When Sunye entered the small courtroom, she found the Defense team and Hyun already seated at their spots. They were whispering something when they noticed Sunye entering. The Defense lawyer was Bae Senjun, one of the most prominent lawyers in the field. He was in his late forties and had an almost unbeatable track record just like Sunye.
Bae stood up to greet his opposition.
"Good morning, Ms. Han," he said politely, holding out his hand for her to shake. Sunye greeted him back, shaking his hand. Unlike people's perception, lawyers were not the mortal enemies of one another. Sunye might be fighting with the defense team at court but outside, she was friendly with many of them. She had not fought with Bae at court till that day because he only handled political cases, but she knew him well. Her mentor, Yang, was his frequent opposition but the men shared a warm relationship.
"Best of luck," he wished her.