


After getting enough shopping that day , I dressed looking good and sexy.

I know Felix is a flirt, I have heard my mom said a lot about him and I already know how to get to him and that is why I have decided to go to him and pretended I needed a job and I am very sure when he see this my hot body, he's never going to say No, he's just going to tell me to sit my ass down and show me what I can do, I said to myself while dressing up.

I turn around n front of the mirror in my hostel because I didn't go back home because I do not want violence between I and my sister because I know she could come back home and can beat me up and this is why I decided to return to the hostel.

Some of my friends had been asking about where I am going that I am dressed like an office girl and I told them that very soon I will be on cloud nine.

I walked out of the place and picked bus from one place to another until I returned to Felix mansion.

As I walk into the mansion I could see my sister coming and I look away, she quickly catch up with him.

" Whatever you do just remember you are on your own" my sister said.

I hissed and continue into the house and as I was still trying to walk into the house and one of his bodyguard stopped me and I was trying to beg, he came out of the house and stop the guys.

I quickly went down on my knees and pleaded with tears streaming down my face.

" Sir , I need a job, I need to support my mom and siblings , please sir help us.


I stare at her and wanted to tell her to go but one thing is that I have always have my eyes on this girl and I felt my problem is solving by using her mom and it's going to be nice to have her on my bed.

" Okay, how do you want me to help you? I asked.

" I want a job" she says.

" Okay, be my .....my" I began to think of what I could employ her for.

" Become my personal maid" I said and she stood up happily and thank me.

" Can I start working today" she asked.

" If you want" I said and my phone rang again and it was my late wife's mom.

I picked the call and she asked me if I have heard from my wife and I said no but the police are in it, I was still speaking about it when Police came in and said they found my wife's body.

They didn't know I already have the information that they have the plan to find a way to use whatever happen to cause scandal to remove my father from office but they didn't know I and my father have it all planned out before their arrival.

" We are from

The police station to tell you that we found your wife's body this morning and from the information we gathered a car with this plate number dumped the body and we traced the car we found out that the car was from this compound which means the person who dumped the body is from this house and we would like to check all cars around this house" the police inspector and his team says.

" What?! I yelled, My wife's name and break down in tears , I cried hard.

" Listen please I need you to do your possible best to fish out who did this" I said.

" Can I folllow you to see my wife because I still can't believe it" I said.

" I am sorry sir, no one is allowed to go out right now because we will be conducting an investigation from this house.

" Please do conduct the investigation because the person who murdered my wife must be purnish severely" I said.

They check the cars and fished out the car with the plate number and all my workers were fished out for investigation.

They were all taken to the police station including me, they asked me series of questions, I also call Racheal's mom to tell her that her daughter is dead.

She rushed down to the police station.

The police asked me series of questions and I told them we had a misunderstanding and she left the house, I said I also left the house to go sleep in the hotel and since then she never returned home.

They asked so many questions that I made sure I denied killing my wife very well.

They asked all my workers who kept saying they didn't know what happened and I have warned them earlier that if the police comes they shouldn't mention that I use to be violence with my wife.

They interrogated all my workers and in the end Mrs Badejo was said to have confessed that it happened by mistake and that she was the one who put the body and that she worked with one of the bodyguard to get rid of the body out of fear.

Mrs Badejo and my body guard was reprimanded.

Every other person was released and Racheal mom said justice must be served, I was asked if I want the case to go to the court and I said they should be retain in the  cell that when I lay my wife's body to rest I will decide.

I and other workers were released, I sympathize with Racheal's family , I transfer the sum of five million naira to them.

Many people pitied me and paid me condolence visits, I asked she gets a honorary burial.

After the burial my father invited me to his office and he congratulated me for a good job and he also told me that Mrs Badejo and my bodyguard being in prison will be good for a political target, he said I should go to the police station that they should be released , I went with her family and also my body guard family , I said that since Mrs Badejo claims that it's a mistake and my body guard only help her out that she should be released.

I went to the police station with press , I behave like someone bereaved but say good things about Mrs Badejo and my bodyguard , I said how I felt hurt that my wife died but there is nothing I can do about it, I said even if I send this people to the jail because of my wife's death it will still not change the fact that my wife is dead.

I said Mrs Badejo had three children and she is a widow , I said if I send him to jail what did I gain sending her to jail , what will happen to the lives of  her three children and I talked about the wife of my bodyguard and their little two sons that what will become of them, I said the only thing is that this two will be dismissed from working for me but they should be allow to return to their family.

People hailed me and said I am not like my father.

Most people said I have a good heart like Kunle.


It was my daughter who saw Felix's video on WhatsApp status that my wife came to call me to see , I was hurt and disappointed that my daughter didn't get necessary justice.

Tears dripped down my face, I remember what my second daughter said then about Rachel's husband being violence, I remember how happy my daughter was with her boyfriend then, I remember when she said she was done with that marriage that she came back to me and that I called her husband to come back and pick her, I remember when I and my husband fought over me giving her out to marriage too early, I looked at my room, I have the clothes and jewel ties, big phone but my daughter is gone and her husband couldn't get justice for her.

I am not saying her husband killed her but I thought he would let those two people rot in jail but he let them go scot free, I regret not letting her stay back then.


The truth was that I was surprised he let us go ands

 I was also happy that my life turn out for better after taking the offer but I am afraid of one thing, my daughter Ifeoluwa, she no longer come back home, I am afraid of loosing her just like Racheal parents had lost her now.

I know this man is so dangerous , I know all the stories of how he would tell her never to step out or beat her up if only she knew Racheal didn't get the luxury she came for from Felix she would not think of living him.

She is only being greedy because if not she would be satisfied with what we have.


Seeing myself get popular and praises killing My wife makes me feel

Happy, that night I invited Ifeoluwa into my room and I ordered her to undress me, she knows beyond what I though she knows, she slowly unbuttoned my trouser and I go to sit spread my leg , she removes my shaft and slowly take me in her mouth, I never knew this girl is a pro, the way she handled me made me wanting more, After my first cum, I told her to try and give me another BJ for again, she took me in her mouth and took me to cloud nine.

I then thought I could control my addiction but I couldn't, I didn't know what came over me , I began to beat her and with this I was able to have sex and satisfy myself.

She was crying and tired , I regret beating her , I pleaded with her and she forgive me and I ordered so many gift transfer some amount into her account and I promise her it will never repeat itself, I even promise her that I will make her my First Lady because very son I will become a governor of the state.


At first I was so angry and began to regret wanting this man called Felix but when he showered me with gifts worth five hundred thousand naira, I wanted to stay with him and I said in my mind that I will change him. 

I thought inside of me that his wife should have tried to change him that she would change him slowly and I thought she must have been to naive to deal with Felix.

" My time in his life will be different because this will be the last time he will rise his hands on me because if he gives it to me I will make sure I ruin him.

I looked at the gifts he bought for me , they were gifts over five hundred thousand naira and he transfer the sum of eight hundred thousand naira.

I felt so happy and forgot he beat me.

He promised me a car and a house.

My mom and sister think I do not know what I am doing but by the time they see me My car and  house they will know I am not daft that I am using my head.

It's not that I am becoming Felix wife but Felix wife, I can't wait to stand out there in the spotlight become popular and stand out there, when I step out I would be followed hey entourage, all the workers in this house will respect me and said yes ma" I jumped up happily like a kid.

He ordered his men should stop me home but I said I want to be dropped at school I want all the big girls in my school to know that I have arrived" I said.

They driver drove me to school and pull up in front of my hostel,the driver comes to open the car door for me and they all yelled seeing me come out of the car.

The driver helped me down with so many luggage's and they all

Run towards me the driver helped me take it into my hostel.

I and my friend takes the lead while the driver helped me take the stuffs in bought for me into my hostel.

I know all my friends wants lots of gist of who got me all of this.

I knowingly asked the driver to come drop me at school so that they all will know I have step up my game that I am now bigger than their level, I do now date rich politicians who can change one's life in a twinkle of an eye.

We gisted but I didn't tell them it was Felix because I cannot let my friends steal him away because I also want to be a First Lady.


My dad called me while I and my wife were thinking about our own establishment, my wife thinks we should return to Nigeria and get enough instruments to begin a processed meat and chicken food in Nigeria , she bring an idea of packing in both can and plastic nylon while she would run a fast food since in the last two years we have been here she continue her studies.

It's all making sense and I also think I should add a hotel to fast food.

We were still working on taking this decision when my dad called me pleading that I should come back to Nigeria and take over again, he said the truth is he doesn't know why the company isn't getting more customers instead it kept decreasing.

He told me he introduced a new business policy to the clients and the company and the clients began to leave, he said when he gathered all the board of directors that they knowingly not question him about how he had been running the company since he took over that he isn't running the company the way he should run the company that he is bringing an old way of running a company and he just doesn't know how to fix it and he can see that most clients does not want to deal with him and the company is almost crashing that I should comeback but I don't think I really want to run my own now, I want to be on my own , I told my dad that I am no more interested in handling the family business.

He pleaded and I told him I will think about it

My wife asked what is the problem and I told her daddy wants us to return to the country, Yes we have a plan to return to the country but to be on our own.