
Heroic Gems

Choukanzu lives in a world where magical abilities hold immense power. When he hears the legend of four heroic gems that grant their wielder unimaginable power, he sets his sights on becoming the one to gather all of them. With his heart set on becoming a knight, Choukanzu sees this as the ultimate challenge to prove his worthiness. However, the task seems impossible and the journey to obtain these gems is full of danger and obstacles. Can Choukanzu overcome the odds and fulfill his destiny? Follow him on his quest for power and glory in this tale of magic and bravery.

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9 Chs

Training Starts now #5

"Yo you're good right?" Asked Kazuko.

Choukanzu nods his head, "Oh come on do you not want to talk to me now? You said yes to the duel!" Said Kazuko,

"No Idiot, it hurts when I talk after all thes- these punches you struck into my face."

"Oh hah.. yeah sorry about that."

There is a two ways people become knights with, the first being the knight exam, the exam is held every day in the year and a little over two thousand people become knights through it. The second way is to be naturally strong that you do not need to do the exam but be asked by the Knights Organization if you would want to become one.

If you wonder why two thousand people are going to become knights every year, why not more? why not less? This kingdom is the home to over six million people, over a million and a half of them are knights, the thing is, wars are really common in this area where the kingdom is located, whether it's because of other kingdoms or monsters, a lot of knights pass away every year. If there is a shortage-of-knights then more exams would be held a day, going from one exam a day, to two or three a day.

"Finally today is my turn to work in the recruitment desk! Every day I do some silly and boring task, but this one seems chill. I just sit here and wait for some dudes to show up, oh here comes some dudes" said the Recruitment guy thinking to himself.

"Hello there, Recruitment guy!" Said Kazuko.

Choukanzu and Kazuko finally reached the knights recruitment desk, "Hello there what can I do for you."

"Oh I thought it was obvious, we want to become knights."

'Dang.. I already messed it up' Thought the knight at the desk "Alright are you guys both 15 or not?"

"Yeah Both of us are 15."

"I'm going to need you guys to write you'r name here and sign these stuff right here" Said the knight while giving the papers to Choukanzu and Kazuko, "and this here, i'm going to need a parent or a guardian to sign it."

Choukanzu and Kazuko looked at each other before looking at the knight. "Is it necessary?" Asked Kazuko. "Yeah it is. If your parent doesn't sign it, you can go through."


"What's up? You gotta get a guardian to sign it."

"But both of us are orphans.." Said Kazuko. Right after Kazuko said that, the knight has already knew he messed up his job again, he didn't know what to say.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know that. Please, please forgive me," said the knight while he panicked.

"no.. no problem, we forgive you!"

"Well.. I'm not sure what to do now.. Sorry this is my first time working at the recruitment desk. I'll get a more experienced knight so we can figure out what we should do."

"Yeah, ok.." Said Kazuko while the knight was leaving.

"Does it still hurt when you talk?"

"No, I think it's fine n- ouch. Never mind it still hurts." replied Choukanzu.

"Man.. why do you really want to become a knight? Is it just because you want to continue your dad's legacy?" Asked Kazuko.

"I mean.. I guess it is, but I also want to become stronger."

"Huh? By becoming a knight?"

"Yeah I think it will make me even stronger and more motivated."

They hear the voice of the knight getting closer and closer, "Yeah I'm not sure what I should even do."

"Choukanzu..? Kazuko..?"

Choukanzu and Kazuko looked up just to see RedEye coming with the knight that was on the recruitment desk. "RedEye?!" Said Choukanzu and Kazuko in unison.

RedEye was in the office when the Knight went to ask for assistance, "You guys want to become knights? Well I mean I guess I can sign their papers, Sir."

Both Choukanzu and Kazuko were confused, they didn't know RedEye would want to sign the papers. RedEye met Choukanzu and Kazuko a few times in the past, he though of them as great people but they had no idea. RedEye is one of the strongest and well known knights in the kingdom.

"Thank you." Said Choukanzu,

RedEye looked at Choukanzu, he finished signing the papers and then replied "no problem, I think you guys can do it."

After that RedEye walked away, Choukanzu and Kazuko were really thankful for what RedEye did. "Alright, well I guess that works, so the only open spots for the exam is in about 28 days." Said the knight,

"so our exam takes place in 28 days?" Asked Kazuko, "Yeah, come here in 28 days, it starts at noon, it's better to come early, if you miss the exam, you would need to reschedule for another time."

"Alright! Thank you sir!" Said Kazuko, then both of them walked away. "In that time I will train my magic so I can finally beat you" Said Choukanzu. "Alright, Bet." Replied Kazuko.

Back at the battle ground they fought in, "If you want to train your magic, I think you should train your power first" Said Kazuko.

"My power?"

"Yeah your power, that is why you can't hit your shots. For what I know you can aim very well, can't you?"

"Yeah I can." replied Choukanzu.

"Well that's why your fire attacks curve in a weird way. When ever you shoot your magic you don't seem to use a good amout of power and energy, which makes your attacks easy to counterattack. But when we fought, you counterattacked my lightning bolt and you didn't miss or anything, that was due to your attack being shot with high amounts of energy and power."

"Oh, so my attacks curve because the wind.. is stronger?!"

"Well.. I'm that's my guess"

"It makes sense, I never really use much energy on my attacks, so you must be correct.."

"Well, I'm off, I'll see you in 28 days." Said Kazuko, "Wait what where are you going?" Asked Choukanzu.

"What do you think? I'm not going to let you become stronger than me at all. I'm going to train aswell"

Choukanzu smiled while turning around and walking away slowly, "Don't worry, I will become stronger than you."

They were about to embark on separate paths for a short while, however, they looked forward to fighting each other again in just a month, The training starts now.