

The costumier and her team including a make up artist she brought along arrived with the driver , They came into our house to dress me up and a message came on my phone , it was a picture of Kunle which he sent to me on watsapp , I smile and send a emoji of love to him.

Soon the makeup artist and my costumier were done dressing me up, it was an Aso oke and and laced fabric. The blouse was designed with a lace material, a long sleeve silver colour blouse and the wrapper was made with Aso oke fabric designed with crystal bead, the same thing with my head gear, the costumier did a good job helping me tie the head gear beautifully just as I like it.

My shoes were Micheal Kor designs , a silver scarpion heel and a silver Clutch purse, I stood up and stare at myself in the big standing mirror that the costumier brought to me, I smile at myself looking at how beautiful I was and how much I look like a bride, I took a selfie of myself and send to Kunle.

My phone rings and it was a video call and he blew me a kiss from the video call.

“You are beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen, I love you” I smile and my sister clapped.

“Oh my God , two of you are so sweet, you are the best couple ever, I want this for myself” my sister says.

“You are the best man and the most handsome man I have ever come across” I said . we smile.

“I am definitely putting this on all my social media handle, I will tell Bassey to post it now, I love you we will meet at the venue” I said.

“I love you” He says.

“I love you too”I replied and my mom comes to me and she swirls me around, she embraces me.


I Didn’t have anything to wear , I would have no choice than to dress this way to the wedding introduction because I have to be with Simi’s mom to help her with so many things.

I was about taking my bath when my phone ring. It was Simi, I pick my phone and he asks for my room number which I told me .

He knocks on my hotel room and I open the door, he was the one, he smiled at me as I open the door, I miss him so much and he kissed me , I shut the door as he enters, he was carrying a shopping bag in his hand.

“You didn’t say you were coming? I said smiling and excited , he pulls me to his laps, he kissed me.

“I missed you and it’s my brother’s wedding introduction, I need to be there” he says.

“It’s a fake introduction” I said.

“No because what they have for each other is real” he replied.

“Yeah, you are right¸I don’t have what I am wearing to the wedding introduction , we was just a sudden thing” I said.

“I know and you mention that to me last night so I have you covered up, I got us the same material to wear to the party, he said and I quickly pick up the shopping bag up and check what was in it.

‘Thank you” I said Excitedly, I kissed him and I quickly go to take my bath , he came to join me in the bathroom and I quickly pick my Towel to cover my body, he stare at me and smile , Never mind , if you don’t want us to have anything is fine” he says.

“NO, it’s not like I don’t want us to have anything but I am just scared , I mean your mom is my problem , she warned me today ,she gave me warning and I am so scared and I am thinking we should stop whatever we have so that we don’t get hurt in the end” I said.

“What makes you think we would get hurt in the end? I love you and we would fight for what we have, just stay with me, I promise you that you won’t regret it” he said looking into my eyes.

“I am scared , I mean so scared , I want you, I don’t even know if I would be able to leave my life without you but I am just scared to loose you at the end of every thing” I said , he moved closer to me and he uses his hand  to caress my cheek and I held his wrist and shut my eyes.

“I love you Simisola” I replied, he look into my eyes and to my lips , he kissed me and I kissed him back, he deepened the kiss and slowly he pull away my Towel and I use my hands to cover my boobs “ he stood and stare at me , he slowly removed my hands, he looked at me from head to toe while I stare at him, he smiles .

“You are beautiful” he says and kissed me passionately, he bathe me with shampoo and he also took his bath, he carried me a bridal to the bed, he slowly kissed me passionately on all my faces and he kissed my lips , he deepened the kiss,, he  moves hi lips to my nape, he slowly took one of my boobs and he held my tit in his mouth he sucked it slowly , he move slowly to my other tit, he caresses it and sucked on it hard,a moan escapes my lips , kissed my belly down to my navel, he spread my leg he moves his lips down to clean shave, slowly he move to my clit, he slowly sucked on it and I shut my eyes in ecstasy , he slowly move his finger into my pussy and I he moves his finger to my pussy and I cringe, he stopped, he looked at me and he tries to put his finger in me and I cringe again” he stood up and look into my eyes.

“You don’t want me to? He asks, I shake my head. He kissed me .

“It’s fine, we should get dressed then”he says.

Yes I want him to get down on me because I am already wet, I want him inside of me but you know that first time when one is scared of the pain that awaits someone even though you know how much you want it when you are with the right person.



“No, I want you” I said.

“Are you sure? He asked.

“I cringe because you are my first” I said slowly and in a hush tone.

He stare at me in surprise like he wasn’t expecting to find me as a virgin.


I stare at her when she said the reason she cringe when I was going to put my hand into her was because she was a virgin.

God! She’s twenty two years of age and I wasn’t expecting that, she went through secondary school to university and she still keep herself, I wasn’t expecting that from her.

Not even this day where we have slay mama’s and slay queens, all this little girls sleeping with men for money, they don’t see it as something wrong, they are even proud of it , they don’t care whatever the repercussion is , they just feel yes, I have to do it because I want to Gucci designers, I want to were Givenchy designers, I want to use the newest Iphone in town, I use to meet lots of them in club that are strippers, I even heard some sleep with dogs for money, this is what goes on in this world , I use to think all girls are like that even though I found her different from those one of those girls out there but I felt it was her attraction that made me fell in love with her but today she proved to me that not every girl I see out there is indecent, we still have few decent girls out girl.

I smile and stare at her, I kissed her , I kissed all her faces,  , I kissed her lips , I love you babe. I kissed her again.

“Get dressed and let’s go to the wedding introduction” I help her up and and kiss her again because I just can’t stop kissing her. 

“My body” she say slowly.

‘Your body? I asked her.

“My body is turn on” she says shyly. I knew it is normal way she feel that way, I kissed her.

“We would do this but not now baby, I want to do this with you specially, not this way, I will help you calm your body down” he says .

I slowly kissed her and I move down to her clit and to her pussy , I didn’t deep dip my tongue into her pussy, I sucked her slowly until she came.

I carried her to the bathroom, I bathe her and carried her back to the bed to relax while I also go to take a shower.



Another driver was sent to pick me and my family up, My aunt came , my grandma manage to come but Racheal didn’t come but I don’t care, as I enter into the car, the driver starts the car and dropve us to the Venue. 

Our car entering into the Venue, the Mc of the ceremony came to us , ask us some few questions due to we never discussed before.

I remain in the car while the ceremony begin. My mom , siblings and father’s family was led into the hall, I can’t wait to see my Kunle. He must be postrating right now with his brother and few younger people from his party.


My brother called me that the event would soon start , I was dressed while Peju was also dressing up.

“Just Five minute, I will be there “ I replied. I stare at my Peju and I just love her more not just because she is beautiful but being able to keep herself till date is something that made me love her more.

“I am done , let’s go” she says, I can’t get enough of kissing her, I just can’t get tired of kissing her.

We walk out of the hotel hand , I held her hand , I just want to claim her in the presence of everyone that this beauty here is mine.

I drove to the venue and I saw my  brother, my parents and some party members  standing outside the hall.

I held Peju’s hand but she pull away her hand.

“Go, I don’t want to go, your mom” I said.

My mom looked back and I knew what her look was all about, the way she glare at us shows how unhappy she was with us  and to top it all we were wearing the same lace fabric.

“Peju! My mom called.

“Ma”  Peju replied running to her.

“I employed you to work for me and not satisfying my son” my mom said, I got upset but , this is my brother’s day and it has to be a happy day for my brother. 


The moderator for the grooms family came to us and she told us it’s time for the groom’s family to dance in, we had the two basket of fruits wine and drink which is according to the Yoruba tradition we dance into the hall, my parents goes to sit down.


I have never thought something like this was one day going to be what I would do for a woman, but  my Shade got me doing those thing I never thought I would do just to make her mine.

I danced into the hall, I never knew I could dance so well like this . The music stopped and I and my friends and brother were asked to postrate which we did.

This is how it is done in the Yoruba tradition in Nigeria, The Yoruba traditional wedding or wedding introduction is so enrich in the Yoruba culture on it’s own,  The man has to postrate to  the brides family because the Yoruba tradition greetings that shows the sign of respect is a man postrating and a woman kneeling down to greet.

I and my friends and my brother would postrate as many times we are asked to even if I am asked to postrate a million times because of Shade , I would do it.

I know she see’s it has a fake marriage but I take it to be a very serious thing.

After I postrated , I was blessed by both families and I was led to my seat, a special seat made for I and Shade.

Shade also danced in with her sister and Peju, she had a veil to cover her head to her face, she was holding a beautiful handfan, she danced so well, never knew she could dance this well, when she got to where she would stop, , the music stopped and she goes down on her knees , she was blessed by my family and her family and I stood up to remove her veil and she was led to sit beside me , I looked into her eyes and she smiles, I whisper into her ear. 

“ You look beautiful and you  danced so well” I said and she looked at me.

“Open your purse” I said, she looks at me with surprise and she opens her purse , I dip my hnds into my pocket and I bring out bundle of money and put it into her clutch purse” she looks up at me with questions written all over her face.

“For how you danced today” I said and she looks into my eyes and my lips , she kissed me passionately not minding that we are in the midst of people and Kunle deepened the kiss  and what brought us back to we were still having a ceremony was the clap from Shade and those who are not member of my family.

We broke our kiss and I lean my head to her head before looking back to the guest. .



Seeing my brother and Shade really make me want to do the same thing to Peju, I can’t wait to make her mine , just like my brother is claiming Shade, not even my mom can come in between us she can only try because nothing can stop me from making Peju mine.

I am Peju kept stealing glances at each other and I could see my mom look from Shade and Kunle to Peju and I.

I can see my mom fuming in anger, I know if we were not in the midst of this party she would have said all her mind and both girls will  be in tears by now but I will protect Peju maybe I should just stop her from working with my mom, maybe I should pay her the salary she is getting from mom mysel.