
Her Wish Upon a Star

One hundred years ago, the magestic city of Brighthaven faced an insidious curse unleashed by the dark magic of a heartbroken witch. The Princess, Cersie Sierra, though spared from the curse was trapped inside a star. Meanwhile, in the current time, Rowena Alexander, unaware of her own destiny, races against time to save her town from the same malevolent curse. As fate weaves their stories together, a single wish revealed the ancient connection between the two. United by a shared purpose and a curse that now seemed not so bad, Cersie and Rowena embark on a journey to confront the shadows that threaten their world, forging a bond that transcends time.

Miss_FaerieChild20 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

The End Of An Era...

The grand hall reverberated with the king's anguished cries as the princess vanished before his eyes, leaving only the luminous glow of the star-shaped prison that now hung as a testament to the poor choices the king had made.

Driven by grief and fury, the king, his heart torn asunder, lunged at the witch with an unrestrained fury. "Your kind has taken absolutely everything from me! My wife, my unborn son and now my daughter! For my kingdom, I will not let you escape!"

The witch, now consumed by the corrupt flames of her own dark magic, laid her child's lifeless body on the ground and faced the king with a sinister calmness. "You sowed the seeds of your kingdom's demise, Aldric. Your reckoning is upon you."

With the opening of her arms, the castle ignited into a dark fiery inferno. Flames danced along the crumbling tapestries, and the air thickened with the stinging scent of burning wood and despair. The courtiers, witnesses to the descent into chaos, fled in terror as the once-mighty stronghold succumbed to the relentless embrace of the inferno.

The king, blinded by despair, struck at the witch, but her corrupted magic shielded her from harm. "You think you can destroy me? I'll make you pay for the pain you've caused!"

In a sinister dance, shadows clung to the king, wrapping around him like the tendrils of a malevolent force. The air crackled with the intensity of dark magic, and the very ground trembled beneath their feet.

As the castle burned around them, the witch, now a vessel of darkness, spoke with a voice that echoed through the chaos. "You have brought this upon yourself, Aldric. Your kingdom shall know the same devastation you have wrought upon myself and others."

In a surge of corrupt energy, the witch and the king vanished, leaving behind only the echoes of their tragic fate amidst the roaring flames. The once-proud kingdom, now reduced to ashes.

Amidst the scorched ruins, a lone figure emerged – the other child of the witch, untouched by the shadows that had claimed her mother. The child, with emerald eyes that reflected the turmoil of a broken world, gazed upon the smoldering remnants of the shattered realm with a mix of sorrow and determination.

This was the beginning of this story, of the kind princess that turned into a star and her kingdom that burnt for her father's sins...