

This are so many things some women go through in their marriages and they will be lying to other women that they are enjoying their life, their husband bought them this and that , their husband is the best, this is what my husband bought me and the one who is contented with her husband whose husband isn't earning much and still trying for his family will begin to hype people like us and will start fighting her husband not knowing we are just enduring in this kind of marriage.

Some other women in the village who are happier than I that I am jealous of will sometimes be hyping me but they don't know my husband has been beating me since our marriage night but just to meet up with my lies, I have to do

Everything in my power to get that the latest things, sometimes I don't care sleeping with a man to get it.

Thinking of faithful, I have never been faithful to my husband, I cheat with whoever is ready to help me get those things that I need from my husband that he can't get for me, he has caught me several times and beaten me several times and we have settled it several times.


Not long while I sat down using my hand to straighten my dress, A man came in and I was told  to follow him, I followed him, we walk into the elevator , I was so happy that I was taking selfies, we got out of the elevators , I looked around oh my God ! the place was a VIP section of the hotel, I could see body six body guards standing at his door and I was beginning to daydream of myself stepping out with bodyguards.

I don’t want to  dream of myself stepping out with Felix because he is just too ugly , the guy I followed whispers into one of the bodyguards ear  while I keep using my hand to throw my hair backward.

After their whispering the man told me to go to the bodyguards while he turn back, one of the bodyguards told me to follow them.

I entered into the hotel and Felix was in the bed , I stood at the door step as the door was shut , I greeted him with a smile, he didn’t laugh and suddenly he burst into laughtr , he looked at me from head to toe , he walked up to me ,he pushed me to the wall , place his hand on my neck, not in a romantic way but in a coking way.

I was scared and next he started kissing me , I tried to stop him from the way he was holding me , he didn’t listen , he kept on kissing me but I didn’t want to loose this opportunity of becoming like Shade, he undress me , carreses me  and I was thinking he wanted to treat me like a queen, no, I held my hand drag me to the bathroom undress himself , he was just too rough , he handled me rough, I am not used to rough guys so I wasn’t enjoying anything our bathing together and taking me from behind with force , I was already tired ,he dragged me out and threw me into the bed , he was smiling and enjoying all the stupid things he was doing, I was already crying but I didn’t want ters falling off my face.

I thought I had seen it all until he brought out an handcuffed with a whip, not the fun whip of BDSM, a real horse tail, I can’t remember the last time , I was beaten this way , probably my Dad nd that was a long time ago  when I was in junior highschool and was having numerous boyfriend that we would always have Twosomes and threesomes.

I hate been whipped or hit, it even affects my skin.

I began to shake but who am I to talk, I couldn’t  set my phone to videos or anything, because the fear of the horsewhip wouldn’t let me do anything.

He handcuffed my hands turn me around , I shut my eyes , He whip me the first time , it hurts but not too much and the second and third whip began to hurt I was trying hard not to cry because I do not know his rules of sex because I think he is a sadist.

He began to whip me so hard not stopping, I began to cry out, I scream, he would laugh, he was enjoying torturing me after beating me for about…….I don’t even know if I can tell the minutes because the beating was like forever, he took me form behind , he had Anal sex with me and when he turn me over, he help me remove the handcuffed and I had to push him because his way was becoming unbearable, I tried to open the door by pulling the door handle up and down , he began to  laugh.

“You are that type I want, the way you run around this room makes me want you more” Felix says and at this point I was like what! I began to shake , it means he had been known.

I began to plead , he didn’t listen, he pushed me to the floor and he began with me , he was rough, he spend hours on me , I wasn’t enjoying whatever sex it is , he didn’t care if I was enjoying it or not, I wasn’t my self.

After he had me for hours , I was too weak to stand up from the floor, I tried but fell back to the floor , he could at least helped me to the bed , he didn’t he just walk to the bathroom, take his bath and and goes to lie in the bed, I wept on the floor and didn’t know when I drifted into sleep.



I couldn’t sleep all night, I kept tossing around, I only manage to let the day break  before taking my bath and brushing my teeth.

I went to their estate and knocked on the gate.

The security man opened the gate for me.

“Good morning” I greeted.

“Good morning” the security man answered.

“Please I want to see Simi” I said.

“madam told me that whenever you come I shouldn’t let you in” 

I understand that but if I can see Simi, my mind would be at rest and to tell him I am pregnant.

“Okay but can you please help me call him” I pleaded.

“Look Peju, let me tell you the truth……’ as he was talking to me he paused and he quickly goes to open the gate and he was giving me a sign to leave , I looked back and see convos  coming, I didn’t know who it was so I waited and the cars stopped  at about entering the gate.

Simi’s mom came out of the car , she walked towards me  and slapped me tywice , I help my cheek with tears dripping down my face.

“What are you doing here?! She yells at me. “Didn’t I warn you I do not want to see you with my son anymore! All you wretched people know is to destroy happy family, that is all you all do, destroy a happy and cool family and bring your badlucks into it, Peju my son won’t marry you because he has someone who is his fiancée and they will be getting married soon, Boys! She yelled.her body gurad came out.

“Throw this thing out of this estate and I will call Estate authority myself. She picked up her phone and ordered the estate authority not to let me into the estate again.

Her bodyguards dragged me out of the estate, tears rolled down my cheek and I began to try wrapping my head to think of what was happening. I couldn’t even figure a thing out. I just sit in front of the estate weeping and thinking what could have happened but the estate authorities came to drive me away from where I was sitting.



I was woken up by the brightness that peep out of the window, I looked around  as I open my eyes still lying in the floor , tears rolled down my face as the memories of last night flow through my head, I try to stand up but I couldn’t because my body hurts, I turn around and my eyes met his eyes where he was sitting staring at me and my heart beat raced more than it has ever raced.

He was dressed and I noticed he wasn’t has ugly has I thought on the outside but he is ugly on the inside.

He sat on the edge of bed staring at me and he smiles at me. I was shaking, I was scared he wouldn’t say he want’s to have sex with me again.

He stood up and I began to move backward shutting my eyes then I felt him lift me off the floor and place me in the bed.

He didn’t place me in the bed gently, I think he is always like that with women.

“I liked your performance with me last night, you are my type, I like the way you slowly began to cry because it helped aroused me “ I open my eyes wider.

I Like the way you made me dominate , most girls usually have themselves run into the bathroom and lock themselves up when I handle them the way I handled you” I was shaking because I was already making a vow in my mind never to even have anything to do with this animal again.

I love the way I see that fear on your face when I see you because he turns me on,  you are already turning me on right now with that face.

Tears began to build up in my eyes but I am trying hard not to cry, I am just begging God to let me out of this place, he held my hand and kiss me forcefully and he whispers.

‘You just allow me just as I want it” he says and caress my boobs. He stopped.

“Go and take your shower and I will take you home.

I was shaking as I stood up , he didn’t care, I slowly walked and also leaping, I managed to enter into the bathroom, I was scared of letting water pour on my body.

I sat on the toilet seat and cry.

I took my shower and I looked at my body, they had red lines because I am light skinned, I can’t wear the dress I wore to the hotel because people will be looking at me.

I slowly lift my face and looked at him and our gaze met, he smiles with his hand shoved in his pocket.

“I just like you, I would like to have you as my permanent girlfriend” He says.

I should be happy right,  I wasn’t happy at all infact after today, I don’t want any Felix again in my life.

“Do you need anything? He asked and I slowly nod my head.

“What do you want? He asked.

“I won’t be able to go out this way because my dress wouldn’t cover my body and it wouldn’t suit your personality” I said.

“Wow, you are such a clever girl, you even thought of my personality” he says , he called his men on the phone, one of them came in.

“She needs a dress, she would give you her size” he says and face me. “ Just tell him whatever you want” he says.

I made a description of what I want and the bodyguard left. I kept thinking in my head. 

It’s not like I do not have a boyfriend , I do have a boyfriend , he has a job but he can’t foot my bills. 

I looked at Felix from head to toe , How dapper he was looking, anyone who see’s him would think he is a man but he isn’t? he is just an animal. He is too aggressive and I am sure he would be an abusive man” I thought.

Once I step out of this place , it is the end of us , he wants me to be his girlfriend, God forbid, I cannot be his girlfriend, he will someday kill me , just one night I haven’t been myself, look at what he has done to my glowing skin, he didn’t even check all the redlines he made me have, he couldn’t even help me up from the floor.

I don’t even want any Felix again in my life.

I was still thinking when he asked for my account number, I gave him my account number and he transfer some money into it, my phone buzz , I knew that ws an alert but I am not ready to look at it.

I didn't even check my phone because of the pain I was still feeling in my body because everywhere on my body hurts.

I began to think many things in

My head and I was like some women must be going through this madness just because of money.

His men brought the dress , I dressed up and that was when I picked my cellphone and checked it, he transferred the sum of two hundred thousand Naira.

I said thank you and he was happy.

We walked into his car , it was a convo, we sat together.

" I thought you wouldn't say thank you" he says.

" You are a well mannered girl" he says.

He told the car to stop in a cloth store, I never thought I would shop in a place like this ever in my life but I wasn't happy, I walked into the place sad but that doesn't mean I didn't pick lots of dresses and shoes, wigs and bags and when I was picking to much he yelled at me that I have picked enough.

I would have picked more if he had not yelled because he almost killed me in the name of sex, I thought he would pay me a better money like Five hundred thousand but what did he do, he paid just two hundred thousand Naira.

I haven't made such money in my life but I had my hopes high that men like him would pay more.

After the shopping, we return to the car, he was so angry but I do not care.

We didn't say a word to each other until we got to my house.

I wanted to go out of the car, he grabbed me and kissed me, he doesn't know how to kiss romantically, he even but my tongue and lips severally before leaving me.

" I will pick you up tomorrow " he says.

" Uhm, I …..I have to meet with a friend" I said.

" Are your friends more important than me? He says.

I stare at him and I raise hand telling him to stop.

"You don't know me or my friend so you do not know their importance but I do" the next thing was a resounding slap.

My face hurts from the slap.

" You do not disrespect me, I will pick you up tomorrow" he says and pushes me out of his car.