
The City of Thesalie (Part-5)

Alexander decided to leave the fate of the guilds to Camius primarily because he wanted some of his retainer to take over some of his responsibilities.

It felt tiring to him to do almost everything himself.

While on the other side, Lady Felicia was feeling both relieved that Alexander had decided to take the guilds seriously but also a bit disheartened she did not get to host the negotiations.

But hey, you win some, you lose some.

"How much did your father owe them exactly?" Then she heard Alexander suddenly muse so curiously.

Because the amount would be perhaps the most important factor in deciding whether Alexander was going to pay it back.

"43 million (21.5 million ropals) libras!" Came the quoted number from Lady Felicia, her head once again drooping as she reiterated.

'What the fuck!' And Alexander almost jumped out of his chair hearing it.

This was no chump change.

This was nearly 3 times the city's yearly budget.