

Finally Felix and some other party contestants were unveiled and they all came out with their families.

When Felix was called I followed him too.

After the whole Party, I was supposed to leave due to my anger that I want out of the relationship but I never did that, I decided to go to Felix room straight.

Before going to Felix room, I quickly stopped my sister , I apologized for behaving the way I behaved to she and mom that I was just working for Felix, I said all of this just too know how she met with her fiancée.

" I never knew you were a party member? I said.

" Me ? Party member?! You ought to know that I am not a party member, I just came to support my boyfriend who asked me to support him and that was all"She says

And I felt so won't let my words I said became opposite, I will do not know what the primaries will be , her boyfriend father is a strong contender in this party , I hope her boyfriend father doesn't win primary, if he does he could even win the election and become a president and I will be looking up to her , No that won't be possible I have always being ahead of her and that is what I want exactly" I thought.

" Oh, I never knew you and your former boyfriend were not together? I asked.

" Yes , we broke up a months ago, Femi as been such a good man" She says looking towards his direction and smiles.

" oh that's his name Femi, cute name for an handsome guy " I said.

" Thank you sir"she replied.

" Ifeoluwa, do you think what you are doing is right? Do you think you are with the right man, this man is abusive and his wife just died just because of this abuse , look at me , I was only managing to stay with him because I love him more because I wanted to have a boyfriend because I thought I would never find a man but just when I decided to quit , he came along and he has been a good man, I believe you will find yours , just leave this man and a better man will come" She says.

I stare at my sister and laugh inside of me, she wants me to come to her and beg for whatever I want, it's not going to work, I will supersede you sis because I will get married to Felix become the First Lady, I will be richer than you , powerful than you , I know your father in law potential but with Felix I ca become powerful like Shade.

I thought.

" Don't worry sis , nothing like that Violence happened between I and Felix because he loved me, I guess his wife doesn't know how to handle him that is why they keep having issues but I know how to handle him" I said.

" An abusive man never changes" my sister says.

" I can change him" I said.

"You cannot change a man, it's your decision dear" she says and takes her leave.

I walk back to the hotel room while he was not yet in the room.

I drop my handbag and smile, I flashback to    Felix drama and was thinking on what advice I gave him that he didn't take to.

" Is he really okay? I asked .

I turn on the TV , pick the phone to make order and I could see the whole drama on the TV with the presenter praising me.

I quickly go to the internet to check what the news were and I was trending .

I smiled happily, I laughed out happily, I jumped like a kid that I am trending.

" I can't believe I am trending" I said and the door open.

"I am now a superstar" I screamed and he spoke behind me.

" I did that on a purpose" he says and walk to the wine bar in the suite.

I turn back at him and look into his face surprisingly, he pours some wine for himself.

" Well I don't care why you do it but I love that I am trending" I said happily.

He walked to me, pull me by hair and uses his hand to choke me by the neck , I place my hands on his hand, he pushes me to the wall .

" Don't you ever do that with me again! Don't you ever walk out on me again! I own you now and except you want to put every member of your family in danger! He yelled at me.

I shiver in fear but I summoned courage to speak.

" Don't you ever yell at me again! I hate it! He walked towards me and hit me on the face , I held my chin in pain with my face down, I slowly raise my head, he was going to reprimand me again, I hit him so hard on his face.

"I am not Racheal and I will never be one! I yelled at him and go to the bed.

He angrily rushes towards me, I ran into the toilet trying to shut the door but he was stronger than me, he slapped me multiple times, pushed me to the floor, my body hurt so bad as my body slammed against the tiles.

I couldn't stand up, he picked me up, took me to the bed and he began to undress me, I was too tired to struggle, he didn't mind if I was feeling any pain, what matters to him was the sex he was going to have with me.

He spread my legs after undressing me, he entered into me, he turned me laying on my stomach and did the same thing as well, he felt happy having me in his dominance.

I remembered the words of my sister before entering into this hotel suit.

After his as he turn to the other side of the bed and sleep.

I couldn't sleep because of the pain I was feeling all over my body, while he was snoring .

I managed to crawl to the bathroom to take my bath, my body hurts so bad.

I managed to crawl back to the bed.


I picked my phone to check what was trending and it was Ifeoluwa, she seems fine a strong contender , she is almost becoming like Shade because from the whole story , she is a good adviser and a daughter of the maid to the late wife, she has just become Felix's personal adviser and she is making waves, people can't wait to hear what her advices are but there was a clips of Felix trying to stop her, I watched the clips and at that moment I knew I and Deji won't be battling Kunle alone but Felix and Ifeoluwa seems to be included.

I can see the two party people are talking about is the party that picked KUNLE and Shade for their party and Felix and Ifeoluwa  are another people the media recognized now.

I felt worried , I began to think in my head, how to get people to start talking about I and Deji, I felt I needed to meet with Deji the following day, we also need to play politics to get people talking about us.

I dropped my cellphone, pick the several injections and pull it into syringe again, I walked into the room where Deji's wife was , she struggled but her struggled were not as strong as she did the first time, I could see the injection is taking infect in her body already.

I injected her another one, my reason is to make her go mental and also make her loose the baby in her because I cannot stand another woman coming to

me when we get married that my husband has a child.

I walk back into my bedroom.

The following day.

I was woken by the Felix who was already on me , I tried to struggle but I was still in


I let him have his way after the sex , he rolled off me when he was satisfied, he stood up to the bathroom, he told me we will have to make certain things real like the advice I claimed that there would be a camera that I and him have act like we were arguing on an idea that I gave him and that I should think of a better idea because he couldn't think of one.

" Do we really have to do that ? He asked.

" People are asking of the clips of what you did? He says.

" My body hurts, you beat me up not even minding if I die? I guess murdering women is the best of you" I said.

He paused from his steps, he retracted and walks towards me in a rage.

He raises his hand and I tried to sit up and move back from the bed but I fell.

" Go ahead you don't of a bitch and hit me! I yelled at him.

" It will at least help me give a lengthy interview about you abusing me and murdering your late wife! I yelled .

He shuts his eyes panting hard, he held his hand back into a fist, I felt happy that , I have something to use against him now, at least the fear that of that will stop him from hitting just as he likes" I thought happily.

He stare at me in rage and rushes into the bathroom anger.

I stood up to go and clean but I stagger and fell to the floor.


I, my PA and my Designer sits in the living room looking at a catalogue , we both sat down checking for styles that will suit me more for the unveiling of us as the party presidential candidate while I was also selecting a matching outfit for both I and my husband and our kids because we decide to go as family.

We finally settled for a style but I asked that the designer makes it look a bit different from the style itself because I love how my style trend few days ago.

After the checking of the outfit, I walk to my kids and kissed them on the cheek, I and my PA stepped out of the house , we walked to the convoy where my husband was sitter waiting for me.

" I am sorry for keeping you waiting "I said to my husband.

" It's fine" he said and kissed me.

We held each other's hand as we go to my women trade center first.

All building has been occupied but I am meeting with our architect for designs for my husband low cost estate and our private estate and my second women trade center design.

Our car drove us out of the center after few minutes, we entered into our convoy and the car drove us to the architect office, he showed us the designs and we loved it, we then went to the hospital to see my mother in law.

As we got down from our cars, people began to take pictures of us.

We walked into the ward.

My mother in law pleaded with us.

I said to her that we have forgiven her and my husband said we will still keep our distance.

Twenty minutes after we stepped out of the hospital and there were already press outside waiting for us.

We answer every of their questions, the questions is mostly about our presidential political ambition.


I woke up and walked into the room where Deji's wife was, she was already talking to herself , she had gone mental which is exactly what I was trying to achieved .

I felt happy that for now she is out of the picture , it's just going to be me and Deji now, I will get someone to forge her signature and just submit the divorce papers.

The wedding date has been backdated that they had gotten married four years ago.

So the divorced was so easy.

And being that my dad went direct to the judge she doesn't need to show her face.

I and Deji will get married in a low key wedding but the wedding will still be backdated so that no one will suspect that we are the cause of her mental illness.

After injecting her once more, I invited Deji over, I told him to come and see his wife which he saw that she had gone mental.

" We shouldn't push her out now, it should be tomorrow night because I already inform her family that she is missing and they are very worried about their daughter.


After our sex and he yelling , we both go back to bed , I felt a hand hit me hard on my leg, I slowly open my eyes and shuts it again.

He hits me so hard on my leg and ordered me to stand up.

"My body still hurts from the beating of last night"I said.

"You have to get up we have to start working on the clips and you need to come up with one idea" he says.

" I said my body hurts ! I yelled.

"So what should I do about that? Listen you have to get this video done because if you do it that means you are not ready to become my wife and the future First Lady of this nation.

Hearing that I quickly manage to sit up, he looks back at me and told me to get ready that I should dress in the dress I was dressed yesterday.

I got out of bed to go and take my bath, I only manages myself to enter into the bathroom, I stare at my face in the mirror and all my faces were swollen, I do not know I'd make up will make me look better.

I cried, I wanted the power and fame  and now I am walking through it in pains" I thought.

I took my bath dress up in the same outfit I dressed in.

I tried so hard to apply so many makeup and it helped me a bit.

I began to think of a plan and I thought of it that every children born into the nation should have a certain amount paid into their account that it should be in fixed deposits and also there should be free healthcare and free pupils launch.

He walked to me and asked if I have thought of something.

I stare a him in annoyance that he should be the one thinking not me but since he is a dumb skull, how do I expect him to think.

" I am talking to you, have you thought of you will say? He asks and I nod my head.

" yes" I replied.

” So what have you thought about? He said coldly with his hands shoved in his pocket.

” That all babies born in your regime to be paid a certain amount and place in a fixed deposit and there should be free health care and that there should be free pupils launch” I said.

he smiles and said brilliant idea but that is the last thing I will do as a president.