

"Can we not talk about Piper."He said.

"As you wish."His mother said."I'd like to meet my grandkids and what are their names."

"Cristian and Aurora."He watched as his mother froze in drinking her tea, shock was clear on her face. The passing of his sister years ago still affects her although she doesn't talk much about losing her only daughter Sergio knows

the pain of losing her is still there.Sometimes he thinks his mother hasn't really gotten over the passing of his sister. "Mother.Are you alright."He asked going to sit next to her.

"I'm fine.Hearing their names caught me of guard that's all." Cecilia set her cup down on the coffee table."Aurora.."She murmured."So it's a boy and a girl."

"Yes."He said.

"How old are they?"

"Six years."He answered.

"So much time has passed.Why didn't she reach out and tell you about them sooner. Are they twins."

He nodded."I'd rather not go into detail."

"I wanna see them immediately." Cecilia stood up and took her purse.