

I drove to the embassy, when I got to the Swedish embassy being the son of the incumbent governor and also having a diplomatic passport, it was very easy for me to submit my passport.

After submitting my passport I drove back home, when I got home my phone rang and it was a call from my dad that I should come to government house.

I couldn't even eat due to the fear of the sudden death of my late wife that happened through me.

I quickly return to my car and drive to the government house.

When I drove into the government house, I was directed to my dad's office.

The moment I entered I knew something had happened , the way he was pacing around already said so much.

My heard was pounding hard like it was going to jump out of my chest.

My father can be crazy when it comes to anything that will affect his ambition or his position as the governor of the state.

If he already knows about me murdering my wife it means I will have to be locked up or stay in door for over two years until the election is over.

My father had a plan to replace me with himself in the future but I just hope I haven't ruin that opportunity.

Who doesn't want to be in power, every party wants a young man to run as the next governor for them because of Kunle's popularity in the last election because if my Dad and his party had not rigged the votes they wouldn't have won Kunle would have replaced my Dad.

I greeted my dad and the next thing I felt was a very hot slap on my face, I was going to speak again he slapped me again.

" Are you crazy?! How could you be this careless and stupid? How could you be so reckless that you end up murdering your own wife with your hands? He asked yelling  at the top of his voice.

Thank God the wall was a bulletproof wall no one can hear us

His palm on my face twice hurt so bad but yeah I deserve the slaps , I deserve beating or punishment because I never knew the gravity of my craziness of being a woman beater until I murder my wife.

I have been trying to fight this addict for a long time but it's hard.

It all started while I was in boarding school and I will be bullied by my senior at school, they force me to have sex with me be it senior girls or boys, they tried all kind of sex styles with me and I became addicted to Multiple sex, when I got into the university my room mate was bisexual snd also abusive because he came from a broken home so it was easy adapting to his lifestyle, we did so many kind of things all together and it was so hard for me to adapt  to not having to beat a man or a woman before having sex with them.

My parents had tried taking me for therapy but I just couldn't even help it, It was hard fighting.

Addiction is such a serious case that is so hard to battle maybe if my parents had taking note of all this then instead of being to busy with their political activities maybe it would have helped but now that I finally committed a murder maybe they would know the gravity of placing their work and dreams above their children.

"Do you want to ruin me? My dad asked in anger.

" I am so sorry dad" I said.

" Sorry for yourself " My dad said, he picked his cellphone and gave me the video of a man saying write down the plate number of the car that came to drop the corpse.

He called the plate number it was one of my cars.

The corpse was recognized as that of my wife.

The investigation done proved she was killed.

My guard was in video confessing to my dad that I killed my wife.

" I was still begging on your behalf that you should be accepted as the party next governor candidate but look at what you have caused for us ? Do you know it is the son of who is dragging this seat with me that investigated this case and he has all details and the car has been trailed down to your house which means it is obvious they know you killed your wife, now they are threatening me to resign and leave the seat because they know it will be so easy for them to be in power or this video will be put out there to the world that my son Felix is a murderer! He says in anger hitting his desk with his hand.

" It's a mistake dad , we were just having some argument and it lead to me pushing her and she feel down" I said.

" it's not a mistake! It's not a mistake son! He yelled at me.

Do you try think I do not know you beat up that girl many times as you want, do you think I do not hear of how bad you treat that girl? Listen I do not know what you want to do but you must find a solution to all off this craziness! My dad says sounding adamant.

" I already have a solution dad"I said blinking my eyes, I do not know if I had taken the best idea but I just need to share it with him.

My dad stared at me all ears waiting for me to speak.

I paused , I opened my mouth and shut it because I know my dad always say I am senseless my idea had never worked for him before so it makes me get scared giving him my ideas

" I already submitted my diplomatic passport to the embassy to go and hide in Sweden then after the election I will be back.

My dad shuts his eyes and sighs, he shakes his head at a that moment, I knew I had come up with the worst idea ever.

" When you run to Sweden who will clean up your mess?! Do you want to ruin my reputation?! A reputation I had worked for before you were born? So that people will believe that you killed your wife and run away and my enemies in the party will have the opportunity to push me away from my seat.

" Sit down stupid boy! He yelled at me.

I sat down looking down.

" Have you thought of calling your wife's family and asking if they your wife is with them? My dad asked.

" No" I replied in a low tone.

"Can you see why I said you are a stupid boy!now you will call your in laws and ask of if your wife is around before the news began to fly around that your wife is dead, you will behave like you are worried that both of you had little issue and she left home and since then she never return to the house" my dad said.

What a super idea, I never thought of that.

" If you had let me know when the incident happened, I would have told my men that they should butcher her body and burn it into ashes and the ashes will be buried" my dad said.

I should have done according to my guard idea then but I felt she needed rest after how I had maltreated her but I should have thought of myself first maybe we wouldn't have situation like this.

I brought out my phone to call Racheal's mom but I didn't have the courage to , tears dripped down my face , I thought back to when she ran away from you house and ran back to her parents home and I force her back to my home.

I look up at my dad and he was looking at me in anger.

" I need to calm down to do this" I said to myself.

My dad stood up, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

" Son, you have to do this, you have to do it now, I know it is not easy but for your sake and my sake you have to do this" My dad said.

" you do not want to end up in jail and I cannot watch my son end up in jail too" he says.

Even I do not want to end up in jail and I want the same opportunity Kunle has, I want the power, I have seen how much this power has helped my dad.

I want to be that powerful man in the state.

I quickly dry the tears dripping down my face and dial Racheal's mom's line.

She greeted me, she was happy to hear my voice, I had to play along and she asked of her daughter and I quickly asked her the same question.

" She hasn't visited me since that last time she came to my place that I told you that you should come and pick your wife" she replied.

" Oh my God! Can you see what I have always complained about her whenever we have any little misunderstanding she would leave home and just go for a very long time, she would come back the next day telling me she lodge in an hotel but it's already almost eleven and I have been trying to reach her on phone and her line isn't going, maybe she blocked my line as usual

Maybe you should try her line maybe she would pick, if she pick the call please tell her to come back home I am so sorry" I said.

"Don't worry I will talk to her, I don't know why she keeps being stubborn but I will talk to her and in law please send us something for the weekend you know how you always do it" I said.

"Don't worry ma,I will make a transfer of five hundred thousand Naira to you ma"

I said.

" Don't worry my in law I will talk to her for you , she dare not listen to me" She says.

" Thank you ma, I really appreciate, I will make the transfer right now" I said.

I hanged the call, my dad looked at me and smile.

"You did well by behaving like a man" my dad said.

 I can’t believe I said all those lies with a boasted mind.


After our sex we relax took a shower, we dressed up and go to the hospital.

Our convoy took us to the hospital, we got out of the car with our kids and walk to my mother in law's ward.

" When we entered into the ward she was ashamed of herself.

I greeted my in laws because my father in law was sorted beside her.

I told her how sorry I was for her condition and we asked my father in law about her condition, we were told her spinal cord had broken that she will never be able to work again. she apologized for not being that good mother in law to me but it’s fine, we have passed that phase the most important thing is that we have to do is understand each other’s space.

I felt sorry for her condition but that doesn't mean I will be closer to her, I will visit her but give my distance once bitten twice shy" I said.

While we were waiting my brother in law Simi and wife called, it was a video call.

They were very happy for us, we spoke for a long time, my mother in law pleaded with them that she is sorry that they should come home to her that she is missing them and their grandchild but Simi said he won't come back because his family needs to be protected.

I wouldn't blame Simi for taking such decision even if I was in his shoes I will take such decision just as I and my husband has decided to take build our own world and give a space to my in laws.

We stayed about thirty minutes and we finally decide to leave because I need to go to my parents, the women center and I need a PA so we need to go back home quickly.

As we walked out of the house we saw press already outside waiting to interview us.

As we step out the press rushed to us , I was going to tear up , it's a tear of joy seeing myself at the top, it wasn't that the questions was directed to me because I am a wife of a former governorship candidate but because of my achievement and having my man right there with me holding my hands made me so happy.

We both answer every question directed to us and from most of the questions it shows that most of this people wants us to pick up a ticket to run for the governorship election but my husband has crossed his mind on this political thing even I have cross my mind because if all the problem they already caused us in this recent times.

We both enter into our convoy with our children.

My husband held my hand inside the car, he look into my eyes and he kissed me.

" I am so proud of you" he says.

" I am also proud of the good reputation you need because everyone still wants you to become their governor" I said.

"I don't want to go back into politics" he says.

" It's fine if you don't want to be" I replied.


Hearing the name Shade made me look up to the TV screen , she is one of my Favorite woman, a woman that knows what she is doing , a woman that rise from a comeon maid to a power woman.

This is a kind of woman every man needs , not women like my wife or Juliana.

" A woman like Shade is the one that I need beside me when I become a governor because I am not stopping as a governor , I want to become a president of this country too and I need a woman like her beside me.

My wife she is as dumb as anything all she care about is becoming a first lady but for her to bring idea to the table she can't well I have added her father's money to my money and inheritance and I am now a billionaire and with my addition of Juliana's inheritance I will become a trillion sure and have the power, I will use Juliana to send my wife to where she belongs and use my wife's death to send Juliana to jail and after then I will take Shade away from Kunle and make her mine because with her I know millions of people will vote for me and I know she must be a very rich woman to have own such a women trade center and not just that she must be a very intelligent woman, I don't care if I have to get rid of Kunle and have her to be my First Lady in future.