


" Now you will offer money to any of your maid who is ready to go to jail in exchange of money because I know my party enemies will want me to step down at all cost and they will make sure they get to the root of who killed your wife because they already believed that you killed her but I want a place where when all your maids will be asked one of them will be said to have confessed to have killed your wife out of jealousy and that is it, no one will know that her death came through you" My dad said.

When he said that to me, I never wanted to agree to that because I don't think anyone in his or her right frame of mind will want to do that.

" But what if no maid agree to do this " I thought.

"You will see some of those poverty stricken maid that will agree to such thing" my dad said.

I look into my dad's eyes with so much fear that will this ever worked.

" Okay I will speak with the maidens" I said.

I stood up and my dad comes to me, I want to replace you with me in the politics world and if you want to be a politician , you have to be strong" he says.

I nod my head.

I walk out of his office and walk to my car.

I was full of thought thinking if my dad's idea will walk or not, I really want to replace my dad, most especially now that the youth are taking over the government, I also want to make history like Kunle.


The driver drove us home, I change into something very comfy and prepare to visit my women trading center and again I have to have meeting with women that are interested in the trading center, I need to fix meeting with the women and I need to have some meeting with my workers, My secretary and the financial department and I also have meeting with some estate agency and lawyers to start selling out the spaces in my women trading center.

I walked to the living room, I made some calls to the job agencies that I need a PA, I also fix some meetings with those that I will need to meet up with the following day then I spoke with some TV programs manager that wants me in their show to fix some time with them, as I was making my call my husband too was making some research on land prices in the urban area because he is building a low cost home to help people get shelter over their head and pay bit by bit.

After making some few calls to agencies that deal in selling of land, we both sit and discuss the area that is best the kind of styles and designs that should be built.

Since I studied estate agency it was easy to come up with styles.

I helped him call the architect that helped me design my women trade center to help us design the low cost houses and we also

Plan on getting a house in the urban area of the state to build our own private estate.


I got home and didn't know how to call any of the maidens.

I then decided to call the housekeeper, she was employed by my late wife.

She was aware that I killed my maid, I called her to my residence office, I know she is a widow whose husband died few years back, she has been raising her kids all alone, her first daughter just got admission into the university .

Her Children do come around during the vacation times and before my wife's death, I overheard her talking about needing some cash to send to her daughter at school and I thought this kind of woman would need some money and if I offer her some cash she would agree to this kind of offer.

She walks into my office.

" Sit down" I ordered and she sits. I

Looked at her and I do not know if I should begin to talk or not after few minutes of silence, I gave a courage to speak.

"I have a deal for you, a fifteen million naira deal" I said and I could see her open her eyes wide.

She is being enticed by the amount money I mention.

" What is the deal? She asked.

" The deal is that I want you to tell the world that you.....that you killed ....." as she heard the word killed she stood up with fear written all over her face.

" I am sorry sir, I don't know what you want me to implicate myself on, I don't want the deal sir" she says.

" You will say that but I promise you that you will get out of the prison, I will pay so people to fly you out of the country to the country of your choice including your children" I said pleading.

" I am sorry sir , I can't do what you ask me to do" she says.

" Okay, I understand you, you can go" I air and she quickly stood up , as she got to the door.

" As soon as you get to your room pick every of your belongings and leave my house, you are fired" I said.

She paused and couldn't move, I knew at that point that she could accept.

" Mrs Badejo, your service is no longer needed in this house and the same thing applies to any other maid I ask if this fa our and can't do it for me" I said.


Tears dripped down my face hearing my boss telling me I am fired , I know how long it took me to get this job, I know the sacrifices I took to get this job, I spent my money and body to get this job and now I am being fired for not taking to what my boss wants.

My kids are still young, they need me more than ever, I know things I faced since my husband died.

All my in laws have been trying to help but for how long will I keep going to them when they have their own responsibilities already.

How will my older daughter be able to continue her law course? What about my daughter who just got admission into the university and my son that will be writing his high school final exams next year.

If I loose this job, it will be hard to push my children further from where I have pushed them to.

Fifteen million isn't little money, it will change our life, my children will go to school after all he promised that I will be helped out of the prison and I and my children will be flew out of the country to the choice and my children and I will get a better.

I turn back to my boss and dry up my tears with the back.

I went down on my knees and began to plead maybe he would still

Give me the option to keep working but he didn't give me the option I was expecting.

I kept pleading and all he could says was that I should leave his office before he calls the security to come and throw me out.

I slowly stood up dry my tears and I look at him and sob out.

" Yes sir , I will do it but I don't know who you want me to claim I killed " I said looking down.

" My wife , you will tell the world you killed my wife out of mistake , you will say you wanted to fall down and didn't know she was standing and unfortunately you pushed her and she roll off the stairs by the time you rushed towards her you realized she wasn't breathing again, that is what you have to say to the police when you are being interrogated" he says.

I nod my head with tears.

" Sir what about the fifteen million you promised? I asked.

" I will pay that" He replies.

" Sir , I will do your job but please transfer the money to my bank account so that I can distribute the money amongst my children before ending up in jail" I said sobbing.

" Fine, your account number" he asked.

I quickly called out my account number and   Receive the alert of fifteen million naira.

" You are not allow to leave this premises until the police arrived" he says.

I nod my head and walk towards the maidens quarters in tears.


I have been trying Racheal's line but her line is switched off.

"What is always wrong with this girl" I said talking to myself as her line keeps saying switched off.

" Does she want me to go back to my poverty stricken life or does she want people to start making jest of me, look at the girl I was laughing at that her husband divorce her, she is making waves with her name at least she should also use her head to achieve in this marriage but all she knows to do is that she wants to leave that marriage common land she hasn't achieve in that marriage and she is crying she wants to leave, I only wonder where she has run to again that her husband has been looking for her for sometime now" I said to myself.

I tried her line and it was still switched off.

" Where on earth is this girl? Does she want the money that my in law sends to me to stop? If I should find out that she has start seeing someone else she won't like me" I said to myself.

I was still talking when I receive the alert of five hundred thousand Naira.

" Look at it now he has sent me the money I asked for , this girl doesn't know that her husband is such an opportunity to this family" I said and I stopped trying her line, I open a jewelry store app on my phone to see the new jewelry I was going to order for.


It worked like I have someone to shoulder my burden all in the name of money, I do not have to run away now I can leave my life the way I want to, I know what to do after the whole thing I will drop charges against Mrs Badejo and with that people will began to talk about me and with all of this I will become the party's choice" I said.

I dial the police station and told them my wife is missing that I need them to give me an investigator that can do my job faster, I was told an investor would visit you home.

An investigator came to my house after two hours an investigator came around , he interrogated all the workers in my house, I had told Mrs Badejo before his arrival that she shouldn't say anything, she should deny she knows something about my wife's whereabouts which she did.

I knowingly made her said that so that it will look real that she killed my wife so by the time she decided to confess that she killed my wife.

After the interrogation, the investigation asks that no workers should be allowed to leave the house.

I knew if the investigator is a good one he would find out that Racheal is dead and I know Racheal's death will be traced back to this house.

I know it not like it's that so important we investigate my wife's death but all of this is just to move ahead those that wants to use the death of my wife to cause scandal for my Dad so that they will not succeed in causing my dad a scandal so that he will resign.

If a scandal is caused for my Dad , my dreams to become a candidate for the party in the next coming election will be hard, I also want to be the next governor of the state.



I called all my children spoke with them on phone , I wept as I speak with them in the phone.

My second daughter kept asking  me why I crying, I didn't answer have an answer to  Her questions.

I transferred the sum of two millions naira to my children and I told them they should use it wisely.

My first daughter kept asking where did I get such amount of money which I had no answer to, instead of me answering the call I just cut off the call.


I was switching over the channel sitting in my bed that I saw the interview of Kunle and Shade and their Children, I feel so jealous of them, I feel so jealous of her idea and how powerful they had become after Kunle had been dropped by the party and Deji being the party flag bearer, I was hoping Deji would beat Kunle's popularity in the last election  and this will make Kunle realized he is a big loser but no instead he gain more popularity and I could see how much people even want him to go for presidential election.

I can see even the when the audience were allowed to ask the couple questions, people were hailing them and even believe that if he become the president of this nation and his wife become the First Lady of the country that the country will be a better place.

I turn off the TV angrily because no one even talk about me the way Shade who is not even becoming a First Lady is being talked about, back then when Kunle was running the governorship race for my father's party she is so popular and now that my father's party dropped them they are still the most talked about people.

How I wish I know how to surprise their fame because the more famous and powerful Kunle become the more he wouldn't remember he hurt me and with the stupid idea of the people that they will run the country very well some party might began to bid for them and want to make them their flag bearer and I am so sure that if Kunle goes for presidential race with Shade beside him, he will win and I and my husband will be under them and his wife will control all other state First Lady including me? I can't let that happen, she cannot have Kunle and still have the peoples support, I know what to do I will also think of what to do for women and Children that will make people also talk about me and with this I will also be popular and I will become one of the most talked people and I can even tell dad to switch I and Deji from the governorship to presidential candidate.