
Heroic Gems

Choukanzu lives in a world where magical abilities hold immense power. When he hears the legend of four heroic gems that grant their wielder unimaginable power, he sets his sights on becoming the one to gather all of them. With his heart set on becoming a knight, Choukanzu sees this as the ultimate challenge to prove his worthiness. However, the task seems impossible and the journey to obtain these gems is full of danger and obstacles. Can Choukanzu overcome the odds and fulfill his destiny? Follow him on his quest for power and glory in this tale of magic and bravery.

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9 Chs

The Master #8

As Choukanzu woke up, he was immediately greeted by the brilliant light of the sun. "You are finally awake?", hearing these words, Choukanzu jumped out of bed immediately.

"How long has it been?!" Asked Choukanzu. "Chill, you have been out for one day now." Said the Penguin.

"An entire day..?" Choukanzu felt dizzy and was about to fall to the ground. He had lost a significant amount of blood in the battle.

Choukanzu placed his hand on his forehead, "I have to go train.."

"Oh come on, just lay on the bed, you lost too much blood. If you go train now you'll faint." Said the Penguin. Choukanzu sat back down. then asked, "Where are we?"

"Well, this is the infirmary. I brought you here after I finished fighting the monster." (The Penguin successfully defeated that monster)

The Transformation Kingdom is located underground, the roof of the infirmary was made of paper thus why Choukanzu was met with the light of the sun when he woke up.

"Oh yeah.. That reminds me.. what happened in the battle? The last thing I remember was that you turned into some kind of.. monster" Asked Choukanzu faintly.

"Yeah, that happened. As I stated before, I'm from The Transformation Kingdom, which is where we are right now. I did defeat him successfully." Replied the Penguin.

"Right now.. We are in The Transformation Kingdom..?"


"Ok, I need to go train now.." Choukanzu stood up, but couldn't stand for more than a few seconds. He dropped onto the ground.

"Hey, you okay? You still can't go, you can't even stand up." Exclaimed the Penguin. "But if I don't go now, I'll never become any stronger."

The Penguin looked surprised. "Losing a battle is no excuse, I want to become a knight. This means I will go and complete the exam."

The Penguin smiled, "Choukanzu, let us not forget that the true job of a knight lies not only in their ability to fight but also in their capacity for patience and wisdom. Take this time to heal and reflect. Use this as an opportunity to strengthen not only your body but also your mind and spirit. In doing so, you will emerge victorious not only in battle but in life itself."

Those were the wisest words Choukanzu heard, "Alright.. I guess I can rest for a bit." He got back on the bed, and went back to sleep in an instant.

One day ago, in the battle between the Penguin and the monster,

Penguin had transformed into the alien monster Choukanzu saw before losing consciousness, the transformation ability granted him the abilites of the monster he ate previously in his life. As the monster heard Mister Penguin, it charged at him.

The monster slashed it's claws upwards, the abilities of Mister Penguin's monster transformation included instant teleportation. He teleported behind the monster, and threw his fist into the monster's head.

The monster went flying by the impact and crashed into a tree, Mister Penguin wasn't joking around. He instantly grabbed the monster back up and threw ever more strikes.

He grabbed the monster's head and with full force, he threw the monster far away crashing into another tree. The tree fell down by the impact. By that moment, the monster had passed out. Despite the effort Choukanzu used to beat the monster, Mister Penguin had defeated it easily.

Mister Penguin then brought Choukanzu into the infirmary.

Three days had already passed since the battle, Choukanzu had woken up and is feeling much better. He was ready to continue on his training, though he had but one burning question on his mind, a question that had been gnawing at him since he first laid eyes on the towering creature before him.

"How can I become stronger?" he asked,

Mister Penguin regarded Choukanzu with a calm and knowing gaze, taking in the young hero's determination.


"I wish to become as strong as

you are. Please, Can you tell me how?"

Mister Penguin smiled, "Are you sure? Are you sure you want to become as strong as I am?"

"Yes! I'm sure!"

Mister Penguin smirked, "I can train you, but it wont be easy, I'm warning you now."

Choukanzu's eyes blazed with a fiery determination, his heart pounding with anticipation as he stood before the mighty Penguin. He could hardly believe that he was about to receive training from a legendary warrior like him.

"Yes! Please train me!" Choukanzu exclaimed eagerly, his voice ringing out with unbridled enthusiasm. "I will do whatever it takes to become stronger!"

"That's the determination I want to see. From now on, you are my student" Said the Penguin.

"Here take this!" after leaving the kingdom, Master Penguin gave Choukanzu a metal like box, it was white as snow, the light from the sun reflected from the box onto Choukanzu's face, and It felt quite heavy. "What is this thing?" Asked Choukanzu

"This is a safe box, it's made with magic and other stuff, it's really hard to break, It's also your main objective. how long until your exam again?" asked Master Penguin.

"If I was out for 3 days, and I already trained for 14 days... We had 28 days until the exam.." Choukanzu held the box with his left hand while he counted on his right hand, "13 days left?" Choukanzu had never been to school, he was only able to learn little from Kazuko, as Kazuko read some books in the past.

"How do you even get 13..?" Asked Master Penguin, "I'm not sure I'm not good with math.." Said Choukanzu in a sad voice.

"Well, you have 11 days. Starting from today, you will try and destroy this box to acquire what's inside. It's simple isn't it?"

"Alright.. I think I get it. So all I need is to get it destroyed, huh?" He effortlessly slipped the box into his pocket, which easily accommodated the box size.

"Alright so now that your objective is clear, let's get to your training. You will live hell on earth."

Choukanzu had an entire tree straped onto his back, he was panting heavily with each breath, "Where.. Where am I.. supposed to take this to..?"

Master Penguin pointed to a house on top of a huge hill, "Seri- Seriously? Man." Said Choukanzu.

Choukanzu spent the next few days training with Master Penguin, who pushed him to his physical and mental limits. Under the penguin's guidance, Choukanzu practiced various forms of combat, honed his physical abilities, and developed his stamina and durability.

As the days went by, Choukanzu faced every imaginable workout. They began with fire magic, working on control and accuracy. The intensity of the training increased each day as they focused on physical ability, stamina, and durability. Despite failing multiple times in the training, he kept getting up in an instant.

Choukanzu ran laps around the forest, lifted heavy objects until his muscles burned, and practiced martial arts moves until he was a blur of motion. Despite the grueling work, he pushed himself to the limit and felt himself growing stronger with each passing day.

Stamina was crucial for success, so Master Penguin put Choukanzu through endless endurance exercises until he could go no more. By the end of the training, Choukanzu had built up his resilience and could persevere through exhaustion.

Durability was the final area of focus. Choukanzu learned how to take hits and still keep standing, how to withstand extreme temperatures and resist fatigue. Master Penguin tested him thoroughly, throwing every obstacle he could think of at him. Choukanzu failed an uncountable amount of times, but at the end, he had gotten the grip of things.

Master Penguin didn't go easy on him, but Choukanzu knew that this was what he needed to become strong enough to pass the knight exam. He pushed himself hard and never gave up, even when he was exhausted and sore.

As the days went by, Choukanzu could see the progress he was making. His muscles were growing stronger, his endurance was increasing, and he was able to cast spells with greater ease and accuracy.