
Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Maxima Part One.

An endless void of vortexes filled the sky, with one being able to see large mountains in every single direction, and anyone who was here, could have been anywhere, yet they could have been nowhere as well.

The third Herald of Death made her way onto the scene, and tracked her conquest through the void. It had been sent here a couple of weeks ago by Lily Potter, and she knew she was very close to what she was looking for.

A smirk crossed Karen's face, between the four of them; they could not have found the main focus of the Fortress. Lily had collapsed the Fortress back into the crystal of knowledge, and had hid it in a pocket dimension within a pocket dimension. Karen could hardly believe how simple something like this was. Her eyes glowed with power, as she saw the challenges that she had before her.

Several shadow monsters popped up and Karen readied herself for battle. The blonde Kryptonian sent blasts of energy from her hand, sending the demons scattering. They were likely left in this place as guardians, and there was a great deal of craziness that they could have been capable of.

Karen sprinted over, and was about ready to pick up the crystal, when suddenly a loud boom echoed from the distance. The blonde Kryptonian stood rigid, and the girl's blue eyes burned brightly. The one thought clicked in her mind that she was not the only one who had tracked the crystal to this dimension. In fact, there was another someone, two other people who arrived.

Karen stood, spun around, and hovered in the air, hands on her hips, and stared them down the moment that Harry and Kara appeared as she greeted them with a little smirk. "I was wondering when you two would roll on it."

Kara snapped towards her double, this time she was ready, but Harry grabbed Kara by the wrist, in warning. They were in this dimension with any number of monsters, and the Heralds felt the need to keep their wits about themselves. The two of them took a very long and deep breath, and focused their attention forward.

"I'm guessing you tracked it here as well," Harry remarked to her, and Karen just stood at them, before offering a smile towards them.

"A bit before you two did, but I suppose you've been knocked down to Kal-El's errand boys," Karen replied, and Kara's eyes snapped towards her duplicate.

"You know, he's your cousin too," Kara replied to her, coolly and calmly.

Karen just wrinkled her nose at that thought, to be honest she had been gloriously underwhelmed by Kal-El so far in this universe. The fact was he was some pathetic boy scout that needed to be coddled, and only accomplished what he did because of more talented and intelligent friends really rubbed her the wrong way.

"We need the crystal, it's essential for his training," Kara replied, and Karen just grabbed the crystal into her hands.

"Oh, you mean this crystal," Karen replied, just fluttering her eyelashes, and twirling it between her fingers, deciding to have a little fun with the situation as she spoke. "The thing that's needed to create the Fortress of Solitude, but you see, I'm not sure if he's worthy of it, worthy of the power."

"What you think isn't important," Kara answered fiercely, and she dove at Karen, but Karen blocked her attack, and flung Kara over to the side once again.

"Why do all our times together have to end like that?" Karen asked, before grabbing Kara around the wrists, but Harry shot cords out, wrapping around Karen. Instead of being thrown off, a smile spread across Karen's face. "Bondage on the second date? How kinky!"

Karen busted out of her bindings, and she flew forward. Harry found himself caught off balance by the generous amount of cleavage this outfit was showing. The dark haired Herald of Death might have had better will power than most people had, but he still had limits, he was only human, and he could be led around like his hormones like any man.

Especially since this lovely, if something unhinged, woman was so much like his wife, and her body was having the desired effect.

"So, is that a wand in your pocket, or are you excited to see me?" Karen asked, and she brushed against Harry, as he struggled against her. The portal opened behind Karen, and she shoved Harry off, before giving him a parting grope, and making her way through the portal.

Kara and Harry exchanged a determined looked, and followed her through the portal. Harry shook his head at the attraction that he felt towards this other Herald of Death; even though both knew that something like this was inevitable. One of the Heralds of Death powers they discovered was to release super powered pheromones that would ensnare anyone who had the slightest bit attraction to them. They had tried to keep those powers at bay, because they could be used for abuse.

Yet, this Herald did not seem to have any inhibitions about using her powers in such a manner. The fact was she escaped this crossroads dimension with the crystal, and Harry and Kara picked up velocity, following her closely behind. They flew so fast that their clothes began to rip from the friction, but neither cared. They had to stop her from getting the crystal out, in case Lily left another nasty surprise behind they had to deactivate.

Karen had passed the portal, and it barely closed, with Harry and Kara just escaping the portal. Harry stood on the ground, his shirt completely torn off, and most of his pants, only leaving a few patches. Kara stood beside him, her cape completely shredded. Her blue top now had strips that covered her nipples, and not much else. Her skirt was now little more than a belt, and with another step, it threatened to go further than that.

"That's a good look for both of you," Karen remarked to them, but before they could respond, the crystal had vibrated in her hand.

Karen stood, and waited, this was something new.

"She left something behind!" Harry yelled at Karen, and Karen just offered a shrug at that moment, confused with what happened, this was not something she had expected.

The crystal sent a light into the sky, and suddenly, an explosion echoed. Kara grabbed Harry by the wrist, and the two made themselves invisible. It was hard to tell what had just happened. Karen already bolted away, with the crystal.

"What came through the portal?" Harry whispered to Kara, and Kara stood, rigid, and waited.

"Some horrific monster no doubt," Kara replied, standing with her hands on her hips. She saw the figure that stepped out of the portal, and thus her eyes narrowed when taking a long look at it. "Yep, I hate it when I'm right."

A woman dressed in warrior garb with flowing red hair stood in the distance. She was beautiful, but there was something a bit suspect about her beauty.

"Hold on, I'm coming," the woman replied in a fierce and determined voice, and she walked out, ready to seek out her one true love, and take him back to her planet, so they could rule over all.

"Who is that?" Harry asked slowly, to Kara, who seemed to know what was going on and she went pale at the thought.

"Maxima, the Queen of Almerac," Kara whispered to him, feeling a bit of dread coming on. "She can ensnare any man, and if they are not someone strong enough, then they will succumb to her powers in moments. Her kiss is fatal, and she will not rest until she finds a mate strong enough for her."

Harry felt an expression of mortal dread come on about it. "Who is strong enough to withstand her?"

Kara offered the answer as grim as she could state. "A Kryptonian."

Harry was afraid of that. While Maxima was not an undesirable given his quick check of the lifeline reading, she proved to be enough of a potential headache, that the two Heralds had to work damage control on.

Lost in all of this was that the third Herald had just bolted in the confusion with the Crystal of Knowledge to Merlin only knew where.

Maxima followed the beacon from her home world just like it had been written in the stars. She had waited patiently for her savior to send for her, but it was a long wait, but it would be worth it.

The warrior queen often dreamed about what her Kryptonian soul mate would be like, strong, brave, bold, willing to take charge of the situation, and able to withstand the full force of her passions.

The Queen licked her juicy lips, at the very thought. She had waited longer than she cared to remember. Maxima zoomed forward at super speed, from her point. In this Metropolis there were many men who were of good breeding, but looks could be deceiving. A Kryptonian would only have the inner strength to withstand her full force, without wilting.

It was not lost on the ruler that this planet had a yellow sun, which made the fact that her soul mate was born and bred here even more enticing. Maxima must have had him, she must need him. No doubt he was experienced, strong, and bedded several women already, like he should have. Yet, Maxima felt the strength, and the pull towards him.

A young man stepped out the shadows, and looked at Maxima. The man's heart beat against his chest, at her very presence. The closer she got, the more enticed the man got, to the point where he was light headed.

"M-may I help you," the man managed, looking at her.

"Yes, you may, I am inquiring about the Kryptonian on this planet, I wish to bed him," Maxima replied in her regal tone.

The man swallowed a lump in his throat, and decided to speak quickly. "You know, I'm…I'm him really, but your beauty, is so amazing."

Maxima smiled her smile. She shall see if this man was really her soul mate, or just another pretender to the throne. Shoving the man against the wall, Maxima pulled open his shirt, and dragged her hands down his chest.

The man was pressed against her, and Maxima leaned forward, pressing her lips firmly against his in a kiss, which the man returned. He ran his hands down her form, and Maxima was pleased that he seemed to know what he was doing. It was always so bothersome to lead someone through a sexual act.

Then it happened, the man began to choke, and sputter. His lungs filled up with a thick fluid, and he collapsed. Maxima pulled back, and watched him drop. A flicker of remorse filled the queen, realizing that this had not been the one, but rather a pretender, someone who had aspired to be something greater.

Maxima saw the man on the ground, and sent a beacon in the air, to summon for help. There was a chance that he could survive, providing the medical personnel were prompt enough to tend to his needs.

And speaking of needs, it was time that Maxima began to tend to hers. Quick a bolt of light she was off, to continue the search for the man that would rule by her side, and would provide her an heir. Time was running out, and there was any number of potential opponents, from both off world and on world that would threaten to destabilize her rule.

Maxima had just driven a group of aliens known as the Reach off of her planet, but they had weakened her planet's resources, and had sown the seeds of discontent with her people. There was a threat of a civil war, but a king to rule by her side would allow her to keep the peace, and not allow more blood to be spilled.

She was a woman of war, but at the same time, blood spilled should have a purpose, and not be done for the sick enjoyment. Maxima continued her travel, searching and waiting for the person who would bed her.

It did stand out to her mind how human males did have some twisted obsession with lying to a pretty face to make themselves look better. Yet, they could not back it up, and it had consequences, fatal ones.

Maxima had pity, but she would not shed tears. The woman continued her trek; little did she know she was being observed.

Karen watched from high above. One mortal life meant little in the grand scheme of things, but now she knew Maxima's game. Despite all of her bravado, and all of her warrior spirit, she was some woman just in desperate need to get laid, by the strongest man possible.

This merited further observation, but Karen thought this would be a true test of Kal-El's strength if he could resist this alien temptress. Somehow, she was not too optimistic about that given what she observed so far.

Clark had his mind half on his work at the Daily Planet, and half on the argument that he had a few days ago. He had made excuses to get tied up to his work, and to be honest, a part of Clark regretted what happened, but another part of Clark refused to admit he was wrong. It was just the values he had.

The fact that he had similar thoughts when he was under the influence did not help. Lois walked up, and rapped on his desk.

"Lost in space there, Kent?" Lois asked him, and Clark looked up at her, eyes snapped at her.

"Yeah, just thinking about some things that have happened," Clark managed, shaking his head.

"You and Lana had another fight, didn't you?" Lois asked.

Clark just paused, and nodded. "Yeah, I guess one could say that."

Lois felt intrigued, but did not want to feel like she was jumping in and taking advantage of Clark's obvious vulnerability. So Lois offered him some good solid advice like any friend or work colleague should.

"Well, I don't know the details, but it takes two to be wrong about something sometimes," Lois answered, and looked at Clark. "If you want to talk about it, perhaps figure out what happened, I've got a working set of ears. I'm not sure what happened, or if I can solve the problems, but I'm here for you, okay, Clark?"

Lois just patted Clark on the hand, and walked off; because she had a hot lead she had to follow. Clark barely had any time to register, before Kara showed up, with her arms crossed, and she stared down at Clark.

"We need to talk," Kara remarked to Clark, and Clark understood that meant now. He slipped away, and Kara put up the privacy spells. Clark was about to mention his misgivings about Kara, Chloe, and Harry's new arrangement, but Kara cut Clark off. "Harry and I found the Fortress."

Clark was not expecting that at all, and he could hardly wait for the details. Yet in the back of his mind, Clark thought that there was a catch, there was always a catch.

"We found it, but we lost it, the crystal of Knowledge is in the hands of the third Herald of Death," Kara responded, and Clark's face fell.

"Great, the last thing we need is the all of the knowledge of the universe in the hand of that psychopath," Clark responded, his face falling and his expression turning dark and brooding.

"She's not a psychopath," Kara responded in a firm and crisp voice, and Clark opened his mouth to protest, but Kara was not done. "She's just confused, and in a new world that she doesn't understand. I was like that too before Harry found me, so don't judge her. We need to keep reaching out for her."

"And I suppose reaching out means taking her into your bed as well," Clark responded, and Kara's eyes flashed, and she looked at Clark, her full attention on him, so Clark pressed on. "I don't know if it's a good idea what you three are doing…"

"Really, I wasn't aware that my sex life was any of your business, Clark," Kara answered, and Clark took a step back, not wanting to think about his cousin having a sex life, especially involving his best friend. "Chloe liked you for years, and you missed your chance, as far as I could tell, because this is really what this is all about, isn't it?"

"No, it's not about that," Clark responded, stepping over his words, and speaking a little too fast. "It's just that a relationship is supposed to be…."

"What between one man and one woman?" Kara asked Clark.

"No, that's…between two people," Clark responded, not wanting to sound like a bigot, although some people around where he was raised would state that. He heard some slurs about those who enjoyed the company of the same sex in his day, and a few of the more fanatical ones stated that those people should be hung from trees.

"Why does it have to be two?" Kara asked. "Why if three or more consenting adults love and respect each other?"

"It's….just wrong," Clark stammered.

"How is it wrong?" Kara argued.

"It's…." Clark managed, and Kara just looked at him.

"You don't have an answer, do you, Kal-El?" Kara asked him, making sure to use his full Kryptonian name to let him know her agitation with him being judgmental. "Because I'd imagine that you had similar desires, to be in a relationship with more than one girl at the same time, didn't you?"

Clark shook his head at that point.

"Don't lie to me," Kara whispered to him, and she looked at Clark with a burning expression.

"Yes, but I was on the Red Kryptonite then," Clark spat out, but he felt he was fighting a losing battle.

"Yes, Clark, you might have been, but Harry and I studied that extensively to create the cure for you and Lana," Kara replied, removing the bullets from Clark's gun, and staring him down. "Those thoughts were already in your mind, those desires, it just removed your inhibitions. Funny you think something is wrong, because you sure thought about doing it, didn't you?"

Clark resembled a fish out of water.

"Oh, and Clark, just a heads up, there is a dangerous alien queen after you," Kara remarked to Clark, and this got Clark's attention away from the harem thing regarding Harry.

"So, she's going to want to kill me?" Clark asked.

"Worse, she's going to want to bed you, have a ton of steamy hardcore alien sex, and take you back you her home planet so the two of you can rule," Kara responded, and she looked at Clark who was thrown off by this nonchalant declaration by Kara. "She has red hair and is stunningly beautiful, and I'm not sure if your mind can handle resist her charm. Her kiss won't kill you, but it will ensnare you further. So make sure you keep Lana, or any other girls you might be secretly wanting a threesome with in your mind."

Clark opened his mouth to protest, but Kara struck him with a silencing spell. She was going to give Clark plenty of time to think about what he did.

"I can't help you with this one, I've been helping you far too often," Kara responded. "If we find the crystal, we'll let you know."

Clark just offered a wordless nod, and Kara zoomed off. The silencing spell disappeared. Clark had a lot to think about, and he realized that perhaps he was being a bit judgmental about the entire situation. What Chloe, Kara, and Harry wanted to do should be their own business, even if Clark did wonder if Kara had a point.

He did not want to think about those desires that he might be having.

Whilst Kara warned Clark, Harry sat at the Shining Light Foundation, trying to pinpoint the location of both the third Herald of Death, and Maxima. Both of them posed dangers, albeit of different sorts. He had already heard the word that four men had been found by medics, poisoned completely. One had been saved just barely, but there would be complications. Three others suffered a fatal blow.

Harry could not worry about that as of right now, the lives of others paled to the problem of what would happen if Maxima got her claws into Clark. The woman obviously was desperate to find a powerful mate. Given what he had been able to piece together of the alien genetic makeup of her people, they had been strong.

Kryptonians had been among the few species who had been able to survive a full mating process. One of the other races was the Czarnians, but they seemed to be rather scarce, even though according to Kara, the last one was rumored to be working as some kind of bounty hunter, for the highest dollar.

Harry continued to piece together some kind of tracking signal, and as such, he barely heard Megan enter the room. Claire followed Megan into the room.

"Hi, Dad, what are you doing?" Claire asked curiously.

"We have a bit of a problem," Harry answered, and Claire looked at him with innocent eyes.

"What kind of problem?" Claire asked.

"There is an alien queen who wants to ask Clark out on a date," Harry responded, framing the question in the most innocent manner that he could.

A frown spread over Claire's face. "Oh, and is she nice?"

"No, she's a bit fanatical, and she won't take no for an answer," Harry responded. "And she doesn't seem like the type to share."

"Oh, that's unfortunate, Clark needs all the love that he can, just like you," Claire answered, wise beyond her years. "He does seem a bit stressed out. I know him and Lana are together, but you, Mom, and Chloe are together, and it seems to be working out just alright."

Harry did not want to meddle in the love life of anyone, knowing how much he hated it when people did to him. Megan walked over, and whispered in Harry's ear.

"Um, what type of alien queen are we talking about?" Megan asked, curiosity getting the better of them.

"Maxima is her name," Harry responded, and Megan just paled a bit. "Megan, what's the matter? You're turning white."

"I am!" Megan yelled, and she panicked, before she realized that Harry was referring to her skin going pale, and not anything else. "Oh, yeah, well it's just, I've…heard about her people, somewhere, I can't remember where. You weren't kidding when you said they would not take no for an answer. They're highly proud, and also…well they're just highly proud."

Harry just responded with a nod, and looked at Megan, raising an eyebrow curiously. Claire walked off from the room, just standing in the corner.

"And she's after Clark," Megan remarked, and she brushed her red hair out of her eyes, when she started to babble. "And…oh boy, that's not good. Lana might not even be able to protect him, not on her own, but she's determined, and has been training hard. At the same time…Maxima has been training her entire life, from the cradle to now, and she's been around for a long time."

"I can tell," Harry responded, and Megan looked at him, with Harry looking back. "There are times where I get the impression that you know much more than you let on, Megan."

Megan just paused, and Harry looked at the girl.

"I know where you've come from, and that's fine, but just remember that you got to learn to be comfortable in your own skin, before you truly know who you are," Harry answered. "People won't think any less of you about what you are, at least the people who truly should matter. It's who you are that matters, not where you came from, or what your people might have done before you."

Megan just turned around, nodding slowly. The truth was White Martians had been considered monsters, and while there were a few bad eggs among them, it was blown out of proportion by propaganda that had been spread throughout the universe.

"Thanks Harry," Megan responded, and she turned, looking outside the window. "So, good luck at tracking down…um whatever it is you're doing."

"Thanks," Harry replied to her, and Megan walked off. Claire sat in the corner, working on her homework. Kara returned, just in time. She greeted Claire with a quick hug, before she moved over to Harry.

"I warned Clark, and we had words about…well you know," Kara said quickly.

"Yeah, that was coming," Harry answered, not really thinking about it. "Our third Herald of Death is on her way to the Daily Planet, and she's tailing Queen Maxima."

"And now we'll be tailing her," Kara added, and the two zoomed off, with Claire being very annoyed that her homework got blown all over the place, by her parents blowing off at super speed..

With a frown, she cleared up her work.

The warning Kara had recently given him was fresh in his mind, but the truth was that Clark was not distracted. He had decided to smooth things over with Lana first, and then with Chloe.

Although there was a good clue that Lana was closer to Clark than he thought, given the fact that she vowed to protect him at all times. Still, there was the alien queen that Clark had to worry about, and he made his way to the elevator, when he spotted a red haired woman standing inside.

Maxima had decided to take a closer look at this building, but so far, her search for her soul mate had come up empty handed. However, fate tended to have a way of throwing the cards back into her favor, and it did with who walked inside the door.

"Hello," Clark responded, half paying attention to the woman.

Maxima saw his demeanor, his broad shoulders, his tall body, and that was not all she noticed. The woman thought that if this was not the one, she would scream in frustration. Maxima stepped forward, and grabbed Clark, before pushing him back against the elevator.

Panic flooded Clark's mind, when he felt the strength of this woman who could physically dominate him.

"What are you doing?" Clark managed through a hazed expression, but the woman pushed Clark back, his back hitting the wall.

"Such strength, looks like I've finally found the one that I was looking for," Maxima responded, and she enjoyed that he pushed back, because it made the conquest that more thrilling.

It was no fun dominating someone who was weak of body, but when there was someone who could match her strength, that was where the true fun began.

Clark felt himself ensnared by this woman, but he tried to follow Kara's advice, to keep Lana to the front of his mind. It allowed him moments of resistance, when suddenly, Maxima grabbed him hard, and leaned forward, before her lips pressed against his in a searing hot kiss.

The Kryptonian felt his inhibitions melt away slowly, and Maxima deepened the kiss. His mind was shut down of all thoughts of resistance. Why should he resist, she was so gorgeous, and the thought of any other woman had left his mind.

Clark tried to push through, he was stronger, but suddenly his resistance was worn down by the way the hands were moving. As the elevator seemed to go up, Maxima was working her way down Clark's body and was about to unbuckle his pants to give him the thrill of his life.

The elevator stopped, and the door opened. Lois stepped inside. She was about to say the words "going down", but given the sight she was visited with, the fact that those words seemed oddly inappropriate right now. Never one for tact, Lois spoke up.

"Who are you?" Lois asked, looking at Maxima.

Maxima just looked at Lois, like she was a momentarily amusement at best. "I am Queen Maxima, the ruler of Almerac, and I'm here to take my soul mate back to our planet, so we can rule over all."

"Right, and I'm the queen of the mole people," Lois answered in a disbelieving voice, but Maxima just looked at her, ready to bring Clark back home.

"None shall stand in my way of claiming my prize," Maxima responded in a crisp voice, and Clark stood there, in a trance. Lois began snapping her fingers, trying to get Clark's attention.

When that didn't work, Lois tried the old stand-by of slapping Clark in the face, repeatedly, to try and bring him back to reality. That did not really work all that much either. Clark was completely out to lunch, and likely it was almost like he was some kind of spell.

"Clark, think of Lana, think of anyone, just snap out of it!" Lois yelled, a bit frantic.

"Lois," Clark mouthed, but Maxima shoved Lois to the ground.

"Let's go, my king," Maxima replied, grabbing Clark, snaking her arm around his head. "You have proven yourself to be worthy of being on my arm, and together we shall rule with strength, and punish all who dare defy us."

"No, you should serve the people, not the other way around," Clark slurred, his mind becoming less hazed.

Maxima sighed, his little morality would have been so cute, had it not been so annoying. She was about to seal the deal with another kiss, sealing her pull, when suddenly, a fist ripped through the elevator, and punched Maxima directly in the face.

Maxima turned around, and saw Lana right on her, and she rushed over for Clark.

"How quaint, the human that my mate has fine-tuned his love making skills with," Maxima answered smelling her mate's scent all over this one, and she looked at Lana, surveying her. "You have done well, but your usefulness has passed. But if you ask nicely, perhaps you may have a role, as a servant to attend to our needs. Beg for me."

Maxima grabbed Lana by the head, but Lana pushed her back.

"I'll do no such thing," Lana answered, and she grabbed Maxima, around the waist, flying her through the wall at super speed. Both women continued to fly, before Lana slammed Maxima into the fresh mud outside. Both women had been splattered with mud.

Karen arrived, and normally she would have amused. If she was not so certain that Lana would be utterly annihilated by Maxima, power upgrade or not, and the third Herald of Death surveyed the situation, trying to figure out her next move

Clark was still half in la-la land, and Lois was down on the ground. Karen grabbed Lois, and picked her up.

"Lana will get killed if you don't help her," Karen replied to Lois, whispering in her ear. "If Maxima wins this rite of combat, she can claim Clark by universal law."

"Really?" Lois asked in confusion, but she spun around. "Just who are you?"

"I'm Clark's cousin," Karen answered to her.

"Another one?" Lois asked her, confusion spreading towards her. "You do keep cropping out of the wood-work. So I'm guessing you and Kara are twins or sisters or something?"

"One could put it that way, yes, but anyway, we don't come from Earth, we come from a planet that is long dead called Krypton, and have special abilities underneath the yellow sun," Karen answered , telling Lois anything she needed to know, knowing that she would wipe her memories later.

"Really?" Lois asked, dubious, but that would explain so very much.

"Lana was gifted those powers, and Chloe does as well, and now you do too," Karen continued, and Lois was completely flummoxed.

"How do you…"

"You've been given Kryptonian powers for two hours, giving you more than ample time to defeat Maxima," Karen responded to her in a crisp and calm voice.

"And why don't you do it?" Lois asked her.

"I have no interest in winning the hand of my cousin in ritual combat," Karen responded.

"Right, you are related," Lois answered.

"That's not the problem, he's just not my type," Karen replied in a crisp voice, and Lois was taken aback. The truth was Karen's type had bright green eyes, messy dark hair, was a wizard, and was named Harry Potter.

Not that she would mention it on anything more than a subconscious level. Her other type were blonde haired, blue eyed Kryptonians named Kara.

"Help Lana," Karen encouraged, and that was what Lois did, speeding off like a blur.

Karen watched as Lana was losing ground, despite holding up her end of the fight gallantly. Once Lois and Lana defeated Maxima, then one of the Heralds could send her back to where she come from, although it was possible that Maxima's pride would cause her to take a fight to the death attitude.

The show was about to begin.

To Be Continued in "Maxima Part Two."