

“We have a son? Are you saying that I am a  daddy? I ask. She nods her head.

“ So I have a son and I have never been a part of his life for over a year? Tears escaped my face, she uses her finger to dry my tears.

“How could I have a child for a whole year and not be part of her life? How can I have a son and not support his mother? I said.

“ It’s not your fault, it just happened? She said.

“ Can we go to your place , I want to meet my son? I asked.

“Ofcourse , you are his daddy and today is his day, he looks like you , he kept me moving when I thought , I would never see you again, we call him Kelvin your second name , I just didn’t want to forget you in my memory” she said.

I held her hand , I kissed the back of her palm

I am yet to remember us but I promise to make up everything I have cost you to you” I said.

“ It’s getting late , I do not want my son to be asleep before getting home” she said

“ Alright” I replied.

“Please give me a minute” I said to her , I quickly go to get some toys and a cake and we both go Into the car.

She directed me as I drive to their house and I was beginning to remember that I am familiar with this area but I wasn’t sure yet , If I have been to this area.



At first I was angry seeing Him hale and hearty but when he told me his story, I felt pity for him, I wasn’t surprise when he told me about what his mom’s lies because I know she never wanted me , I knew she purposely not let us meet but despite she trying to put separation between us , here we are, fate brought us together.

When we got to our home, I looked at him and smile and he stare at me with lot of questions.

“ if my parents see’s you they will be mad at you because they thought you abandoned me and make me a laughing stalk in this area” I said.

“ I am really sorry” he said.

“ It’s fine , I am only telling you all this so that you will be aware of what will happened when you go in there” I told him.

“ It’s fine , they have every right to act that way, if they hit me up , I deserve it and I won’t let that keep me away from being a good husband an father to you an our son” he says.

I was so happy to hear those words come out of his mouth, I got out of the car still trying to bring out the things I bought and I could see my mom standing outside inside the compound, she was curious to see who I had come home with.

He brings out the cake and toys he also got for our son, I gave my mom a smile because I was so happy, my mom expression changed and she goes into the house.

We both walk into the house, I entered and drop the cake, while he also came after.

“ What is he doing here? My mom asked in an anger tone while I quickly stood in front of him when my Dad came out, I had a pleading face on.

“Mom, Dad, it’s not his fault? I said with a pleading face.

“ Peju , don’t let me slap you? Move away from his face, I want to direct my questions to him and not you.

He hel my hand and I look back at him, he nod his head to tell me that he should handle the situation all by himself.

He rope what was in his hand and my father was about explaining, he lie down flat to prostrate to my father for forgiveness.

Prostrating for forgiveness by men in the Yoruba land shows respect and that you are doing it from the depth of your heart.

My father couldn’t talk again even my mom shut her mouth.

“I am so sorry ma , sir, I deserve whatever you say to me now , I deserve whatever punishment you want to give to me concerning Peju an our son, it’s not my fault, I had an accident that cost me a loss of memory, which didn’t let me come and look for Peju and my son, no one ever told me I had anyone name Peju until months ago when my sister in law and brother try to remind me of her , I have tried searching for her, it was when we met this night that I knew we had a son, please sir, I am begging you forgive me , I promise to make it up to Peju an our son.

I joined him to ask for forgiveness from my parent , I went down on my knees.

“ Stand up both of you” my Dad said.

“ Sir let me stay like this, I want you to forgive me first” he said.

“ I forgive you” he says.

“Thank you sir, Thank you ma, he says before standing up from the ground , he sat down and I go to my mom , I collected my son from my mom , I kissed him on his cheek, I smiled staring at my son and his father bond.

Before having discussions of I and Simi.

" Let's first sing a birthday song for my son before he sleeps" I said.

We sang a birthday song , gave him all his gifts.

Immediately after the birthday song my father sat us down to ask some questions from Simi which he answered my parents were convinced that whatever he was saying was truth, my dad left us , he pleaded to carry his baby which I give to him.

He wept as he held his son in his hand , I embrace them.

Few minutes later , Kelvin slept off in his father's hand.

I took him from his father's hand and place him in on the sofa.

" I just wish I could spend this night with my son" he said.

"You have to go home" I said.

"I know but can I pick you and our son tomorrow? He ask.

" I can't really say because I have to go to school by seven thirty and I would be on my way to school" I said.

"You study? He asks.

" Yes, I want to become a cook" she says.

Da" That's very good" he says.

" I should go now" I said.

" Okay " he said. 

I walked him to his car and he drove off.

I walked into the house, I shut the door, I was so happy with tears dripping down my face.

A tears of joy dripped down , I never thought that we would ever meet again, he is still the same Simi I know.


I and my friend that I have known for a longtime met at a party member daughter wedding reception.

I narrowed my eyes to be sure if I was seeing the right person and she was the one, I walked to her table, I greeted her, we embrace.

I saw a young girl of Jessica age, I guessed she must be her daughter because she looks like her and I know her husband is a billionaire who left a lot of money for she and her children before his death.

I know we are rich billionaires but I need people that can add to our wealth not people who wants to take out of it.

I want my family out there always, I want when they call my the governor if possible president, it should be my son and when billionaires are Called it should be my son and I believe we cannot achieve that by allowing wretched people into my family, I need girls that my sons can take from their wealth and  add to our and my family to be the most influential in the world.

I looked at the young girl sitting beside her.

" Is this your daughter? I asked.

" Yes, this is Omotara, my second daughter"She says.

" Oh my God! That little girl of that day? I have forgotten? Is she not my son Simi's age? I asked trying to make findings on if she is younger than my son Simi.

"No, she is younger than Simi, Simi is two years younger than her" she says.

" Oh I see" I said and she stood up and greet me with so much respect.

" What a well trained and mannered girl you've got" I said.

" You must have been graduated from school now" I said.

" Oh yes, she studied from Harvard business university " she says.

" Oh, I see, I like the business girls" I said.

" You must be married now? I asked.

" No"  she replied and I was so happy that I have gotten Simi a wife, the one that will add value to our influence and status.

" oh, I see.

" I would really love to match you with my son, he is the CEO of DAP conglomerate, we are into so many products, like spaghetti, Seasoning , rice , cements and so on and someone like you that studied medicine would really fit for my son"

I said smiling.

She looked at me and look at her mom.

" we will discuss about that later, can I have your phone number" she says.

" oh of course " I said smiling .

She collected my phone and typed her number into it.

We had several discussion that made me happy that our money will increase.

From our discussion she told me she inherit a lot of property from her husband and lots of it were also willed to her children that even her husband relative who fought for some of the property got out of it and they still remain billionaire.

I looked at both mother and daughter and smile inside of me, I will make sure her wealth becomes my family wealth.


I looked at her when she was asking about my daughter, she thinks I do not know what she wants, I have always known her since school days that she is so greedy and selfish, I used to be her husband girlfriend then but because they were richer than us then she was able to snatch him from me but now she has finally fall into my trap, oh my God, I am so going to deal with that woman even if it is possible I will take back what is mine because I also want that wealth, I am getting that wealth at all cost because I am getting broke from my husband's wealth , the business is not moving at all because I do not know how he managed the business and even all my children are not intelligent to handle the estate.

Welcome dear to my world let's see how I and my daughter won't wreck your family" I thought.


I was coming down the stairs that I began to hear Nick and his mom's voice yelling.

" Mom, What have you come to do? He asked his mom.

" I am come to do what I want to do, this girl must leave your house at all cost! Of all the girls in this world it is a blind girl you choose to marry? A blind girl? For crying out loud? I won't rest if I don't throw her out of this house because no one in my family has ever given birth to a disable and it will no begin from you ?! His mom yelled.

" Mom please can you please leave if you cannot accept my wife, let us be! We are happy" he says.

" You know what be ready to loose your post as the CEO of your Dad's company" she says and next she storms out of the house, I can't see but I can hear everything she said.

Tears dripped down my face and I return to our matrimonial room and I heard the sound of the car drove out of our compound.

My husband came to me , he held me from behind.

" i heard her  and I heard what she said about you loosing your right to your father's company" I said.

" Babes don't worry, we will be fine" he said.

"Your parents thinks I will give them a blind child because I am blind" I said sobbing.

" Take that off your mind, I already have a new plan, I was going to start up my business and be on my own and resign from my dad's company" he said.

" Are you doing this because of me? I asked.

" Yes, I can't let my parents keep bullying you, we will get our own house and also start up our own business, I know it will be a bit hard but I need you to support me" he says.

" No, don't do this, your family will think I am the reason their family broke up, please don't do this" I said .

" I do not care what they say  about you, I want to take a stand for you my wife and our incoming baby, in few months now you will put to bed and if I continue to let them bully you, you won't be safe when I am not around you, I can't let anyone dictate to my family, we will be fine at the end of it all, I know our love will win" he says.

" I love you and I will always protect you no matter what happens" he says.

" Thank you baby, I love you so much and I promise to stand by you " I said.

" I know you will always stand by me" he says and kissed me.


I thought I was going to get all the luxury when we got married but instead , he has stop buying things for me, he doesn't take me out anymore, today I need to make myself happy at all cost.

I dress up just to spend sometimes with my friends.

I entered into the car and I walk into hotel restaurant I and my friends plan to meet up and again we have the plan to talk of a friends wedding, I will just go and return early.

We all embrace as they were already sitted , we ordered for drinks , I was about to collect the drink when I saw my husband with a girl both of them kissing just as he is never passionate with me when he is kissing me.

I was scared that he must have seen me because I am not allowed to go out and I am ashamed that my friends saw the same man that I use to praise that he is the best man in the whole world that he has never cheated on me or ever raised his hand on me before.

He turned back and sees me and the drink in my hand fell down from my hand in fear.




Thank you fans , I feel blessed to have you all as my fans.