
A Piece.

White got in to see Simon standing in front of his bookshelf. Simon stared at the bags in his hand with a questioning look. He couldn't ignore the beam on White's face and he was forced to ask.

"That's quite the grin you have there. I didn't' know you enjoyed shopping that much. What did you get this time?...please tell me one of them is for your use." Simon said as he knew what his reply was going to be.

White dropped the bags on the table and flashed Simon the biggest smile he'd ever seen in a while. "They're all for Lynn."

Simon sighed as he made his way to take a look at what was in the bag. "Why did I bother to ask."

He took out a box from one of the bags and paused as he saw the logo on the box. He slowly looked up at White who immediately looked away.

"No way."

He searched all the bags and they all had the same logo. His jaw dropped. He stood still for a moment as he tried to get himself under control. It could be the same logo but lower-priced goods, but he swallowed the thought as soon as he saw the huge diamonds staring back at him.

"...you know what? I don't even care anymore. It's your fortune." Simon said as he knew his nagging wouldn't get White to stop. "I just don't get why you keep buying things when you clearly have no plans to approach her, talk less of giving her a gift. At this rate, I'm going to open a third room to keep things you keep buying for Lynn."

"Actually... I was able to give her one today." White said and Simon raised a brow as he tried to process his words.

"For real?!" He said excitedly but then his look turned into a frown as he realized the bigger picture he was missing out on. "Wait, for real?! You seriously gave her one of those?!"


"Are you kidd... these things are over a hundred thousand dollars!"

"What's your point?"

Simon sighed "She's in high school. Look, if she wears that out, we won't just be trying to keep her safe from Wolves or Vampires, but also robbers. No one would see such a huge diamond on her neck and just let her walk past looking all grand and expensive unless she has a bodyguard with her."

"But she does," White said and Simon wondered when he got a bodyguard assigned to her. White stared at him and raised a brow as if to say 'why do you look so shocked?'

Getting the message, he pointed to his chest and asked "Wait...You mean me?"

"Of course." He said and Simon stared back at him in disbelief. He ran his hand across his face and let out a sigh.

"You really just do whatever you want right?"

White looked away, completely ignoring Simon. The look on his face changed as he stared at the boxes on his table.

"Simon, where's the last box of jewelry?" He asked.

"What?...you mean there's more?!" Simon yelled as White stared at the opened boxes. He couldn't find the heart pendant. He was sure he had gotten it. Making out eight of the diamonds with one missing, he realized the pendant must have gone to Lynn.

"Ah." He sighed as he leaned over the table with his head down.

"What's wrong?" Simon asked worriedly. He thought White's vampire was showing up again.

"I gave her the wrong chain." He said and Simon paused.


"I gave her the cheapest one. Unlike these, I got that for only a thousand." White grumbled and Simon simply went silent. He couldn't believe that was his major concern at the moment.

"I really need to stop worrying about you," Simon muttered and White sprang up.

"Right! Hey Simon, do I stink?" He asked and Simon looked taken aback.

"Why so suddenly?"

"Just, answer me."

Simon looked at him suspiciously before moving closer and taking a whiff of him. He pulled back.

"You smell just fine to me," Simon replied as a pout pulled up on White's face. He sniffed himself, he also didn't think he smelt good or different either.

"Does this have anything to do with Lynn? How did you two even meet?!"

The two paused immediately as they noticed the presence that approached them.

Simon turned back and the figure in a hooded cloak with a face mask went down on one knee with their hand crossing their chest. They bowed.

"My lord," A female's voice spoke.

White stared at the Alpha wolf he had planted on his father. She reports back to him every week and she'd carefully carried this out for the past decades. With no sign of his relaxed attitude from a moment ago, he ordered.


"Thank you, my lord. The King still hasn't made a move and there's been no sign of his guards moving in the shadows. One of them was getting suspicious but that's been taken care of. The palace is still as it was."

White folded his arms as he stared at her, he would've thought she was lying but she wasn't. His nose would've picked that up immediately.

No movement from his father means nothing has gotten to his ears. He thought he would be forced to hunt down every one of the wolves but turns out they valued their lives after all.

"Keep watching him and don't let down your guard. He might seem quiet now but even his silence should be taken as a threat," White warned as he knew the old man better than anyone else.

"Understood my lord,"

"You may leave."

He said, expecting her to leave immediately but she stayed on her knees.

"Is there something else you wish to report to me?"

"...forgive me, my lord," she said as the fear in her voice unconsciously seeped out. "The state of the palace is still the same. The King's decisions, we are weak against them but–"

"–is that all you have to say to me?" White cuts her off as he knew where she was heading with the conversion.

"My lord–"

"–another word and I will have your throat!" He growled in a low tone and a chill ran up her spine as her wolf whimpered inside her.


"Yes, my lord." She nodded and went out of the room. Simon stared at White whose anger fumed out, he was a vampire but sometimes White's wolf gets him on edge. Simon understood why White didn't want to talk about what was going on– but he knew it was a matter they had to face... and fast. 'Cause at this rate, the wolf King might just end up selling every one of the wolves to the Vampires, and the only one who could help out with this situation is White.

"Are you really going to keep ignoring this? The people need you." Simon asked in a low voice as he wasn't ready to rile him up any further.

"The people need me?" He said with a scoff and looked at Simon. Bitterness in his eyes "Where were the people when I needed them?"

Simon couldn't reply to that. He knew the truth hidden in those words, so he could only lower his head.

"I don't want to hear another word about this.

Simon crossed his chest and bowed "Yes, my lord,"

White turned to leave the room but stopped in his track. "I got a whiff of a vampire on Lynn today... Take care of that before I do."

He walked out.

Simon let out a sigh before following suit as he knew he had to find that vampire... And fast.


Lynn stared at the field of flowers that swayed in whatever direction the wind blew. The air felt so clean and the relaxing scent filled her up. As beautiful as the scene was, she was left confused about how she got there.

"Where am I?" She said to herself as she looked around, then her memory picked up. It was the place she had seen someone crying. She looked around and a feeling of relief and disappointment surged through her. She wasn't ready to bawl her eyes out for someone she barely knew... but a part of her also wished she could get to know who exactly she had seen crying. The soft sound of footsteps invaded her thoughts and she turned in the direction to see a little girl run up towards her. Her golden curls that bounced with every step she took sparkled under the cool weather. She had on a laced-up vintage short sleeved dress and Lynn wondered if she was playing dress-up for a renaissance faire. The girl didn't seem to notice Lynn as she ran past her and dived in straight for the flowers that completely covered her up.

Lynn was still trying to figure out why the little girl was hiding when another figure's head popped up from the field. She hadn't noticed him there 'cause the flowers had also swallowed him up. She blinked as she noticed the familiar short white hair and exquisite white facial features that made his shiny blue eyes stand out even more.

She recognized him immediately as the guy she had directed to the bus stop. Her brows squeezed up in confusion as she wondered why she was seeing him in his child form. She watched him slowly get up as his body came into full view. He had on a white frilly shirt tucked into his brown pants. He was dressed simple, but his charming aura was overflowing with cuteness. Lynn watched him peek around the area as if to check on what had made a sound. The place the girl was rustled and Lynn wasn't sure if he thought it was a bunny but he started to move closer, and when the girl shot up, he jumped.


The two screamed in unison and froze as they stared at each other. Lynn could make out a frown on the girl's face before she said.

"You're not Miss Freda?"


They all flinched at the roar that came from down the hill. She watched the girl pull the white-haired boy down as they both disappeared into the field, leaving her alone. She looked back to see an older lady with the same vintage dress come into view as she held on to her dress that exposed a part of her undergarment and boots.

She heaved as she bent over and rested on her knees.

"How on earth did she climb up here?" She gasped and straightened up. She looked pissed. "Amanda, you get out here immediately before I get you!"

It's obvious Amanda was the little girl currently hiding in the flowers, but Lynn didn't know what to say if the lady asks about her whereabouts. she didn't want to rat out the little girl and prayed the lady only saw her as a rock.


that's exactly what happened. Almost like she couldn't see Lynn, she walked past her as she began to peer down the field and part the flowers with her hands. Lynn quietly watched her search in the wrong direction as it took the lady only a few minutes to give up on searching. She sighed as she placed her hands on her waist.

"I know you're here Amanda. I have to get back to work," The lady said and started to walk away from the field. "I'll let you go now. So you know, you can't escape it."

Lynn watched the lady walk off as she mumbled her words before she got out of sight. Lynn looked back at the area the kids had hidden as a head slowly popped out.

"She's gone." Amanda said and the boy got up. The two stared at each other for a moment and Amanda said.

"You're not from around here, are you?"

"Hm," he replied with a nod and lowered his head.

"Did you also run away from home?" Amanda asked.

He glanced up at her before nodding.

"That's funny, I did too," she said with a giggle that resounded in the field as the wind blew with a stronger force.

Lynn didn't know what was going on at the moment, but a tiny voice resounded in her head and a sense of nostalgia filled her up.

She'd seen this scene before.