
Before the Storm

One year of training doesn't even feel that long, but even then I have made some major progress. Though overall I'm not alot stronger than I was last year in terms of raw power, but I have become more versatile because of my magic.

I even figured out why I couldn't borrow energy from other dimensions, going through the libraries of all the sanctums I learnt I was "choosen" by my dimension. It's similar to why all dimensional entities don't share the same abilities as others because they can only have the power of the dimension their connected to.

But that hasn't stopped me from adapting different spells from the libraries but with my Ki as it's source, it's just sometimes the spells get *cough* explosive when I try force the spell to work when I don't know it well enough.

I've made progress with my human form, I finally look like a proper human at least compared to my previous attempts. But the problem is it's mentally draining, I'll try improve it later.

My greatest improvement is with my 'necklace of Brahma' and the telepathic protection/abilities it grants me, hopefully with it I can learn all the dirty secrets of SHIELD straight from Fury's head.

----- May 1 2012 -----

'What was weird burst of energy? quickly I sit up and get out of my bed to confront the Ancient-One. Seeing she's meditating I try make myself known, "Ancient-One" I say, as I move to sit infront of her.

"I felt it, I know what your going to ask" said AO before I can even ask, "Are you sure it's a good idea for you to interfere? your presence could destroy the timeline as we know it".

"Yes" I quickly reply "and don't worry I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen", the Ancient-One stares at me for a moment "Though I hate your interference with the timelines, I least know you well enough to know that you will do your best to protect this world".

I bow to the Ancient-One as I make my move, 'Time for some fun' I think to myself as I teleport close to Florida as I can, I start to continue by flying towards the direction of the newly destroyed 'Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility'.

(A/N - For those that wonder why 'close' to Florida, because when he was being taken to the SHIELD Heli-carrier he would of passed over it on the way there.)

Only being roughly twenty minutes since the destruction of the research facility I find Fury with Maria Hill as agents start to begin search and rescue looking for survivors, 'I'm gonna have a little payback' I think as I smirk.

Immediately I bolt down to the ground as I pull an 'Ironman landing' 5 meters away from Fury, kicking dirt into his face in the process. "Hey Mr Pirate, Remember me?" I ask with a smile.

Fury face widens with shock as he looks at the eight foot hulking pink humanoid with a long vine-like antenna on his head coming down passed its hips, dressed in a black-white gi with red accents.

(A/N - sorted an image, will leave in comments)

"Buu?" said Fury with a hint of fear, immediately agents surround me with their weapons. I let out a little chuckle "Sure that's a good idea boys?" I say, as I quickly generate a massive ki bomb on my finger the size of a house.

"S-stand down" said Fury, immediately frightened what I would do if they attacked me, as all the agents begin to walk away. "What are you doing here?" Fury asks, I fold my arms and smirk "Wouldn't you like to know" I reply.

His face immediately darkens, "Awh don't be like that" I laugh, "I felt a massive burst of energy that was tearing a hole in space, your lucky it didn't make a blackhole". Fury looks at the damage somewhat aware it's his fault, "So what stupid idea did you pull now? I ask.

Fury looks at me in annoyance with his eye but also a bit of fear. "We were attacked from a man called Loki, he's. . . not from around here" said Fury, "Loki Odinson, the adopted brother of Thor" I answer "Yes I know who he is, apparently he died guess that parts false".

Fury looks at me in surprise I know some of their classified information, and even more (wouldn't he like to know). "How many died?" I ask looking at the carnage before me, "We don't know yet" fury answers truthfully with his head down.

"So you actually feel, that's a surprise" I said, Fury looks at me and grits his teeth not to talk back knowing if he pisses me off I could wipe everyone out, "Let me give you a hand" I said as I close my eyes and extent my ki senses.

Suddenly the ground begins to shake as debris of broken buildings that sunk into the ground rise into the air, immediately rescue moves in to look for survivors. So far they found 26 unconsious, I try not count the death.

"So tell me what happens now?" I said.

------ Heli-carrier, 1 Day later --------------

In the middle of the North Atlantic on the Heli-carrier, I find myself the attraction of many stares of Agents. 'If Skrulls ever invade in the future I'm absorbing some' I think to myself, finding the stares annoying. Suddenly I notice one of the original members of the Avengers to arrive on the Heli-carrier.

Bruce Banner, sticking out like a sore thumb. "Mr Banner" I say very loudly as I was in his direction, his reaction seeing me made it hard to not laugh. "Sorry you just surprised me" said Bruce, "It's fine, I'm used to it" I reply "glad to not be the only monster on this ship" as we shake hands, "Sorry but are you?-" Bruce tries to ask "Alien? Yes" I interrupt.

He ignored everything I said prior and starts to disect me with his eyes, 'Ok? should of saw that coming'. Soon another Quinjet flys over and prepares to land , walking out is none other than Steve Roger's AKA Captain America with Agent Coulson.

As I walk to confront them I see Natasha doing the same, "Rogers this is Agent Romanoff" said Coulson, "Ma'am" Steve introducing himself. "Hey Natasha where's my hello?" I say with a grin. All three of their looks end up making me chuckle a bit.

"Uuummm" the only sound to come out of Coulson.

"This is Buu, he's an Alien let's move on" Natasha said "Fury wants you on the bridge, their beinging the face-trace". Coulson still looks at me lost before he starts walking off to the bridge, 'I didn't scare him that much did I?'.

Soon Steve and Bruce introducing themselves, "Gentlemen you may want to step inside in a moment" said Natasha "It's going to get hard to breathe". I smile as i remember this scene as a child, both men's faces change to shock.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asks, "Really?" adds Bruce "they want me in a submerged, pressurized metal container?". I laugh a bit at what he says, as the two men look over to see the turbines rising out of the water they understand what's happening, "No, no this is much worse" says Bruce.

"Don't worry I always wanted to meet the 'big guy', maybe go a few rounds" I said like it was a joke. Both Natasha and Bruce look at me like I'm insane, "shall we go inside?" I ask as I walk to the bridge.

As we move to the deck I decide to ignore everything and move the chair and get comfy, though I did see Steve hand Fury a $10 note before walking off. 'Sly old man'.

"So when can I beat up this 'Puny god' your so scared of? I ask, Fury looks at me a bit frustrated "When we find him you will be the first to know" Fury replys.


"It's a vintage set, it took me years to collect them all" says Coulson, "Near mint, slight boxing around the edges . . .", I was honestly having a laugh watching Coulson trying to get Steve to sign his trading cards. 'I'll make sure you don't die this time'.

Suddenly one of the scanners picks up on something, "We got a hit 67% match" he shouts "Wait, cross match 79%". Looking at the picture 'He really looks like Tom Hiddleton', loving most people here look like their actor counter-parts.

"Captain" said Fury "Your up", before turning to me, "Don't even need to ask Fury, I was getting bored anyway" I say as I start walking to the hangar, "I'll follow you Cap, I have no clue where I'm going".

Waiting outside as Steve "suits up", "You know who's flying?" I ask Steve, "I am" said Natasha in her 'Widow' suit as she walks passed me 'That's one hell of an *ss' I think to myself as she walks by.


End of this chapter, I'll try release my next one soon.