

Cal hadn't anticipated the attack and was cought off guard. He ended up hitting his back on the wall with hands up in a surrendering action. There were some students passing by the hallway and saw the little show. They immediately recognised Cal.

"Handsome young master Davis" they all called together in the same rhythm while giggling. They were all girls

Valina was embarrassed being caught in such a situation she quickly let go of Cal, while mimicking how they called him in a low voice, " handsome young master Davis"

Cal only smiled at her childish behavior. He only waved at the girls who couldn't stop drooling and would completely eat him if given a chance. "Hey there beautiful ladies," "heeey" they all replied back in an unusual tone leaning at each other.

Valina placed her hands on her waist fiercely staring at the girls, "hello I'm still here why don't you find another time to flirt with the so called beautiful ladies." Her tuntrum only made Cal to want to tease her more, he clearly knew that she hated it if he gave his attention to anyone else while with her.

The girls assumed her as if she was nothing. One of them who seemed to be the leader started coming to their direction swaying her hips seductively. Val couldn't deny that she was indeed beautiful and the fact that Cal called them ladies while he always calls her baby yet they were definitely age mates. This really annoyed her, "so arrogant" she didn't mean to say that out loud.

All the attention was on her now all the girls focused on trying to see her face which was securely hidden in the hood and mask she wore. The girl who was approaching Cal freezed on her step and turned to look at Val. She had a poisonous look directed to Val. She even sized her up and down with a disgusting look. " And who are you to even dare to insult me? Do you even know who I am?"

Val's pride and ego was hurt by her words, being a Davis by blood she had the need of domineering over others and demanding respect. To top it over she has never encountered any confrontation or disrespect so she was very angry and ready to lash out. "And so what I don't give a f**k about who the hell you are!!" She was already moving forward to attack the girl.

Cal immediately intervened and stood between them. He hid Val behind his back protectively, c'mon Rosie take it easy.

Rosie was his junior while he was still in high school she always had a secret crush on him and tried every way to get his attention only that he was never interested in her. She also had a bad temper and always bullied others she was considered as the queen of the school. Val was irritated and kept stomping her feet on the ground. She was really good at controlling her temper and emotions but once pissed off you wouldn't want to be on the loosing end of her wrath she never argued with anyone she was like the perfect princess.

Cal didn't know how the situation quickly got out of hand. Also he didn't want to piss off Val more than she already was so he quickly thought of a way to appease her.

"I'm sorry Rosie am already taken so you can't have my contact or else I'll be in big trouble." He said it dramatically. She sheepishly smiled at him because he knew her name but Cal turned his back on her before she could say anything else and create more trouble for him with the fuming goddess in front of him.

He steadily placed his hands on her slim waist, " let's go baby don't be mad anymore or you'll have wrinkles on your beautiful face mnnhhh!" He said adoringly and winked at her which was obviously seen by the other girls. The other girls had their mouths wide open in bewilderment while Rosie was fuming mad.

Valina "....….."

All the scolding she was going to give him was all lost, she opened her mouth several times but closed no words could come out or she just couldn't bring herself to scold him anymore.

"Aren't you the one who wanted to maintain a low profile but has already gotten on the wrong side of the school queen. Do you really want a miserable life here you haven't even started yet already causing trouble. You really have a long way to go and alot to learn." He said leading her across a hallway which seemed to be the class rooms.

"Mnnhhh queen my foot, she better not cross my path or else I will teach her the lesson of her life. Mere girls like her aren't difficult for me to handle I'll gladly show them their place. Her type only like to threaten others but can do nothing. She definitely has a crush on you but scared of approaching you how stupid. She was desperately trying to get your attention, yet you made them misunderstand our relationship but I couldn't care any less let them think whatever they want." She said puffing her chest with a silly grinn, she was happy that he stood up for her.

She didn't protest him holding her waist anymore and let him lead the way for her anyways no one would recognize her.

Students noticed him passing and all eyes were staring at them through the window some even stood up to wave at him and he waved back at them.

They strolled for a while around the school in different departments and he would occasionally show her the safe spots to hide if she didn't want to attend the lessons or be disturbed.

"Hurry come here" he said leading her to a door. " Come place your hands here." She looked at him confused," what for?" "You just do it and see" he told her excitedly. She complied with him and did as he said, she placed her hands on some sort of screen and suddenly she felt a Sting on her index finger which was a little painful but the pain quickly disappeared. What she saw next made her feel satisfied.