
Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Fortress.

The second kiss continued for several minutes, before both mutually decided to break it.

"You don't know how long I waited for that," said Kara, as Harry set her down on her feet.

"More than long enough, I think," said Harry.

This statement caused Kara to laugh, as she nodded. The stood in the office, the two were face to face with each other.

"If figured, if there was someone I wanted to be with, why wait around?" asked Harry, as he held his arms around her waist. He whispered into her ear, "For too long, I've been spending way too much time thinking. Guessing what might happen, worrying about things…and I was…I guess I could say that…"

"You were scared what might happen if you let someone into your heart again," said Kara, gazing in Harry's eyes. "After all that you lost…you thought you deserved everything that happened, didn't you?"

Harry gave a slow and stoic nod.

"You're right," said Harry, as he held her and pulled her closely to him. "That's what I thought…but…I could be wrong. I could live my entire life, regretting would could have been, or I could just go for it."

"I'm glad, I wanted to kiss you that night," said Kara in a soft voice, as she played with Harry's hair. "Outside the barn, if Clark was five seconds later, we would have…"

"Yeah we would have, we should have, the time was right then," said Harry, as he looked into her eyes. "But, we're together now…with each other."

Kara responded to the implied question, leaning forward. She pressed her lips against Harry's, before shoving him against the wall. Harry returned her efforts with equal passing. Both were engrossed in the kiss. Kara's hands undid his shirt, sliding it off of him. Her hands rubbed his back, soft, and Harry turned around their position, so she was against the wall. Kara shivered as her back was against the wall. Harry continued to kiss her against the wall, as he felt her up.

"Harry," she moaned into his mouth, as Harry pulled back from the kiss. Kara allowed Harry to slip the jacket she was wearing off of her shoulders. She leaned back, and allowed it to fall onto the office floor.

Harry took her back into her arms, and pressed his mouth against her neck. Kara's eyes closed, as Harry sucked on her neck. Harry worked his hands onto the buttons of her blouse, fumbling with them. After a moment, he unbuttoned it. She slid off the blouse.

His eyes drank in the sight for a minute, as he saw her leaned against the wall. She wore a red bra. Everything else from the waist up was completely bare. Harry thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Like something you see, Harry?" asked Kara, as she leaned back against the wall, legs spread slightly. Her pinky finger was in her mouth, her lips puckered together.

"Everything, everything I see I like," answered Harry, as he pinned her against the wall. His fingers traced against her bare skin over her shoulders and stomach. Kara managed to lock her legs around his waist. She pulled him in and he deepened the kiss. She slowly worked her tongue into the kiss, and Harry matched her movements, as things continued to get heated.

Kara's mind was going haywire. She could not resist him at this point, if she wanted to. Not that she really wanted to. It struck her how Harry could have any woman in the universe that he wanted to, and he would not have to try that hard. Yet, he wanted her.

The kiss deepened, as Harry walked backwards, with Kara's legs still wrapped around him. A chair slid out, and Harry sank down onto it. The kiss continued, as Kara drew back, as she felt Harry's erection brush against her stomach.

"So, do you want me to help you with that?" asked Kara, with a smirk as she slid back onto her knees on the floor above where Harry was sitting. She put the bulge in Harry's pants in between two of her fingers, and massaged it, teasing him.

"Yes," said Harry, without any thought, letting out the breath he had been holding.

Kara just smiled, and unbuckled Harry's pants.

"I'll…do the best I can Harry," said Kara. "But this is my first time."

"Mine too," said Harry, which caused Kara to pause and look at him.

Kara remained determined. She would not screw this up; she wanted to make this memorable for Harry.

Harry just let her pleasure him. If she was this good when she was inexperienced, Harry could hardly wait to see what Kara was like with some experience under her belt.

'Yeah, it might be a sick Muggle fetish, but it makes me feel good,' thought Harry, thinking back to what his ex-girlfriend told him, when he breached the subject to her.

Kara on the other hand, she had a talented mouth. She brought him to completion with her blowjob, and swallowed the contents. Harry was in heaven.

Immediately, Kara drew back. She licked her lips, tantalizing.

Now that she had a little taste of Harry, she wanted everything. She shook her head, unfortunately business called.

"We really do kind of need to talk about the break in today," said Kara, sighing.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that," said Harry, as he looked at Kara, who just grinned at him. "I had my mind on other matters."

"Understandable," agreed Kara. "It was Clark, and Lionel Luthor. They were looking for my crystal."

"Where are they now?" asked Harry.

"Holding cell, don't worry, they got fed," said Kara. "I don't know if I can stand to talk to him right now."

"Don't worry, Kara, I'll take care of it," said Harry, who was in good spirits. Kara put her jacket, and blouse back on. Harry pulled out a chair, and offered it to her. "You just sit there, relax."

Kara just smiled, as Harry gave her one final kiss. It ended all too soon in her opinion.

She sat down to relax. Her mind went wild with fantasies involving her and Harry. Reality was far better than dreams, but there would be plenty of time later. Plus Harry was worth waiting for.

Clark looked up, and he saw Harry down the hall towards them. Lionel was just stirring awake, but Harry immediately shoved a portkey into his hand, and transported him out of the building.

"He's outside, you can pick him up after we're done," said Harry in a curt voice. "We need to talk."

'Yeah, this should be fun,' said Clark, as he saw the expression on Harry's face. Harry remained calm, almost eerily so.

"This way, please," said Harry, as he lead Clark down the hallway. He did not offer many words, good, bad, or indifferent. "Follow me, main conference room is up here, we should be able to talk in privacy."

Clark followed Harry. He opened the door, and the entered a dark room. Harry offered Clark a chair, and he took it. The doors shut themselves, and Harry snapped his fingers. A red light appeared on over Clark's head.

"What were you thinking?" asked Harry in a calm voice. Clark almost wished Harry yelled him, perhaps knocked him around a bit with his powers. "Kara told me you and Lionel were here, trespassing in my building, and looking for her crystal. Is this the truth?"

The red light made Clark feel as if he was in police interrogation.

"Well, technically speaking, yes we were," said Clark, and Harry just looked at him.

"Why were you after the crystal?" asked Harry. "We both know the Martian Manhunter told you about it. If you wanted to know about the crystal, you should have asked me or Kara. We might not have handed it to you, but we could have told you why you aren't entitled to it. And why it could be a danger to you."

"Jor-El told me to," said Clark.

"Your dead Kryptonian father told you to get the crystal," said Harry, immediately skeptical about the manner. "I'd prefer you tell me the truth, yourself."

"My father, he lives through an AI, it's a shadow of him, an echo, but he's supposed to train me, for what I'm supposed to do," said Clark.

"Did he ever tell you exactly what you're supposed to do?" asked Harry. "Or did he just give you orders, without any reasoning? And just expect you to fall into line because he's Jor-El."

"Well it does seem like a bad thing when you put it that way," said Clark.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you exactly why you should not lay one finger on that crystal," said Harry, as he took a deep breath. "The crystal was sent with Kara by Zor-El for a reason. I believe he may have implemented something into it. He was not going to let a simple matter like his death get in the way of his sadistic plans. I've been able to find out at least there's someone buried inside that crystal. It contains genetic material. It would be able to create a clone. I'd imagine when the time was right; you'd be the key to activate the crystal."

"So, I know what I'm dealing with," said Clark. "I can handle…"

"I'm sure you can handle it if it was just Zor-El in that crystal," said Harry as he waved his hand. "Seeing what was in Kara's memories, I'm pretty sure it wasn't just Zor-El preserved in that crystal."

Clark took a deep breath, and opened his mouth.

"That's my something I don't wish to even drag up, it's family drama," said Harry. "It's something you're better off not knowing about. It affected Kara far more than she'll ever admit, especially given what happened to her mother. Something that did not put your father in the best light, I should remind you."

"Yeah, I can understand why she wouldn't like Jor-El," said Clark.

Harry remained silent for a minute. Clark had a feeling it would be best to allow Harry to speak next.

"The House of El might be dysfunctional, but why continue that tradition?" asked Harry. "You've made mistakes; I've made enough mistakes to fill about seven books. And I'm sure you'll make many more until you grow into what you have the potential to be. Making mistakes is fine; not learning from them is another matter entirely. I've been there; it took me a long time."

Clark nodded in understanding. Harry moved over to show him out.

"Next time you want to stop by for a visit, there is a common courtesy that you can implement," said Harry, as he looked at Clark, stoic and calm. "And that's call first. My security might not be nice with a repeat performance. And for your information, the crystal was not here in the first place. So you wasted an entire trip, and alienated your cousin."

"Where is she, I should…go and apologize for her," asked Clark.

"Wait for a few days when it actually has meaning, and when you've had a chance to think about what you've done," said Harry. "I'll let you know about the crystal, if I find out anything more. We might be able to come up with a solution to satisfy everyone, but I'm not going to hold out hope for it."

Clark continued to stand there, wondering if Harry was done.

"This is your last free pass," concluded Harry. "Pull another stunt like that ever again, and I might not be so nice about this."

"Understand," said Clark as he shifted guiltily.

"Have a good night, Clark," said Harry as he lead Clark to the exit. "Oh, and Lana's safe, somewhere in Kansas. She might have returned to the farm by now."

Clark opened his mouth to ask, but he was already locked out. Lionel already had left, and Clark just moved off at that moment.

He had a lot to think about.

Lana rested inside the Kent Farm. She shook her head. The last thing she remembered, she was being chased by Lex's goons. Then there was nothing but a big blank. She shook her head from side to side.

The door creaked open, and Lana nearly jumped ten feet in the air off of the couch. She relaxed, when she saw Clark walk in.

"Oh, hey Lana, glad to see you made it back," said Clark.

"Clark, where were you?" asked Lana.

"I was out," said Clark in an evasive voice. "I had a long day."

"You had a long day, I had a long day too," said Lana. "Your cousin stopped by to visit me."

Clark looked at Lana, who proceeded to move to the journal, distressed.

"She freaked out over some journal, it belonged to Harry Potter," said Lana, saying the name with a bit of distaste. "I don't know, it's just that she…she showed up here and I don't know what I ever did to her."

"What did she say?" asked Clark.

"Well, not much of anything," admitted Lana. "She informed me the journal was Harry's. I had no idea…I picked it up, someone dropped it. I was curious about it, but there was nothing written on it. The markings were weird on the journal. That someone who dropped it was Lex!"

"Lex?" asked Clark.

"Yeah, he's…well you know how he is," said Lana, as she sat down on the chair. "Your cousin…she's just…I don't know, she has a huge problem."

"Kara's high strung, but she's…she's just fitting in her own way," said Clark, but Lana looked at him. "She's got a lot of things to deal with, and she'll do anything for Harry. But she's…got a good heart."

Lana just looked at him.

"So, you're taking her side," said Lana coolly, and Clark opened his mouth, realizing of the really awkward situation he had been put into.

"I'm taking nobody's side," protested Clark. "I'm just saying that Kara…she's got her own view on the world. And she tends to be guarded. Harry's about the only one she identifies with, but she's done some good."

"Yeah, well she threatened me!" said Lana as her voice got louder. "You're making excuses for her. She's dangerous, Clark, and she could hurt you. She almost hurt me. And Harry's been meeting with Lex a lot over the past three months."

"How do you know that?" asked Clark, suspicious at this moment. "What are you doing Lana?"

"Trying to help you!" yelled Lana, as she got up to her feet. "I'm trying to make things right, just like he told me to, but it just seems like it won't ever be good enough for you. You know what, fine Clark! If that's how you want to act like, fine!"

'Just like who told her,' thought Clark, completely confused, as Lana sit back down.

"Who told you to make things right, Lana?" asked Clark.

"Never mind Clark!" yelled Lana. "You…I don't even know why I bother sometimes!"

Lana sprung up to her feet once again.

"Lana, you've had a rough day, just settle down."

"Yeah, it was rough, but I just need to take a walk, get some fresh air, and clear my head," said Lana as she clicked open the door, shut it behind her, and walked off.

Clark watched her leave. He was about to call after her, but decided against it. Today was just not his day.

"So, I suppose we better figure out this once and for all, and while Jor-El wants Clark to destroy it."

Harry held the crystal out, and put it on the table. Kara sat in the same chair beside him in the study. Harry analyzed the crystal. Everything seemed to click to him, as he scanned it.

For some reason, when he got a better control of his emotions and stopped hiding from his feelings, everything flowed better with his powers.

"So, anything?" asked Kara, as she slid on Harry's lap, but Harry lifted up a hand. He continued to look at the crystal, and suddenly, he heard a faint whisper from within it.

"Kal-El. Please help me, Kal-El."

"Kara, listen to this," said Harry, as he held the crystal, up to the light.

"Kal-El, my son, you have to hurry, there isn't much time," whispered the voice within the crystal.

"That sounds like Aunt Lara," breathed Kara, as she listened to the crystal. "But…she died with the rest of them, didn't she?

"Yes, she's dead," said Harry, after he thought for a second. "A copy of her is in the crystal, and Clark wouldn't turn down the chance to know his birth mother. But there's something else in here, something more…yeah he's in here."

Kara tensed up immediately, as Harry flipped the crystal over in his fingers in one hand and squeezed her hand with the other. He double checked to make sure his initial theory was correct.

"He's in the crystal, connected to Lara," said Harry. "Your father, he's here, I can sense him. He doesn't know I'm here. The crystal was created to tempt Kal-El. He was going to take control."

"Just smash it Harry," suggested Kara immediately, as she shivered looking at the crystal. She could feel his presence from inside it, and it was scaring her. The pedestal she had placed her father on had been destroyed when Harry restored her memories. She took a deep breath, and got ahold of herself.

'Harry won't let anything bad happen to you,' she thought to herself.

Harry looked at the crystal. He did wonder if that would be so easy, just to smash the crystal.

"Kara, I've got an idea," said Harry, as it was either genius or insanity that hit him. "Give Clark a chance to do the right thing, to make right for what happened today."

Kara's eyes looked at him, curious.

"I'm going to give Clark the crystal, and explain to him what it is," said Harry. "But if it overwhelms him, I'm going to be there to bust it if it overwhelms him. Is that okay with you?"

"Harry, it's up to you," said Kara.

"No, Kara, it's up to you," said Harry. "It's your crystal after all."

Kara slid off Harry's lap. She picked up the crystal, and placed it in Harry's hand.

"Do it, I know you'll be able to protect Kal-El if the worst happens," said Kara, as she leaned forward, and gave Harry a kiss. He returned it, and they parted.

"See you in a little bit," said Harry, as he slipped the crystal into his robe pocket, and popped back to the Kent Farm.

Kara leaned back on the chair, as she waited. She let out a breath, hoping that a severe weight would be lifted off of her shoulders in a matter of moments.

Clark investigated a sudden nose from outside the barn. Harry was waiting for him. The crystal held in his hand, as he walked up across the field.

"Here's the deal, Clark," said Harry without giving him a chance to speak. "I have the crystal. I'm warning you right now, it's far more dangerous than we ever believed previously. Take the crystal, do what you need to do destroy it."

Harry slipped the crystal into Clark's hand. The crystal seemed like fire in Clark's hand, as he flipped it over.

"Kal-El, my son, you need to save me, before it's too late."

"My mother's in the crystal," said Clark, as he looked at the crystal.

"Remember, Zor-El gave Kara that crystal to hurt you," said Harry as he snapped his fingers in front of Clark's face to bring him back to reality. "He wiped her memories. He's using your birth mother to tempt you…."

"I can't just stand by, there's got to be another way," said Clark.

"Clark, there's no other way," said Harry sternly and almost coldly. "Both of them are tied together in the crystal. Remember that. Take the crystal to Jor-El, and let him know you're destroying it. And actually destroy it. If there was any other way, I would tell you. But I analyzed every angle. It's a two for one deal no matter what."

"I understand," said Clark.

"Good," said Harry. "Destroy it, I know that you have it within you to do the right thing."

"Yes, I'll do that," said Clark, but he heard the frantic cries for help from inside the crystal.

'This is what you sent me here for,' thought Harry. 'To guide him, but I feel like I'm throwing something dangerous into his hands. I'm going to make sure he does the right thing.'

In the Fortress of Solitude, Clark moved in at the speed of light, the crystal still in his hand.

"Do you have the crystal?" rumbled the voice of Jor-El.

"Yes, I have the crystal," said Clark as he held it in his hand. "I got it, but there's someone in here. My mother…"

"Lara died with the rest of Krypton," said Jor-El in a cold voice. "Do not be swayed by an echo. There is nothing you can do to reverse that effect. And that crystal was made by Zor-El, so it must be destroyed at all costs."

Clark held the crystal in his hand. He was torn. Both his father and Harry told him that it was important that he smash the crystal. Yet the pained screams of his mother from inside the crystal rang through his ears. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Clark held the crystal over the Fortress Console. His hands wavered over it, as he was about to jam it in, to see what he could do.

Then, he realized the potential consequences of his actions, and he smashed the crystal on the Fortress floor. It shattered into microscopic dust fragments.

"I did it," said Clark in a deflated and haunted voice.

"Well done, Kal-El," said Jor-El. "Depart now, and get some rest, your training can resume on another day."

Clark turned around, as he walked off. He would be haunted by the nightmares of his mother calling out for him. Even if it was an echo, he still wondered if he should tried to do something.

The Fortress of Solitude remained empty, except for the robed figure in the shadows. The moment Clark was long gone, Harry walked out, pulling his hood down. It was a few seconds before Harry allowed the Fortress to sense his presence.

"Just what are you doing in this Fortress?" boomed Jor-El.

"I just was following your son, to make sure he did the right thing," said Harry. "It appears that Kal-El might have taken a step down an interesting road. It couldn't have been easy to do what he did. And you have me to thank for that, I should note."

"Do not presume to take credit for what Kal-El has done," said Jor-El.

"Oh, I'm giving Kal-El the credit for what Kal-El is done," said Harry. "Although I wonder, what gave him more value? The AI copy of his father who gave him vague orders? Or the person who studied the crystal, brought it to him, and told him exactly what it was? Surely the greatest scientific mind in all of Krypton can put the pieces together. It's not exactly hard now, is it?"

The Fortress of Solitude remained silent, and rather eerie.

"I offer you one warning to stay away from Kal-El," said Jor-El, as the Fortress began to flash.

"I'm pretty sure you know who I answer to," said Harry, and Jor-El stopped the light show. "I'm sure the great and powerful Jor-El knows everything about the Herald of Death. Of course, Kara did, but I'm beginning to think that she got her smarts from her mother's side of the family."

Harry turned on his heel, and looked around the Fortress.

"I'm sure you can give me threats all day and all night long," said Harry. "But I'm here to stay, whether you like it or not."

"Kal-El has a destiny to fulfill, you present a danger to it," said Jor-El.

"Destiny, that's a word that amuses me for some reason," said Harry with a smirk. "I'm sure Clark is capable of great things. Not because of some destiny, but because of the choices he makes. And tonight, he made the right choice. I'm not here to fight his battles for him."

Harry looked thoughtful.

"But, I've gotten my second chance to make something out of my life. I'm going to take full advantage of it. I've been called many things in my life, but I don't ever lay back and let authority figures step all over me. So, I don't care what you are, or who you are or if you think you're helping Clark. If you ever pull a stunt with like you did with the crystal again…well I'll just show you."

Harry waved his hand, and with a loud crackle, Jor-El could no longer exert his will over the Fortress.

"I could easy erase every single bit of your consciousness from existence with a few simple movements," said Harry in a deadly whisper, as he looked around the Fortress of Solitude. "I'm here to stay, and so is Kara. We're both a part of Clark's life whether the great Jor-El likes it or not."

Harry let go of Jor-El at that moment.

"I think I've made my message clear," said Harry, but he got no response. "I'm sure you have much to teach Clark. But there are times where people get blinded by a narrow minded view, of what they believe is written in the stars."

Harry vanished into thin air, leaving the Fortress of Solitude intact.

Harry returned home, as Kara waited for him in the study, dressed in a nightdress. He was so glad today was Friday, because had an entire weekend to recover from today.

"How did it go?" asked Kara.

"I'm back, so Clark destroyed the crystal," said Harry, as he sat down next to Kara. "That's out of our hair. We've got twelve pods with government test subjects in them currently in the basement of the Shining Light Foundation. I'll have the scientists figure them out on Monday. And I've got a disc detailing more locations in my bag. And I'll figure that out on Monday."

"So are you ready to go to bed," said Kara, with a smile.

"I'm not sure if I can sleep after today," said Harry.

"Oh, I might have a few ideas to relax you," said Kara, turning, with a knowing smile.

Harry looked at the want in her eyes, and it was hard to keep his mind focused on the last thing on his agenda tonight.

"As enticing as that sounds, there's one more thing we have to figure out before we call it a night, "said Harry, as he reached into the vault, and pulled out his mother's journal. "After all I've been put through over this; I want to know what the big deal is."

"It is the real one, isn't it?" asked Kara.

"I know it is," said Harry, as he flipped through it. Every single page was blank. "And yet, I'm reading not one bloody word. That bloody obnoxious entity told me that it could only be activated by those of the blood of my mother."

Harry felt sudden realization dawn upon him.

"She couldn't be that literal," said Harry darkly.

"I wouldn't be surprised," said Kara with a shrug, as Harry held his hand. He closed his eyes.

He cut his own finger. It healed over instantly, but one drop of blood spilled on the pages of the diary. The journal began to glow, illuminated by gold.

Time stood still at that moment. The journal appeared to be assessing the two figures in front of them. Kara sat back, as she felt a chill. A three dimensional projection of a canvas manifested before their very eyes, and writing appeared in the air.

"Welcome Heralds of Earth and Krypton."

"What?" breathed Kara as she nearly flew up and smacked her head on the ceiling, before Harry gently pulled her back down.

Both remained silent, flabbergasted and absolutely freaked out by one simple six word sentence.

"Did you know about this?" asked Harry, finally managing to find his voice.

"No, I didn't," said Kara, as she collapsed back into Harry's arms. "Harry, I didn't even know…how could I…the journal must be confused or something."

Harry remained calm, and silent. Further writing appeared before his eyes after the long silence.

"Are you ready to begin your training?"

"Training?" asked Harry. "Please clarify."

More writing appeared in mid air.

"Upon your eighteenth birthday, you were supposed to get this journal from Sirius Black. A letter would also be given to you to explain about your role, and your purpose. You act as if this is new information to you."

"Why would Sirius have the journal or a letter for me?" asked Harry.

There was a moment's pause, and more words wrote into the air. Kara watched in awe.

"You were supposed to live with Sirius. Your training for standard magic was intended to begin at the age of eight. Private tutors were to be hired. You were to be kept as far away from the Wizarding World as possible not to endanger your future role as the Herald of Death. For instance, you were not to attend Hogwarts. It would make the break much cleaner. You would merge the three keys at age eighteen and then merge with them at the age of twenty one."

"It didn't happen that way," said Harry slowly. "I never was sent to live with Sirius. I never started any training at the age of eight. I did go to Hogwarts, but I did merge with the keys after all was lost after the final war."

The journal appeared to be processing this information at this point. Harry and Kara both sat on the edge of the house. More writing was scratched on the canvas.

"Who were you sent to live with?"

It was Harry's turn to remain silent for a brief moment.

"The Dursleys," answered Harry.

More words swirled in the air, and for a bit of canvas in the air, it appeared to be rather shaky.

"What year is this?"

"2007, almost 2008," answered Harry.

The words faded from existence, but it was replaced by an angry scream that came from within the journal.

"She broke her promise to me, now I'm going to break mine to her!"

A three dimensional figure replaced the canvas.

"Told me you'd live a happy childhood, told me there was no need to worry about anything!" ranted the figure, as Harry saw she had red hair. Her eyes were the same shade of green he had. "Told me that everything would work out, told me that there was nothing to worry about!"

Both Harry and Kara sat, completely paralyzed by their confusion.

"Every single scenario I thought of, this was the second worst one I could ever imagine!" yelled the woman. "You lived your childhood with Petunia…and you merged with the keys. How did you merge with the keys? You were supposed to be trained! Death told me that…and she was the only one who could cause you to merge with them!"

"Yeah, once I had all of the keys, she took me aside, and told me what my purpose in life was," said Harry.

"She didn't train you though, did she?" asked the woman, a frown appearing on her face and her eyes closing, to calm herself down.

"No she just unlocked my powers, and sent me here," said Harry. "And just who are you anyway?"

"Harry, I'm your mother," said the woman but Harry just looked at her skeptically.

"She died when I was a year old," said Harry.

"Yes I did," agreed Lily. "I'm…well it's best to think about me as a three dimensional magical portrait."

Lily reined in her temper, but Harry just looked at her.

"What deal did you make?" asked Harry in a quiet voice.

"Yeah that deal, it's my greatest regret," said Lily in a somber voice. "I was fourteen years old. Most children around that age are selfish, and I was no exception to that rule. An accident killed me. Death visited me in the between point. There was a choice I could have made. Go on to the afterlife, or pledge my first born son to Death as her Herald. I chose the latter."

"You did what?" asked Harry, but Kara grabbed him around the waist to hold him back.

"You must have thought that you could get out of that deal somehow," said Kara.

Lily nodded.

"It was a foolish bargain," said Lily, regrets filling her voice. "A bargain made by a teenage girl who had no idea what the consequences were. Death stalked me from that point on to remind me of the bargain. My sister…my younger sister, she was taken from me because I tried to run and back out of the deal!"

Harry's mood grew very dark. He knew who Lily was referring to.

"My entire family, the entire Evans bloodline we were obsessed with control," continued Lily. "My parents, my grandparents, and every generation before for them, all obsessed with knowledge, and the power that came along with it. I was tempted as well. It was because of this pursuit for knowledge. That pursuit caused me to be put right before Death to make that devil's bargain. It was a bargain that even Faust wouldn't touch, but I made it because I was selfish!"

Harry did not know what to believe at this point, and was moments away from losing it. Kara held her arms around Harry, while also giving Lily the most dirty and disgusted look she could manage.

"You want answers," said Lily, and the two inclined their heads in affirmation.

"Death inferred you would have information about my mission," said Harry coldly.

"I do," said Lily, remaining as collected as she could be, and a bit wounded that her son appeared to hate her because of the stupid selfish decision she made. "I was supposed to just give you the knowledge through the journal, cold emotionless knowledge, written words to study. But in case worse came to worse, I built in this failsafe. First tell me everything about your life, up until the moment you merged with the keys."

Harry immediately wondered if he could trust this image that resembled his dead mother. His past experiences with enchanted books made him very uneasy.

"I can't help you unless I know how bad the situation has been screwed up," said Lily softly. "I can tell you this right now. You were supposed to be sent to this place six years ago. So, please Harry trust me about this one. Give me one more chance to fix everything I caused."

Harry took a deep breath. He began to tell the story of his life, hoping he would not regret making that choice.