

I manage to carry the food to the suite and through the elevator and As I got there I searched for the number the usher told me and I entered into the room and I dropped the food and I touched my pocket and I couldn't find my money, despite I was drunk I wanted to rush out to search for money and next I felt someone grabbed me from my waist , I tried to struggle but he was stronger than I am and again I was drunk and next he carried me and threw me on the bed, standing but I was weak to to struggle and I began to feel hot from the answer while he he held my hands down and bends his head to kiss me and I didn't even flinch, I loved it and next I was the one helping him to pull of his clothes and before we knew it he was on me and he entered into me I felt a slight pain but he didn't even care he just kept going in and out of me, even though I felt the slight pain I couldn't stop him, I wanted him to keep going on me, I didn't know how many rounds he went on me but when I woke up body pain, headache and my thighs were paining me but I manage to pull a strong girl, I tried remembering the faces of the ushers at the party when we woke up, I couldn't.

I didn't know about the sex tape , I was running from God knows what from

Everything surrounding me, My money gone, I lose my virginity without my knowledge, I never planned loosing my virginity this way because mom had always taught us it is good to wait till wedding night but now the virginity is gone, I didn't get to know how it feels to be dis-flowered and yet my boss son made me look like a prostitute.

I sat crying because I had no where to go, I can't possible return to a house where their son felt I seduced him and yet I have no money and no where to go.

I dare not go to my aunt's place even if I want to I don't know where she stays despite spending a night in her house.

I didn't noticed his cars coming i was carried away with my thinking and crying , it was when his PA came to me that I knew he had parked his car.

I was still telling his P A to leave me and I wanted to walk away and I saw him

Stormed out of his car, I got scared and started to run away but his security caught me, I tried struggling out of his hand but no, he didn't let go of my hand and when he came forward and took my hand out of his security hand and drag me into the car then I knew my problem has just begun.

He and his security and PA forced me into his car and I entered into the car and the driver locked the PA entered and he locked the door automatically and I looked down and began to weep , I held the hem of my dress sobbing.

And I began to say in between my sob.

" I didn't know about it? I didn't know how it happened, He didn't answer me.

They drove us into his house, it's my first time of entering his house, I must say he has a good taste.

The house is beautiful and it a mansion like that of his parent but his own house looks more colourful and more of the modern styles of house than that of his parents.

When the car pulled over I had series of things going on in my head, will they beat me up or hurt me, I didn't even notice him coming t my side, he open the car door and he dragged me towards the house, I tried wrestling out of his hand but he tighten his grip on my wrist and he drag me into the house and he threw me to the ground.

" Who sent you? He asks, " Who paid you? I didn't answer, I just cry because I knew nothing about all that is happening right now, would I have loved my own sex tape out there.

He ordered his securities to lock me up in the guest room.

I cried my eyes out and I didn't know when I slept off.