

I stare at him if there is any need for this? My husband is so full of surprises.

I smile and looked at him in surprise.

"What are you doing? We have been engaged and gotten married and even have kids and here you are proposing again" I said.

" Because we haven't sealed our wedding again since our divorce and we didn't have our dream engagement or we half way planned our engagement, I want us to have this engagement as a proper one " he says.

" Uhm, My love always know how to catch me unaware with surprise and I like it" I said.

" You know what baby, I want to love you now , tomorrow and forever and even in the next world" he says.

I laughed with tears dripping down my face.

" Yes baby, I will marry you again and again and forever and even in my next life" I said , he held my fingers and slipped in the diamond ring , I looked at it and my name was embed on it.

" An embedded engagement ring? I asked still staring at it.

" Yes baby, I wish I could give beyond this " he says standing and facing me.

" Oh baby, it's so lovely, I loved it" he says.

I embrace him and kissed him, we walked into the house and he said to me.

Not into our room but the room where we created all the memories" he said.

I stare at him and understand the room he was talking about , yes the room that I stayed before our wedding.

I walked into the place and there was a black beautiful gown, a one arm

Long dress , a golden open toe shoe and a golden clutch purse to match it.

I walked in looked around the room and those memories came flushing into my head , I slowly touch the dress and there was a knock on my door, I could see a cosmetic box and some other things in the hand of the crews that had come to dress me up.

I smile knowing fully well that it is my husband's doings.

I welcomed them in , my make up artist began to dress  me up and also give me a makeup , the stylist also styled my wig, forty minutes later the make up and stylist were done making me look beautiful.

I walked to the stairs , I looked down and my husband was pacing around , Smiled because he reminds me of when we had our first outing.

I step on the staircase and the sound of my shoe made him look towards me, he couldn't look away from me, he walked up to me , he kissed me and we walked away from the stairs to our convoy.

" Where are we going? I asked.

" You will know when we get there" he said.

They car drove us to a five star hotel, we ate and even have a suite ready for us.

The dinner was on a rooftop hotel, it was beautiful date, a private date for just both I of us.

As we entered into our suite after dinner, I didn't give a breathing space because all he did for me today already got me wet, I kissed him slowly and said " thank you" in between our kisses.

He lift me off the ground and take me to the bed but I place him under him, I smile as I sat in him and began to kiss him.

I kissed him slowly and undress him while kept digging his finger into my skin , squeeze my butt and my body, I slowly move down to his nipple, I slowly sucked on it, I kissed down his belly to his shaft, my husband was already as hard as a rock, I slowly massaged his shaft with my hand moving up and down, i swirl my tongue on the top of his shaft.

He moved his body a bit, he groan out of ecstasy and he muttered" Oh baby, you always know how to take me there" I smiled and start moving my my mouth up and down his shaft, slowly he began to move his hip and he began to move his shaft that to go faster which I also began to go faster with my mouth until he came.

I was still trying to climb in him when he place me under him, he was slow and gentle just like our wedding night.

We had a great night because I couldn't even say the number of rounds we went because before today we have been busy that we haven't have sex for a while now, we both missed each other.

The following morning, I was still sleeping , he woke me up with a kiss and next there was food beside me.

I eat my breakfast and we had another rounds of sex.

I dressed up after taking my bath, he also dressed taking our bath, we walked out of the hotel , camera's on us, we answered few questions and enter into our convoy.

I thought we were off to our home but where we went to was the airport.

I was surprised , I looked at my husband.

" Where are we going ? I asked.

" You will know now " he said.

He got out of the car and comes to open the car door for me , he didn't let his security to do it, He held my hand and we walked into the airport.

And there were crowd who brought out their phones and began to film us, people were cheering us, we had to put our hands up to wave to them to show that we acknowledge them.

I was dealing with waving at them at the same time my mind was thinking what we are doing here at the airport.

He brought out my diplomatic passport and his diplomatic passport, he gave them to the attendance and it was stamped , we were allowed to go in with our entourage who also tender their own passport.

We didn't go to the departure hall so I was surprised at that.

We walked to where the planes are.

" Baby, this is now ours" he said pointing at the plane.

" What?! A plane? I asked.

"A plane, I bought it in your name" he says.

" You bought a private jet in my name? I said and embrace him.

I felt so happy, I kissed him and embrace him.

He held my hand and we walk into the private jet.

When we entered into either jet, I embrace my husband , I couldn't stop kissing him. Few minutes after the plane took off.

We were sliver each other through out the trip.

The plane landed late in the night.

We got out of the jet and when we got out of the plane, I didn't know where we are , it was when we got to the arrival hall that in Dubai.

I looked at my husband and embrace him, the Nigerians who knew us came to shake hands with us .

After we were allowed out of the arrival hall with our entourage, we were stamped in and we walked hand in hand , cars had been arranged to take us to our hotel suite.

I couldn't help but took control of sex that night.

I woke up the next day , he wasn't beside me but woke up to a bouquet beside me.

I sit up and picked it up.

I called out my husband name, he wasn't there, I smell the bouquet and bring out a note from it and I read it out.

" I want to have more of this day with you" he says.

I smiled happily. He entered , our eyes met and we both smiled.

" Good morning" I greeted, he walks closer to me .

"Good morning love" I said and kissed him to.

"You are just full of surprises" I said.

"Really " he said.

" What will you like to have for breakfast because we have to go out" I said.

" I will have what you want to have for breakfast" I said , we make an ordered for food , our ordered arrived while we just finish taking our bath.

The food was served as my husband received the order in a bathrobe.

We dressed up after her receive the order and we eat.

After our breakfast, I asked him where we were going he just smiles and kissed my lips.

" You will know baby" he says.

" You are just full of surprises, I wonder what the next surprise is " I said.

"Thank God that you are wondering he says" I burst into laughter.

He held my hands and we walk into the elevator.

The elevator stopped and we entered into a car that was waiting with our entourage.

The car took me to a well decorated place on the beach Burj al Arab, it look like a wedding reception, although it's a small classy arranged outdoor reception and I look to my husband face, I look further and saw my picture and his , our names, I look back at him.

He was making call, I walked up to him.

" Baby are we.....I paused and didn't even know what to ask anymore. He kissed me.

" Yes baby, we are getting married again to get back our wedding certificate since they force us to divorce" he says.

I embrace him, I tightened my hand around his body with tears dripping down my face, a tears of joy.

"You just kept pampering me daily" I said.

" Who will I pamper if I don't pamper you and our kids" he said.

" You need to go dress up, let's go to where you will dress up"

He says.

We walked to the elevator and to our suite , when we got to the suite , I was surprised to see my mom and siblings , my children, Nanny, Peju and her kids, I look back at my husband.

" Baby all of this for me? I asked .

" Yes baby, anything for you" he said and kiss me.

Peju  came to embrace me with her baby in her.

"Congratulations " she says to me.

" Thank you" I collected the baby from her and carried him.

Peru and Simi welcomed their second child few months ago.

I embrace everyone, I was so happy, I can't imagine us getting married again in a destination wedding with my family there.

My kids jumped at me, I kissed them.

The make up and costume arrived , they came to dress me up, the dress for my civil wedding was a smart white mini gown with a hat.

We all got dressed and we walked to the car.

We went to the civil center were we signed our wedding certificate.

After that I changed to a wedding dress, it was a wedding dress I ordered for that morning that was delivered to us.

I wore the wedding dress and went into the same hotel and I was led to the rooftop of the hotel, that was where the wedding ceremony was officiated.

Seeing the decors and my daughter leading me in as she is our ring bearer.

Everyone clapped for me as I entered, I couldn't stop the tears from dripping down my face , I never expected I would some day have such wedding, my husband surprised me.

I loved this, my mom was holding me by the hand , I could see my mom also tearing up because it felt like so much honour to her.

I could see him nod his head and smile at me while I walk towards him.

His brother was beside him.

Our daughter got to him and he gives her a kiss on her cheek while My mom walked me to him.

He now to my mom and held my hand, he was smiling with tears building up in his face.

He pushed the tears back and whispers into my ear.

" You look beautiful and I feel honored to be doing this today" he says.

" I feel very special and lucky today" I said.

We walked to the priest, he advised us as couple , he prayed for us and ask us to read out our vows.

We both didn't write down our vows.

We just read it out from our heart.

" My Shade, the mother of my kids, my pillars, my heartbeat, my love, my life, my newest mom, my strength, my number one fan and my biggest supporter,I never knew how incomplete I was until I met you few years back, you have been with through so many hurdles, difficulties and even at me being close to death but all of this never made you cleave me for once , you believed in me than anyone I have ever met, you always say you will stand by me till eternity and you have proven this countless of times, I am saying a big thank you for those time you stood by me, you made me know love happen in strange places and in strange circumstances, your love has brought us this far and even if I begin to say thank you today, I cannot thank you enough for being the best mom to I and our kids, I love you baby and till eternity, it will be you, I love you so much" he says.

Before he stopped his vow, I was already drenched in tears from his beautiful words from his vows, those words touched me because I felt so loved and happy that my husband acknowledge my supports.

I managed to dry my tears but they kept flowing.

I had to embrace him first, I held him tight and said " Thank you, I love you so much"I said.

He helped me dried my tears because I wasn't wearing a veil.

Everyone clapped for us even though we broke the wedding vow rules , we do not care.

I started my vows by saying.

" I do not know how to start my comparison because this man here is the best husband and father in the whole whole world because when my father left me and when I met him even though it feels like a strange circumstance that I think was meant to happen, he has been more than a husband to me, he has been Marie than a father to I and my kids, KUNLE, you are my love, my heartbeat, you shield me from

Many troubles replacing yourself and ready to sacrifice yourself for my sake, you took so many risk for my sake, you were unloved by some people for my sake, even when you thought I was no more you didn't give up on finding me, you made this timid, shy and nervous girl a brave girl, I have become  a girl from a common maid to that important girl because I have you beside me, I have achieved so much because I have the best man in the whole world, KUNLE I am glad you are a part of me and I promise to be with you till eternity, I love you baby" I said.

He didn't wait for exchange of ring or you may kiss the bride before kissing me.