

You are beautiful” she smile and open her eyes.

‘You are beautiful inside out” We stare at each other from the mirror, I carress her boobs with her bra on, I slowly , untie her Bra and I pull it off her body and I stare at her round firm boobs, I carress it in front of the mirror, I turn her around to me and she looked at me , I kissed her ‘

“ I love you so much’ he says and she kissed me , she deepened the kiss , I carried her a bridal style , I kept kissing her till we got to the bed. 

I place her in the bed and pull down my pant and underwear. I stood staring at the beauty God gave me as a wife, she stares at me sternly while I smile staring at her.

“Why are you smiling? She asks staring at me and also smiling.

“Because of the beauty standing in front of me, You are beautiful inside and out” I said , I slowly lay on her and place a kiss on her lips , I kissed her, deepened the kiss, she places her hand around my neck for us to access each other’s mouth, , I slowly squeezed her boobs while I kissed her,I move to her chest, I kissed her chest down to her boobs , I stare at her firm boobs, I kissed the top of the boob, I kissed it down to the tit, I slowly nibble my lips on her right tits and a moan escaped her mouth, I love the sound of the moan because I can feel how she is enjoying what I am doing to her, I carress the other boobs with my hand as I sucked on the right tits , she places her hand on my back digging her fingers into my back.

“Uhmm” she muttered. I love that sound, I sucked on the Right boobs hard, I moved to the left boobs, I sucked on her left boobs hard and she couldn’t control her moans any longer.

I love the sound of her moans , I move to the right boobs and I sucked on it hard and her moans grew louder.

I kissed her down, I lowly place my lips on her navel, she began to wiggle her body, then she wraps her legs around me , she softly call out my name ”Kunle” and I softly reply “baby”.

“Don’t stop doing this to me”She says.

“I won’t stop baby” I reply seductively.

I move down to her cunt and I slowly move my hand on her clean shave,  her clean shave looks beautiful, , I bend my head and kissed her clean shaved, I slowly move my lips to her clit , I move my tongue on her clit and I she keeps moaning, I look into her eyes, she has her eyes closed and she wraps her legs around my neck

I sucked her clit and I put one of my finger into her, She was so tight and wet.

She isn’t a virgin because we already did that before the relationship started but she was still more like a virgin, I added a second finger, she wiggle her butt with her leg around my neck.

I slowly removed her legs , I look into her eyes and I slowly move up to her, I kissed her and I whisper to her ear.

“You are beautiful down there” I whisper to her ear and she blushes.

I slowly spread her legs and I slowly wanted to enter into her but she was tight and wet, I go to bring a lubricant oil, I rub it on my dick so that I won’t hurt her.

I slowly entered into her and it feels like a first time , I slowly move in her out, I lay on her to kiss her as I move in and out of her , I kissed her and she roam her hand all over my body.

Slowly I increased my pace until we were both close, she cling to me , held me tighter and she came, I jerked into her twice and I cum into her.

I rolled over to her side , panting, she was also panting, I kissed her.

“ I love you baby” I said and she responded with a kiss , she deepened it this time, I can’t even count how many rounds we had before we drifted into sleep.


After proposing to Peju, I didn’t wait for the end of the wedding reception ceremony before taking her away.

We walk into the car, she wanted to protest but I didn’t let her protest.

I beat her to it by placing a kiss on her lips, I open my car seat and I took her to one of the five stars hotel, I asked a rooftop romantic dinner just us , she loved, when we got to the hotel, I led her into the elevator, we went to the rooftop of the hotel , when we got there she was surprised, she smiles, looked back at me and she jumped at me.

“ Thank you” she says with tears dripping down her face.

Tears dripped down her face , she kissed me .

“Just today , you gave me this and just today , you are giving me a romantic date, Thank you, It’s beautiful” she says.

I bend my head, held her chin.

“I am very happy you  liked it , my love” I said, I held her hand and we walk to the  table, I pull out the chair for her, she sits, looking excited and I love that, it makes me want to do beyond what I am doing for her right now.

I sat down and I held her hand, you know I told you I want to make it right” I said and I told her to look back that they are preparing our food .

She look back at the cooks and she uses her hand to cover her mouth because she never noticed them before, she stood up and walks up to them , she watch what they were cooking and I held her hand , we both watch the cooks as they cook, they finish cooking and they serve us, we eat, we fed each other, it was beautiful, Magixx came to perform his hit single for us. “Love don’t cost a dime”

She wept through when Magixx was performing for us , she kissed me , she deepened the kiss.

“Thank you and I love you” She said.

After the whole dinner, I took her to the hotel suit I booked for , I slowly open the door , the light was dimmed ,I turn the light and she started weeping seeing the well decorated room, I paid a décor in the hotel to make help with a romatic décor.

There were rose petals everywhere on the floor , there were also romantic candles and beautiful aroma in the bedroom.

She embraced me , she kissed me ,deepened the kiss and I lift her off the floor, I place her in the bed , I kissed her , I slowly undress her placing kisses on every part I touch.

I undress her and I lift her off the bed , she looked at me surprisingly and I take her to the bathroom, I place her into the jacuzzi that was decorated with romantic candles , rose petal and beautiful shampoo.

I slowly place my hand on my hand on her body , I washed her with the shampoo, she told me to undress which I did, I join her, I slowly caress her body with the soapy water , I carress her boobs, I took them one after the other and I carress her boobs, she pulls in her lips and she slowly shut her eyes , I could see she was enjoying what I was doing to her, I slowly move closer to her , I kissed her passionately, I squeezed her boobs, slowly sucked on her boobs , I pull away but she pull me closer and kissed me , I can see she wanted more, I lift her out of the water and back to the bed , I slowly lay her back to the bed , I slowly lay on her and kissed her , I kissed her nape, I could see she was so ready for me, she didn’t wait for me to deepened the kiss before she she deepened the kiss, she wrapped her hand around my neck roams her hand over my body as we deepened the kiss , I slowly move down to her boobs , I caressed it, I place my lips on the tit, cherishing the beauty of it one after the other , I sucked from one to the other kissed her down to her clean shave, sucked on her clit, I move back up and I look to her face , I smile , I stare at her and I smiles.

“ before , I do anything, I want to tell you that , I will forever cherish and love you” I said and kiss her.

He kissed her down to her laps, he spread her laps and kisses it again, he slowly enters into her. “I will be gentle baby” I said and she cringe as I enter into her .



I was so scared that my first time was going to be painful but he slowly enter into me slowly, I felt that pain but not so much and I was expecting lots of pain but I didn’t feel lots of pain, he paused for a while and and slowly move in and out of me , I began to enjoy it and before I knew it I wanted more, I wrapped my legs around him, I tighten myself around him, he go deeper into me, I was close after a while I came but he was yet to came but he didn’t stay long that he jerked in me and came.

He kissed me without coming out of me , he uses his hand to play with my hair and we began another round , I can’t even say how many rounds we had before we drifted into sleep.



I was so pissed off that I had to walk out if the party after the stupid engagement of Simisola and Peju, I walked into the car , my husband followed me and sit beside me .

“Honey what is it? Is it about Simisola and Peju? He asked, I sigh, rubbing my temples, I have headache! I yelled. 

“How could Simi do this? I am still trying hard to put separation into Kunle and that wretched girl call Shade, I was still having headache seeing Kunle and Shade being loving dovey over there and next he walked out there in front of every one knowing I was sitting and he had the gut to propose to that wretched girl call Peju, he didn’t even propose in the hiding , he proposed in public, now it’s going to be all over press and Jessica parents would see all of the proposal on the television and also on blogs and they will pull out their shares from company but if he get marries to Jessica the shares will automatically becomes the family own because she is the only child of her family, I am only trying to arrange this children life, I am trying to put his life in shape and he wouldn’t let me do it, if Jessica remains in the family our riches will increased , does he know what it cost me to get to make friends with this woman and fix this alliance I persuade her parents to buy shares in this company just to make sure their wealth add up to ours but he went ahead and engage a pauper that cannot had up to this family, oh my God , Dotun I need you to talk some senses into those kids , they are giving me serious headache and they are not seeing it” I said with me boiling inside of me.

“Listen to me honey, Don’t let this kids give you heart attack, I still need you and if anything happen to you , how do you expect me to live my life? Just calm down and we will talk to them together and don’t leave the guest or else the media will start talking rubbish, we need to make everything real” he says.

“before I can go back in there I need to calm down first” he says.


I woke up to the brightness peeping through the curtain, I  looked at the woman God has blessed me with that I am currently cuddling, I smile, I felt happy that finally we are now couple, I stare at my wedding ring and I stare at her wedding ring, it feels so beautiful having the right partner lying close to you.

We held our kissed her on her forehead , I kissed her on her lips , she slowly opens her eyes .

“Good morning

“ I said with a smile.

“Good morning” she replies drowsily.

“Thank you for last night” he says.

“Thank you for last night? Why are you thanking me? Should a husband thank his wife for the night? I asked.

“yes” he said and she kissed me herself, she sits up in the bed rubbing her fingers on her eyes.

“ You do not have to come out, just stay here and ask me for whatever you want” I said.

“Why should I stay indoor? she asks.

“Because you deserve to be treat like that queen” I said , she blush, I kissed her and walk out of the room.

I make order for a romantic breakfast in our house with a romantic décor which look beautiful, I return in to the room and we started with another round of sex .

After our sex , I receive a message that the romantic breakfast was set while she was lying down in the bed.

I kissed her and she break the kiss. I feel so happy sitting beside this beautiful woman.

“I will like to get contraceptives” She says and I turn to her , I stare at her in surprise.

“Contraceptives? Why? We do not need any contraceptives, we are married and we should have babies”I said. She look into my eyes and held my hand.

“I know after marriage it should be babies but there is circumstances in all of this , I mean it’s all a plan , we know it is real between us but your mom does not want us, I am scared of someone forcing my baby out of me again” she says.

“No one will force your baby out of you again, I promise to protect you , I mean my words, I want you to be the mother of my babies” I said.

“So what happens to us after the whole election will I go away with the baby when I have the baby? I need you to consider all of this” he says.

“I am not divorcing you, we will fight for this love ,  we would have our babies and be till eternity, I want you to know I truly love you and want you to be with me” I said.