

This time he sent a driver to pick me up , My maid help me get into the car .

The car took me to the venue, when I got there, I could feel a different setting from the settings I knew about restaurant.

I felt his hand on my hand.

He kissed me on the cheek, the first time ever that he kiss on my cheek since we began dating.

“You look so beautiful” he says to me .

“Thank you” I replied.

He held me by the hand and took me to my sit, he helped me pull out my chair and I sat down, our food was brought to us ,he fed me with food after eating, I began to hear music being played it was a song by Burna boy “Hold you for my hand”  he held me to stand up which I did, he slowly walk me to a place to stand  and I was trying to sense what was happening but I didn’t know he was on his knees, I could feel his presence in front of me , but I do not know what he was doing.

“What’s going on” I asked, I never knew he was on his knees in front of me .

The very day I set my eyes on you was the day I knew that woman that will become is here, baby, I want to take you home , I want to love you and want you to become the part of my life, I love you so much Jessica, please say yes” he says.

Tears dripped down my face , It was tears of joy , I couldn’t contain my joy, I was too happy to see that my engagement come naturally, this is what I have always wanted and it came just has I want it.

“Yes! Yes!!  I said happily. “Yes I will marry you” I replied.

“ Thank you baby” he says and held my hand, He slip a ring into my finger , he stood up and kissed me , he embrace me.

“ I love you” I said.

We kissed and embrace , we danced, we had our first kisses, he took me home .

It’s my first time of going to his home, He never talked about his worth to me but today when we got to his house , I realized , we are of same class.

When we entered into the house he said.

“Welcome to our house” I smile and he slowly place his lips on mine , I kissed him back, the kiss was slow and passionate, slowly he deepened the kiss and we were slowly getting undressing ourselves, He lift me off my feet took me to the bedroom without breaking the kiss, he gently place me in the bed, I was wet and ready for him, he slowly moved on top of me , he places his lips on mine, he kissed me so passionately and he slowly kissed my face down to my name , he slowly undress me completely, he whispers to my ear.

“You are beautiful in and out” he says.

He kissed my lips and move down to my boobs , he took the two gently, sucked on them each , he moved down to my navel, he sticks out his tongue , he slowly moved his tongue on my navel, and it make me want him inside of me .

He moved down on me , he slowly part my legs and goes down on me and he slowly stick out his tongue on my cli**t, he sucked on it and he put his finger in my pussy and I cling, he stopped.

“You are wet but…..you are a ……no man has ever touched you before” he asked.

“ Yes, it’s my first time but I want you to make me a woman”I said.

“ Yes , I want to make you a woman” he says and came to kiss me again”

“I wouldn’t have believed that throughout the time you spent with your ex , both of you never had anything”he says.

“Because , we had no connection and we were not even into each other , we were forced to be together, I feel guilty all the time we are together , we hardly have conversation” I replied.

He kissed me , he slowly part my legs and slowly enter into me , he paused a bit and he began to move in and out slowly and I began to enjoy it, I can’t remember how many rounds we have before we finally cuddled and drifted to sleep.



Immediately I got home , I quickly made a call  with Jessica’s mom and she told me she would speak with her daughter, I really need them to get m arried as soon as possible.


After receiving Simi’s mom’s call, she thinks I care whoever Jessica marries, I do not care because I want her out of this house at all cost so that all the properties would go to her , when she dies , they will have no choice than to leave the property in my care which means I will automatically own the properties.

Whoever she likes she should get married to the most important thing is she gets married and she she dies and leave the properties to be in my care.




I meet with Nick in his office.

He told me to sit at the lounge in his office which I did, he was busy on his laptop, few minutes later he finished whatever he was doing on his table and came to me.

“You said you want to speak to me? I nod my head.

“If it’s about the wedding date or stuff, I have something to tell you about it, I was planning that we could talk it over at lunch tomorrow but now that you are here , I think we should talk about it.

“Let me say mine first and you can say yours” I said.

“Alright” I said.

“ First of all, I am so sorry to be among people leading you on and I never did it intentionally, I did it because I was told to , because my mom says I am blind that no one would want to marry a blind girl like me.

“You and I never knew each other before your accident, I was never your finacee or whatsoever that you think I was, everything I had tell you so far about us is a lie , they were the words your mother put to my mouth, those words were what I was told , I am so sorry about that” I said.

“Why are you telling me all this ? he asked.

“ Because I want to move on , because I have found love , because I feel guilty of lying to you , because I can feel that we have never had connection because I know you love someone before me , you might have forgotten her but she still stays in your memory that is why it is really hard to connect with me and I just feel maybe you should do your findings maybe you will find that woman” I said.

“Thank you” I replied.

“You are welcome” he replied and I brought out his engagement ring and give it back to him.

“I am sorry to have returned it but I just want to be happy and that is why I have decided to follow my heart” I said.

“ Congratulations and I wish you all the best” he said .

“Thank you” I repleied.

“You were going to say  something before now but I pleaded to speak first.

“Yes, I was just going to speak on the wedding date that we do not seems compatible and that we should call it off , I realized we are on the same boat here , thank you for the advice , I am already working on that, and I wish you the very best in your marriage and don’t forget to send mea wedding invitation when it is out” He says.

“ I won’t forget, I will send you the wedding invitation when we fix a date” I said.

“ I have to go” he says.

I stood up and we embraced , we break the embrace and I took my leave.




I took Jessica to meet my parent, when I drove into the compound , my mom came out to us , she couldn’t contain her joy but when she noticed she had a walking stick and eye glasses, my mom became disappointed.

We entered , when we entered into the house , I helped her sit , my Dad looked at me in the eyes and Jessica,

“ Daddy meet Jessica my fiancée” I slowly held her up to greet my Dad.

“Let her come on her own” my dad says and I know he said that on purpose to know if she can see or not.

“ Dad, she needs my support because she cannot see” I said.

My dad laughed.

“What you can bring to us as a wife , a woman who cannot see, how do you intend to manage her and your children, when you would have to do everything for her? Son I do not think I can accept her as a daughter in law.

We have never have a disable in this family and it won’t start from you” he says and walked away.

Jessica began to cry but I embrace her , I told her it is fine, after Thirty minutes my mom didn’t come to us and I knew she doesn’t want to come , I told Jessica that we would go, I told her we would meet with her mom .

We met with Jessica’s mom on the same and she grant us our consent, She even gave us idea that we can just have a small wedding that we have her support.

We  fix our wedding to that week, we got married at the court with few friends and Jessica’s family.




It’s my son’s birthday, I decided to give him a small birthday by getting him something while coming back from school, I had gone into Shoprite to get some few things because it close to where I work and some things are still affordable for me there.

I bought my son some toys , dresses and even a cake.

I did this with the money I have been saving for almost a year, I was carrying the cake in my hand when my phone rang, I wanted to pick my call when some one hit me with her body, the cake wanted to fall off and I was struggling with both my phone and the cake ,m it slip of my hand and I quickly tried to pick it but someone picked it for me , I stare at those hands that helped me and I flash back to Simi and he spoke.

“Thank God, I helped you save the cake” That is Simi’s voice, that is one voice I can never forget, I looked up to his face, he was the one , I stood struck staring at him and I din’t know when tears began to drip down my face.

He was hale and hearty, It’s not that he was dead or he wasn’t in the country, he was looking better.

“Simi” I said in between my sob, I drag out the cake from his hand and quickly turn away, I was even confused on the route to leave the shoprite, he quickly catch up with me .

He held my hand and I told him to let me be.

“Peju right? He asked.

I stare at him with the word “Right after he called my name”.

“Simi, let me go, I do not want this cake to fall of again because I have no other money for another one.

“ I will get you another one if it falls” he says.

“I don’t want” I replied.

“ If I had known I was going to see you today, hale and hearty, I would have hold your engagement ring and just give it back to you” I said and tried to walk away.

“Not today Peju, I have searched for you for months and I finally get to meet you today and you think I will let you go away, No, we need to talk” he says.

“Search for me? You know where I live and you know where to find me, stop trying to convince me to believe you, I am not a kid and not a numbskull that doesn’t know when someone is lying, you know our house why didn’t you come to our house to search for me” I said in between my tears.

“ Peju I had an accident and as I am talking to you, I haven’t remember you but Shade helped me in identifying you as my fiancée, that Is why I have been searching for you, please give me a chance even if this is the only chance you will give to me to talk with you , it’s fine.

I slowly relax myself, I looked into his eyes.

“Fine , ok” I said

“let’s sit, he help me with the cake and the plastic nylon, I had my son’s birth day gift in” I atare at his back as I followed him.

“He is still as caring as ever” I thought. 

We walked into the one of the fast food to sit.

He dropped the cake and plastic nylon, he also helped me to pull out the chair.

“I had accident and I lost my memory, and my mom brought a girl to me that she was my fiancée, but I knew after sometime that she wasn’t the one because I can’t feel us being together before , it was when Shade put to bed that I went to greet her for her new baby that she asked me why I abandoned you for another woman, I told her I can’t remember anything about you, she showed me your picture and how much we loved ourselves , I could feel the connection, I could feel the vibes between us

I began to search for  you but I didn't find you, I am sorry , you feel abandoned, it's not my fault, I am so sorry please forgive me" I said.

I felt sorry for him, tears dripped down my face , I held his hand.

" I am sorry, I miss judge you" I said.

He quickly dry the tears that escaped his face and help me dry my own with his fingers.

"It's getting late , I should have celebrated this birthday for my son this morning but I had to go to school, he knows the time I always return back home " I said.

" Your son? He asked.

“Our son” I said.

We have a son, I wanted to break the news to you but that day you didn't come, I came to your house several times but your mom wouldn't let me see you, she even told the security not to let me in after several times of coming , I concluded if maybe she hate me but when I went to your work place severally that I will be told it's your dad that is the new CEO, I thought maybe you were dead and they didn't want to tell me.