
Her Monster .His Addiction

when she and her sister got the new maid jobs,she didn't see the out comes or even think about them. He was their boss but became her monster the first time she set her eyes on him. she could see his addiction, possessiveness and obsession he had in his beautiful grey eyes all for her. she wondered whether he had mistaken her for someone else because from what she saw in his eyes,it was like he was looking at his long lost lover . Her- he took away my freedom, I couldn't wear anything I liked since he thought that I wanted to seduce other men who could help me escape from him . He fired all the male workers and female who dared to look at me even if it was just a single glance. I cried ,tried suicide and even begged him to let me go but he didn't. He only said that I was all his to keep. I hate him. Him- I didn't want to cage her,I only wanted her to love me like I did but what did she do? she tried committing suicide,tried escaping and always cried herself to sleep. I wish she could see that it hurt me more than her, I always hurt myself more to get thrice her pain and that's how I punished myself for making her cry. I knew she wanted her freedom from me but in actual sense,it was me who needed my freedom from her. If she had just tried asking me ,I could give her anything without a second thought. She wanted to move around freely, she had all rights to do all the things she wanted as long as she just accepts me to be a part of her life till death does us apart but she didn't want that . she never for once tried to cover up the hatred she had for me. she called me all sorts of names which I enjoyed because they were all from her to me. I myself too knew I was crazy and maybe even worse than psychopaths but it was all for her. She was my everything.

Shirat_Hash · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Already fired

Queen's pov...

I raised my head in order to see the owner of the beautiful muscular cold hand that was now on my face but before I could get a clear view of his face, I felt some electric current passing through me making me to shakeup and what shocked me more was that I wasn't the only one who experienced it, the owner of the hand also reacted the same like I did. I thought that maybe it was an earthquake and the rest also felt it who were near.

I looked sideways to prove my point but I met angry and jealous faces which were also filled with hatred and all this were directed to non other than me myself. Even my sis had the same face. But why? I haven't done anything to make them put on such faces for me.

Ohhh wait wait....,I think I know the reason. I think it was because of the owner of the hand so, I brought back my head ,raised it in order to see the owner of the hand clearly this time.

I was shocked to the maximum making my already big eyes to widen more. In front of me was "my sister's future husband" who would also be my "brother in law" and guess what?

He was also the owner of the hand.

I stepped backwards to put some space between us. "Good morning Master. What can I do for you?" I asked him wanting to clear the awkwardness that was feeling up the air .

But instead of making things right,I only made them worse. The once soft face of the boss instantly turned cold and the coldest aura that I had ever seen started filling up the room.

I cried for myself inside since I knew I and my sister were already fired on the very first day before we even started working.