

I got home, I and my team got out of the car.

“ Bassey tell the PR team , the driver to go home that we are done for today but the driver should resume so early tomorrow because he would be picking up Shade in her village” I said.

“ Yes sir” he replied.

“And you can take close for the day after passing the message across to them” I said.

“ Yes sir , good night sir” he said.

“ Good night” I replied and I climb the stairs to my room.

I missed Shade throughout the drive, I didn’t realized how much I have been used 

to Shade,the sitting together and holding of hands.

I undress myself and go into the bathroom, I took my shower and change into something casual, I stepped out to the living room , I sat down to go through the comments on the proposal and the housekeeper came to me.

“ Welcome back sir” she says and I nod my head.

“ Sir the dinner is set” The housekeeper says.

“ Ok, I will be there soon” I said and I kept staring at all the pictures and there was this particular picture , that was the picture of where we kissed after the proposal, I place my hand on my phone moving my hand through her face and I close my eyes and I remember that our playful moment in the kitchen and I smile.

I watch our video from the proposal and also pictures from when we went to her village, there was this picture of me cupping her face and touching her nose and it looks so beautiful.

I strode to the dinning and I sat down to eat and I look to the seat next to me and at that moment I missed her more , I tried eating, I ate just two morsels and I couldn’t continue eating, I drank water and I stood up, I climb the stairs back to my room, on my way back to my room, I paused and stare at her room and I smile and I walk into my room.


I and my siblings and my mom had so many discussions and my sister look at me and asks.

“ How did you two meet? I stare at her and smile and I think back to the hotel case although that is not our first meeting but that was our first time of coming close to each other and we ……… oh God, I can’t Imagine it’s a one night stand thing and the next thing I thought I was going to become a prisoner but instead I got the best life” I thought and my sister snaps her finger in front of me and that was when I came back to my senses.

“ Oh my God! My sister is so deeply in love, I also want a love like you both, I saw how he was cupping and touching your nose before he left” my sister said. Of course I enjoyed the way he cupped my face and and the way kissed my forehead and the way he played with my nose and my hair, I want it again.

After our gist we all go to prepare food at the kitchen men and I began to feel so lonely and I flash back to how we would hold hands and I felt that I need his hands to hold me again.

I never knew how much I had gotten used to Kunle until today.

We finish cooking and we serve the food and as I was about to eat the food and I remember that I always sit next to Kunle and sometimes he would dish my food, I held a morsel of my food in my hand and I only manage to put that in my mouth, I eat few morsel and I stood up and my mom and siblings were surprised that I stood up because they all know that I am foodie.

“ Shade, why did you stop eating? Or don’t you like the food , I can ask your sister to get you what you want to eat.

“ I am fine mom, the food is great infact I have missed your food and I am glad for being able to eat your food again” I said and I leave, I walk into my mom bedroom and I sat on the edge of the bed and I unlock my phone and I go online and out pictures has flooded the internet and I stared at the picture of us kissing and I smile and stretched my fingers and I stare at the ring on my fingers and I smile, even though all of this is not real, it feels so real.

I missed us so much.


I went to bed  but I couldn’t sleep, I kept tossing around, yes we do not sleep together but the things is for the fact that she was not around , I had not heard her voice before sleeping, I couldn’t sleep.

After a while of tossing around on the bed I sat up and I dial her number.


I and my family had finish eating we had so many discussions even though I was a bit cold when I talk but I didn’t want anyone to notice I am missing Kunle, I would be sleeping beside my mom while my siblings would spread a mat on the floor to sleep.

We all go to bed but I couldn’t sleep because if only he would just say Goodnight, I would have my sleep.

I was still thinking of this, when my line rang, I checked who called and it was him, I quickly picked the call and stood up, And excused myself and I walks to the sitting room and at first he didn’t talk the later he spoke.

“Enjoyed being in the village with your mom and innings.

“Yes” I wanted to him how much I missed him but I  can’t because we are not couple.


I wish I could tell her that the reason I called was because I was missing her.

I kept saying some irrelevant things but I felt peace in me hearing her voice alone gave me peace.

We finish talking on phone, I bid her good night and go to lie down and I didn't know when I drifted into sleep.


After his call I return to bed to sleep beside my mom, I felt so hearing his voice and I go to sleep beside my mom all smiles and I didn't know when I drifted into sleep.

The following day.

I woke


The following day.

His call woke me up and he said he just called me to say good morning.

The truth is I like it that it was his voice that woke me up in the morning.

Everyone of us woke up and said my siblings should take their bath, that I want to take them shopping and I want them to go back to school.

That is what I plan to do with the huge money Kunle gave me yesterday before leaving.

I took my siblings to get some things, since I am registering them back to school, we didn't go early and they do not know even have a good dress and shoes to go out.

I could see many people smiling at me, some that I never ever thought would respect me where respecting me.

Some would even run to catch up with me that I should help you that to Lagos but I know I  can’t because I and Kunle are not real and even if we are real I can’t because all this people are hypocrite, they have never wished I and my family well.

I know my parent fight a lot and I  wouldn't blame my mom because it is not east to shoulder all the responsibility in the house, although my mom never complains but I know she was going through lots of pain then.

My dad on the other hand hasn't been helpful, my mom have to always make sure she had but everything on her way coming back from work whenever she collects her salary and she would hid the remaining in her account just because her money shouldn't be stolen by my father.

All of this people that are coming to me and mom today pleading I should help us laughed at our family, I have heard many said they cannot have any girl marry their son from my family? Some had even parent laughed at us when I wanted to go to the city to work as a maid, many laughed at my mom when her hand was cut and now they want me to help them? I know it is not good to pay evil with evil but definitely not this people who are not happy for me, they only want my downfall of they ask me money or help that wouldn’t make me bring them closer to me, I would but me bringing them to where I am is a NO for me.

It's not about being proud for me but defining my space and who should come close to me because I  wouldn't want to go through the betrayal my mom go through in the hands of friends and family.

I took my siblings to the buy some clothes and shoes and I go to register them by the time I return the convoys were here.

While my mom has gone to get some food stuffs into the house before I came back.

I embrace my siblings and mom and they see me off to the car.

Before I enter into the car and I embrace my siblings and parents again.

My siblings wanted to come with me but I promise them later.

I entered into the car and the car drove out of the village and when I look beside me that was when I realized how much I have been used to Kunle.

Me sitting beside him, the holding of hands, I couldn't wait to return home and see his face again.


I couldn't eat properly today because she wasn't beside me.

God! Can’t believe I would fall easily for a girl this way but she made me fall in love.

I can't wait to welcome her back into this house.

I walk into my office and I open my mail and there was the party agenda send to me.

I read through it and I could see we would be going out through out the coming week, I will be going with Shade in all the outing.

From party to rally to campaigns are what we would be doing for next week.

As I was going through the mail and how the agenda works and I heard a car drove into the compound and I peeped thinking it was Shade but it Simisola my younger brother.

He got out of the backseat of his payback and he looks around and smile and he walked into the house.

I sit and continue my work not long I heard a knock on my office door.

“ You can stand there Simi and enter when you feel like” I said jokingly.

“ You will never change big bro” he says and enter.

“CEO Simi, I can see you just got yourself another maybach” and said to him.

“ You know bro, I am only following your footsteps, tell me what you plan to gift me for my upcoming birthday? He says .

“ A whole CEO demanding for a birthday gift” I replied.

Not long I heard another cars come in and I stood up and go to the window and I could my convoy has arrived and I smile and my brother stood up and comes to stand beside him and Shade got out of the car and Simi says.

“Wow, so this is the fake girlfriend that has been trending with my brother, well all of the politics is over I won’t mind making her mine.

“ Don’t even try to even try, she isn’t one of those girls you pick in the club or on the street, she is a different type of girl” I said.

“ I thought she is a fake girlfriend, if you're are done with her I can decide to be with her right? Simi replied and I chuckled and walk out of my office .

“ Don’t you dare” I said and I climb down the stairs and she stood and we made an eye contact and she said.

“ Good day”  with a smile and I smile back at her and she pull her into my embrace and she places her hands on my back, I held right and she did the same thing to me to.


When the car drove into the compound, I felt happy that I am hole finally and I walk into house and I  didn't see him, I was a bit disappointed because I thought he was not around and I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs and there was his brother Simi, the CEO of their father company, when I work with a the Kunle’s grandma, I wasn't so familiar with him because I hardly get to see him.

I greeted him and he shocked me by pulling me into.his embrace, I was surprised by this at first I had my hands down due to how shocked I am and slowly I raise my hand one place it on his back and I wrap my hand around him he tightened his embrace on me and I did the same thing too, I guess it  wasn’t the only one who missed him, I guess he missed me too.

His warmth was so beautiful that I want to remain in his arms.

I buried my head in his chest since he is very much taller than me.

And Simi’s footsteps makes us break our embrace.

“How is your mom and your siblings” he asked.

“ They are fine and they extend their greetings” I said. “ Thank you for everything, I appreciate you so much “ I said.

“Kunle won’t you introduce us? So I asked.

“ She knows you, there is no need of any introduction “ he says.

“There is a need for an official introduction” he says with his hand shoved into his pocket.

“ I know you” I said.

“ I know you know me I am talking of an official introduction “ he said and he was starting at me in a flirting way, he uses his eyes to admire me from head to toe and he just smiles and Kunle held my hand and help me climb the stairs to my room.

He looked back at his brother and his brother burst into laughter and I could see the look on his face that he doesn't want his brother to come close to me.

I smile looking into his eyes and I look away.

“ Why are you laughing?

“ I just smile or can’t I smile anymore?

“Did you miss me? He asked as we got to the door.

“ What? I asked.

“ Never mind you need to relax” he says but I heard what he said clearly about did I miss him.

I am so sorry fans for some mixup in my book but it gave it regulated already.