
Hero System! Transported to Another World

Alex, a 20-year-old guy was a born loser. In a world filled with superheroes, he had to live a horrible life. But this all changed when he was approached for an opportunity, something too good to deny. A simple and easy scouting mission. After it was done, they would give him a huge reward. But the mission wasn't what Alex expected, it was a blur and the next thing he knew, there was a voice in his head, [Does player Alex want to continue?] LINK FOR MY DISCORD : https://discord.gg/mNfHWC2

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185 Chs


Alex started to slowly spin around in the air, His eyes were wide open. Alex looked around, trying to aim while he shot in that spin. He didn't want to shoot blindly but actually get some accurate shots in as well.


A barrage of shots echoed in the cave as the gun smoke filled the cave air. Alex landed on the ground and looked at what happened after. The closest attackers were on the floor while the ones far away were unharmed. ' I guess that isn't a good move for long-ranged attacks but to think it would be this effective for people up close… It's actually scary.' Alex said to himself.