
Good News

The sun rays hit her eyes but she still wanted to sleep. She covered herself with the duvet and slept without a care in the world. Miss Debbie the one managing the orphanage came and drew the curtains so that the light from the sun will reach the sleeping girl and wake her up but she was wrong the girl still slept. Everyone was awake doing their morning chores except this sleeping girl.

"Ria (the name miss Debbie uses to call Maria) hasn't slept like this before, what could be the matter with this girl " miss Debbie said to nobody in particular

Unlike the other children, miss Debbie had a bond with Maria.

Maria was brought to the orphanage as a baby and the orphanage was the only home she knew .Miss Debbie raised her as her own . Even though Debbie wasn't married and had no children she still understood the children and knew what they wanted.

she went near the sleeping girl and tapped her with hope that she would wake up

"wake up Ria "

"let me sleep Debbie " she replied with a sleepy voice

" if you do not wake up this instant I will call the boys in here"

Immediately she said that Maria woke up as if someone has poured ice on her . What Debbie said had an effect on her.

Maria got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take her shower.

While she was in the bathroom , Debbie used that time to lay the bed and started reading the a magazine when Maria came out of the bathroom fully dressed.

They both went down stairs and had their breakfast . Afterwards Maria went out and started reading a book under an apple tree when she saw Mrs Lynn coming her way with Mr Harrison and miss Debbie .

She stopped what she was doing went towards them.

"Hi Mrs Lynn and Mr Harrison l did not know you will come and visit today"

"well, we didn't come here just to visit but come her for another reason, could you follow us to miss Debbie's office?"

"Yes , but I hope it is nothing serious"

They walked the stairs and nobody said a word to Maria which made her really curious

Finally they reached miss Debbie's office and she wanted to know what was so urgent that they wanted to tell her .

" I know this what I'm going to say is going to take you by surprise but please do not freak out "

"okay I promise not to freak out, but I hope it isn't anything bad ."

" Maria we want to adopt you and make you our daughter . You will also bear our surname ,we want to give you a home and sponsor you education and we promise to love you with all our hearts.

At this point Maria couldn't hold the tears that were threatening to fall she turned and looked at Miss Debbie who gave a knowing look .

she never thought that her dream of being adopted will happen this way .

She just said " Yes l will be your daughter" the moment she said that she began to shed tears of joy . This was the best thing that had happened to her .

Since all the paperwork was done Maria was lawfully their daughter .

Miss Debbie helped Maria pack a her things . Even though it pained her that Ria was going to live somewhere else but she was happy that Ria was happy.

After packing her things Ria went to say goodbye to her friends and miss Debbie . Saying goodbye to miss Debbie was a bit hard cause she was the closest person to her .

"promise you will come and visit"

"l promise that I will never forget you , I will always have a place in my heart for you".

After saying all the goodbyes , Maria joined her parents in the car tht was waiting for them outside to her knew home.