

“ Lara? Why would I be upset because of Lara” I said. “We are just fake couple so I don’t have a right to be upset it’s just that you could at least have respected our agreement to show the world we are couple , don’t you know people are watching and before you know it they would start spreading fake news and they would start saying they are not in love “

She says looking out.

“ I am sorry” I said and she look at me and she ask me.

“ Why are you apologizing? She asks.

“ For talking to Lara in your presence” I replied.

“ You can talk to anyone, I am not your wife and you are not my husband” she replied and I look at her and I smile.

I was already missing her touch already, I already feel like holding her hands is already part of me.

“ So if you were not angry at me for talking to Lara why didn't you let me hold your hand? Don’t you know that also can let people start thinking we are not in love that we are just faking it? I said teasing her and she look at me and she quickly look away.

“I am sorry, I didn't know what came over me why I had to do that” she says.

“ I was just joking it's fine” I said.

“ We are already making lots of progress and people are back on my side, I have been checking comments online and it really looks great, they are giving me so positive vibes already” I said.

“ Because they know you will make a good leader” she says and I look at her.

“ Do you think I will make a good leader like others? I ask and she looks straight into my face.

“ Ofcourse everybody knows, Everyone knows that you will make history and you will make a good leader” she says in her soft and sexy voice and I stare at her and I seize that opportunity to hold her hand that I have been missing so much and she look down at our hand and she looks up at me and our gaze met and she quickly want to look away and I held her hand tight.

“ why are you trying to pull away your hand from my hand if you are not angry that I was talking to Lara? I ask playfully and she relaxes her hand.

“ Thanks for the interview, your reply was great and the way you campaign for me at the end was awesome” I said.

“ Thank you” I reply.

“ You know when you were going to reply to the presenter’s questions, I was like hope you won’t says something that would be out of the question context but you surprise me by your amazing response” I said.

“I just said what came through my mind” She said.

“ Then what came through your mind was good” I said

“ I think we should relax for tomorrow, we have stressed ourselves today then next tomorrow we would meet with your family” 

“ I said and she smiles happily.

I think she miss her family, she seems happy when I said we would meet with her family the following day, the car drove into the compound and we got out of the car and we walk to our various rooms.


Wait did he just apologize to me? What was he apologising for? That was my thought when we were inside the car when he said I am sorry, yes, I was upset that he was talking to Lara, Fake or no fake girlfriend I am still the one everyone knows has his girlfriend, she use to be his girlfriend but not anymore, I except him to respect that.

Apology is one of those things that I needed him to do to make me feel better and he did that and I am happy about it.

How I wish we were real couple maybe I would have gotten a kiss from that.

I have never been kiss before except from today that he kissed me on the show, it was so beautiful and passionate.

Yes, I have been kissed before by him during our one night stand but I do not count that as a kiss because I don't even know how it felt, we did it under something beyond our control, I was drunk and I don't know if he was drunk as well that night so that happened under the influence of alcohol but the kiss I got from him on the show is what I felt and like and I want more, he did it so passionately, I want more kisses does not mean I want to start getting some random kiss but from my fake husband alone.

I have heard people talk of falling in love within days, I can’t believe it is happening to me right now, I know I am loving someone I am so sure that can't spend his lifetime with me but he isn't helping matters as well because sometimes he looks at me with those sexy eyes and it just make me feel like I should jump at him and start kissing him.

I wanted him to hold my hand and he did after the apology, I was so happy inside of me that I smile but I think he didn't notice but when I realize he was starting at me when he held my hand I don't know what that gesture mean so I wanted to pull out my hand from his but he held it tight like saying you are mine and I love it when he held my hand so tight, it really feels so lovely. I loved it.

I am going to have to relax all through tomorrow and next tomorrow I will be meeting with my family, I can not wait to meet with my mom and my siblings, it's been year's since I set my eyes on my family, I can’t wait to meet them but it really hurts that I have to lie to them but I have no choice to, I wish I don't have to tell lies to them.

When I go to my family with this kind of man, my family would be very happy that I came home with a rich, handsome looking, they wouldn't know it was all a plan

It doesn’t matter if it is real or fake one thing I am happy about is that after all of this me and family life will change forever.

We got out of the car and both go to our various rooms and I walk to the mirror and I stood staring at myself in the mirror, I smile and I said to myself. “ I am going to miss all of this when all of this is over” I said and I open my clutch purse and bring out my phone to go through the comments and the presenter already tweeted my response on twitter and people were going frenzy already on the tweet and many are saying they can’t wait to see the maid turn fiancee who gave a brilliant response on the show.

The show is to be showed because it is a prerecorded show, it would be show tomorrow on the T.V and I can’t even wait to see myself on the T.V

I undress and took my bath and I change into something casual, I turn on the T.V and I was the one on the screen and I smile and I quickly take my seat on the sofa, looking at myself right now, I feel super proud of myself.


I took my bath and turn on the T.V and we were on the screen holding hands looking and the conference.

I flash back to the kiss I gave her on the prerecorded show and I was like why did I even do that? The truth is I wanted to do more than that but that would be going overboard because I don’t even know what I feel right now. I flash back to her response on the show , who would have thought that she is as intelligent as this , I don’t know her level of education but she is intelligent.

Who ever think she is this beautiful, when you talk about beauty with the brains she is.

“ She deserves a gift for a well done job, what can I get her” I said to myself.  “ I will ask bassey for his opinion on what gift I can give to her for a welldone job.

I heard a knock on my door and I go to open the door and it was the housekeeper.

“ Good evening sir, The dinner is set” she says.

“Alright, please tell Shade too that the dinner is set” I said.

“ Yes sir” she replied and she leaves.

I returned to my room and I go to stand in front of the mirror if I really look good in the casual wear, seriously am I doing this now, I don’t remember doing this for any girl but now I am doing it for someone I claim isn’t my class and even my mom would turn this house upside down if I tell her I want to marry her.



I heard a knock on my door and I stood up from the sofa and I walk to the door and I open the door and it was the housekeeper.

“ Ma’am the dinner is ready” she says.

“ Alright ma” I replied and she takes her leaves while I close the door, I quickly go in front of the mirror and check how I am dressed, I used my hand to redo my hair, I look at the dress I am wearing and I feel unsatisfied by the dress and I quickly go to pick another casual dress, a trouser and a crop top and I turn around and I feel like I am sexy enough and I walk out of the room, I then unlock my cellphone to take a selfie of myself, I didn’t know someone was staring at me all this while and I move my cellphone around to take one last shot and I saw Kunle leaned his body on the wall his arms folded across his chest, I paused and I move it around again and I saw him smiling and I quickly move my cellphone away and it slip off my hand and in the process of me trying to save it from falling kicked it with my leg and both of us rushes to pick the phone and we both collided and he struggles to stop me from falling but instead I unknowingly drag him along with me and we both fell to the ground with him on top of me and we both stare at each other and I his weight on me made me remember our position and I pushed him away and quickly stand up.

“ I am sorry I had to push you that way, your weight was going to make me turn flat” I said and he laughed and quickly stood up and picked the phone, the screen was broken but not so much”

“ The screen is broken” he says and I go beside him to check the screen of the phone.

“ It’s not that broken, I once use a phone the screen was broken and also it couldn’t cover anymore, I just use a rubber band to bind it and I uses it for another one year before grandma got me a coolpad phone” I said and I collect the phone.

“The phone is not bad it’s still alright” I said and he look at his arm and he place his hand where I reached on his arm.

“You’re so short” he says and that was when I look at where I reached beside him.

“ Let me see if I won’t be taller than you now and I raise my legs so that I would look taller and I go to stand in front of him and I raise my leg and I raise it more higher and my eyes wanders to his abs and I forgot all about me standing to reach his height and I began staring at his six packs and the fitted armless shirt made a good judgement to his abs and I feel like placing my hand on his abs and we were both quiet and I look up at him and he was staring at me when our eyes made contact and I quickly lower my gaze.

“we should go and eat or else it will get cold” I nod my head and we both climb down the stairs.


I came out of my room to climb down the stairs and I saw Shade taking selfie of herself , I kept staring at her body, the way her body was in the trouser, makes her looks more sexy and the crop top on her is so beautiful and the way she smiles while taking the selfie captured my heart and I just leaned and watch her and suddenly she paused , I guess she saw me and this must have made her shocked and her phone slip off her hand and I quickly try to rush to help save the phone but something different happen, we colided and I was going to pull her up and she pull me down with her and at that moment, I noticed her beautiful sexy eyes, I feel like placing my lips on her lips and our wild sex , the one night stand flush back to my head and I wanted to place my hand on her cheek and she pushed me off her.

Thank God she did because I was already loosing my control over her and I picked her phone to check it and the screen was broken, it isn't much though but it needs attention so that it doesn't get worse and she came beside me to check it and I was like she short and I didn't know when I said that aloud and next she came to stand in front of me stretching herself to be taller than me and suddenly she wasn't talking but I was also carried away by her childish way and I was like pulling her closer to me and kissing the hell out of her, I was beginning to get so much crazy imagination in my head and I had to quickly change topic  that we should go and eat but as we climb down the stairs I couldn't take my eyes of her while she keeps stealing a look at me and I would look ahead but I was looking at her with my side eyes.

when we got to the dinning she wanted to pull out her chair and I walk ahead and help her pull out the chair and she stares at me and she looks away.

" Let me do this for you" I said and she let me pull out the chair for her and she sits and I could see a smile spread accross her lips, I feel happy that she liked that I pull out a chair for her to sit.