
Dividing the Family Spoils (Part-3)

"So we are agreed then….," Sensing the negotiations coming to a close, Lord Castell looked at the notes his scribe had taken and reiterated the terms they had agreed on one last time.

He wanted to make sure there was nothing they missed.

He read, 

"Both sides agree that… 

1. All the hereditary nobles and the elite horsemen who served Lord Parker, the latter also belonging to the unit colloquially called 'Firefield,' would be ransomed at the discussed rates set jointly by the two parties.

2. The agreed amount will be given in full by a combination of Margraves and Heeat funds.

3. General Achillas will be ransomed at a special 100,000 wesa (1 million ropals).

4. The various wives, mistresses, and other companions of the nobles as well as servants such as cooks, servants, bodyguards, etc. have to be redeemed by the individual nobles themselves.