
Chapter 228 Is Fu Hanzheng Petty?

Yesterday, she tossed it into the garbage, so the card is in the garbage bin.

She responded in a muffled voice, "Go look for it in the garbage bin yourself!"

Fu Hanzheng directly said, "You're coming with me."

Xu Ningxi inwardly cursed.

Was Fu Hanzheng serious?

What sudden craziness was this?

The two of them sifting through garbage bins together?

That's simply not feasible.

The garbage bins are cleaned out every evening, it would make more sense to go look in the dump!

She said to Fu Hanzheng with evident annoyance, "If you want to get the money back, just go cancel the card. You're the account holder, do whatever you want, I'm not stopping you!"

Having said that, she immediately hung up the phone.

Ruan Tiantian asked what was going on.

Xu Ningxi curled her lip.

"Didn't I throw the card Fu Hanzheng gave me into the garbage bin last night and then ignored it? Today, he actually asked me to join him in rummaging through the garbage bin."