scratching her lips.

"Can't an elder sister visit her younger sister?"

My legs felt weak, heart unsteady. "Why are you here!"

She laughed. "Relax, sweet sister. I am here because I am needed here."

"Get out!"

No, she cannot be here. She cannot be seen here. Sister or not, it will only worsen the situation for our family if she is seen here.

"I told you, I am needed here."

"My husband is in prison, my son is being lured into Dark Arts and you say you are needed here?" She has to get out. I cannot risk Draco's safety.

"He knows that Lucius is in prison, Narcissa." She showed a terrifying grin, "Master knows, and he will free him when the time is right."

When? When will the time be right?

"But the master has tasks for us. He has tasks for both of us."

She was lost, she had lost her sense of self serving under… under than man.

"Master will be back, and we have to fulfill our tasks Narcissa."

I wanted my husband back, I wanted Lucius back and Draco safe.

My voice was low, heart was pounding —yet I still asked.

"What… task?"

"He has a great task for us!" She laughed, "He wants us to support someone, someone that will bring back Master to his glory!"

I had a bad feeling about this.


She laughed her maniacal laughter. But the one to answer was not her, but a voice that was eerily familiar to me.

"That would be me, Narcissa Malfoy."

It was him.

I knew that voice. 

"You are here." Bellatrix grinned looking at him while my face dropped as I turned and saw the face, illuminated by the candle lights.

"Darius… Safar."


[[A/N: Read 150+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

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