
Alexander's Bold Plan

It would not be wrong to say that the battle between Lord Theony and Melodias came to quite an abrupt end.

What was supposed to be one's trump card was somehow turned on its heel by the other in a matter of seconds and the very elephants that were supposed to help Lord Theony win the fight had all of a sudden switched sides and was now actively destroying their own side.

No matter who it was, one had to feel even a tad bit sorry for the man.

And as the man himself sat on his horse, gazing at the rampaging animals, stomping on his own men, and the soldiers scattering themselves to the wind with no sense of direction, one of his retainers quickly approached him and shouted, 

"My lord! We need to retreat! Now!"

Their army was gone and they had clearly lost, so what more could they do other than run back into the safety of the city?

They had nothing to do here.