
Heroes? Villains? I Hate Them All

“There’s no such thing as heroes, those you call (heroes) are cheap individuals who play with the lives of the innocent just for fame.” At a very young age, Roy witnessed with his very eyes, the death of his parents who were caught in the battle between the mightiest hero of their city and the villain that threatened to destroy them. Growing up as a powerless orphan in a world of supernatural anomalies, he witnessed several inevitable casualties caused by the clashing of the so-called heroes and villains till one day…. he had enough. In an attempt to save a young boy from the same fate his parents suffered, he ended up another victim of the accursed cycle of death. However, fate was not done with him. “Heroes…. Villains…. I hate them… I hate them all!” After being granted a second chance at life by a supernatural deity, it didn't take long before he found out he awakened with supernatural abilities. Thanks to the intervention of what he referred to as (A true hero) who opened his eyes to the truth, Roy had only one goal in life, to end the cycle of pain and suffering. Follow Roy as he fights through various obstacles, embarking on numerous adventures all in order to become, The Top Hero of the city! Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist! And I'll gladly bring it down if they don't approve of it.

Nikage · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

This Is The Results Of My Training


The large beast got to it's feet, his right eye completely destroyed by Roy infuriating it even more. Growling in pain, it released another terrifying roar which drove both Roy and Sephrina off their feet.


"There's only twenty seconds left, we have to take this beast down now! We need a distraction." Roy exclaimed, reminding Sephrina of the consequences of failing this first phase.

"Right!" Getting up to her feet swiftly, Sephrina closed her eyes for a second and began building up her Soul-Energy, gust of winds blew all around her as her Soul-Energy represented her affinity. "Please work." She whispered.

"Wind Soul-Core: Severing Cyclone!" Stretching her two hands forward at the beast, she summoned dark storm clouds swirling ominously overhead. Thunder boomed in the distance as winds picked up speed, forming a colossal vortex that began to descend towards the beast.

The cyclone's fury intensified, whipping up debris and howling with a menacing force. Sharp gusts cut through the air like blades, threatening to tear apart everything in their path. Lightning crackled within the swirling tempest, adding to the chaotic spectacle. The ground shook beneath the cyclone's onslaught, bending and breaking under its relentless power.

Even with all the magnificent display of power, something was terribly off, it appeared as though Sephrina couldn't control it.

"Yikes, I wouldn't want to be caught in such a technique." Roy spoke, keeping his distance from Sephrina's [Severing Cyclone]. Being caught in the range of her Soul-Technique, the beast was spun around within it severally, losing its balance and stability.

"Now Roy!" Sephrina exclaimed, repelling the cyclone she created to provide Roy the opportunity for one final strike.


"I can't afford to mess this up, I'm going to have to go all out!" Stretching his right hand forward, he built up an [Electric-Burst] above his palm and began infusing his Soul-Energy into it.

"AAAARR!" He let out a loud battle cry as the amount of Soul-Energy he infused into the [Electric-Burst] increased it's size and velocity by a large margin, in the blink of an eye, it became as large as a building. The light of the [Electric-Burst] illuminated the whole domain, baffling thr other contestants who had no idea what was going on.

Sephrina could only watch as she was dumbfounded. "How can a commoner possess this kind of power?" She thought.


Roy leaped over the beast with the massive spiralling ball of electricity and aimed it at the beast instantly. "This is the result of my training! Electric Soul-Core: Massive Electric-Burst!"

As he slammed it on the beast, The [Massive Electric-Burst] wreaked havoc upon it, sending shockwaves through the ground and scattering the beast like leaves in a storm. The sheer force of the explosions sent debris flying in all directions, while arcs of electricity danced and flickered across the battlefield, illuminating the chaos in a dazzling display of power. Powerful wind currents created as a result of the explosion travelled throughout the whole domain, nearly blowing all the contestants off their feet.


[You have slain an A+ Rank beast]

[+100 pts]

After landing safely on his feet, a holographic board appeared in the line of vision of both Roy and Sephrina displaying their achievements as it was a joint effort.

"An A+ Rank beast huh? Talk about luck." Roy chuckled as he fell slowly to his buttocks, feeling a bit drained after using such a technique.

"Are you alright!?" Sephrina rushed towards him with concern.

"I'll be fine, I just didn't expect to have used so much Soul-Energy." He said.

"Hmph." Sephrina stood tall, maintaining her composure as she has shown her weak side to him long enough.

"What did you expect after nearly blowing up the whole domain with that Soul-Technique of yours, you can't use that technique more than once in a fight can you?" She added.

"Yeah.." It was obvious, judging by the amount of Soul-Energy it consumed just to build it up, utilizing that technique for a second time would completely drain his Soul-Energy reserves.

The domain shattered like glass instantly as the given time period had already been elapsed. The contestants returned back to the hall and the faces of the spectators were mainly shock.

Murmurs arose from the spectators the instant they saw Roy. All the esteemed guests which included the King, Princesses and Princes that didn't participate in the exams had a special seat designated above the audience.

"That concludes the end of the first phase, however many of you will not be progressing to the next phase." Shun Li bellowed, living up to his strict policies.

"Here's a list of the candidates who came out with the highest points in the first phase."

[1. Cornelius and Magnus - 250pts]

[2. Rosaline and Cedric - 200pts]

[3. Sephrina and Roy - 150pts]

[4. Raphael and Aurora - 140pts]

[5. Adrian and Eve - 130pts]

A blue holographic board materialized above the contestants, displaying the highest scorers of the first phase.

"The reason these 5 teams emerged as the top ten contestants was because of something called team points. This was a team effort phase, meaning the more a set of team work together to defeat a beast, the more points they allocate. So even if they fought an F-Rank beast, the points gained from defeating it is the default points for team points, 50pts. That simple is it not?" Shun Li spoke, explaining how the first phase worked.

"What!?" Nyx exclaimed, his pride had led him to not notice such important details, thus leaving him with only a total of 40pts.

"In this phase there was a total of 249 participants, after a brief discussion with said authorities, it has been decided that the pass mark for this phase is a total of 60pts. Only a total of 120 participants has allocated points higher than that, which means the rest of you are disqualified. Thank you for your time, the second phase starts tomorrow, don't be late." Passing on the final verdict, Shun Li descended from the podium and exited the hall.

"Unacceptable! There's no way I'm going to accept this! There's no way you should have passed the exams commoner! And I failed?" Nyx infuriated bursted out in fury as he faced Roy.

"That's enough Nyx, you would have passed if only you had listened." Sephrina said in an attempt to defend Roy

"Don't give me that!" Nyx bellowed.

"Wait what?"

"A commoner? Passed?"


Murmurs arose within the contestants.

"I see, so that's what you came here to do wasn't it? Apply for the exams." A familiar voice spoke from behind them, Roy sighed heavily as he remembered vividly, who the annoying voice belonged to. Cornelius.