
Why Rebel

Ptolomy's formal reveal of his status, caused a little commotion in the medical camp, as many gathered around him, trying to get a glimpse of the 'god on earth.'

Alexander even noticed Mean, the four feet-eight-inch petite adult standing on her toes and craning her neck to get a look at the man.

But the bulky men smooshing her together made that action impossible.

"Mean, the king needs some water. Bring it here," Alexander thought he should fulfill the maiden's little desire.

And soon the girl came holding a pitcher, literally shaking with excitement as he poured the drink for the king, a grin so big cut on her face, Alexander feared it might never close.

"*Gulg-glug-glug*" Ptolomy was dying of thirst and drank three full cups before finally putting down the earthen cup with a satisfied, "ahhhh".

Alexander then signaled for Mean to leave, which she did a bit unwillingly, though not before leaving Alexander with a grateful look.