

We look into each other’s eyes and he smiles still holding my hands and he cupped my face and he look down to my nose and to my lips and I also look into his eyes and look at his nose and move our lips closer and the car stopped and I quickly look to my side to see and the we are home and I smile.

“We are home” I said and I quickly open the car door and he held my hand and I look at him in the eyes.

“ I am sorry for whatever happened now and it won’t happen again” he says to me and I smile.

“ It’s fine” I said.

“If you have forgiven me  then let me open the door for you”he says and before he got out of the car I kissed his cheek and he smiles at me and he got down of the the car and he came to open the car for me and he held my hand and I got out of the car and he held my hand , we walk into the house, he walk me to my room and  he stopped  at my door.

“ Thank you so much for the support today and  I am happy it went down well at the party” he says.

“But I embarrass you by falling flat on my tummy and also falling into the pool” I said .

“But you pull through at the end of the day and no one ever remembered you that you fell flat on your tummy but you end up making a statement from your dressing to your speech spoke power and I so proud of you” he says and he kissed me on the cheek and he held my hand, I open my door and wanted to enter but he didn’t leave my hand and he kissed the back my palm before leaving.

I enter into my room , I shut my door and I rested my back on the door and I shut my eyes and I flash back to our first kiss on the stage, our second kiss when he deepened it and how we were close to kissing , I wanted his lips on mine.

I walk to my bed and I pull of my shoe, my legs hurt so much from the walk around on heels and I pull in my lips remembering how this man I had fallen for praised me and make me feel like a princess , I wish everything between us was real and it wasn’t all fake.

I go to stand in front of the mirror , I look at myself again and I smile.

I undress myself, clean the make up on my face with wipes and I walk to the bathroom to take my bath and I walk to the bed with my cellphone , I wanted to scroll through my cell phone but I slept off.

I didn’t wake up till ten in the morning in fact if not for the call, I wouldn’t have woken up. I open my eyes and I could feel the brightness peeping through the window while the phone keeps ringing and I check the screen of my cellphone and it was my love Kunle and I smile happily.

I picked my call.

“Hello”Kunle says over the phone.

“hello” I replied creasing my eyeballs with my eyes and yawning at the same time.

“Open the door” I am at your door step.

“At the doorstep? Oh God! I said, I quickly toss the duvet over I rush into the bathroom wash my face and I forgot to comb my hair and I quickly open the door because I do not want to keep him waiting and as I open the door, I stood shocked that he had a tray of food in his hand and it looks like food for two people.

I stood staring at him instead of me to tell him to enter.

“Why are you staring at me? Won’t you let me in first before you start asking all the questions that is in your head.

“Oh! Please come in” He entered and goes to the dinning for two that was in my room and he set the table and I stood watching him , I had a smile on my face because I feel like a queen right now , it looks something more like a breakfast in bed and I look up and I saw him taking a picture of me and I rush towards him to collect the phone.

“Why are you taking a picture of me? I  said raising my hands up to collect the phone and he kept raising his hand up for me to pick collect the phone and I tried jumping but I couldn’t collect it and I left it and go to sit.

“You can keep the picture? Afterall it’s just a picture anyways , it’s not going to bite even if you keep it” I  said and he smile and and I remember I haven’t brush my teeth, I rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I return to the dinning and he gave the phone to me and he showed me the picture , That is the picture of you that I took, your hair” he says and that was when I touch my rough hair.

“You are beautiful with even the rough hair” he says.

“Thank you” I said. “So tell me why are we having breakfast here in my room? I asked.

“ I waited for us to eat and you were still sleeping and I know you must be tired because of yesterday and if I ask you to come down the stairs you will stay so long to come downstairs and I can’t wait one more minute to start eating” he says.

“And it is about Ten minutes now and we are still yet to eat, anyways, I need to start eating, I don’t joke with food” I said.

I sat down and began to eat and he also began to eat.

“You better start to learn to eat without me because after the whole campaign , I will be leaving and you will learn to be with juliana” I said.

“I want to do this with you for life, I don’t want Juliana” he said.

“Not like you have a choice” I said.

“It’s my life? Tell me you do not want to be with me just as much as I want to be with you? He says and the spoonful of rice that I was about to put in my mouth dropped and I quickly picked it.

‘Why did your spoon dropped down from your hand? He drop his spoon and held my hand. “I know what I feel inside of me for you, something that I don’t think I want to feel with anyone else than you, I know we have this feeling that is so strong , something that I didn’t even share with Lara is what we have, I love you so much and I don’t think I want to spend this moment with another woman” he says and I stare at him but instead of me to be happy, tears rolled down my eyes .

“I think we shouldn’t talk about this anymore , we should just eat our breakfast” I said.

“I thought you want to hear me say this ? I thought you love me ? I thought you want me ? I thought you…………” I quickly held his hand and I cupped his face , I love you so much like you do love me , I have feelings for you but you see I am trying hard not to fall in love because this whole thing is not real, I don’t want you to loose the election because of me, I want you to win, I want when I leave you after the whole thing , I  should be able to leave my life without you, I know myself , when I fall in love , all of me fall into it, it is always hard for me to get out of it, It’s all complicated right now, your mom and dad choose Juliana, you have to obey your party Chairman, you have a dream that will help the poor people like us, I know I want to fight for this love but I do not want to fight for a love that is all a deal, if you were mine , all mine  and anyone tries to come in between, I will fight for it but this? I don’t want to go so deep in it, I love you but let us be this way” I said.

“I don’t want us to be this way, I want you in my life, remember those the speech you gave out there yesterday, that was a powerful speech something you want to do for the women and children, you said that from the heart and if a woman with a powerful speech like you stand by me we would make this state great” he said. 

“You will make this state great, you deserve to be the governor of this state and I won’t ruin that for you” I said.

“ he held my hand and cupped my face and he places his lips on my lips and we kissed and he deepened it but I had to break the kiss.

“ we don’t have to do this, we have a future ahead” I said.

“ And you are part of my future” he says.

“Let’s respect all of the plan, no kissing again, strictly the plan” I said and he stood up with tears dropping down his face and when he got to the doorpost , he look back and I see tears fell down his face.

I couldn’t continue eating, I just kept weeping.



When we left the show last night, I wanted to tell her my mind, how I feel about her but I think I should respect our deal but I couldn’t sleep all through the night, I kept thinking about her, she was on my mind all through, waking up to our pictures and video trending all over the internet even when I turn on the T.V she was the one on the screen and at that moment, I felt I should tell her my mind  during breakfast.

I waited but she didn’t come downstairs and I thought she could be tired from last night party, I waited till 10pm and she wasn’t awake, I dial her number and I decided to serve us in her room and I would tell her my mind, I thought she would be happy that I confess my love to her but she decline, she didn’t deny she love me but she is giving up her love for my career but I want her beside me , I love her so much but I am heart broken but I understand her so much that she doesn’t want to ruin my career but I love her and I will always love her, no matter what.


After that day we began going on campaign rally , interviews and she perform excellently well and I can’t stop loving this girl.

Sunday came Lara and her crew came to the house for interview, she came to interview, during lunch and the maidens and waiters comes to serve us but I guess she wasn’t expecting my Ebony beauty on the Table but I already told her to get dressed and join us for lunch.

Even though I and Shade are trying so hard to avoid us kissing not today because , I want to show of the woman who has captured my heart in the presence of  the woman who broke my heart.

Shade was dressed in a beautiful Ankara gown while I was also wearing a Yoruba modern wear for men. The interview is taking place in my compound in the dinning inside the compound.

I was sitting at the table and they have the microphone fix to my dress and Shade stepped out of the house to the compound and I stop her crew from what they were doing and I go to held my Ebony beauty hand and I kiss her and it was an opportunity for me to deepened the kiss.

All I just wanted to do was just peck her on her lips but we deepened the kiss. At first I kissed her and we break the kiss and we couldn’t even hide it that we needed more that we miss this and I slowly move my lips closer slowly passionately and I move my hands to her waist and she also place her palm on my neck and we look deep into each other’s eyes and we slowly place our lips on each other’s lips and we didn’t stop , we kissed each other deepen it and before I knew it we were panting hard and needed space to breathe.

“ I smile at her and we walk to the dinning and Lara wasn’t on the table .

“Where is Lara? I  ask her producer.



I couldn’t stand them kissing, I wanted to use this interview opportunity to get back to him but I can’t stand this oppression from this two.

“I can’t stand them but I will conduct the interview and still find my way back to his life , no matter how I am being oppress by them , I will take my place back, I deserve to become the first lady of this state and not her , she cannot come into his life in just few days will become a first lady while I that have been in his life for good a year won’t become the first lady, that won’t be possible.



The truth is that I missed the random kisses we use to have because for good one week that we have the campaign rally, we were trying to respect that we don’t want to trespass our decision that no kissing and we do not want this feelings to go beyond how it is but today when I step out of the house and Kunle walk up to me looking at me those sexy eyes, we haven’t been this close for a week but today, he look at me passionately and he kiss me and we broke the kiss and after this kiss he places his hand on my chin and the way he look into my mouth I knew I miss him so much and I couldn’t take my eyes of him and he places his lips on my lips and he moves his hand to my waist while I place my hand on his neck and we kissed and before we know it we deepened the kiss and began to pant so hard.