
Untitled Chapter


Rhsh dh


The wedding introduction went very smoothly and a week interval was slated for the wedding, I tried convincing that it should be slated to a month time but Kunle and his family refuses .

This is the first time Kunle is agreeing with his family , I know he hardly agree with his mom especially when it comes to my matter but this time he agree with them that the marriage should be in one week, I even took him aside to discuss the wedding date, he insisted that it should take place in a week and I asked him why he insisted we getting married .

“Why do you keep insisted in we getting married in a week time , I and my family needs to prepare” I said.

“I want my woman back in my house and don’t worry about the preparation , I will transfer another amount into your account for the preparation of everything” Kunle said.

“I haven’t even use half of the money you transferred to me” I said.

“I know” he said , I just want everything perfect and just like your dream wedding” he says.

“fake wedding? I said.

“Whatever, anyways prepare for tomorrow, I will send my driver to pick you up to somewhere” he says.

“Where? I asked.

“It’s a surprise” he said.

“You can just tell me about it” I said .I was eagar to know what the surprise is all about.

“That is why it’s a surprise, You should fix time with my driver “ he says and he kisses me.

“I love you babe” he says and we kissed.

The party and discussion was over , we all return to our various home , we all couldn’t sleep all night we discussed about how beautiful the wedding and the introduction was and how beautiful he went and how Kunle was over me.



I made sure we returned home that night because I have so many scores to settle, I have so many warning to give to my sons.

When we got home , I sat in front of my Vanity removing my jewelries.

“Honey, come and see how our family is trending , they are saying lots of positive things about us” My husband says.

“really” I said smiling as I remove my earrings and drop it on the Vanity.

I stood up and go to sit beside my husband on the bed, I see reviews  from people calling me the best mother in law, my husband was called the best father in law ever, I read people praying for the kind of in laws like us.

The Pictures of Kunle and Shade was all over the internet that they are the best couple  ever , people praying to be like them even I can’t deny the fact that the love of this two are real but I can’t let them be , I need this power in my house and he is not the kind of girl that fits into my family.

I felt very happy because I finally got what I wanted, people already talking about my son becoming a Governor of the state, I am happy because my family trend even beyond my expectations.

That Girl name Shade must be feeling happy right now, I can see both of them being loving dovey during the so call wedding introduction , feeling on top of the world while That Peju of a girl must be thinking that someday she would also get married to my son but that is so impossible, I thought to myself.



Seeing the picture of the wedding introduction made me lost track, I couldn’t comport my self, I couldn’t even concentrate on my show , I didn’t know when tears fell off my face , I was angry at myself that it could have been me , I could have been the trending bride today  but that stupid old man ruin my perfect relationship , he has even left me for another younger girl now I feel like a loser, I was still hoping and still thinking of how to find my way back to him but now she has him all to herself.

“I am sorry, I think , I can’t handle this program today, can someone help me continue” I said to my manager.

“Is everything alright? He asked.

“I need to relax, I walk to my office and pick my handbag , I walk to my car, it was hard for me to even drive, I manage to drive home but I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking of what to do if there is still possibility of me getting Kunle back.



I stood watching the video of both Shade and Kunle on my  cellphone, I had wine on my other hand, to be honest , I was hurt when I saw the part of both of them kissing passionately, I became scared if I can ever have Kunle to me.

No one would  see that video and still question this love if it is real or not, I feel so jealous seeing the video, I scroll down to check the comments, Shade was being praised, calling beautiful, she is now popular for being Kunle’s fiancée while my father is busy financing his political ambition, the glory is supposed to be mine but someone else is getting it, I know there is nothing he can do he will have to marry me except he doesn’t want to be in power but I am scared , he may never leave this girl even if we get married, I am scared he would still have her like a mistress even after divorce.




I woke up to Kunle’s call and he also reminded me of the surprise, I can’t wait to know what the surprise would be.

I was suppose to go to the cloth store with  my mom to get a clothes for us but I really need to know what this surprise is all about.

I told him that his driver should come by 11am in the morning, that I will be waiting.

immediately I hanged the call, I quickly dress up, I had even finish dressing up by 10 am waiting for the driver, my sister pleaded to follow me which I let her do.

I decided to uses the waiting time to visit Kunle’s social media handle , I was surprised he  has changed his status picture to us . I smiled happily because I never expected it.

I checked the pictures on his social media handles , it has my pictures even the ones , I did not know when he took the pictures of me were there,

It’s my first time thinking of visiting his social media handles, I don’t even remembering having one anymore.

I quickly open twitter , facebook, whatsapp, instagram and snapchat and I quickly downloaded most of his pictures and some of our pictures and post it on my social media handle.

Not long the driver arrived , I and my sister enter into the car and the driver drove out of the village.

When the car was driving, I realize it was driving towards Lagos, I asked the driver.

“Are you taking me to Kunle? He says no.

I kept quiet and wait to know where we were going to .

My sister look at me and she busboy asked if we are going to Kunle’s place, I said I don’t know.

The car parked.

“ Madam, this is where we are coming too” he says.

I looked at my sister and I slowly got down of the car, my sister also got down from the car and we look up to a tall building , there clothes and wedding dresses displayed outside .

I looked at the name on the building.


I looked at my sister and tears of joy streamed down my face, I open my mouth and I couldn’t shut it and my sister was like.

“ Sister are you shopping here ? Are you shopping for a bridal wear hear, I have heard of Mai Atafo being one of the finest designers we have in Nigeria.”

“ He just told me it’s a surprise, he never said I was coming to shop for my bridal wear.

I dialed his line and the only thing I could say was.

“ Thank you” I said.

“ You don’t have to thank me, it’s our day, it has to be special for us , I remember vividly while we were talking about our dream wedding, you said you would like to go shopping for your wedding dress yourself, do you like it? He asks.

“I love it, I love you baby” I said in between my sob.

“ Are you weeping? He asks and I smile and weep at the same time.

“ I am just too happy for what you have given me and things you have done to make me happy in this few weeks that I have known you, I love you so much” he says.

“ I love you too” I said. I hanged the call, I and my rush into the company so excitedly, we walk to the receptionist and she was checking her cellphone and she says.

“ You are Shade right, Mr Kunle the Governor aspirant Fiancée? Oh my God! I have been hoping to meet with you someday” She says , I never knew I was this popular until now.

“ Ma’am shall we take some selfie”the receptionist asks and we took selfie.

Many workers rush to me for pictures which we took , they treated me special , Mai Atafo manager came to me and lead me to where their  newest wedding dresses are , I picked exactly the kind of wedding dress I have always adored in MAI ATAFO’s catalog.

A beautiful laces backless wedding dress, long fish tail style with a long train and a long veil , I picked a fitted trouser and armless top for my court wedding wear and my reception wear was a straight gown in golden color, backless and three arranged ribbon at the back , it looks really beautiful.

They help me packed it and the prices were send to Kunle.

I took selfie of when I tried on the dresses, I sent them to him and he replied with beautiful.


After our shopping there, I was taking to shopping for shoes , purse and hair.

I was taken to one of the most expensive store in Lagos , I picked three different shoes , scarpian, cone heels and high heels were the kind of shoes I picked for myself, egg clutch purse, round ball clutch and silver clutch purse for myself.

I picked jewelries for myself.

For my traditional wedding attire , I ask the driver to take me to our costumier, when we got there she showed me her catalogs and I picked a royal blue Aso oke with touch of gold for designs for the lower part of the wrapper with crystals the same thing for the head gear and the blouse which is also Aso oke, a beautiful hand fan and an Aso oke shoes and purse.

I picked for Kunle to a complete Aso oke for him too, I sent him the pictures too, we made a video call and he agreed with me with all the styles I picked so far.

My sisters also picked some things but I paid for that from the ATM with me because I told them not to add it to Kunle’s bill.

After the whole shopping the car took me back to the village, we returned home at the evening.

I put all the dresses on the bed , we discussed about the dresses and other thing.

The following day I and my siblings goes to shop for their own dresses , shoes and purse.

Kunle transfer five million Naira for me for us to prepare from our own side.

I give my uncles and aunt hundred thousand Naira each to get things they will be needing for the wedding.

I gave five hundred thousand to mom.

Kunle told we should meet with the wedding planner on the third day, we met with the wedding planner and Kunle left me to make my choice of the kind event I want.

I picked an outdoor wedding on the beach, a beach wedding reception, we talked about the wedding cake and food and how the guest would be welcomed and that there should be enough security, we were billed Nine million Naira because it is not what they have to start planning a month before.

I find the money too much , I protested instead he kissed me to stop talking and tell the wedding planner to go ahead with the wedding plan.

“No complains, it’s our day” he says and we walk into his car.

” But Nine million is ……” he kissed me again.

“ It’s our day, No complains, it’s worth it” he said, I held his hand and I smile , I kissed him and place my head on his chest and he kissed me in my head.


I never forget anything she says to me, I always remember every single of her word and that is why I decided to surprise her with wedding shopping, I want her to shop for her wedding just as she says she has always said she wants to do, I made her meet with one of the best wedding planner in the country.

After meeting with the wedding planner we go shopping for the wedding ring, I ask her to pick a wedding band which she picked and I paid for it.

I and my mom fought over getting a wedding planner but I didn’t answer her, I told her it’s our day and she should let us have it the way we want.

she warned me that I should remember that all of this is just fake and that I should concentrate on the politics rather than concentrating on my wedding to Shade.

 I know I should concentrate on the politics but wedding is a one time thing and women love it and again it’s our day and I want it to be memorable for life.

I made sure she made her choice on this wedding and I am glad she is happy with everything so far.

she wanted to protest that the money we are spending is getting too much but who else do I spend my money on if I do not spend it on the woman I love and my queen.

I took her back to the village , we kissed and she get out of the car, she bid me bye.

I can’t wait for the wedding day to come, I can’t wait to say my I do in front of my families, her families, I can’t wait to make my vow to her in front of the world.

I want to assure Herod an ending live in the presence of the world, I want the world to know that what I and Shade share is real even though I know we have many battles ahead to fight for this love.