


I broke the embrace and bring my hand down to her waist, I look so deep into her eyes.

“I am so sorry from the depth of my heart” he says.

“it’s fine, we are fine now, I love the romantic apology” she says and I smile, I place my lips on her lips. The time I kissed her deeply.

“Uhmnn, we are not doing anything right you know? She said.

“As in? I asked.

“Your mom said we are fake couple and we have deviated from the fake couple we are to…....I cut in.

“Real couple, listen if there is anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with, it’s you, I won’t let anyone come in between us and our baby” I said.

“That’s not going to be easy” you know? She says , I know for sure, it’s going to be a battle that it is not going to be easy but I just have to fight for the woman I love and our unborn, I t5hought inside of me.

I kissed her. “We would talk better when I return, the party chairman sent for me, he said he has a new project he wants us to talk to people about that will help us gain more followers” I said.

“Alright” she replied and I kissed her again.

I walked out of her room and I climb down the stairs and go into my garage, one of my men open the car door for me, I entered into the car and the car drove off.



Immediately my son left, I quickly dialled the doctors number that she should come. I can’t wait to evacuate that baby out of that girl that thinks she is clever. I will make sure I do everything in my possible best to put separation in between both of them, Juliana is the rightful one, the one we are going to benefit from, what can we benefit from the so call wretched girl, nothing? Imagine I have just benefitted a whole one million naira just like that but her what can I and my family benefit from her? Nothing only if they won’t even bring all their family to even come and reap where they did not sow.

I won’t let anyone come and ruin my family chances of making more money, fame and most especially power, my family needs to be in power at all cost and that is why he has to marry Juliana at all cost.

After about twenty five minutes, the doctor arrived but the securities didn’t let him in, she has to call me and give the phone to them before she was allowed in. he drove into the compound  and I quickly climb down the stairs and I go to meet her and explain things to him, that the girl isn’t aware of the so call abortion and I didn’t say much, I just ask for her account number which she call out to me and I transferred the sum of two hundred thousand to her account.

“Check your phone” I said and her phone buzz , she quickly checked her phone and she look into my face.

“When you are done with the job, I will balance with three thousand naira, I want you to be fast about it” I said.

“Where is she? That was the question she asked, I know she dares not question me with the kind of money I just offer her for just an abortion. She open the back door of her car and brings out her instruments.

I lead her to Shade’s room, I knock on the door and she was quick to open the door, she must have think, it was my son.

The moment she saw me with another woman, she must have guess the woman woud be a doctor and she wanted to be fast to slam the door but I was prepared for her, I pushed the door back with my force and the doctor also helped and she fell to the ground as we over powered her with the door, I quickly lock the door and keep the keep inside my handbag.

She didn’t stand up from the floor , she kept moving backward looking from my eyes to the doctor’s eyes and the doctor began to prepare her instrument on the vanity in her room.

I began to pretend to weep because of the doctor, I want her to see me as an ideal mother in law.

“She can’t have a baby now, I really don’t want to get rid of this but she had surgery not up to one month for appendix and I can’t stand a small girl like this going through pains at a very tender age while Shade was weeping silently. I helped her up.

“I am doing this for you, I want your body to be ready to carry a baby successfully, we want a healthy baby and I know you and my son wants a healthy baby too, I am also a mother , I know the pain I go through when I want to have a baby”  I said.

“Lie down so that the nurse can do her job but she was stubborn , she didn’t want to I forced her and I was able to over power her , I held her two hands and I told the doctor to help me  get a scarf that was on the bed and we both tie her hand to the  and I took out an handkerchief from my hand bag and tie her mouth. I took out another handkerchief to tie her leg, I dashed out of the room and I told the house keeper to help me get a long rope or a cloth or something , she  got me a cloth and a rope , a long one, I rushed into the room and lock it and I tie her hands to the bed while I untie her legs , the doctor began to do her work and I was happy, within thirty five minutes she was done and she goes to clean her instruments in the bathroom.

She came back and I transfer the balance into her account.

“Dear I am sorry, I had to be harsh on you on evacuating that baby from your tummy, I am doing this for you and Kunle’s sake” I said.

The doctor took her leave. I shut the door behind her.

I laughed out loud and I help her untie her hand and legs and mouth and she turned to the other side of the bed sobbing.

“Oh my! What were you thinking Shade that I will let you have that baby? It’s so impossible darling because you see the smith can’t allow a half baked like you into this family what were you thinking that you will become the first lady of this state? With what degree? Do you think half baked like you  can become a first lady? What makes you think you can because in the history of all the first lady we have in the country, they all have degree and you just a drop out, oh God I can’t imagined.

I would have think of managing you if your dad was wealthy and famous and ofcourse have power like Juliana’s father I would have considered you but ofcourse , I can’t consider you because you and your wretched family want to sow where you all didn’t sow but with me ,it’s not going to be possible to sow there and as for you thinking my son will marry you, what I just did is just is just a tip of iceberg” I said and walked out.



With the last conversation I and Kunle had, I was beginning to feel relax since Kunle wasn’t making it easy for me to try not to love him so deep, I try so hard but I just kept sinking in this thing called love, I try to control my feelings whenever I am around Kunle , it’s just not working.

After Kunle left , I was thinking of asking for another flower vase when I heard a knock on the door, I thought it was one of the maids , maybe they had brought me food but I was shocked to see Kunle’s mom and a woman standing at my doorstep and my mind thinks back to what she said about evacuating my baby. I quickly try to shut the door but she was smart enough to know what I wanted to do, she pushed back the door and the doctor joined, they pushed it harder that I will and I lost balance and fell they both entered and Kunle’s mom shut the door, I look from one eyes to the other, I didn’t stand up from the ground but I kept moving back and suddenly she was behaving nice and help me up and she started saying things I have never heard or do before, she was acting all pitiful and she was trying to show some care in front of the Doctor.

She tried forcing me to lie down but I didn't want to lie down, I tried struggling myself with her but the doctor join her and they over power me.

I was forced to lie  in the bed, She tie my hands and brings out and handkerchief from her handbag and she uses it to tie my mouth and another handkerchief to tie my leg.

She did it exactly how it is done in movies, she dashed out of the room and came out with a rope and a scarf. I was trying to wrestle but it was hard for me to even move my legs and hands, i tried shouting for help , an handkerchief had ben used to tie my mouth.

she tied my hand to the bed and she spread my legs wide with the help of the doctor , they tie my legs to the bed , I was helpless and powerless, all I could do is just to weep in silence.

The doctor undress me and began to do her job, God! it was painful, I had to endure till she was done with the Evacuation of my baby.

Finally the doctor was done evacuating my baby and she goes to clean her instrument and Kunle's mom tranfer some money to her and she takes her leave.

I don't even know how much was paid to her account but she was excited and left happily. 

when the woman left and she began to talk of how I do not fit in to their family, how I am a drop out and how my family can't add up to their life.

At this point , my mind was made up that I will leave the house for good because if this woman can go to thus level to evacuate her grandchild out of me , she could do worse.

I was in pain, she untied me and left, I tried to get up from the bed but I couldn't because I was in pain.

my bed had blood stains although the doctor cleaned me up and even helped me with cotton wool to stop the little blood that could be coming out of me.

I cried so hard that I felt my life has come to an end ,I didn't even know when I drifted into sleep.


When I got to the party chairman's office, we discuss about the project he want's us to add to our campaign rally, we done discussing for over two hours but he kept bringing up some discussion that I do not feel concerns me but I listened , I do not want to look disrespectful.

After three hours of our discussion , I took my leave.

The driver drove me back home and I got out of the car, I entered into the house climbed the stairs , I go into my room, I wanted to go into my room but i thought I should see my Ebony beauty first.

I knock on the door and there was no response, I knocked on her door on her door again and there was no response, I slowly open the door and I saw her in a pool of blood and I dashed into her room in fear, she was asleep and even not fully dressed, I tapped her out of fear and she slowly open her eyes and tears rolls down her eyes and I could see her face swollen with tears stain and I quickly raise her head up place her head on my chest with my heart beating fast.

"Bassey! I yelled.

"Your mom" she says.

"My mom? what did my mom do? I asked curiously.

"She brought in a doctor" she said one after the other. I became mad at that moment? what if in the process something had happened to Shade.

I carried her a bridal style into the bathroom, I bath her because she was weak and just weeping.

"I am sorry baby, I wept along with her.

I place her on the sofa and cover her with the duvet, I pick up my cellphone and and dial Bassey's number to send in the maids or the housekeeper into Shade's room and that they should come with a new sheet.

few minutes later the maid came in and she quickly change the sheet while I go to sit beside Shade, the maid keeps looking towards me and Shade, she was trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on.

"What did the doctor do to you? I ask in a hush tone.

"I was forced by your mom and the doctor for the baby to be evacuated" She says. I kissed her forehead with tears dripping down my face, I was angry and I thought inwardly.

"It's all because

"she isn't an influential and rich person daughter"

The maid was done with changing the sheet, I carried her to the bed.

"I promise never to leave you alone without securities and I promise never to let anything like this happen to you again" I said.

"I want to go" she says and I stare at her and tears dipped down my face.

"Let me go, I can't bear all of this again" she said.

"You cannot go, you can't leave me alone, we have something strong, something no one knows how we feel, something we alone can tell how will feel, I am trying to fight for this love, i know it's going to be a long and tough battle but I believe we would win this battle"I said.

" Your mom doesn't want me , I disgust her and she think I won't fit in to your life, I love you" she says looking at my face and she places her hand under my chin. "You are a good man but if i remain in this relationship, I might die" she says.