

"I'd like to go back.There's nothing wrong with me,I don't need to see a doctor or anyone else.Pedro will wonder where I am."

"Forget about him.He should be the least of your concerns.You not feeling well I'm taking you to a doctor."

"No!"She said more fiercely."I feel fine.What you should do is turn this car around and go back.You can't just leave Brigitta alone. She's your fiance,your place is by her side.She needs you."

"Don't tell me about my responsibilities towards Brigitta. Right now you're my only responsibility and the only person I care about.I cannot let anything bad happen to you.Aurora and Cristian still needs you."

Do you need me too she asked him inside her heart.Because I do.More than anything."Please." She softly whispered."Take me home.I don't need to see a doctor. It's probably the wine I had.All I need is to be alone."

"Piper let-..."

"If I still don't feel better tomorrow.I'll go and see a doctor.I promise you."