
Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Hostage.

"We're going to be late for work you know," said Kara, but she seemed a bit reluctant to detached herself from around Harry. With great self-control, she did so.

Kara dressed at super speed. Harry flicked his hand and the clothes he put out for the day.

"Yeah, but it was worth it," said Harry. "Not to worry through, what are they going to do, fire me?"

Kara smiled, and threw her arms around Harry to give him one final kiss. They were about ready to leave for work. The couple stopped at the sound of humming from inside the cabinet. Harry sighed and his eyes narrowed.

"The journal wants to have a word with me about something," said Harry.

"She told us what we needed to know, didn't she?" asked Kara and Harry nodded to confirm this. "I'd torch the thing before…"

"Don't you think I've tried," whispered Harry in crisp undertone. "The blasted thing is fireproof…well we'll just see what she wants."

Harry cracked open the cabinet. With a swift moment, he flung out the journal on the table. He opened it and Kara stood by his side, eyes narrowed. She almost dared Lily to try something, but the red haired woman peered from inside the journal.

"You and I need to talk," said Lily without any preamble.

"We need to talk, well after last night, you're lucky I didn't send you to the center of the Earth," said Harry darkly.

Lily shook her head, and sighed. Tension filled the air.

"I deserved that and I deserve every negative thing you have ever said about me," said Lily. "I think it's…noble that you tried to help someone that you hate."

"I don't hate Lana…it's just she's just made choices that I don't like in the past," said Harry. "And I gave her a chance. More of a chance than I should have maybe. I don't know why I did, I just did."

"Harry, it's because you hope for the best in people," said Kara softly and intertwined her arm around his. "You're not naïve about it but at t the same time, you just give them a chance, to see what they can do."

"Or enough rope to hang themselves with," added Harry.

Kara smiled and tightened her grip on Harry's arm.

"Or that as well."

Lily sighed.

"Your charm is interesting, although turning her into what essentially is a powerless Kryptonian might not have been exactly what I would have suggested," said Lily and Kara's eyes turned to Harry, giving him a slightly questioning gaze. "You didn't tell her about this."

"I didn't tell anyone about this yet," said Harry. "Lana could live out the rest of her life in bitterness, without knowing or it could open the door for something else. The choice is hers, she's walking a delicate line right now. But if she gets her act together…well whatever happens, happens."

Kara could not really get mad at Harry for this. She figured that Harry would not have made such a decision without going over all of the angles.

"Well, Clark will be thrilled if she gets her head on straight," said Kara, but she had some serious reservations that she could not fully let go of yet.

"I didn't feel yesterday was the time to tell you," said Harry with an apologetic tone.

Harry wanted to kill Lily for spilling the beans. It was almost like she tried to drive a wedge between himself and his girlfriend for her own gains. "You were kind of…"

"I was upset about the way Lana was acting," said Kara firmly. "I'm not going to pretend to like her, but…I guess she has reasons for what she did. Maybe they're not good ones, but she has her reasons."

Harry nodded. Everyone had reasons for the way they acted. It was just the choices they made that caused everyone despair that caused him agitation and frustration.

"We just got off the subject though," said Harry and he turned to Lily. "I know you want to tell me something, so spill. After that little information dump on Friday, I assumed that our training was done. Kara's Herald of Death powers still confuse me, and how they vary from mine…but I assumed that we'd set some time to work that out."

"Likewise," said Kara. "Harry had three keys that he had to grab before he tapped into his full powers. Do I need to something like that?"

"You'll know when your training is complete," said Lily in a mysterious voice that offered no hint. "The knowledge I put in your mind was basic training. I'd advise both of you to clear a week of your time soon, because I can conclude your training and then you'd be on your way. And there will be no need for me to be around anymore."

This revelation got Harry's interest immediately.

"What's the catch?" asked Harry.

"No catch," said Lily, and Harry sensed this was the most honest statement he'd ever get from her. "There's some information that I need to tell both of you. And then…once I'm done, I'll be dormant. Your training will be done."

Harry and Kara exchanged a glance, and both nodded.

"We'll get back to you," said Kara.

"Yeah, but we really need to get going," said Harry.

"And when you make it to the end, I'll show you everything Death told me," said Lily, before she added, "Including things she didn't want either of you to know."

That little tidbit caught Harry's curiosity for the moment. Yet, it was long since past time where they needed to head out. Harry and Kara put the journal away.

"So what do you think?" asked Harry.

Kara thought for maybe a second. "We should start the training as soon as possible, I think. "Maybe we can get a better sense of what we actually need to do. Plus the sooner we do it, the sooner she'll be out of our lives, and the soon we'll be able to help Clark."

Kara shifted and a thought visited her.

"Do you think it will be that simple?" she asked.

"We'll know after that week of training is over," said Harry, trying to keep optimism alive in his voice.

Harry and Kara left to make their way to the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters. They would be able to check on the progress of their latest guests. The last they knew would be they were taken to the infirmary. They hoped all of these children would recover, but it was one step at a time.

The two made their rounds around the building and checked in with all of the guests, but everything ran as smoothly as could be expected. Steps were being taken to accommodate the new guests, and only time would tell.

Lex's leg cramped up from the length of time he was restrained. At least that distracted him from the moment from the absolute agony of broken fingers. Lex tried to get a better idea of his location. The young bald man could only do so much with being bound to a chair.

He wished his ears were plugged. The ticking of clocks became a huge annoyance over time, and only got worse. He figured he had been down here for at least half of a day, and for most of the time that was the only sound he heard.

The door opened, and the footsteps welcomed a fresh sound that broke the monotony.

"The ticking drove you mad yet? The clanging and grinding of bells drive you mad yet?"

Lex refused to give the kidnapper the pleasure of answering. He remained proud. He would not break.


Another thump to the head and Lex winced at the pain.

"Just who are you?" managed Lex. His throat was raw, and he could barely speak. He had not eaten or drank anything. The kidnapper had not offered him such a luxury, and Lex did not hold his breath for that.

"I told you, that's for me to know, and you to go to the grave wondering, Alexander," said the kidnapper. He paced back and forth. Lex was almost grateful, for the second of footsteps allowed for a pause from the ticking being the only sound he heard. "Time makes a fool out of the best of us…"

"You seem to have a fixation on time," whispered Lex. "Did my father fire you for being late?"

The kidnapper remained silent.

"No, I'm never late. Always on time, day in and day out, for fifteen years, but there was a secret to my success. I mastered time. Not one second squandered. Not one minute misused, but Lionel never appreciated my dedication. Never appreciated the genius I had, where I created a suit that would allow the user to stop, rewind, or fast forward time around them. No longer would anyone have to worry about not having enough time in the day."

Silence followed this declaration, but only for seconds.

"My father was right, you're a lunatic."

That comment earned Lex another thump to the head with a blunt object.

The kidnapper's rage just escalated. "My story's just begun with your father snubbing me! Remember the meteor shower eighteen years ago?"

"Everything comes back to that moment in time, doesn't it?" slurred Lex.

The kidnapper snapped a piece of wood and Lex thought for a moment was to be bludgeoned to death.

Yet that moment never came.

"Yes, the meteor shower, after your father fired me and had me blackballed, I could never get a steady job again. I opened up this antique clock shop. The meteors rained down, and sure enough, my truck was thrown off the road. I was buried. It was three days before they found me! Three days before they bothered to dig me out! And you know what I heard for seventy two hours straight."

Lex refused to indulge the kidnapper with an answer. The crazed man offered him one regardless.

"The ticking and ringing of the bells of those infernal clocks, again and again, for three days! How I wished to have the strength to smother myself! I was found, in shock, drool dripping form my chin. If Lionel Luthor just accepted my genius proposal, I would have had a normal life, a wife, children, a house, a car. Instead, I have nothing but these clocks!"

The smashing of glass could be heard.

"He stole my life, I'll ruin his," whispered the kidnapper. His voice continued to increase intensity. "He has it, I know he has it! And I'll take it from him!"

The kidnapper paced up and down the floor. His voice continued to grow more manic and psychotic by each passing moment. He already became unhinged, but something pushed him over the edge.

"I was happy to see you arrested all of those months ago, and Lionel having disappeared," said the kidnapper. The kidnapper's voice became soft and deadly. "I thought karma would have finally bitten both of you."

The kidnapper offered a hallow laugh.

"No, we can't have that! The Luthors slip out like they always do. They get out of trouble. Not this time, you'll see."

Lex tried to find a way to free himself, but that was a futile endeavor. All he could was sit and wait. The police would find him eventually.

What state would be in? That was the question that resounded throughout the bald young man's mind.

Harry surveyed the latest guest in his office. "Mr. Luthor, what brings you to my office today?"

Harry faced Lionel Luthor who this time actually phoned ahead. Two security guards were on either side of him. If he even twitched the wrong way, his life would be made miserable.

Harry gave the order to his two security guards. "Stay outside the door, so he'll speak more freely Sit down, make yourself at home, take a load off."

"No thank you, Mr. Potter, I'll stand," said Lionel. His gaze remained fixed. It never left Harry's face. "I'll cut to the chase. As you may have heard, my son had been kidnapped."

"I've heard about it," said Harry in a calm and even voice. He spent a moment shuffling through papers on his desk, before he addressed the elder Luthor. "I'm sure the police are working on a way to find him."

"I hoped that you might know something about the kidnapping," said Lionel. There was no desperation in his voice, just calm coolness. "Lex did stop by for a visit to this building. Did he say anything odd?"

"Other than his continued obsession regarding Clark," said Harry, and Lionel nodded. "Not that I could recall, no."

Lionel paced around the office. Harry allowed him to do this, before he spoke his mind.

"Just come out and say it, Lionel. You want to know if I had anything to do with Lex disappearing."

"I'd never make such an accusation without proof," said Lionel in a diplomatic voice.

"Yet, you've made accusations about me without any proof in the past," responded Harry.

There was a pause, but Lionel composed himself with dignity.

"I fail to see what you're talking about," said Lionel.

Harry chuckled. He moved through some filing cabinets on his office.

"Lex told me that you tried to demonize me to him," said Harry lightly. "You and my mother's side of the family, I notice you've had dealings. You getting that journal, it was more than idle curiosity. You assumed that it held the secrets of untold power."

"I do admit that I have some concerns regarding you," said Lionel slowly. "You see, you and I both know what Clark is. And I wish to assist him against those who may not his best interest in mind."

There was a moment of silence.

"Are you trying to protect Clark or…something else?" asked Harry.

The mental chess game was on.

"What do you know?" asked Lionel.

"I'll let you sweat that out, Lionel," said Harry. He offered a smile that told Lionel nothing about his intentions. "But you can know this. I've come here for a reason. Clark's on same path that I was years ago. He has the abilities to be something great, or something horrific."

Lionel responded promptly. "Greatness can be measured in any number of ways."

"Yes," agreed Harry. "I acknowledge that my mother's side of the family had a control fetish. I had no idea about much of it until recently. My Aunt gave me shelter, but nothing more. Who you think I am, is likely wrong. I've done nothing, but try and give Clark assistance. I'm not going to force him to take any path in life. In the end, the decision is in his hands. He'll make mistakes, but he'll learn from them."

Lionel deliberated the manner. He likely either read Harry Potter wrong, or he was far more conniving that he previously believed him to be.

Yet, he would keep both eyes on him firmly.

"Was there anything else you needed?" asked Harry. He paused, and then added, "Not that I'm trying to rush you out the door, but I do have meetings to attend and people to deal with."

"No," said Lionel. "I'm sure your security will make sure that I found my way out the door."

"Don't worry, they're the best in the world at what they do," said Harry. "And thank you for exhibiting the common courtesy of actually making an appointment."

Lionel remained calm. He took a few more moments to look around.

"Just one final thing before I leave, are you certain Lex did not mention anything peculiar?"

"No, I couldn't tell you anything about what Lex might have or might not have done," said Harry. "Along with who took him, but that's a matter for the police and none of my business. I'd look carefully into any jilted ex-girlfriends, disgruntled employees, and snubbed business partners."

Lionel nodded, before he took his leave. As if he did not think of any of these possibilities, and there were many people who could fit that bill, for the both of them.

Harry moved around his office, and made sure everything was secure. He checked his watch and left his office to meet his girlfriend for lunch. He made sure to lock up tightly on the way out.

Lana yawned and stretched, before she pulled herself up to a proper sitting position. She walked forward, and saw Clark sitting across from her place on the couch.

"So how are you feeling?" asked Clark, breaking the silence.

Lana shook her head to clear the cobwebs.

She looked tired, but in rather good spirits."Pretty good for someone who had powers and lost them. A bit hungry, but that could be because I crashed for what, twelve hours, thirteen hours."

"Something like that," said Clark.

"Any word about who really took Lex," said Lana, and Clark just paused and responded after a moment.

"No, it's just a missing person case right now, but…the situation doesn't look good," said Clark. "I'm not going to lie to you Lana, but you're likely at the top of their suspect list."

"I figured as much," said Lana in a resigned voice. "And had I been a bit earlier, it could have been me…who did something to him. The power, I really do admire you for it. It would be the easiest thing in the world to permanently take care of anyone who wronged us. They wouldn't make the same mistake again."

Clark would be lying to himself if he didn't admit he had been on the edge of temptation many times.

"It would be easy," agreed Clark. "But after it's done, there's no going back. If I lost my temper even for a minute, it would be the end. Not saying that some people don't deserve it, but…it's not my role to be judge, jury, and executioner. And your obsession with Lex…"

Clark struggled to find the right words.

"I guess it's just my way of coping," said Lana, closing her eyes. "A lot of the things both Harry and Kara said, in their own heavy handed way, made me realized by helping you, I was almost hurting you. It's going to be hard to let go what happened. Lex just has a way of…sticking with you even when you want to escape."

Clark reclined back on the couch.

"The best intentions can go wrong," offered Clark and Lana nodded in agreement.

"Maybe, I'm putting you in danger," suggested Lana in an off handed manner. "I have a tendency to get myself into these situations that I can't find a way out of. And you are right there always to save me. Even if there are sometimes…there's just sometimes where I get the sense I'm not worth the trouble."

Clark reached forward and grabbed her hand gently.

"You're always worth the trouble, Lana," said Clark. "Never sell yourself short. If it wasn't you, it'd be someone else that I would have to save."

Lana relaxed a little bit at this statement. Before their conversation could get much further, there was a knock on the door. Clark popped up to his feet, and hastened to answer the door.

It was the visitors that he feared. Several officers of the law stood on the front step and had an official warrant in their hands.

"May I help you?" asked Clark in a polite voice.

"Sorry for bothering you, Mr. Kent, but we understand Lana Lang is here," said the officer. "She's a suspect in the disappearance of Lex Luthor."

"Lana didn't kidnap him," argued Clark, but as he suspected his word fell on deaf ears.

"No one is accusing her, son," said an elderly officer in a gentle voice. "We just want to take her in, ask her a few questions about her whereabouts during the time of the disappearance. If she has nothing to hide, she'll be returned home safe and sound by dinner time tonight."

Lana got up, and remained silent as she peacefully went with the officers.

Clark was not about to let this one go without a fight. "She was with me during the time of the disappearance."

"That may be the case, but until we can get a neutral party to confirm that fact, she'll need to be taken in for questioning. The person who gave us Lana's name in this investigation was rather clear that you may try and defend her."

"Who gave you her name?" asked Clark.

The officers exchanged a nervous and awkward look.

"Sorry, but that's confidential," said the officer, and Lana was lead off in handcuffs.

She came to the realization that after all of the damage she caused, it was best to go quietly and sort this out.

'If I was them, I'd suspect myself too,' thought Lana. 'All things considered…but just walk calmly. They don't know anything yet about how I've been spying on Lex.'

Clark watched Lana leave. Relief flooded him about the fact that she took this rather well, but he had a clear idea who might have turned the police onto Lana.

He needed a witness account, someone who could verify Lana was with him, and thankfully he had two people who could do that if he could get in touch with them. Clark began to dial the number for the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters.

"Please be in," said Clark in an undertone. A heavy amount of desperation was in his voice, but all he got was the front desk. "Hello, may I speak to Harry Potter? He's on his lunch break…yeah I understand, but this is an emergency. This is Clark Kent, and…yeah you'll see what you can do. I'll hold. Thanks."

Clark patiently waited for the call to be patched in. The situation was already delicate, so he took a moment to take a few calming breaths as he waited on the phone.

Kara and Harry sat across from each other, and ate their lunch in the privacy of a large office area. They shared what happened the morning with each other.

"So, Lionel Luthor was harassing you," concluded Kara.

"Harassment does seem like a strong term," said Harry, and Kara looked at him with a pointed stare and frown. "But I can't think of any term that's better so harassment it is."

"He does seem like the sort that would always like to be in control," said Kara thoughtfully. "Someone who always has his own agenda, even when he is helping someone, and it seems…maybe I'm just seeing something that's not really there with him."

Harry's curiosity was piqued.

"No theory, no matter outlandish should be discounted," said Harry, and Kara chewed on the breadstick she was eating for a moment, before she decided to offer her theory to Harry.

"Lionel seems to be answering to someone else, or maybe at least he did," said Kara. "He knows about Clark, and…I've looked up some things on him. He might have had a change of heart, but I don't know. I'm concerned about it. He's been shady enough in the past, but something changed him. Clark shouldn't trust him, yet he does."

"It's almost like Lionel's trying to get Clark to distance himself from me and you," said Harry.

Kara's mood darkened at those words.

"I'm trying to repair the bonds of family with Clark, and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way," said Kara in a fierce and determined voice.

"No, and I admire you for that," said Harry with a fond smile. "Jor-El didn't seem to be too happy about you being here."

"Well, Jor-El is going to have to deal with me being here," said Kara, arms folded. "I see a bright future for Clark, and I'm going to be a part of it, and you are going to be too. He's capable of great things, but not because he's supposed to be…"

"Because, that's just the way he is," said Harry. "Sorry, a friend of mine told me that one time."

The words vividly echoed in his head. "Harry, the prophecy doesn't define you. Who you are defines you, and that's why you'll win."

"Well this friend, she was very wise," said Kara with a fond smile towards Harry.

"Who said it was a her?" asked Harry.

"Harry, I have an idea that it could have been only one person that said that do you, from your memories," said Kara. "She was the only true family you truly had, even if you weren't related by blood."

Harry just smiled. Hermione would not have wanted him to wallow in mourning for her death; she would have wanted him to use her words of wisdom to enlighten someone else. Life moved on, but friends always remained alive where it truly mattered.

He took a moment to check his cellphone to see if there were any incoming calls. Sure enough there were. Harry called back his front desk.

"Mr. Potter, sorry for disturbing you at lunch," said his receptionist in an apologetic voice. "But Clark Kent called. He seems rather upset, and would like to talk to you. He says it's an emergency."

Harry figured this call was coming. "I'll get him on the office phone in about a minute, tell him I'll be with him soon."

Kara gave Harry a questioning look.

"Clark's called, it's an emergency, I'll see what it is," said Harry, and immediately he grabbed the phone. Kara got to her feet immediately, but he put up a hand to stall her. "Hello, Clark, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I didn't botch it, did I?"

"No, I feel fine, and so does Lana," said Clark, and Harry sighed in relief. "Well mostly, but Lana has just been arrested because they suspect she has something do with Lex being kidnapped."

Harry wasted no time in taking control of the situation.

"Don't go, Kara and I will be there in a minute," said Harry, and he hung up on the phone.

"Is Clark okay?" asked Kara without taking a breath.

"Physically yes, but Lana got taken away because they think she had something to with Lex's disappearance," said Harry. "Come on, we'll leave right now, and figure out what we need to do to sort this out."

Kara scrambled to grab Harry's hand, and the two popped away without another word towards their destination.

This time Clark was startled as Harry and Kara appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Sorry, I think your poor door took enough abuse as it was last night," said Harry, and Clark relaxed slightly.

"When you said a minute, you weren't kidding," said Clark.

"What happened Clark?" asked Kara.

"They suspect her, I thought you said that she didn't have anything to do with what happened to Lex," said Clark.

"I did," said Harry, closing his eyes and trying to adopt a reassuring tone of voice. "But they don't know that. They'd only know that if they had my powers. Plus someone had to tell them that Lana could have had something to do with Lex's disappearance."

Clark, Kara, and Harry all exchanged a look with each other. All thought the same thing.

"Where's Lionel Luthor?" asked Harry. Clark gave a shrug. "He stopped by this morning, and seemed to be trying to worm information out of me about what my intentions are regarding you. Have you spoken to him recently?"

Clark was silent, and seemed to be mentally weighing his options.

"We're not going to get mad," said Kara. "But if Lionel's been talking to you, I feel…well I feel that it's important to know what he's been saying behind our backs."

There was a bit of silence. Clark contemplated the entire matter in his mind over and over again, before he decided to throw all caution to the wind and speak.

"Lionel…seems to think Harry's up to something, regarding who his mother's side of the family is. And he seems to think he's using you to get information on me and Krypton in general."

Kara's eyes narrowed.

"Oh, you'd think I'd be smart enough to figure out when someone was using me," said Kara, bracing herself for a fight.

"No one's saying you aren't," said Clark, and Kara relaxed. "Lionel's…well he just has his unique perspective on things. After what happened with the crystal, I'm just wondering if he's short sighted for some reason. Old habits might die hard, and Lionel's…"

"I'm well aware with what Lionel's done, I've researched him and Kara has too," said Harry. "You've got to believe me Clark. My family was interested…in matters beyond this planet. They were knee deep in theories that something was coming. But I had no interest in that."

"I questioned Harry at first when he found me," admitted Kara. "But he's been there for me, and helped me…to think he was taking advantage of me in any way….I would have known immediately. There are things you'll know eventually Clark. But now's not the time. We've got to figure out what to do about Lana."

"So you've heard about that."

Lionel returned to the Kent Farm. Kara grew rigid, tense, and Harry held her back.

"You were the one who got Lana arrested, weren't you?" asked Clark.

Lionel remained cool in the face of certain fire.

"No, not directly," said Lionel. "She wasn't at the top of the suspect list, believe it or not."

There was no need to ask the obvious question.

"The police had a nice chat with me for about four hours yesterday evening," continued Lionel. "They seemed to be very interested about certain matters. That is one of the cases where my past came back to haunt me, but I guess you reap what you sow."

"Lana didn't have anything to do with Lex's kidnapping," said Harry quietly.

"And how would you know?" asked Lionel.

"Sorry, my trust of you seems to be in rather limited supply," said Harry.

"If you must know, they were with us last night, around the time Lex would have been kidnapped," added Clark, ignoring the looks of protests Harry and Kara gave him.

"That doesn't absolve Lana," said Lionel. "Her record speaks for itself…much like mine does. And I don't have a clue who else could have been behind it. There are suspects, but would any of them be bold enough? Especially the part where Lana temporary received your powers."

"Please tell me you didn't tell the police anything about that," said Clark.

"Of course, I didn't," said Lionel as if he was offended at the mistrust from Clark. "Your secret is safe with me, but…who you trust with that secret might still undermine you. Lana's been watching what Lex has been doing, every single moment since she came back. Her obsession is alarming."

"If she has him under constant surveillance, then maybe she had a clue who did kidnap him," offered Kara.

Before Lionel could say anything further, his phone rang. He put up a hand, and answered it.

"I see…I see…the kidnapper left me a note," said Lionel. "Don't open it, it could be a trap. I'll take a look at it, and see what they want, what the motive is."

Lionel took a deep breath. He had no idea, and Harry and Kara moved towards Clark.

"We'll get Lana out of this mess, you go with Lionel, and see what you can find out," whispered Kara to Clark so only his hearing could pick it up.

Clark nodded, and moved off. Harry closed his eyes.

He would be able to do this by the book; it was simple enough matter to clear Lana's name and hopefully put this entire mess behind them all.

Lana sat in the holding cell, hands folded in her lap, and she sat back on the cot in the cell. The police asked basic questions. The only good thing was that no one had told them about her temporary bout with super powers. That would have sunk any chance she would have had of freedom and it would have been guilty until proven innocent.

She only half listened, but picked up two familiar voices.

"Ah, you're saying that she was with you two…and Mr. Kent…yes that does collaborate with both of their stories. There is no evidence that we can hold her on anyway, and Lionel Luthor received a note from the kidnapper just moments ago…no we're not doubting you at all."

The arresting officer walked over and put the lock in the key, to open the door.

"Ms. Lang, you're free to go, Harry Potter and Kara Kent have both vouched for your whereabouts during the time of Lex Luthor's disappearance," said the officer. "Do not leave town until the investigation is over, we'll be in touch."

"I understand," said Lana, and she saw Kara and Harry waiting there for her. It was hard to read the expressions on their faces.

An awkward moment passed between the three of them.

"Um, thanks," said Lana sheepishly. "After all that I've done, with the journal, I didn't think…"

"I know what it's like to be accused of a crime that I didn't commit," offered Harry. "It was a simple matter, you're free…well for the most part."

Lana walked out with them, but she paused when she was sure no one could overhear them.

"I've been…well I lied about the journal. I didn't pick it up. I stole it from Lex."

"I know," said Harry quietly.

"How do you know?" asked Lana.

"Harry has his ways," said Kara, but she could not bring herself to look at Lana right now. "You better get back, get some rest. Clark is trying to figure out who abducted Lex…"

"Do you have any ideas?" asked Lana desperately.

"Not one idea, but I'd like to take a look at the surveillance that you've been keeping on Lex," said Harry, and Lana stiffened. "And I'd highly recommend you cease it immediately. What Lex does from this point on…you should really move on with your life."

Lana remained silent. Her mind worked into overdrive. Every single detail flooded back to her, things she could have done differently, or rather wished she had.

"I've messed things up really bad," said Lana.

"You did," agreed Kara. "But, the question is are you willing to learn from your mistakes this time?"

There was no answer. Lana could not give an honest one to such a question either way.

"I guess it's best to take it one day at a time," said Lana.

"Smart answer," said Harry.

Silence occurred on the way home. Harry and Kara both sensed a great deal of turmoil coming off of Lana's thoughts at the moment. The events of the last few days may have given her the necessary shock to reassess her lot in life.


I have your son. You know what I want. Twenty years have passed, you old bastard, but I'll finally get my revenge on you for shunning my brilliance. Time won't be on your side this time. You know who this is. You know I want the scrolls. You know why. And you know where you could find me. One police officer, and my trigger finger my slips, and puts a bullet inside your son's worthless skull.

The kidnapper.

Lionel crumpled up the piece of paper in his hand, in disgust.

"Do you know who it is?" asked Clark.

"A crackpot, an utter lunatic, someone who I hoped long since fell into obscurity," said Lionel, and he took a deep breath. "Yes, I know who it is. His name is Winston Smith."

Clark never even heard the name before in his life. Lionel explained more.

"He was a pencil pusher at Luthorcorp for years and years. The type of employee that are a dime a dozen, that I would have barely exchanged a dozen words with had it not been for one simple insane proposal he gave me. He had a vision, a suit that would allow him to manipulate time at will."

"So you fired him over that?" asked Clark.

"No, that was just merely the final proof I needed to get him out the door," said Lionel. "The man had anger management issues, disciplinary issues; he did not seem to be worth the trouble. The only good quality he had was his efficiency. He was always on time, never late, got his reports done. He micro-managed everything with his job down to the nano-second."

Lionel surveyed the crumpled up piece of paper in his hand.

"And that's what drove him insane eventually," offered Clark.

"He was always a basket case, but…there's more about him than meets the eye," said Lionel. "Why would he wait for his revenge now, at this time? And how did he manage to circumvent Lex's security?"

Clark conceded those were both excellent questions, but he was damned if he had any answers to them. He stood, and a knock on the door signified an arrival. Lionel walked over and turned the door knob. Harry walked inside without any word to them.

"Got Lana off of the hook, although I'm guessing by now you know it's not her," said Harry, and Kara followed behind him a few seconds later. "We couldn't pick up anything on our end, except for a momentarily flash but that could mean anyone."

"We have an idea who could be behind this," said Clark.

"So, who is it?" asked Kara.

"Winston Smith," said Lionel in a calm and collected tone of voice.

Harry paused for a minute, and racked his brain.

"That name doesn't ring a bell," said Harry.

Lionel essentially told Harry precisely what he told Clark.

"He's a miserable little nobody, I didn't even think of him since the time I fired him until today," said Lionel.

"A nobody can be more dangerous than a somebody," said Harry in a warning voice. "You don't expect the unassuming face in the crowd."

Lionel nodded, the point was well stated.

Questions were on Harry's mind. He did not hesitate to ask them.

"The real question is what happened to him after you fired him? He just seems to have faded into obscurity. Twenty years, there has to be something about him, and what are these scrolls?"

"I don't know what he's babbling about," said Lionel in a swift voice. "I'm sure he's convinced himself that I have some ancient secret of the universe."

"Something had to give him the idea," said Clark, but Kara scanned the desk with her X-Ray vision. "Kara, I don't think…"

"It wouldn't have anything to do with the set of scrolls that are locked in a cabinet underneath your desk, would it?" asked Kara.

Harry turned towards Lionel, and gave him a searching look. The elder Luthor kept his cool and stood his ground.

"Those were scrolls I uncovered years ago, an artifact, a historical curiosity," said Lionel. "In a language that I could not even begin to decipher.

"Smith wanted to build a time machine, or whatever," said Harry. "And he knew you had the scrolls. So…"

"He got it into his mind that these scrolls held the secrets of time travel," concluded Kara.

"Time travel is something that…even if these scrolls had anything to do with time travel, it would increase their value," said Lionel, but he unlocked the cabinet and took out the scrolls.

He gently unrolled them onto the desk. Harry remained silent, as he got a good look at them.

He understood what they were really. Winston Smith may have come across as insane and delusion, but even crackpots had their one and a million shot of stumbling upon something.

On the scrolls, a step by step process was detailed on how to create a time travel device. The symbols were in a language that had been lost to time, but being the Herald of Death, that did not stop Harry. Kara understood them as well, but neither said a word about the validity of Smith's claims.

"The scrolls are useless," concluded Harry swiftly. "They contain a fable, a fairy tale, something you'd tell a five year old for their bedtime story."

"I figured as much," agreed Lionel, sensing no deception. "But if Smith finds out they're useless, he'll assume that I'm lying. "

"If we knew where Lex was, it'd be a lot easier to figure out a solution," said Harry.

"It's my responsibility, not yours," said Lionel, not wanting to be put in the debt of anyone in that particular bloodline. "I'll find Lex, the three of you should leave immediately. This is a personal matter."

"Are you sure?" asked Clark.

"Positive, Clark," said Lionel firmly. "I've been handling disgruntled ex-employees long before you even were put on that space ship."

Clark, Harry, and Kara all walked off.

"Was he telling the truth?" asked Clark.

"Yes, and no," said Harry.

That statement caught Clark unaware. His gaze focused on Harry.

"There's something blocking me from getting an exact fix of what Lionel's thinking," said Harry. "But he knows something more than what he's telling."

"Then I got to follow him," said Clark, but Kara shook her head.

"You don't even know who you're dealing with, and if he has any powers," said Kara and she looked at him seriously. "I admire that you want to do the right thing, but…perhaps we can find out more about Smith. Know your enemy, and you can defeat him easier."

Clark relaxed. In the stress of today, he nearly forgot that simple process. Smith popped up, and took Lex, took out his security, and scientists all without raising one alarm.

"He kidnapped Lex, all in a split second," said Harry thoughtfully. "I wonder if he partially achieved his mad dream."

Harry, Kara, and Clark waited a bit, to see what Chloe could dig up on the mater.

"Winston Smith, or our mysterious kidnapper, well finding information for him was like finding a needle in a haystack," said Chloe after about an hour of searching. "But the one bit of information that I did find about him was…illuminating. He was in Smallville during the meteor shower."

"Aren't they always," concluded Clark with a sigh.

"Yeah, it's becoming a recurring pattern," agreed Chloe. "After he was terminated from Luthorcorp, he had a lot of time on his hands. He opened up a shop that repaired antique clocks. For a couple of years at least, he even delivered them to clients. No complaints, until a day where his truck run off of the road when the meteor shower hit."

"And this is where things get weird," said Harry.

"Three days before he was found, alive, but not exactly there if you catch my drift," said Chloe. "Three days in that truck, with nothing but ticking clocks to keep him company. And a few meteor rock fragments that blew through the window. He spent a good ten years in a catatonic state. His wife left him; he lost everything he ever owned. And he tried his hand at armed robbery. That was not his forte, he spent years in jail. He was a model prisoner it says here."

Harry gave a strained smile. Whenever he heard that someone was a model prisoner, he always assumed they would be far more dangerous.

"The rocks gave him powers," concluded Kara. "He manipulated time, slowed it down to a fraction of what it was."

"That would be a serious strain on the human body, wouldn't it?" asked Clark.

"Well let's defer to the expert," said Chloe, and she waved her hand to give Harry the chance to explain.

"Time travel and time manipulation are rather…difficult. You can freeze time, but it takes a charm that takes a while to master. And it's limited. Most couldn't pull it off. Time travel is limited to about twelve hours back. You can't go forward in time, because it technically hasn't happened yet. But, with the meteor rocks, the rules have changed. And Clark's right, constant time travel can put a huge strain on not only the body, but the mind. This guy likely had a few screws loose to begin with."

"You wouldn't happen to have address of Smith's shop, would you?" asked Clark.

"You'd think he would go back there after all of these years," said Chloe. "Place has been abandoned for many years."

"Which makes it perfect," said Kara.

Chloe showed Clark the address. Clark knew about where it was.

"Lionel's walking into a trap," said Harry. "Go get him, Kara and I will be right behind you."

Clark nodded in agreement, and sped off.

"I could have sworn you two weren't going to get involved with this," said Chloe.

Harry sighed. He did say that.

"These situations have a way of involving me whether I'd like it or not," said Harry, and Chloe nodded. "If I can figure out how he's manipulating time, I can stop him from doing it again."

"And we got to follow Clark," said Kara, and she grabbed Harry's hand, before the couple popped off to the antique clock shop.

Lionel walked calmly, but with a purpose. His face remained blank and expressionless. In the pocket of his suit jacket, he had the rolled up scrolls. Fairy tale delusion they might be, Smith believed them to be real and that could be used to his advantage.

He pushed open the door of the antique shop and stepped inside. Around him, he saw dusty shelves chalked full of time pieces of all flavors. There was no one here yet.

"Smith, I know you're in here!" yelled Lionel.

Lionel blinked and a split second later, he stood in the backroom. Before him stood a grey haired man with haunted and sunken in blue eyes, and he wore a trench coat with pocket watches hanging from it.

"I spent ten minutes just now visualizing the different ways I'd like to kill you," said Smith in a raspy voice. "Time has not been kind to me, but I can undo the wrongs that have been done. My life would have been perfect, had you not been in it."

"I don't know what happened to you Smith, you were a skilled worker," said Lionel in an even voice.

Smith's head snapped around and stared down Lionel, in pure rage.

"I was one of your nine to five minimum wage drones! You didn't want me to have ambition. You just wanted me to get the job done. For the best years of my life, I sure got the job done. You treated me worse than dirt, but I still said, 'yes sir, Mr. Luthor', and…the one moment I want my just do, you spurn me."

"You're selective memory is not helping you case," said Lionel. "I had a few reports about you, about how your anger scared people."

Smith chuckled.

"It was a cutthroat world in that department, never mind your company," said Smith. "Everyone wanted my job, but no one had my dedication. I'd say I was the most dedicated employee in that department, but you just threw me out like yesterday's garbage. I wasn't a person to you, Lionel, but a commodity."

"Do you hear me denying that?" asked Lionel. "I've changed, and you've changed. The dedicated man with big hopes and dreams would not have descended to kidnapping and assault."

Smith reached forward and grabbed Lionel by the throat. The older Luthor choked.

"Don't try and turn this back on me, Luthor," said Smith, grip tightened around the throat hard. "I'm not the villain in this situation. I'm doing the world a favor. Give me the scrolls, and all the lives you have ruined will be fixed. The damage will be undone. The world will be a better place without anyone with the last name of Luthor."

He pushed Lionel back.

"And then what," managed Lionel.

"The scrolls, or your son will get a bullet in his hand," said Smith, and he pulled out the beaten form of Lex from behind a curtain for emphasis.

Lex lost the ability to articulate even one word. He laid on the floor, absolutely in misery, and Lionel rushed over, but Smith held the gun at Lex's temple.

"Your next move better be handing me the scrolls, or my next move is finishing off your son." said Smith, gritting his teeth for emphasis. "And I can stop you before you fire any weapon, so there's no use in trying."

"Calm…calm down," said Lionel, taking a breath of his own. "I'm reaching into my pocket, and giving you want…do what you wish to me, Lex had nothing to do with what happened to you."

Smith's mouth contorted into a tooth rotting grin. He snatched the scrolls from Lionel. Smith seemed to be on the verge of happiness, and he shoved Lionel back.

"I've been waiting a long time for this," said Smith. "Rot in hell, you miserable bastard."

Smith pulled the trigger, but a blur shot into the room and yanked the gun out of his hand. It fired off to the side and impacted the wall.

Clark turned around, and grabbed Smith.

"Winston, whatever you're doing, it's over," said Clark, and he struggled.

"I seem to have taken my eye off of the ball," said Smith, grin twisted on his face. "Some mistake, but it's fortunate for you I have a built in reset button I can use."

Time rewound approximately a minute ago. Winston's finger was on the trigger and Clark sped in. Winston dodged his attack, and tripped him immediately. Clark remained on his feet, but the gun was in his face.

"One wrong move, and you'll be joining the Luthors in whatever hell I send them to!"

"So are you going to shoot me?" asked Clark.

Smith responded with one pull of the trigger. The bullet impacted Clark. The kidnapper looked surprised, and Clark remained on his feet without a scratch.

"Just what are you?" asked Smith.

He fired more bullets at Clark, with the words "die, die, die!" punctuating all of them, but Clark grabbed him by the arm and shoved him back into the wall. The gun dropped from his hand.

"The time trick, it's too soon to try it again, it will tear me apart," said Smith, breathing in and out.

"So there's a limit to your powers," said Clark.

Smith nodded, as he exhaled.

"Only once every ten minutes, but it's a hell of a trick," said Smith. Clark's grip suddenly relaxed, and he dropped to one knee, rather weak.

A perplexed look was on Smith's face, but he looked toward the grandfather clock. Stashed in the clock was a sample of the meteor rocks that gave him his powers, and it was busted open during his struggle.

Smith picked up his gun again, and saw Lionel move towards the clock. The disgruntled employee shot Lionel Luthor in the chest. The old man dropped to the ground.

"Bullets don't affect you, but a green rock does?" asked Smith, and he opened up the case, to removed the meteor rock. Clark tried to fight it, but he felt sick. "Yes, it does affect you."

Clark summoned his strength, to push Smith out of the way. The meteor rock dropped and slid underneath the desk.

Lex slumped over, but Smith's attention turned to Clark on the floor.

"It was you wasn't it?" breathed Smith. "That meteor shower…it was you."

Smith spun around and peered down at Clark.

"All of these clocks contain fragments of the meteors that turned me into this freak," said Smith. "You don't have to walk far to find them. They're a dime a dozen, and a rather cheap and efficient source of power."

"This isn't a road you have to go down," rasped Clark. "There are people who can…"

"Help me?" asked Smith. "What morality driven tripe are you going to shove down my throat, hero? You came here to a save a Luthor. If you're not part of the solution to exterminate them, then you're part of the problem."

Smith stood on the back of Clark's head. He pulled the first meteor rock he could find out, from the same container that held the mysterious liquid in place. Smith held up the chunk of Kryptonite. Clark could barely lift his arms.

Lionel crawled over, still bleeding but breathing. He held Smith's gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger.

Smith was shot in the back of the head and fell to the ground, dead. Blood splattered from the back of his head.

"Clark, don't worry about me…don't worry about Lex, save yourself," breathed Lionel, blood splattered from his mouth, and he clutched his chest. It hurt to breath.

Clark couldn't, he was going to die in this room surrounded by nothing but Kryptonite. Winston Smith bled on the floor.

Harry and Kara arrived immediately, and sprinted Clark away before he could succumb to the radiation.

He shook his head, and felt a little bit better, but still weakened.

"What took you so long?" asked Clark in a dazed voice.

"We had to make sure he didn't use his powers when the ten minutes were up," said Harry.

"You were there the entire time," rasped Clark, and Harry and Kara nodded.

"We were going to jump in if things got too rough for you," said Harry. "You handled yourself well."

Kara smiled. It was a good thing Lionel Luthor shot Smith in the back of the head, because she was seconds away from snapping the man's neck with her bare hands.

"Take it easy Clark, I'll get you back home," said Kara, draping her cousin's arm over her to support his weight.

"If you were there the entire time, how weren't you affected by the Kryptonite?" asked Clark.

Kara remained silent for a minute, and bit her lip intense concentration.

"I'm not sure," she admitted after thinking it over. While her cape did offer her protection against Kryptonite, she was not wearing the cape right now. "But, it's a good thing that I didn't drop dead, isn't it?"

"Yeah," agreed Clark with a strained smile.

Harry looked at both of them. He could hear sirens in the distance.

"Police are on their way, but the three of us being seen here might raise some questions that we don't want answered," said Harry. He turned to address Kara. "Get Clark back home, and I'll meet you there."

Kara supported Clark as she lifted off them both off into the air, and caused both of them to take flight.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to do this on my own, Kara?" asked Clark and she turned towards him, questioning him with a look. "You know, flying."

"You're doing it right now," said Kara with a frown.

"I mean on my own, without any help," said Clark.

"I'm merely guiding you," responded Kara. Clark gave his cousin a rather dubious expression. "If you'd like, I'd let you go, to prove to you that you can do it."

Clark looked like he had severe reservations about that scenario.

"Another time then," said Kara. "But I wouldn't let you fall. What kind of family would I be if I did?"

"I know, Kara," said Clark. "So…"

"Your inability to fly is some kind of mental limitation that you've imposed on yourself," explained Kara. "It's something you have to deal with, in your own time. To me, flight is the most natural thing in the world, the feeling of freedom and everything that goes along with you. Humans would never believe a man could fly, would they?"

"Well, no," offered Clark. "And I'm not the biggest fan of the world of…heights."

Clark looked away at this moment.

"There's no shame at of having a fear," said Kara in a gentle tone of voice. "The day that you master your fear and embrace all sides of who you are will be your greatest triumph. Flying is as easy and natural as breathing when you get the hang of it, and you will someday. And you're home now."

Kara touched down and made sure Clark could stand steady. Clark regained his bearings.

"This has been a trying week for many of us, but things will have to get better eventually," offered Kara, and Clark smiled. Kara opened the door for her cousin. "Lana's inside, likely wondering where you are about now. Go assure her that you're fine, and…"

The timely arrival of Harry caused Kara to lose her train of thought. Both Kryptonians waited for Harry to give them the news.

"Both Luthors are in critical condition, but they didn't know for sure if they will make it through the night," said Harry. "Lionel got shot point blank in the chest, and Lex suffered repeated blunt force trauma to the head."

"As for Smith?" asked Clark.

"Likely one for the afterlife," said Harry. "Just get some rest, and take care."

"Yeah, what Harry said," said Kara. "I'll see you around before too long."

Harry and Kara left and Clark walked back in. He felt rather well all things considered. The cold December weather blew a gust of wind through the air.

A long day passed for everyone, and night had fallen. Harry and Kara ate dinner and took a shower. Kara was on the phone with Clark. She felt she would be sleep a bit easier if she checked in with him and made sure he was safe and sound.

Harry allowed his girlfriend some privacy, as he put a rolled up set of scrolls away in the vault.

"Everyone is there, everyone is okay," said Kara.

"Yeah, Kara, everyone's okay," said Clark over the phone. "Well, we don't know about Lionel…or Lex, but Lana and I are both here."

"Good, take care of yourself, Clark," said Kara. "I hope the next time I stop by, it's not because I have to clear the air about some misunderstanding we had, or because of some horrific mess. Just visiting my cousin without any unpleasantness might be something that would be nice every once and a while."

Clark laughed at this over the phone.

"We can only hope," said Clark. "Sorry…"

"No, Clark, there's nothing to be sorry about," said Kara in a firm voice. "Tomorrow's another day; let's hope it's a peaceful day for a change. Please, do me one favor, and stay away from lightning or Kryptonite from now on."

"Okay, will do," said Clark.

"Okay, take care, I'll see you in before too long," said Kara.

"Talk to you later, Kara," replied Clark. "Bye."

"Bye, Clark," said Kara, and she turned around to face Harry. Harry sat on the couch already, with two mugs set out for both of them and a roaring fire. The weather was cold outside, so Kara appreciated this. "Clark's recovering from today's ordeal."

"That's good," said Harry, and Kara took one of the mugs.

She sat beside the love of her life, and took a drink. Kara smiled as she tasted it.

"I don't know what this drink is, but it's good," said Kara, and took a few more drinks of it.

"It's hot chocolate, it's supposed to warm you up," said Harry.

"Well, you might have to make it for me every day, because I can see myself getting addicted to it," said Kara.

"They didn't have that on Krypton?" asked Harry.

"No, chocolate is something that's new to me," said Kara with a sigh.

"Advanced civilization indeed," said Harry with a teasing smile, and Kara looked amused, as she drank her hot chocolate.

"But, we've…got something to talk about," said Kara. "What happened today? I should have been taken down by that Kryptonite. But, I wasn't, was I?"

Harry shook his head, and pondered.

"You didn't feel even a buzz from the Kryptonite?" asked Harry.

Kara shook her head.

"No, not even a twitch in my eye, and I didn't have the enchantment that you gave me with me," said Kara. "Do you think it might be my other gifts coming into play?"

"That's the most logical explanation," said Harry thoughtfully. "One of the perks of being a Herald of Death is immunity to any kind of radiation. It figures that you would get that from Kryptonite. I just didn't think to test it, because throwing my girlfriend into a room with Kryptonite just to see what happens isn't really the top of my list of things I feel comfortable with doing."

Kara broke out into laughter, and leaned against Harry.

"So what are these other gifts I have?" asked Kara, her eyes meeting his.

"Well you have many gifts, as you've demonstrated," said Harry, and Kara just smiled. She placed her head on Harry's shoulder, and wrapped her arms around his waist. He did likewise with his arms. "See, a lot of my gifts were unlocked when I united with the three keys. The cloak of invisibility, the wand of eternity, and the stone of resurrection, but it may vary from herald to herald, or it might not."

Kara closed her eyes and disappeared from Harry's sight.

"Harry, I'm still here, can you hear me?" asked Kara's voice.

"Yeah, and if I use the X-Ray vision I got from you, I can see you too," said Harry with a smile. "Now you turned on the invisibility, it should be a simple matter to turn it back…well you became visible already."

"I can't hold it for long," said Kara. "Maybe about thirty seconds, or less…I'm guessing it gets easier with time. The real question is, can I do magic?"

"Only one way to find out," said Harry, and he pulled out a feather. "Try and get it to levitate in the air."

The blonde Kryptonian girl released herself from him, and turned with a purpose. Kara screwed her eyes shut, and tried to get the feather to lift off of the table. She tried and struggled.

"Okay, that's a power I don't have," said Kara, after a few moments of intense effort that only succeeded in giving her a throbbing pain in her head.

"Not yet anyway," said Harry. He pulled her back into a tight embrace "I'm not sure if you have the power copying ability, but when you're training is done, you'll know. And if you have it, you can copy my powers, if you want to."

"It's only fair," said Kara, with a teasing smile. "I did let you copy my powers."

"And you were grateful for it," responded Harry, stroking his girlfriend's hair.

"Yeah, I know," said Kara. "The sooner we start our training, the sooner we figure this out, I guess."

"I'm ready when you are," said Harry. "And then we'll go from there."

Kara rested her head on Harry's chest, arms wrapped around him, and Harry steadied her on the couch.

"You look barely able to keep your eyes open," said Harry.

"I'm not tired," said Kara with a yawn. Harry looked at her, and Kara just gave a guilty little smile. "Okay, I am, but you're the one who wore me out just about an hour ago."

"Guilty is charged," said Harry. He cupped her face lovingly with his hands, and pulled her into a deep kiss. Kara wrapped her arms around him, and enjoyed it for several minutes. The kiss broke, and Harry looked at her in the eyes. "I love you, pleasant dreams."

"They're always pleasant, you're in them," said Kara with a sleepy smile. "Love you too.

Kara gave him one final kiss, before she crashed in Harry's arms. The chocolate on her lips made an interesting taste, but it suited her. Harry pulled a blanket onto the both of them, and smiled at her, before Harry drifted off to sleep himself.

"You're not going to believe this, doctor."

A nurse turned to the lead doctor, absolutely scared out of her mind.

"Winston Smith, he woke up," said the nurse, hands trembling. "He's been declared dead, there's were no vital signs, but…he's awake."

To call it a miracle would be pushing it, given the trouble Smith had caused. Smith sat up in bed, rigid, eyes glazed over and not blinking.

"Hello Doctor," said Smith in a low and crisp tone.

"Mr. Smith…I must say this recovery is remarkable," said the doctor in a shaky voice. "You took a bullet to the base of the brain, and…you should have died."

"Yes, perhaps I am a medical marvel," said Smith. "I understand protocol is to take me to Belle Reve, due to my condition."

"Yes, once you've been medically cleared, you will be sent to Belle Reve," said the doctor in a confused voice.

"Very well, proceed with your tests, you will find that I'm alive," said Smith, turning his face to hid the haunted and silvery glint in them.