
Redoing The Marriage

Every time they send gifts to their family, it was all.Namjoon who was doing it since Jin just doesn't care about . all those simple things at all .

"Namjoon ... tell me, what should I give her?"

Jin then asked with a restless expression carved on his usual blank face, as he kept turning his head from left to right and back again like a lost puppy who just doesn't have any idea whether he must step towards the left or the right side or towards the middle or just go back and leave .

That moment, looking at him like that could only made Namjoon sigh as he moved closer towards him .

Well, he knew that this was the first time this creature actually went to shop himself, so he couldn't do a thing about it .

"Well, just chose something you know she'll like . "

He then said and upon his signal, ladies in uniform approached Jin one after another .

Showing him expensive jewelries, dresses, bags, shoes and everything that was considered precious to every woman's eyes .