
This Kid..

Alex watched as a small metal arm came up from under the bed and was stationed over his body. At the top of the arm was a weird disk shaped object that seemed to be aiming directly over his heart. After a few seconds, it changed places to his stomach. Like this, the arm went all over Alex's body. It seemed to be scanning every part of his body. After some time, Nana walked forward to Alex and asked, "do you feel weird in any way? If not, we will continue this." Her tone was extremely soft.

Alex shook his head and spoke, "I feel nothing like that, you can continue." He put his thumbs up and smiled.

Nana looked a tiny bit confused and nodded. She turned towards where Sir Fire and the other scientist stood and walked away from the bed. Sir fire looked at Alex and spoke, "You're doing good so far Alex, Just keep on staying as still as possible. We'll be scanning you with some more instruments." Alex nodded when he heard Sir Fire.