

I stood up and Kunle held my hand and I look into his eyes and he smiles at me.

“ let’s go to the styling room, we would both be having our hair styled” he said and I just nod my head and we walk into the styling room, it was not far from the living room, I sttod and look around, it is so beautiful, looks like a saloon but beautiful than a saloon.

“It’s a unisex saloon though,  he follows  me too the place made for ladies and he pulled out a chair for me and I sat down, seriously, I feel like a queen for the first time in my life and he goes to sit in the other place made for male.

The stylist brings out different wigs for me and he brings out exacrly the one I picked on the catalogue, it’s a new wig and he placed it on my hair and he began to style it.

I looked into the Mirror and our eyes met and I lowered my gaze and I try to steal a look at him and our ryes met again , this time I stared at him from the mirror because I just couldn’t take my eyes of his handsome face , his pink lips and he stared at me too and he smiled at me from the mirror and I closed my eyes this time and frowned my face because I do not want him to think I admire him.

“ Ma’am, your hair is beautifully done now or is there anything you would like to be adjusted on the hair? The stylist asked and I looked at myself and I couldn’t even believe that I am this beautiful, I touched my hair and my face and I quickly compose myself and that was when I noticed the barber was done with Kunle and he had turned back , he was staring at me and I stare at him and I quickly turn to the stylist.

“ It’s fine , I like it this way” I said.

“Then let me call in the make up artists for both of you” The stylist said and takes his leave.

“ Beautiful” he says and I look at him from the mirror , soon the make up artist came in and they began my make up and his make up.

Though my make up would be taking time than he’s because he would be giving a very simple make up while mine would be a little bit heavy than he’s .

The make up artist stare at my face and said, I would be giving you just something like touch up because you have this natural beautiful face, if we give you an heavy makeup it wouldn’t bring out your original beauty” she says and I nod my head.

Within twenty minutes the make up artist were done with me, I didn’t even notice that he was standing beside me until the make up were over, I only look into the mirror to see him standing and staring at me.

“ Are we done? Kunle asked the Make up artist.

“Yes and I was about to stand up when he held my hand looking into my face and I looked down and he just smiled while the make up and stylist leaves us in the styling room, I didn’t try looking up at his face.

“ For how long will our gaze keep meeting and you will keep looking away or looking down at your feet” he says softly, it sounds romantic in my ears but yet I had my face down.

“ We should make it look real out there like an ideal couple, I will pay you for this just do me a favour by making us look like a real couple, don’t look down when I talk to you, always look to my face or else people will start suspecting and it might make me loose my votes from the people” he says and I nod my head.

“ Your head are still down, does my eyes or face hurt you? He asks and I shake my head and he slowly uses his hand to lift my face and he says.

“ Always look at me when we talk especially when we are out there”  and I nod my head, he then put his hand round my waist and we walk out of the room , we go to the living room.

“ Bassey ! he called and Bassey comes to him.

“ Has the costumier select my dresses? he asks.

“ yes sir, he replied.

“ Did she match them with Shade’s dresses? He asked.

“ Yes’ He replied.

Kunle stood up and he climbs the stairs and goes to the closet, few minutes later, he came out looking dashing while the costumier help me with jewelries, only God knows how much the jewelries cost, after she helped me wear it , I place my hand on the jewelry to feel it and I smile.

Soon we are both set for the the photoshoot, we had some pictures in his office, me sitting on his laps while he was busy on his laptop.

At first I didn’t feel comfortable sitting on his laps because I kept moving my butt away but he places his hand around my waist and I look at him and he smiled at me and he held my butt tight on his laps and we stare into each other eyes .

“ Perfect! The photographer said and I look back at the photographer .

“ Can you please do just the way both of you are staring into each other’s eyes with his hand around your waist” he said but I didn’t even know that was a pose for photographer, I tried but didn’t get it.

“Relax” he whispers and he just uses his forehead to touch mine and this time I was looking straight into his eyes and the director of photographer yells .

“ yes!Yes! don’t move let me take several shot of that” he says.

I could here what he said but that wasn’t why I remained that way but something I had not noticed , his sexy eyes, I kept staring at his eys and he kept staring at mine, the photographer had finish taken his shots but we both didn’t realized it but we remain that way until the director of photograph came to us and tell us politely that we would need to change our wears.

I quickly stood up from his laps like I haven’t been admiring him.

We had another shot in the kitchen where like I was preparing food and he came behind me , he held me from behind and his lips on my cheek, the kiss was so passionately the way he did it and I didn’t realize when I closed my eyes and this beautiful shots were taken and another one that I was trying to fry plantain and we got playful and he try to take from it and I was trying to stop him but before we both knew it , it became a real play, several shot were taken and we got carried away in our stupid play fighting for plantain, well as a food lover that I am I ran away with the plantain while some got burnt and I sat on the stair case and eat it forgetting that we are still on our shoot and a voice came from behind.

“ Sweetie you love food”he says from behind and I looked back at him, when you are done we would continue or maybe we should take a break so that you can get some refreshment” he says.

Trust me , I won’t deny the refreshment thing and I nod my head to the refreshment, I didn’t know he went into the kitchen, he brought us a juice and we both sat on the staircase eating and I didn’t noticed he was staring at me and I had food stained the side of my cheek and he gently helped me clean it and we both stare at each other,

“Thank you “ I replied and another shot was taken and I noticed even Bassey was using his iphone to cover us , after eating I stood up to take the plate and cups to the kitchen but he collected them even Bassey wanted to collect them from him but he stops him and a maid comes to him then he gave the plate and glass cups to the maid.

we had another picture on the sofa where I was asked to lay my head on his laps and he would kiss me , I stare at him and he he cupped my face and move his lips closer to me and he whispers, don’t stare at me that way just do it, make it look real and natural and as he did that way with me shots were taken.

I gave a faint smile and I slowly lay my head on his laps and he played with my hair and he kept starring at me, it looks so real the way we are but I want to hardened my heart because I do not want to be left heart broken and he slowly bend his head, I thought he was going to kiss me but no, he just kissed my forehead but he did it so passionately that I felt the feeling of that kiss run across my spine.

We took some other shots , three hours later we were done and I am already famished, I was still pulling off my shoes and I heard the voice of the my etiquette trainer and I rolled my eyes and sigh but I think Kunle noticed that I was tired and he called Bassey and whispers to is ear, I couldn’t hear what he said and I use my eyes to follow Bassey and I could see him talking to the Ettiquette trainer and all I could noticed from her lips was she said ok and she took her leave with her crew and I look into Kunle’s eyes.

“ I think you should take some rest, I asked her to come back by five in the evening” he says and I nod my head and he stands up.

“ Thank you “ I said and he walk closer to me.

“ I should thank you for your co operation, a reward awaits you for your co operation” He says and I stare at him an d he smiles at me.

I return to my room and I just lie in the bed, I even forgot that I am still going shopping and I began to think back to us during the photoshoot and I began to think about my attitude towards Kunle and his gesture towards me and I began to think about what came over me that I got playful with him, how  everything played out naturally and I think back to how we stared at ourselves and how sexy his eyes were and I smiled at myself  and how considerate he was knowing that I was tired and I think back to him saying that a reward awaits me and I began to imagine what could the reward be.

“ Maybe he is paying me for today’s job  for a well done job, so let me guess, N500, 000,No, maybe  N1,000,000 Oh, he wouldn’t be so stupid to  give me such money for a petty photoshoot job which is even cleaning up our mess, maybe it’s something else” I said to myself and there was a knock on my door, I was so tired to stand up but I manage to stand up on my feet and I managed to open the door , as I opened the door an Aroma got into my nostrils , the Aroma of food and my favourite, Egusi and a poundo yam and I quickly followed the maid who brought the food , I even helped the maid set up my dining, I can’t wait to devour the food , immediately the maid left, I quickly wash my hand in the bowl of water and I sit down and began to eat , when I finish eating, I wash my hand and I go to lie down on the bed and I slept off.

And I had a dream that I was about to put to bed in the hospital and came in and he was calming me down and as I was told to push that I scream to push , I woke up screaming in the real life and I was like what kind of dream is this then I remember my wild sex with Kunle and I remember I haven’t even taken contraceptive to prevent pregnancy after that night and I quickly dash out of my room and I stood in the midst of the hallway because I don’t even know how to ask Kunle and I summoned courage to climb down the stairs maybe I would see him and by the time I would get downstairs, he had some visitors and I turn back and I heard kunle’s voice saying Sweetie.

“ Sweetie, please come, I would like you to meet with some of my supporters from the market” he says and I turn back to him giving a forced smile, I shaked the men and women he introduced to me and he held my waist.

“ And by the special grace of God this is your  future first lady because I m sure we are vgoing to win this elections” he says and they cheer him and he shared some envelopes to the men and women and they took their leave.

After they left, I stood lost in my thought and he asked me what is it? I stood and stare at him and I did not even know how to tell him , I stare at him nibbling the edge of my dress

“ You can talk to me or ask me of anything? What do you want because I know you have something on your mind” he says and I kept staring at him, I open my mouth and I closed it, I try to speak but I just ended up closing my mouth .

“ Okay fine seems you are not ready to speak, you will find me in my study if you are ready to talk” he says and leaves and as he step on the staircase, I finally had the courage to say what I wanted to say.

“ That night…..” I paused and he looked back at me.

“ That night, yes’ he says.

“ We had sex and we didn’t have it with protection” I said my words one by one and he comes to me.

“ Yes, it was a mistake and it wasn’t our fault, let’s pretend it didn’t happened” he says.

“ I am not talking about the sex itself, I am talking about us not using protection that night, so that it dosen’t result in pregnancy, that is why I have come to you, I need contraceptives “ I said shamefully.