
Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Arising Part Two.

Clark was blasted onto his back with a powerful burst of magical energy. The energy caused every single inch of his body to feel like it was on fire. He struggled to get up to his feet. Then a wave of pain washed over him. It was like Kryptonite, only a thousand times worse. He felt like red hot metal was puncturing his skin, and he tried to struggle up. His skin blistered, which he had no idea was possible with him.

His vision was blurry. The Kryptonian struggled to his feet. His knees crumpled from the pain.

The high cold laughter of the dark force in front of him continued to ring out. It was taunting, twisted, music in the ears of Clark. He tried to focus his X-Ray vision. A magical blast repelled it back into his own eyeballs, causing everything to hurt like hell. His ears rang as well.

Kara flew in, and grabbed Harry around the waist. She tried to wrestle him to the ground.

"Let go of him!" Kara yelled in Harry's ear.

Kara tried to grab onto Harry. She tried to get through with him.

"Foolish alien girl, you waste my time!"

Kara was knocked back from the impact. Harry stepped forward. The dark force that beat inside him had compelled him to hurt her even more. Yet, the love Harry felt for Kara, it was holding him back. He was unable to raise one hand to hurt her even more. The dark haired wizard opted to bind her wrists and ankles together instead.

Harry spun around, and Clark tried to attack him. The attack was blocked. Luna stood in the background.

"Harry, I know you're in there somewhere, fight it," Clark told him. There was a long pause. "You couldn't hurt Kara, so there's parts of you that are fighting it."

"Yes, the vessel's attraction to this creature is most annoying," Harry said with disgust dripping from his voice, and he slashed his hand at Clark. Blood was drawn, and Clark was knocked around a bit more. "However, I can harm you, and I will."

Harry began to fire several spells at Clark. Clark dodged them at super speed. However, he eventually was flung against the wall. The Kryptonian smashed hard into the wall with a sickening impact. No matter how hard he fought the powers he had were no match for that of Lord Voldemort. Harry stepped forward, and a spell struck his back. Luna stepped in, and Clark jumped at Harry. He tried to put Harry through the wall. Harry blocked it, and propelled Clark back.

Clark landed on the ground, and rolled over. Harry walked forward, and stood over Clark. He prepared to finish the job, and sacrifice the traveler.

"Clark, remember the secret weapon!" Luna yelled.

Harry spun around, and Clark reached into his coat for a lead-lined box. He pulled out the black Kryptonite. Rushing over, the rock glowed in his hand. It was like fire. The rock was pressed against Harry.

"You think that rock is going to defeat…." Harry said, but immediately the essence of Lord Voldemort had been sucked out of Harry. Voldemort hovered a few inches off of the ground. Clark got a good look at him. This dark wizard had a smoky white face, with twisted red slits for eyes, and no lips. The rest of his form was black as what passed as a soul for him.

Harry sent him flying with a spell. His essence was sent backwards. Green eyes flickered at the red eyed wraith that was floating in the air. Harry prepared himself for the battle.

"Now, it's just me and you, Voldemort, like it should have been."

Voldemort offered a high round of cold laughter. His form was nearly complete. However, this just left him open for another attack. Harry blasted Voldemort a few times, slashing his hand through the air. The dark haired wizard tried to stop him before he could latch onto another vessel, or worse, return. The two hated enemies surrounded each other.

"You think you can defeat me, when you can't even defeat the demons in your mind," Voldemort taunted him.

"I don't need to defeat you, Riddle, you defeated yourself," Harry told him firmly. The situation was intense. He tried to prevent the wraith from taking him back over. He was stronger. His heart beat faster. He would not let this monster define his life.

"What are you blathering about, Potter?"

Harry jumped forward, and sent a series of spells at Voldemort. Voldemort deflected them. This would normally mean that Harry would be almost down for the count. However, he had a couple of tricks up his sleeve. One of them was a spell that sent Voldemort crashing into the wall, where solid steel spikes materialized. Blood dripped down from his back.

"Do you really think it's that easy?" Voldemort gasped.

"No, but this might be," Kara said. She sent a blast of heat vision at Voldemort. Voldemort screamed, and Harry jumped in, to finish Voldemort off with a high intensity blast of magic. Given that he was only a shadow of his former self, the former Dark Lord exploded into dust particles.

The darkness deep within Harry had been eliminated. Harry had finally defeated Voldemort, and could be at peace.

Harry collapsed into Kara's arms. Kara held him, looking up in his face with a smile on hers. She brushed his hair away from his eyes, and smiled at him. Harry cave her a weak smile.

"Are you okay, my love?" Kara asked Harry in a soothing voice.

"I'm back, Kara, one hundred percent," Harry said, and Kara cradled him in her arms. She planted light kisses on his forehead. Harry bit his lip nervously. "So you still love me, even after all that happened?"

Kara looked at him with an incredulous voice. Did he really doubt the love she had for him?

"I love you, always and forever," Kara said. She pulled him into a deep kiss to emphasize that point. "It wasn't your fault, what happened. And the two of us, we can rebuild. It's going to take a long time, but we're going to do it. The two of us, we can take on the world."

Harry smiled. He always felt that with Kara, he could accomplish anything.

Clark watched. Now that they were back to normal, they reminded him of the Kara and Harry that he knew back in his world. Back in his world, he was reminded of something that needed to be done. Time was running short.

Luna seemed to understand what happened, and she cleared her throat with a loud "hem hem". This acction caused Luna to get a nasty look from Harry.

"I think you can have your reunion later," Luna said. The blonde took a few seconds to think about what was going to happen. "Kal-El here does not belong here. Even if he would be welcomed by most, this universe has an unfortunate habit of erasing people who do not belong. Therefore, we need to return him home."

Harry and Kara exchanged looks, and nodded. It was long overdue time for Clark to return to his universe. Kara looked at the cousin she never had in this universe. A smile spread across her face. Her expression and demeanor had softened from earlier.

"We can send you back to where you should have been," Kara said. "If I'm not mistaken, your universe's Harry and Kara are in danger, and may need a little assistance until their powers completely returned."

Clark's only response was a swift nod.

"Right this way," Harry told him. He allowed Clark to follow him down the corridor. The dark haired wizard paused, and turned around with an afterthought. "And sorry for what happened."

Clark waved it off. "You weren't yourself."

Kara, Luna, and Harry lead Clark down the hallway. There was a level deep down on the bottom floor that would send Clark where he needed to be.

Harry, Kara, and Luna finished leading Clark to his destination. They moved down a spiraling set of stairs. Eventually they reached their destination. Clark had thought for sure he would disappear at that moment. His powers were slowly returning, even if he was a bit sore. Clark took a deep breath, and looked at Harry, Kara, and Luna.

"This world it's…."

"A nightmare, I know," Luna said. The girl sighed. "The thing is that what was once destroyed can be rebuilt once again. All it takes is some patience and some perseverance, and two dedicated people. Harry and Kara were beloved heroes once."

"We're going to be once again," Harry said. He was firm in that statement, and stood up proud.

Kara smiled. "Each journey begins with a step. And your step begins by walking through that portal, and helping take down one of your greatest enemies."

Everyone allowed a moment to make sure everything was ready. They did not need any other surprises.

"By my calculations, there is only twenty seven minutes before Harry and Kara have their powers returned, and slightly more than that before Krypton blows up," Luna said. Clark gave her a strange look as she said this statement. "I know things, Kal-El. That's my meteor ability, remember. To be able to see through things that others cannot perceive, to have awareness of different worlds. It's not an easy power to master, but alas it is one that I have."

Clark could understand how that particular power could drive a person mad. Mastering his powers had been a journey. A journey that had many potholes along the road, and in some ways the journey had just only begun. There would be plenty of time to work on that later. Right now, he stood, waiting.

"You must leave," Luna said curtly.

"Yes, because the world will erase you," Harry told him. "Whatever, is holding you into place will not hold for long. The world you know has stopped the moment you left. However, it will go on, with or without you. And countless may perish without your influence like they did here."

Clark understood. Kara walked up to him next. It seemed like she was struggling with what to say next. Eventually she just decided to spit it out.

"I admit when I imagined my cousin, you weren't quite what I had in mind," Kara said with a smile. "I really apologize for throwing you through that window."

"I know what the Red Kryptonite does to people," Clark told Kara. Kara relaxed, and nodded. "And to be honest, I'm sure you're not the first person who would have thrown me out of a window if they had a chance."

A grin spread across Kara's face at that statement. Hopefully, even if the world she knew perished, Clark could return. Her cousin could triumph. Everything would work out in the end, and this nightmare world would never come to be.

"You better get going soon," Kara said. She looked at Clark with a serious look on her face. "Your Kara needs your help, and I'll be fine. I'm sure she cares a great deal about you. Even if you can't seem to fly."

Clark cracked a smile at that. Harry walked over to him.

"Not that I'm trying to rush you or anything, but I don't know how much longer I can keep this portal open," Harry told Clark.

Clark responded with a swift nod. It was time to leave right now. He spun around, and prepared to walk off towards the portal. Luna grabbed his arm, and stopped him.

"Before you go, there's something that I want to tell you," Luna said.

Clark was confused, and Luna grabbed him by the shirt, before pulling him into a kiss. This action caught Clark off guard. He pulled away, and Luna had a satisfied smirk on her face. Clark looked at the strange girl, completely dumbstruck by what she did. It seemed so gloriously random and out of the blue.

"It was on my bucket list," Luna said. Clark looked confused. "Kiss a male alien."

Clark just nodded. Some strange girl randomly kissing you was something that did not happen every day. Not that the kiss was bad, but it was just unexpected.

Naturally Luna had already kissed a female alien, and she was quite an amazing kisser. Luna looked over at Kara with a smile. Then Harry joined in, and it was a real party. Luna could not walk for a week, but it was worth it. However, that was a story where she would keep the details to herself. Right now, Luna nudged Clark. She averted her eyes towards the gateway.

"Your gateway to your destiny awaits, Kal-El," Luna told him.

"Stay safe," Kara said. She had many things that she wanted to say to her cousin, advice she wanted to impart on him. Sadly, there was no time.

Clark turned around, and took a step towards the portal. The energy glowed around him. It felt odd going back in time. Yet he was sure that this would not be sidetracked, unlike the last time he had stepped through this portal.

Harry and Kara looked at each other with a sad smile. They could not tell Clark the truth, because that would make him want to stay. Even if it meant sacrificing himself, and that truth was when Clark went back in time, he had caused a chain reaction that would have caused this world to never exist. It had served its purpose.

Harry and Kara wrapped their arms around each other. Luna had already vanished into oblivion. They exchanged a deep and passionate kiss. Both of them really got into it. Their tongues probed each other's mouths, and they danced with passion. This would be the last thing they did, before they were no more. They just wished that could do more, one more time before everything faded.

The solace they had was that this world and all of these deaths should never come to be. Harry and Kara disappeared into the light, along with this world. Everything was gone. The last thoughts they had was the love they shared for each other. It was not something that could be erased by any means.

Everything faded to black, and the world they knew no longer existed. Even if the love they did would go on through all eternity. The two faded out, along with the rest of world.

An energy field held Harry and Kara back. The two of them tried to push back, and they almost broke it.

"Time is running out," Brainiac told Kara and Harry. "All I have to do is stop that ship from leaving."

The two Heralds of Death broke out.

"Again for a computer, you talk too much," Kara told Brainiac, and she sent heat vision at Brainiac. Brainiac met Kara with a blast of heat vision of his end.

Harry jumped in, and blasted Brainiac hard. The menace flew backwards.

'Five more minutes until our powers come back,' Harry mentally projected to Kara.

Kara nodded. They had to keep the mental link up. That was an easy way to communicate without Brainiac knowing what was going on. Scheming was part of winning any battle, and that link was something that would be their most valuable resource. Harry and Kara flew forward, and knocked Brainiac for a loop. Brainiac repelled them, and made his way towards the doors of Jor-El's lab. The sounds of a ship arming for launch could be heard. Brainiac had to stop that ship from leaving. Kal-El's demise was at hand.

"Kara Zor-El, Harry Potter, the two of you have meddled in plans where you have no comprehension of."

"You'd be surprised what I can comprehend, you glorified programming error," Kara said, sending heat vision when she spoke.

"Insufferable, much like Jor-El."

Kara saw red when she was compared to that particular person, and she nearly took out Brainiac through the sheer force of anger. It was unfortunate for her that Brainiac blocked the attack.

Clark popped up in a flash of light, and knocked Brainiac back. Brainiac flew into a crystal structure, and smacked hard. His eyes looked up, and he seemed unsurprised. The computer got up, and properly faced Clark.

"Hello, Kal-El, here to witness your own demise?" the machine taunted him. Clark rushed over. Brainiac dodged him. He felt fatigued, and Brainiac sent him flying back. "I don't know if you've noticed, but there is no yellow sun here. Without the yellow sun, you are weak, and mortal."

Clark realized that the charm Luna had put on him had worn off. He was in a predicament. Brainiac tried to stab Clark like he did Lana. Barely, Clark blocked the attack. He used his remaining strength to shove Brainiac off.

"You won't win," Clark said through gritted teeth, and he tried to go for Brainiac. The lunge attack did not work. Brainiac knocked Clark back once again .Clark was down on his knees, and at the mercy of Brainiac.

"You're not in Kansas anymore, Kal-El," Brainiac said. His hand clenched around Clark's throat, choking him. Clark struggled against the grip of Brainiac. "I get to kill both your present and past self on the same day. It will be like you never existed, and Krypton shall flourish. I am Krypton!"

"No, you're just a machine with a few programming errors," Clark managed. His breath was short. "You're flawed, damaged!"

"It is you who is flawed, Kal-El," Brainiac said. He began to choke Clark some more. The dagger was in his hand. He raised it above his head. "And now I shall correct that fundamental error of your existence."

Before Brainiac could do the devious deed to Clark, Kara propelled herself into the air. She flew at Brainiac, and sent him flying with a swift attack. Brainiac was driven down to the ground, sending an explosion of rock.. Kara took out her aggressions on Brainiac, hammering him with punch after punch. Harry jumped over, and waved his hand. Clark felt himself get empowered once again. The red sun above Krypton empowered him, magically filtered into yellow sunlight, and Clark rushed over at super speed towards one of his toughest enemies.

Clark nailed Brainiac with a punch that nearly broke the sound barrier. A tremor caused everything on the planet to shake. The ship began to launch, as the planet began to crack underneath them. It would only be a matter of minutes before the core exploded.

Brainiac flew high into the air. He could stop the ship. Clark had other ideas. He grabbed onto Brainiac's legs, and pulled him away. Brainiac stabbed Clark in the chest. Clark fell to the ground. This did stall Brainiac, and make his target be much more difficult to reach.

Harry had used this distraction to knock Brainiac down. Kara caught Brainiac with a kick from behind, and smashed a large chunk of debris over his head. The knees of the malicious machine buckled. Harry reached up his sleeve, and found a port. He inserted the virus into Brainiac.

"You can't do this," Brainiac managed. "The BrainInteractive Construct will…"

His statement was cut off, and the machine found himself unable to articulate what he needed to say. His systems were crippled. They could potentially be rebooted. One of his powers was that he was highly adaptable. Harry and Kara could not let that happen. Their powers had returned. Two waves of energy shot from their hands. They struck the malicious machine. He began to rattle underneath their efforts, and slowly came undone.

"No, system error, must purge," Brainiac managed. "You're tearing me…must download…"

"Not today," Kara said Brainiac, blocking Brainiac from uploading a copy of himself elsewhere.

The machine began to break apart, devolving into a lower and lower level of intelligence with each passing motion. It was the closest thing a machine could feel with pain. Brainiac was blown to smithereens. All copies of Brainiac past, present, and future had ceased to exist thanks to their powers. The machine was no more.

Clark rolled over. He felt faint, and cold. Kara walked over, and grabbed Clark. She propped him up. Using a bit of magic, Kara managed to heal Clark's injuries that he suffered. He looked like he had a long day, and that was a feeling that the two of them could sympathize with.

There was a long pause, before Kara let out the breath she was holding.

"Clark, everything's going to be fine," Kara said. The planet gave one last shake, and the core was about to reach critical pass. Kara and Harry hovered over it, holding Clark up. "We did it."

"How do we get home?" Clark asked.

Harry paused for a minute. He had to really think this one through, and fast. Even though Clark's ship would have safely launched, there was really no way to get back. Harry took a deep breath. He might have been down, but he was not out.

Suddenly, a blinding light appeared over the top of them. They saw the Shining Light Foundation on the other side. Kara, Harry, and Clark looked at what lied in wait on the other side of the portal.

"I guess that's our answer," Kara said. The planet shook beneath their feet. The towers in the distance began to topple. "We better get going, before it's too late."

Kara and Harry held onto Clark, and guided him through the time portal. The three flew side by side and the planet of Krypton exploded. They passed through the portal just seconds before

Krypton had perished. While Harry and Kara may have been able to reverse it from happening, thousands of other lives elsewhere would have been sacrificed in exchange. It was very tempting to think about what might have been. Those were thoughts that had vexed people for centuries, and had taunted them.

As easy as it was to think about what might have been, it was more prudent to think about what was here now. Krypton exploded into a shower of meteors, which followed Kal-El's rocket ship through to Earth. And history to the point where Harry and Kara left to fight Brainiac remained unchanged.

The world was as it should have been, for better or for worse.

They were back at the Shining Light Foundation. It was almost like they never left. Lana stood in the hallway at that moment. She looked around. It was a moment before she regained her bearings. The dark haired woman blinked, surprised, and rather astonished.

"Why do I have a feeling that I just narrowly missed something bad?" Lana asked.

Harry, Kara, and Clark exchanged knowing looks. They were the only three people who remembered what happened. Suddenly, Lana's confusion dawned on Clark.

"Lana, you don't remember?" Clark told inquired. Lana shook her head. "You disappeared into nothing, or I disappeared. And Lily Potter sent me back to another world where I didn't exist."

Harry's expression darkened. Kara's did as well. The two of them knew what had happened. They knew who had let Brainiac into the Shining Light Foundation. Harry and Kara stood around, and stepped down the hall. They saw Claire sitting on a chair. They rushed forward to check on her.

"Claire, I'm so glad, you're okay," Kara said to her.

There was a long pause with Claire looking at Harry and Kara. The eleven year old girl blinked. She wondered if her parents were feeling okay.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Claire asked in a confused voice.

Harry and Kara looked at each other. Perhaps Claire not remembering her ordeal was for the best. No one seemed to remember what had happened. The two just made sure their daughter was all there. They would have to give her a full check-up to make sure there were no lingering surprises from Brainiac. Everyone was really pleased with how this turned out. This day could have ended rather badly. Yet, everything remained fine. Everything was just going to be fine.

"Claire, we've all had a long day," Kara told her.

Claire looked at the two of them, and gave them a swift nod.

"I can tell," Claire told them. The girl had a bright smile, untainted and ignorant at what happened. "Something happened, and you fixed it. You saved the day, like you always should."

Kara and Harry smiled. They moved Claire off. While she seemed to be fine, Harry and Kara still wanted to have her get checked out. The two of them walked Claire off into the distance. Kara was pleased that this was all over, just in time to get married. Soon they would be a family officially, on paper. Not that any stupid paper mattered to Kara. All that mattered was what was alive in their hearts.

As long as they were together, they could take on anything that the world had to offer. The couple stood in the background. Clark and Lana had been left alone. There was a bit of silence from their reunion, as Clark held Lana in his arms.

"Kara and Harry said that your powers will come back in a few hours," Clark told her. "Can you handle it?"

"I've been normal for over twenty years, I think I can handle a few more hours," Lana said with a shrug. She looked at Clark. "So Clark, I remember being stabbed by Brainiac."

"Yeah, I thought for a moment that I lost you," Clark said in a calm voice.

There was a moment of silence, before Lana grabbed Clark by the hand. She looked firmly in his eye.

"Clark, after all that we've been through, it won't be that easy," Lana said. "Sometimes in life, we don't get happy endings. Yet, if we get tested like this time and time again, we should get that happy ending."

Clark shared Lana's hope. Some might have considered that belief to be one of a fool. There had been times where he had thought that he had that moment with Lana. There always seemed to be something that pulled that happy ending out of his grasp. The two of them had been through many trials, and tribulations.

"I do remember something else, that we do need to talk about," Lana said. Clark looked at Lana. "You said that you couldn't bear to lose me again. And I know that was more than from when I married Lex and you thought I died. There was something else. Lily said that there was no reset button this time."

Clark had hoped that Lana would have forgotten about this as well as most other things. He could not have been so lucky. Lana stepped forward, and she had Clark pinned against the wall. Her strength had not returned, yet her determination remained such.

"Clark, I understand that you don't really want to talk about whatever happened," Lana said. There was another moment of silence between the two of them. "But, I can sense that it's been something that has been eating away at you."

Lana had really hit the nail on the head, Clark thought. Clark stood before Lana. There was really no easy way to say what needed to be said. The two looked at each other. There was a tense moment of silence between the two. Lana looked at Clark with a pleading look. There were times where she felt they were closer together than ever before. And there were times where she felt that Clark still put up walls to guard himself.

"Let me in, Clark," Lana whispered to him. She placed her hand on his cheek, and looked into his eyes.

Clark felt that the anticipation had to be worse than the aftermath.

"Two years ago, you died," Clark said. Lana suspected this much. "I…well I told you my secret then. And Lex found out you know. That was after the Senate Election with my father…"

"The night he died," Lana gasped. Suddenly, she felt a stirring of guilt in her stomach that she could not completely squash.

"Yes, that night," Clark said. He thought that night was one of the worst nights of his life. Clark opted to tell Lana an abridged version of that story. "Lex had a few drinks, had an argument with you, and accidentally ran you off of the road. You died from what happened. I went back in time; I never told you my secret. And my father died of a heart attack after an argument with Lionel Luthor."

Lana appreciated this from Clark. She wrapped her arms around Clark. A bit of guilt stung her.

"Clark, I'm so sorry," Lana whispered to him.

"Lana, this isn't your fault," Clark said.

"You heard what Harry and Kara said about the balance," Lana said to him. "If a person was saved, that meant someone else had to die. And since I didn't die…oh my God, I feel so…"

Lana seemed to really take the revelation badly. She pulled away from Clark. Kara stepped in front of Lana. Harry was right behind her. Kara frowned. She could sense a lot of self-loathing and guilt coming on. It was best to nip this one in the bud.

"Lana, Clark's right, none of this is your fault," Kara said in a gentle voice. "Clark made a decision to go back and save you. Jonathan Kent died."

"Clark would not have been able to save you, had your fate been completely sealed," Harry explained to Lana. Lana opened her mouth to protest, but Harry was not done. "Jonathan Kent was a good man. I never met him, but I've heard enough good things about him. I think we might have gotten along decently enough. However, perhaps he was the one destined to die on that night. And if not that night, it would have been a week from there or a month from there. His heart was weakened. He pushed on through. Eventually something would have had to give."

Lana conceded that was true. Clark had to also concede that was unfortunately true. If he had not gone back in time, Jonathan Kent may have died regardless. Maybe not on that night, but he would have died before too long. Whether it be days more, weeks more, or months more, Clark could not say.

Harry and Kara looked at each other. They walked around. Lily had vanished from the Shining Light Foundation mainframe. She had done the dastardly deed of letting Brainiac in, and kidnapping Claire. Harry had no idea what her intentions were. This had to be one of her tests, although what it amounted to, they had no idea.

The gloves were off regarding Lily. Harry had tried to give her the benefit of a doubt. However, family or not, she had a lot to explain for. No one let a monster like that into someone's home.

They needed to find Lily, and put her down. The one good thing was that somehow she had left the Fortress. However, she had to be somewhere.

The real question was where?

There were a few ideas, but Harry and Kara felt that after that night, they needed to check up on everyone and make sure they're okay. Everything appeared to be stabilized, and no one remembered what happened except for those who had time traveled. It was time to perform a scan of everything, which would take time. Harry would need to make sure Lily was gone to a the microscopic degree.

Lex Luthor had plenty of time to ponder about his lot in life. The most recent revelations had slapped him in the face. There were times where desperate men did desperate things. And the lust for power was something that had tempted many men before him. He drummed his fingers on the desk. The revelation that everything he thought he knew was wrong had continued to taunt him.

In reality, Lex should have known. All of the pieces fit like a demented jigsaw puzzle. He had suspected. His suspicious tended to get distracted by other matters. And Harry Potter knew everything, and covered the trail. Did Potter want to control Clark for his own means? Lex somehow doubted that, even if he would not be surprised. He had seen enough about people and their nature to be automatically suspicious about the intentions of others.

A voice whispered through Lex's ear.

'Lex Luthor.'

Lex sat up straight. He recognized that voice. It was the same taunting voice that had told him about protecting the secrets of the traveler. The same voice who had been behind the man who had shot his father down. Lex sat up straight. His full attention was grabbed.

'You feel betrayed by everyone around you.'

Lex remained rigid. He shook his head.

"I don't think I should be listening to some random voice in my head," Lex said. Lex suddenly felt his muscles react. His hand reached up, and wrapped around his throat. Lex felt himself strangled underneath the grip of his own hand. He was choking himself.

'It would be so easy, Lex. So easy for me to make you kill yourself. So easy to make you throw yourself out of a window or drown yourself or hang yourself.'

Lex's hand loosened from his throat. He fell down on the desk, gasping for precious oxygen. He shook his head, and tried to regain his bearings. Everything was starting to taunt him. The answers were out of his gasp. He could not resist. There was a need to respond to this taunting voice in his head.

"Then why don't you?" Lex asked in a raspy voice. "Whoever you are, there would be many who would cheer you along. You have a Luthor in your grasp, and obviously I'm some puppet dangling on a string to you. Just do it, whoever you are.'

The silence was eerie. Lex despised it. He had so few of the cards on the table at his disposal.

'You'll serve me no purpose, dead, Lex Luthor. You have a great destiny of your own, and today is the day that it will be fulfilled. It's time to drop the façade and show the world who Lex Luthor truthfully is. The world must be saved from an alien threat far greater than you could imagine.'

Lex stood up. This was not on his own free will. His feet were moving own their own accord.

"The traveler, I presume," Lex said. "You had my father shot over this.'

'I didn't kill your father, Lex Luthor. He died because of his own arrogance.'

Lex had to grudgingly agree with that fact. His feet still moved under their own accord. He had no idea why he is being controlled by this mystical puppet. He tried to call for security. Then he stopped himself. What good would security do against a spirit?

'You have been chosen, Lex Luthor. You have been chosen to save the world against the traveler. You have been chosen to be the greatest threat the traveler has ever faced. The traveler, better known as Kal-El or Clark Kent, as you might know him.'

Realization smacked Lex Luthor like a shovel to the face. Clark had been the mysterious traveler all along. The traveler could be the greatest treasure the world had ever seen, or its greatest menace.

A small, microscopic, and miniscule amount of loyalty towards his former friendship with Clark bubbled to surface of Lex's subconscious. It was not much, but it was there.

"Clark for all of his faults, would not conquer the world," Lex said.

'Do you really know Clark Kent? You thought you did. Perhaps you assumed that you would be like brothers, only closer. Yet, Clark shielded his true nature from you for years. All under the carefully constructed veil of lies, he deceived you That deception is something that he seeks spreads across the Earth. Clark Kent could pose himself as some false idol, fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Yet, his species is predisposed to conquest. It is encoded within their DNA. He could rule over all. Yet, you could be the savior of humanity the world needs. All you need to do is listen to me, and the traveler will no longer be a threat. All will be right in the world, and Lex Luthor will be hailed as a hero.'

Lex stepped forward. His paranoia had been properly stirred. He thought about this. A part of him really did feel betrayed about Clark keeping his secret from him for all of these years. That just proved that Clark did not trust him, and likely did not respect him. Clark was the only true friend, and in some instances the only true family, he ever had. That hurt form betrayal had caused Lex to step forward and let this spirit guide him.

Lily Potter was pleased at how her plan was going. Lex Luthor would be the lamb being sent to the slaughter. The traveler would step into the light, and embrace his destiny. All great heroes needed a great enemy to vanquish. What better enemy for a hero than a former friend?

Lex stepped forward, towards a fireplace. He was compelled to reach inside.

Lily watched her puppet dance on a string. Soon the traveler would embrace his destiny.

Much to Lily's utter dismay, the orb was not where she thought it was. She applauded her son and future daughter-in-law for their quick thinking. Lily was proud of both Harry and Kara. Yet, they would be fools to think that this was not over.

In fact it was only just beginning.

She had more than one puppet dangling on a string that she could use. It was time.

To Be Continued in the next arc, Conquest.